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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 26 54.2%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 22 45.8%

  • Total voters


Kiss My Ring

Ohio Election Rules Create Mess for Biden Replacement During DNC Convention, Maybe….​

May 30, 2024 | Sundance | 23 Comments

I will openly admit to being one of those political followers who thought/think the DNC cannot stick with Joe Biden if they want to win the 2024 general election. Every move by the Barack Obama network and the hardcore leftist community generally aligned and reconciled with the DNC replacing Joe Biden at the Chicago convention in August.
However, as many people have noted the Ohio rules for ballot placement ahead of the 2024 general election require the party candidate to be certified by the national party prior to August 7th. The DNC nomination convention is August 19th, this creates a problem.
The Democrats are solving the problem by holding a “virtual roll call of delegates” prior to August 7th, which will adhere to the Ohio rules and reconcile the timeline disparity. However, this “virtual roll call” would then seemingly stop any Chicago convention effort to announce a horrible illness (or other) and replace Biden/Harris with something akin to Newsom/Rice.
Knowing the DNC and RNC are private clubs that can make up their own rules about how party nominees are decided, I’m still not sure the Ohio dilemma has blocked the replacement plan completely. If the DNC apparatus wants to nominate someone other than Biden, or replace Biden with someone prior to the 2024 election, there’s seemingly no national rule that would stop it.
It is only a state issue that can seemingly disrupt the DNC national agenda, and the state issue only impacts that state. Yes, if adherence to the aggregate primary election will of the voters is the paramount factor, then Biden/Harris will be 100% guaranteed as the ticket following the “virtual roll call of delegates.” Then again, what is the primary function of the convention (other than platform) if the virtual roll call determines the candidate prior to August 19th?

Perhaps this recent issue and subsequent solution explains why Politico recently published a widely reported article about most Democrats freaking out with the certainty of Joe Biden as the party nominee now in place. [SEE HERE]
(VIA POLITICO) – A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the Democratic Party over President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects, even among officeholders and strategists who had previously expressed confidence about the coming battle with Donald Trump.
All year, Democrats had been on a joyless and exhausting grind through the 2024 election. But now, nearly five months from the election, anxiety has morphed into palpable trepidation, according to more than a dozen party leaders and operatives. And the gap between what Democrats will say on TV or in print, and what they’ll text their friends, has only grown as worries have surged about Biden’s prospects.
“You don’t want to be that guy who is on the record saying we’re doomed, or the campaign’s bad or Biden’s making mistakes. Nobody wants to be that guy,” said a Democratic operative in close touch with the White House and granted anonymity to speak freely.
But Biden’s stubbornly poor polling and the stakes of the election “are creating the freakout,” he said. (READ MORE)

Again, knowing how openly extreme the communists and leftists are now, I don’t put anything beyond their ability to change it, break the rules about it, manipulate it, or totally stop the customary way something was being done in order to be more extreme.
The professional political left is visibly emboldened by their seemingly untouchable control over the institutions of power. Breaking the party rules and norms to install a more progressive candidate is not exactly a big deal when we consider the weaponized government institutions they have assembled.


Well-known member
one hour to a verdict! we are about to see a former president of the US convicted of multiple felonies for the first time in history.

loading the popcorn maker now!

moose eater

Well-known member
Now, if it doesn't come with some jail time or prison time, then it simply ramps up his fund-raising from the deluded and twisted partisan cultists who seem to see him as their Messiah.

And even then, I'd bet his campaign and defense accounts would benefit from trailer park donors who liken him to Jesus Christ.

moose eater

Well-known member
My wager is that he spends zero time in jail, though his sentence -might- be enhanced if they consider his implied or twice-removed threats aimed at jurors, witnesses, judge(s), prosecutors, etc.


Well-known member
I have no idea what ... Hopefully he does time, but for reasons i'd bet it would be miraculous (ie totally unlikely) that he does time before election day.
I guess this is good news. I mean, a former potus presumably could be imprisoned by authority of one of the several states. Could be a problem.


Well-known member
I have no idea what ... Hopefully he does time, but for reasons i'd bet it would be miraculous (ie totally unlikely) that he does time before election day.
I guess this is good news. I mean, a former potus presumably could be imprisoned by authority of one of the several states. Could be a problem.
it's great news! i don't care who they are or what party they subscribe to, if they break the law they should be prosecuted.

ordinary working class folks who break laws like this get put in prison and fined, why should the elite be any different just because they're wealthy.

the democrat senator menendez was caught with 500k in cash and another 100k in gold, all in his house!

no one keeps money like that unless they want to hide it. he's accused of taking bribes and working for a foreign entity. if it's all true he should go to jail.

i'm tired of rich fucks getting away with shit while the rest of us work our asses off and are scared to even cheat on our taxes for fear of going to jail.

what's cool about this conviction is that, out of all the cases pending against him, this one was supposed to be the easiest for him to escape from. he's in deep doo-doo now!


Well-known member
what's cool about this conviction is that, out of all the cases pending against him, this one was supposed to be the easiest for him to escape from. he's in deep doo-doo now!

It is very cool. I'm just not letting myself get too carried away until handcuffs click, purely to protect against disappointment.

I'm not remotely a lawyer. But.

These guys IMHO called it in 2018. Listen beginning at minute 4:00. Voiding atty/client privilege was Trump's critical weakness, so the argument goes.



Well-known member
Trump has no criminal record. He won't do a day in jail for this conviction. But he's still convicted and will be put on probation. Ha ha ha ha ha. He'll have to submit to drug tests.

Anyway, I know that this term is used around the world and quite often I use it myself to refer to many of my fellow countryman, "Stupid Americans."

We might have a bunch of dummies but they're not that dumb. The guy was guilty and he was convicted by a jury for the crimes he committed.

But back to jail, these are low level felonies that most people without a criminal record would get probation for. Trump should get the same treatment as anyone else. I'd like to see him locked up but that would not be fair. The law should be applied equally to all. There are other trials going on where he should receive jail time if convicted but this hush money case should not carry any jail time.

moose eater

Well-known member
Trump has no criminal record. He won't do a day in jail for this conviction. But he's still convicted and will be put on probation. Ha ha ha ha ha. He'll have to submit to drug tests.

Anyway, I know that this term is used around the world and quite often I use it myself to refer to many of my fellow countryman, "Stupid Americans."

We might have a bunch of dummies but they're not that dumb. The guy was guilty and he was convicted by a jury for the crimes he committed.

But back to jail, these are low level felonies that most people without a criminal record would get probation for. Trump should get the same treatment as anyone else. I'd like to see him locked up but that would not be fair. The law should be applied equally to all. There are other trials going on where he should receive jail time if convicted but this hush money case should not carry any jail time.
I think the only thing that MIGHT mitigate the otherwise unlikely receiving of jail time is if they use his threats against the court, prosecutor(s), witnesses and jurors, implicit or otherwise, as cause for an enhancement.

But America doesn't typically jail its Oligarchs, or even its Oligarchs' hand-puppets, which Trump is but one of. He's certainly no Oligarch.

I would bet, as stated, he's not going to do any time. And the appeal(s) for this will extend right into the election.

But the comments from supporters online are sometimes both sad and hilarious. I just saw one that pointed out that it was a "Colombian Judge." As though there were some sort of conspiracy involving people from south of the Border who want vengeance, maybe? Or a slight against brown-skinned people whose families come from those regions.

Mind-boggling when people grope deep to excuse their heroes of culpability.


Well-known member
I suppose my thinking is that I presume he will be convicted in Georgia, too. I never dared hope this conviction was possible, to be honest.

moose eater

Well-known member
Some of the Trumpers' claims amount to downright sick humor. This sort of pro-Trump commentary is best enjoyed completely and utterly stoned. Unfortunately, I have a camper van to pick up in town and some related business to take care of..



Well-known member
Trump has no criminal record. He won't do a day in jail for this conviction. But he's still convicted and will be put on probation. Ha ha ha ha ha. He'll have to submit to drug tests.

Anyway, I know that this term is used around the world and quite often I use it myself to refer to many of my fellow countryman, "Stupid Americans."

We might have a bunch of dummies but they're not that dumb. The guy was guilty and he was convicted by a jury for the crimes he committed.

But back to jail, these are low level felonies that most people without a criminal record would get probation for. Trump should get the same treatment as anyone else. I'd like to see him locked up but that would not be fair. The law should be applied equally to all. There are other trials going on where he should receive jail time if convicted but this hush money case should not carry any jail time.
well, typically, in white collar crimes like this, he would get 18 months at club fed, and get the shit fined out of him!

but, i don't think he will do any time because he will appeal every count of every case and that could take many years to process. he's 77 about to turn 78 in june and i think his health is failing. looking at his appearance i think the stress is killing him.

it's hard to imagine the stress and pressure he's under. our minds and bodies are not separate things. his body has to be reacting to all of this as well as his mind.
I think the only thing that MIGHT mitigate the otherwise unlikely receiving of jail time is if they use his threats against the court, prosecutor(s), witnesses and jurors, implicit or otherwise, as cause for an enhancement.

But America doesn't typically jail its Oligarchs, or even its Oligarchs' hand-puppets, which Trump is but one of. He's certainly no Oligarch.

I would bet, as stated, he's not going to do any time. And the appeal(s) for this will extend right into the election.

But the comments from supporters online are sometimes both sad and hilarious. I just saw one that pointed out that it was a "Colombian Judge." As though there were some sort of conspiracy involving people from south of the Border who want vengeance, maybe? Or a slight against brown-skinned people whose families come from those regions.

Mind-boggling when people grope deep to excuse their heroes of culpability.
cult members don't care if the cult leader is a criminal.


ICMag Donor
There were a dozen times the judge would have held any other defendant in contempt for mouthing off as Chump did. This has to be a consideration.

Chump - Zero. Alvin Bragg 34


Well-known member
well, typically, in white collar crimes like this, he would get 18 months at club fed, and get the shit fined out of him!

but, i don't think he will do any time because he will appeal every count of every case and that could take many years to process. he's 77 about to turn 78 in june and i think his health is failing. looking at his appearance i think the stress is killing him.

it's hard to imagine the stress and pressure he's under. our minds and bodies are not separate things. his body has to be reacting to all of this as well as his mind.

cult members don't care if the cult leader is a criminal.

He was convicted of state charges so club fed isn't even an option. These were class E felonies. The lowest under New York law.

Anyone with a clean record would get probation in New York for these convictions. Now if he's convicted in some of the other cases he's facing this conviction could come into play during sentencing as an aggravating factor. Prior convictions can be used when determining sentence. Now that he's a felon he won't get the first time offender treatment if convicted in the future.

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