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Diary 1st time coco auto DTW & salts on FCE3000


Just newbin


Just newbin
I made a new batch of nutrients and since i stil had a bit of the previous one add more water the ec came around 1.1, add Algamic 2ml/l and flush them at the middle of the day, ec came at 1.4 for all so either my pen was fucked somehow or the bottom watering or something have raise the ec.
The new batch with my tap would give around 1.78ec total, i dilute it to 1.6, but i have leftovers to raise it if they ask.
The light is at 90% around 40~35cm, ppfd ranging on the app around 880 to 650, i think i cant push them more now, and i think im pushing too hard without more waterings per day, wich btw i think i made the flow more or less even in all the rings, but im lacking time to test it more and be sure.

Peace :tiphat:


Just newbin
Day 34
This night was the first one with 6 hours of darkness and the answer i get from them was a growth in height of around 5cm, mostly the Skunk, the Amnesia i think will still stretch a bit more and the Super i think wont stretch much more if any, they now reside +/- at 35 to 30cm distance and im trying to decide if i should bump the power to 95 or 100% and lower the hours of light in a few days to promote more stretch and dont push them that hard since i cant seem to cope with them.
Still wondering what that burned yellow tips are, and if the leafs stoped growing and some of them lost fingers, feeding, too much light, i dunno, i guess its the usual thunderfuck of my newbiness :D

Peace :tiphat:


Just newbin
Day 36 i think
They all seem to like the last mix of nutrients.
The Super stretched, wich wasnt happening much, the Skunk got a more good look even tho still very pale.
The Amnesia was less demanding since the beggining, i like a lot of her, i could have grown 4 of them instead, but its cool to see how much the same feeding affects each one.
At the same time the temps are a bit higher and today the tent was at 27c, rh is getting lower as things dry out. The coco drying out during the day affects it big time.

Also iv been thinking, without more feedings per day they are limited big time. The coco is dry as fuck and the pot super light when i pick them up. On the Super for example, she drinks big time, roots die off, roots dying off cant support no more the new growth they generated. I need to get time to get that shit running. I need to give Atazyme to deal with those dry dead roots. Maybe s surfacting agent to help the coco hold moisture a bit longer?

Peace :tiphat:


Just newbin
Middle of the day 37
The temps have raised yesterday and will be a bit higher in the next days, tent is residing at 27.5c and the girls push the weather rh of 50 to 70%.
They stretched more this night, in all aspects, width and length.
They are touching each other and i wonder if i shpuld trim some leafs, when and where..
They are residind at 30~20cm distance to the 100% light, i never thought i could do it to be honest



Peace :tiphat:


Just newbin
So the tent today is running at 27.5, rh around 70 so its right, and i got the rest of the mix diluted to 1ec and bottom water them 1.5l each, i hope the ec is low enough and dont raise to a ec of 2+ like last time, wich was hot too, later before lights out im going to feed them the new mix and ill add a bit of Atazyme and maybe a bit of a root stimulator to help them in this stage, i did the same around 4 days ago and they seem to like it, maybe the fulvics in it help a bit.
Since some leafs are resting on each other, in the same plants and on others, i think i will snip some leafs to avoid wet leafs. The 2 clip fans is everything i got to avoid them getting moldy, that and fortify them.

Peace :tiphat:


Just newbin
New mix was made, total ec around 1.8. I did bottom water them mid day yesterday at a ec of 1 but i will not do it anymore, doesnt feel right if i will not do it everyday due to time
They growed more and the highest tops reside at a distance of 20cm from the light, ppfd on the app ranging from 1000 to 1300 on the strongest areas and it go as low as 600 in others, i see them being pushed hard, but never in a million years i expected to have the girls that close

Temps are 27.5c and the girls push the rh to 70% i dunno how i will cope with so much rh in flowering, im shaking lol
Peace :tiphat:
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Just newbin
Middle of the day, temp got up to 28.3 and the rh to 71/72% when o opened the tent they arent neither droopy or praying, they look right, even the Skunk looks better, i feel that if would have handled the auto multi feeding they wpuld be much better and bigger i think, but either way, way bigger for now than any other grown in 7l pot of soil, even 11l, plus i dont see them screaming for help because of the light, i guess the high ec helped, maybe the stronger mix too, maybe i should have started each of them sooner in their lives. We live, crash, burn and learn.




Peace :tiphat:


Just newbin
End of day 38/39
All of the palest tops are getting a ppfd around 1250 on the app, 18h/6h, i think they are not that bad apart the rootbound(?), lot of purple tho.
"All" of them are around 60cm tall from the coco, 60cm long and 40cm width

Super, some time ago i bruised her main top, she got a bruise and everything and will that didnt stop her going her way, the main top stoped for some time and thats why the branches got so dominating, i expect her tops to be close at around 17cm from the light tomorrow. That top branch got loose and the top curved itself under the bar


Skunk, i expect to see her tops around 17~15cm from the light tomorrow. I have been giving the girls a snip here and there. A fan here, a low branch that is not growing neither its fan for whatever reason, that with her stretching a bit provided not so touching leafs, still, a lot of side branches from sidebranches are pushing through tho, and i cant wide her more.
I guess some pruning in some rootbound plants is not that a bad idea. Her main top didnt need bruising, maybe just keeping it low in a low light area and blasting the side branches worked, now its growing since i turn them all to the middle tho
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Just newbin
Amnesia is the smalest one in heigth only, but what its lacks in size it produces in smell, god its smelling strong, not her goodness, but plant smell, almost toxic, and in all my newbiness feel it more intense as she got that darker green with slight fade of a mix blue and purplish color, ironically i have more trichs in her leafs that i got in the Super pre flowers :D

Peace :tiphat:


Just newbin
Middle of day 39
Temps around 27.5~28 rh around 70%
This night they stretched more than i was expecting and the highest tops reside from 15 to 10cm distance but the ppfd app say they are too close because they are getting less light. So i will raise the light for tomorrow and maintain a distance of around 25 to 20cm until harvest..that or ill add the tsw3000 in the tent and look for a even ppfd wall to wall with the app :D
New batch of mix will be made today and the Super flowers seem to be getting a bit thicker already, if she wasnt still stretching, i think i would do 2 mix's, the same as before for everyone and one more flower oriented for the Super.
I wonder if i should do it already, more of everything except ca and mg, and lower them (or not) as she progress in flower

Peace :tiphat:


Active member
Good job! :) I have an unwanted suggestion from my experience with bags: I'd stick with what you're doing now, don't try to "boost" anything. See the results, then next grow decide if you want/need to add more. If you start adding or experimenting now, maybe you run into a problem later and you don't know what caused it because you can't compare it to a baseline. Well, that's just what I wish I did my first time with it ;).

Recently when I go looking on scholar.google I find that the K requirement of cannabis is probably exaggerated, or something else is up. Dry mass weight does not increase linearly with adding K according to studies (hemp and drug cannabis). Luxury feed of K such as >250 ppm is pointless according to them. plant performance and yield does seem to correlate with N, up to 160 ppm N according to one study I have read.


Just newbin
Good job! :) I have an unwanted suggestion from my experience with bags: I'd stick with what you're doing now, don't try to "boost" anything. See the results, then next grow decide if you want/need to add more. If you start adding or experimenting now, maybe you run into a problem later and you don't know what caused it because you can't compare it to a baseline. Well, that's just what I wish I did my first time with it ;).

Recently when I go looking on scholar.google I find that the K requirement of cannabis is probably exaggerated, or something else is up. Dry mass weight does not increase linearly with adding K according to studies (hemp and drug cannabis). Luxury feed of K such as >250 ppm is pointless according to them. plant performance and yield does seem to correlate with N, up to 160 ppm N according to one study I have read.
Hi there :D

Thanks on the sugestion bro..more than one person told me that even before starting, but what can i do?im a stuborn person, even tho i know im doing wrong, go figure. One thing is certain, im not afraid of the low levels of micros anymore, should have spent the money of them on salts for different stages like someone sugested me before.

Maybe the something else is up that you sre talking is just the ratios between the nutrients and ence something locking K and people raising it?dunno, i havent read as much as i would like it about the subject, plus finding the information and filtering it before learning it takes a bit of time i guess..

Any other sugestion or something regarding the girls or the feed that you may want to add?

Peace :tiphat:

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