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Diary 1st time coco auto DTW & salts on FCE3000

Ita Bagadicz

New member
Proof is in the plants, and those were happy looking girls.
Hi bro
Im not the best person neither the most experienced to explain or suggest anything regarding your question but...
I can tell you that i were afraid of for example the micro nutrients were low in my recipe (yara orange), later i found out (after someone also explaining to me) that in coco since you water that much times per day (if you can and want) they will not lack them (probably)
Some recent studies suggest that neither K is needed that high as some guys use them..
Keep in mind that some recipes are like that only because thats how the ferts are formulated (not cannabis drive like my yara, so some recipes may have some values higher or lower and still work), for instance you see Jacks have iron very high compsring to my Yara but they didnt showed iron deficiency and talking about deficiences, some manifestations of the plants look similar when deficient or excess plus the old talk about different lights and spectrums pushing something more or less.
If you run coco with multi watering maybe you should try start low on fert levels, raise the number of waterings per day as they show they need more nutrients and after the water cicle is complete then raise the ppms slowly because you can always add but you cant take..
I know i didnt answer you about your question of P, but like i said, im not the person to ask, i can only say to research a lot, see the most experience ones and what they say, scientific papers, compare all of that with some canna fert brands and do your choice.

Peace :tiphat:

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