Awesome Ty. Great first time pull. I know you've got the growing bug now. It is good to have good weed and to have plenty of it. and so satisfying to produce it your self.
Well done mane! I remember when you said you were going to let that BSP go till later in December. I was thinking, damn, that seems like quite a while to finish up, but she looks excellent!
Now it looks like you'll have a little perpetual harvest going and won't have to go back to buying bags. Hopefully BSP will hold you over till your other two babes finish up. Things look great on your end, I am about to finish up some nice new additions at my place and will get you a shot of the WW girlie once the dust settles.
Its going to be hard not to smoke it too fast but Ill try Thanks for
stopping by crzygirl
Thanks hazy I have to agree with you, producing my own weed is such a
rewarding and satisfying experience. I wish it was all I had to do LOL.
One Love! Good to see ya bro and thanks for the compliments. It
definitely looks like this could hold me over at least pretty close to my next
harvest, which should be the Hashberry. It would be so nice not having to
buy any weed ever again Looking forward to the WW pics man.
The BSP is starting to really change her smell now that she's been curing for
a while. Its kind of creamy now with a citrus/pine undertone. Its a little
harsh on the inhale but I was expecting that since I wasnt able to give it a
good flush. Its still better than anything you can buy here though. The high
comes on kinda slow, first numbing your body and face a little and then
becomes very cerebral. Its not a couchlock weed, it makes me want to get
up and do things that I havnt gotten around to doing. 1 and 1/2 bowls is
where I reached the ceiling and my bowl holds about .5 grams. She has no
real residual effects and the comedown is very smooth. The high lasts about
3 hours. Its an awesome daytime smoke. Its crazy though since she has so
many amber trichs on her. The KD and HB are fattening up as usual. KD was
starting to fall over on me so I had to Tie her up a little to give her some
support. One of the HB's branches is starting to bend under the weight of
the buds too but the rest of her is still pretty strong. Ill let the pics do the
rest of the talking for them. The pictures without the lights on were taken
yesterday and the one with the HPS on was taken this morning.
indeeed...a congatulations is in order!! did a good job for the first time....i went tru the thread and you had great progress ....i konw i'm late..but ey....
Still wanne say you did a good job ...enjoy the fruits of your labour!!
Hey Core no worries about being a little late, you made it just
in time for the best part glad you could join when you did, pull up a seat
wherever you want and have a toke Thanks for taking the time to
go through the thread and for the compliments. Take it easy man.
Heres a few pictures I took a while ago at lights out:
Lookin excellent Tyler...the HB is really a does she know of all of Mandalas gear, HB has been their least consistent from what Ive seen...anyhow, great lookin girls, you got Moms and clones too?? Sorry, Im really baked onsome Mongrel mixed with some hash oil in a spliff!!!!!Whoohoo!!!!Peace bro
Hahaha, wish I could say the same lol. Thanks for the kind words. I have to agree, after doing some research on the forums about hashberry a while back it seemed to be a very inconsistent strain. She smells like rotting fruit with an earthy hint coming in. Its kinda funky smelling but its hard to stop sniffing her. I do have moms and clones but they are at a friends house, I see them almost every day though. I think I have 10 hashberry clones, each about 8-10 inches tall, 1 Kali-Dream clone with some weird growth (I think because I took the clone 2 and a half weeks into flowering) but shes still very healthy and about 10 inches tall now, 2 HB moms and 4 SSH seedlings (I gave my friend the SSH freebies I got from SeedBay to grow and Im just going to get clones of the females cause I dont really have anywhere to veg things right now ) Take it easy bro
Hey brotha, just giving you a shout and a bump up to the top of the boards. Should be getting close with that hashberry, no? The pics look great. Got a load of new genetics at my place, some interesting things coming up for the new year! Hope all is well with you and your girlies!
Hey guys, Hope everyone is enjoying the show Sorry for being a little slow
on the updates lately. I had finals so I didnt have much time to spend on the
forums. Im leaving town for this week to visit family for christmas. I wasnt
planning on being gone a week long but I have my friend watching over my
plants. I also rigged up a reservoir with a pump that gives them about a
gallon of water a day. Since Im feeding the HB reduced Nitrogen, the
nutrient mix is the same for both plants so I didnt have to rig up two
seperate reservoirs. All my friend has to do is come see if the pumps working
every two days and if not just give them some water from the res. Hope this
works better than last time I was gone longer than I expected and they
went a pretty long time without water
Edit: I forgot to put the picture of the watering system
Hey One Love The Hashberry is getting very close. Im reducing the
nitrogen levels this week and Im gonna flush her for a week before I take her
down. The Kali-Dream on the other hand is going to take a little longer. What
strains are you planning on running this year? I got a few more seeds coming
too, I think Ive become addicted to buying seeds Hows the WW
coming along?
I guess Ill start off with the Hashberry since shes closer to finishing than the
Kali-Dream. Her calyxes are really swelling up now and I notice her colas
getting fatter every day. As I said earlier in the post I am reducing the
nitrogen levels this coming week and am going to flush her for one week
before taking the axe to her Her buds are covered in crystals now.
I checked the trichs at 6 weeks and found them to be about 70% cloudy and
30% clear with no amber. I want her to have anywhere from 30-50% amber
when I harvest her. She is really starting to stink now. If I leave my closet
door open the whole upstairs smells like rotting fruit She has rock
hard nugs, very very dense. I took some pictures without the HPS this
morning so heres some of the HB different colas today at 47 days in
Cola 1
Cola 2
Cola 3
Cola 4
Cola 5
And as for the Kali-Dream, she's still a prime example of the description MOD
gives of her. Almost all the empty spaces that were created during the
stretch are now filling up with buds and forming some pretty nice colas. She
smells very sweet, sugary and candy-like. Not an overpowering smell but
very pleasant. I have never had any weed thats smelled like this before, I
cant get enough. You have to get pretty close to smell her otherwise the HB
is too overpowering LOL. Her buds are pretty dense, not as dense as the
HB's but pretty damn close. Shes begging to foxtail now which is pretty
exciting to me because I have always wanted some nugs with foxtails, they
just look cool IMO. She is starting to put on more crystals now :smile: I think
she is going to go 10 or 11 weeks so Im going to start lowering her nutrient
levels next week and flush her for a week or two. Monday will be week 7 of
flowering for both girls. Heres some of the pictures I took of the different KD
KD Cola 1
KD Cola 2
KD Cola 3
KD Cola 4
KD Cola 5
And Ill leave with a group shot, including a little hashberry clone hanging on
the wall lol, Im going to use her to make seeds with some White Widow
pollen I got from the WW III male I had. Keep it green
if this is your first real grow mate then you descerve some superlatives. very well done bro, you have the green fingers definately. your plants look very nice, beautiful consistant bud formation, no apparent large deficiencies or visual defects of any kind really. looks to be good weight on them buds, and i like the structure of them especially it tells alot about the growing conditions.
the round nice heads you have there tells me you have the appropriate temps and good airquality, also the consistency of the budformation up along the branches tells me you have sufficient lighting. all good.
looks like you never have to worry about smoking 3'rd grade ever again. with your growing talent it would be a waste if you were to spend time growing bagseed. try to avoid that at all cost. genetics is really important.
K+ man, well done... you make an old sod teary eyed, thinking about all the hopeless numbnuts i have seen try and give up you shine as an example to be followed.
Hey hazy thanks for the nice words bro, definitely gives me inspiration
to keep doing what Im doing
daddyhaze thanks for joining the show and for the compliment
hope you enjoy the rest!
arcticsun good to have you around the grow man, feel free to pull up
a chair I didnt know you could tell so much about the growing
conditions just by looking at the bud structure but you learn something new
every day one of the biggest reasons I put my grow up here. Im gonna
stick to your advise and stay away from bagseed; besides having my own
bud to smoke, its going to be hard to come across any more bagseeds LOL
Thanks to the compliments bro, take it easy.
Hey jump117 glad you asked :smile: I dont have a drainage system,
ATM I just soak up the excess water with towels. Ive tried to think of
something to do about it but I cant think of an easy way to get rid of the
water, that is unless I were to put the buckets on stools and place a
container underneath the hole to catch the excess H2O so that I could
remove and dump it all to not raise the humidity in the room. Im definitely
going to do that for the next grow. Its too much of a pain in the ass the way
Im doing it now LOL. Hope you stick around for the rest of the grow man.
On to a little update... I got back from vacation yesterday evening before
the lights went out so I was able to make sure the plants were still alive
(which they were ) and take a few pictures of them. I was so excited
to see them after being away for a week I really noticed a
difference in the two when I returned. Its funny because the whole time I
was gone I wasnt worried like I usually am, its like God put a reassuring hand
on me and told me that he would take care of them while I was away and
looks like he did The Hashberry is swelling so much, some parts of the
cola's look like they are getting tumors on them I gave her a good
2 gal. flush today and am gonna flush her for a week to 10 days, then she's
getting the axe haha. The Kali-Dream on the other hand is just
packing on more weight and growing a ton. I think she is going to go a little
longer than I expected; Im now thinking 2, 3, maybe even more weeks
before she is ready. Still mainly white hairs and clear with a few cloudy
trichs. Crazy ass foxtails going on on her cola's now. I love it It smells so
dank in my room now, I think I might have to invest in some odor control
sometime down the road. The KD is starting to smell like broccoli and cheese,
and watermelon candy. Weird smell but thats the best I can describe it now.
Hashberry still smells the same just much stronger now. Here are the pictures
from 12-27:
Group Shot
here are two colas on her that you can never see in the group shot cause
they are in the back:
Mr. Durden
EDIT: I forgot to mention the little HB up on the wall in the pictures. I thought she was dead when I got back because I wasnt able to water for a week and she starts drooping pretty bad after 2 days w/out water but she looks alot better than in the pics now. Her leaves are reaching for the light and she looks pretty lively. Looks like she's going to make it to produce some seeds after all Thats all.
Tyler, your girls lokk very happy and absolutely fabulous....congrats, ur gonna have a great pull when all is said and done!!!That HB looks killer, like the pheno everyone wants!!!? How does she smell??
Peace dude
Hahaha. Are you sure its not just all that good holiday food you're smelling?! Looking good! that hashberry will be ripe in 2 weeks, no doubt. I bet you'll have some interesting colors start showing up on those big ladies very soon. Got some beans popping, i should have a thread up shortly.
ZOG thanks for dropping by man and leavin some good vibes The
Hashberry is smelling seriously DANK. When I opened my door to my house
after being gone for a week, I was smacked in the face with her crazy smell.
She's starting to stink up the whole house Shes got a crazy
rotting fruit smell, Im gonna go smell her real quick so I can get a better idea
(my stoner brain has trouble remembering all the scents LOL)... yep, straight
up rotting fruit with some undertones of pine. I love it. See ya around bro
One Love! What up broseph? I was laughing out loud when
I read that, but nah man its definitely the plant hahaha, Im back home and
away from all the good cooking LOL. I was smelling her again and its a really
sweet smell, same as I described it before but this time I smelled a little floral
undertones, kinda like roses or something. Shes an interesting plant and Id
be kicking myself if I didnt take a clone from her like I did. Always good to
have ya around the thread bro, hope you had a great christmas and have a
happy new year! Take it easy man and make sure and let me know when you
get your thread up so I can come by and check out the new girls peace.
Thanks vince514 and welcome to the show Well I ran out of
the BSP right before I left last week and so I got a nice little break to bring
my tolerance down. Since Ive come back, Ive harvested the smallest, least
crystaly and worst looking popcorn buds on the Hashberry (all the small
bottom branches that I should have chopped off before flowering but didnt).
All in all it was about 5 little branches and when you look at the Hashberry it
doesnt even look like anything is missing. Just needed a little smoke to get
me by till its time to harvest. I just cant bring myself to buy weed any more
now that Ive had my own haha, just doesnt feel right ya know? LOL anywho,
here are some pics of 3 of the 5 branches, the other two were a little smaller
than the smallest one in these pics (the left one on the first picture):