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1st Grow: Nirvana White Widow and Bag Seed



First off crzy I love the LST job you did on the EvoLav clone :jump: It
looks very similar to how I tied down my BSP for the first time. You could
keep her tied down for the entire grow if you wanted but you just have to
make sure that the loop doesnt get too tight. I use twine that you can get
at Lowes or Home Depot for $2 or $3 I think... :chin: anyways to keep from
having to loosen the string every few days and tying it really tight, I just tie
kinda like a loop around it so the stem has room to thicken cause they go
crazy once you start bending them around. Anywho thanks for the positive
vibes :D

Hey cali thanks for takin the time to read the thread :rasta: Yea I
chopped all the males and just took some clones to make a few seeds with
the last WW. The move definitely was stressful on me, the whole time they
were gone I kept thinking something wasnt right but I didnt really know what
it was until I got the plants back and I noticed I wasnt worried any more
haha. We pulled the Purple Mango a while back cause she just seemed to be
done growing. Her top two branches died off within two days of each other
and two days after that we figured she was telling us she was done. Shes
almost all gone. I have a little more than a gram left, curing in a little vial. Im
gonna save it and a little of all the ones I have going now and test
smoke/compare them when they are all done. BSP is just an abbreviation for
bag seed plant cause I didnt want to have to spell that out every time (lazy
me :spank: LOL) It was a seed that I friend of mine gave me from some good
dro he got sometime last year that he thought had potential. I guess we'll
see. Thanks for the positive vibes too bro.

Well, it seems my roommate was wrong about the inspection date. Were
gonna make an appointment for it and Im just going to box up the plants and
put em with a bunch of other plants in the garage. Still gotta dismantle the
room and put it back up which sucks cause I already did that once :badday:
Oh well, the security and rewards are well worth the trouble. As I mentioned
before, I cloned and chopped the male WW III. I didnt get any pics before I
chopped him because I forgot but heres some after he was

He had thick, hollow stems

The Hashberry stretched a little when she didnt have direct light for 2 days
:spank: But it actually turned out kinda nice I think, she didnt get really
stretchy but just enough to get to a nice size. Im on the verge of tying her
down once more, but the only thing keeping me from doing it is cause I know
she wont stretch at all once she's flowered. She looks great and has multiple
large tops now.

Kali-dream #1 and #2 are doing great. I cant notice new growth every day,
another week or two and theyll be growing like crazy and I can hopefully
switch to flowering.

The bag seed that I have in the Hempy cup is kind of a runt. If it doesnt
improve soon, Im just gonna kill it cause I just started germing 5 more bag
seeds from some recent dro I had and one from a friend. I figured I have
enough room so what the hell. Plus you never know, Im bound to find a
keeper eventually. Im going to put em all in Hempy cups and flower them
when all the others get flowered cause I dont want to wait any longer than I
have to, especially for bag seed.

The WW clones are doing good. Im doing an experiment because I only
needed one cut from the male but he had so many I couldnt let everything
go to complete waste. So I took one, dipped it in rooting hormone and stuck
it in a pH'd rockwool cube and put him under a clear plastic cup for a
humidity dome. For the second one I just put it in a glass of clean water and
the third I put in water with some rooting hormone mixed in. I couldnt help
myself, I love doing experiments and finding out new things :redface:

The BSP is taking off now and spitting out a ton of little bud sites. She looks
great, gotta give her some nutes tomorrow, theyll be her first bloom nutes.
Ill let the pics to the rest of the talking.

Thats about everything I think. Ill leave yall with a pic of the room taken just a sec ago at lights out.

Until next time...

Mr. Durden :joint:


YAY! Just what we wanted to see Tyler, a picture update :jump:
That sucks ass about your inspection not being when you thought it was and you had to move and tear stuff down and replace it for nothing :joint: Better safe then sorry.

That BSP is going to get alot of tasty nugs on it, I mean look at it, you didnt even feed it bloom food yet! Wonder if it will stretch when you fert. it? As for experimenting, you would never know for sure until you try it out yourself!


Thanks for the motivation crzy Its good to know people are still
interested, it feels like Ive been vegging for forever now and Im never going
to get to flowering. I hope these two KD's turn out to be girls to make up for
lost time. I didnt even think about how many bud sites the BSP had on it
without any nutes until you brought it up and your right! Its crazy. Hope she
turns out well and I can fend off the bugs.

Thought Id give a little update, not a whole lot new. I took a few clones
from the Hashberry today, stuck one in the cup of water with the WW clone
and another in a rockwool cube with some rooting hormone and put it under
another clear cup for a humidity dome. The HB herself is getting pretty damn
bushy and is starting to invade KD 1's bucket space but Ill have more room
to spread them out a little when flowering comes. KD 1 and 2 are both
spitting out new leaf sets every day practically and are growing at about the
same rate if you keep in mind that KD 2 sprouted a day or 2 after KD 1. I
pulled the bag seed cause it died. When I took it out I found this was due to
her not developing much of a root at all, it was about a cm long. The clones
all look healthy and happy. I hope to see roots soon but nothing to report so
far. I plan on starting to LST KD 1 in the next day or two. I fed the BSP
earlier this week with some full strength bloom nutes and I swear the next
day she had a lot more calyxes on the bud sites than before. She hasnt
seemed to stretch much from the feeding but I havnt seen her today to
judge. Heres a couple pics I snapped on the 19th but nothing new on the
BSP yet (sorry :spank:) Enjoy and be safe.


I threw in a 1 liter bottle of GH grow for some size comparison.

KD 1

KD 2

Clones (before HB clones were taken)

Mr. Durden :joint:


Hello everyone :wave: I took a look at the BSP today and she already has
some decent trichome production. The small leaves between the little buds
are covered in them. I put her in a spot with more light throughout the day
so hopefully we'll get some bigger buds. I fed her today as well, she was
looking pretty thirsty when I first saw her. I watered and fed my HB with 2
gallons of full strength veg nutes. She sucked the entire bucket dry in no
time. Her leaves are stretching for the light now, I trimmed a few more
leaves off too; she was getting a little crowded again. I think the Kali-Dream
1's roots are starting to reach the rez cause Im noticing a large increase in
growth every day. I LST'd her yesterday and today shes already begun to
branch out like crazy. Tomorrow KD 2 will be ready to start LSTing too. The
clones are looking good. Still no sign of any root production but they look
healthy and their leaves arent drooping at all. A lot of my bag seeds that I
began germinating for fun have started to crack. A few more days and they'll
be put in rockwool and some form of a Hempy bucket. Thats about it folks.
Later :smoke:

Clones 10-20

Kali-Dream 1 LST'd 10-21

Group Shot 10-22

P.S. in case you didnt notice in the group shot, I got a new fan and rigged it
up :jump: It works a hell of a lot better than the other fan I had in there and
actually pushes some air around the room. It keeps the area under the hood
pretty cool up to about 4 or 5 inches (where the Hashberry was before I
adjusted the hood today) and the plants havnt shown any heat stress being
that close.

Mr. Durden :joint:


Hey guys, I took a few new pictures of the BSP yesterday and shes looking good. For only flowering 2 and 1/2 weeks, her trichome coverage is pretty amazing. Shes been fed twice now and fattens up a little more each time. No more stretching going on, just bud development. The Kali-Dream 2 is big enough to LST now but I think Im going to grow her naturally or use a little LST like I did with the Hashberry. KD 1 is branching out nicely and has already thickened her stem quite a bit since LSTing.

Group Shot 10-23


Time to go study for an exam today :jump: (not) Keep it green ladies and gents.

Mr. Durden :joint:


That BSP looks better everytime you post it. You do such a nice job of LST'ing your girls! Keep up the great green work.


Thanks crzy :D Every time I look at her I get more excited to see
what else shes got in store. And crystals at 2 weeks isnt bad. She has some
pretty weak stems though compared to the WW, HB, and the KD. I guess
she has about another 4 to 6 weeks but theres no way of knowing for sure
since its bag seed.

I found a little problem on my Hasberry and Kali-Dream 1 today. I guess its
some sort of deficiency but I dont know for sure. Ill upload a few photos of
the leafs that seem to have been affected and put them up. If anyone has
any advice or knows whats wrong Id really appreciate it. They are still
growing like crazy and only a few leafs seem to have been affected so far.
Also, I lied about what I said I was going to do with KD 2 :spank: I was
looking in on the grow room the other day and saw how KD 1 had exploded in
growth since I LST'd her and then I saw KD 2 and she looked like she hadnt
grown near as much. So... I couldnt resist, I had to tie her down
:muahaha: I just love to LST :rasta: Heres the pictures. Later

Hashberry Leafs

Kali-Dream 1 Leafs

Kali-Dream 2 LST

Mr. Durden :joint:

One Love

Hey tyler what kind of temps are you dealing with inside your closet? Is it possible that those spots are from a bit of heat stress? Otherwise I would think a light feeding with your GH nutes would clear things up. Just taking a stab. I still need to get some pics of my new WW's for you, they are on their third set of nodes and are growing fairly quickly, can't wait for them to grow up! Hope all is well man.


Good to see ya around One Love Im not sure what the temperature is
in my closet cause I havnt bought a thermometer yet :spank: Im pretty sure
the temps are ok though, my hand feels cool underneath the light where the
canopy is especially with my new fan blowing over it. I took your advice and
gave them a light feeding and upped the cal-mag supplement a little bit
because I was doing under the prescribed dose. I looked on some threads in
the infirmary and it looked similar to a calcium deficiency. I hope to see some
pics of your WW's soon :D

My WW clone has shot out a ton of new roots so I put him into a Hempy
cup. Other than that, everything has just gotten bigger. Ill try to get some
pics of the BSP today if I can. Heres some pictures I took of the girls earlier
today when I was watering them.


Kali-Dream 1

Kali-Dream 2

White Widow Clone

Mr. Durden :joint:


WOOO BABY!!! Look at those roots!!! I am stoked to see that cuz I have just started to use those sponges again and I am hoping for good results!!!

The burning looks like your actually overfeeding your plants... I might think about giving them a heavy flush of fresh fresh water...Do you know what your PPM levels are? Other than that things are looking very healthy, and I love the LST your doing bro good work!!! Remember that a plant in flower is very easily stressed and can herm on you in a second!! Just take the LST slowly and softly, training once a day and then go back the next day to pull it down a little more yada yada... ;)

Alright tyler, grow on!!! Oh yea that BSB you said was what again??? I think I asked already, but she is looking fine outside very nice! Keep it up, PEACE!!


Hey Tyler! Just wonderring if you've straightened out your deficiency problem? With your WW clones, some good looking roots there. 9 days right? Our Evo girly is growing feircly with the LST'ing.

caligreen: The BSP is a bag seed plant, and she is looking quite tasty


Active member
BSP=Bag seed plant :muahaha: too funny.

You're an LST maniac. You really are getting some nice bushes.
That HB is one big ball of leaves.


Wow I just smoked about .4 grams of 2 kinds of dro that I had and my head
feels like its in a vice :muahaha: anywho...

Whats up cali? These rockwool cubes are working great for cloning.
So far 100% success rate :jump: The first HB clone I took showed roots so I
put her in a hempy cup too. I think Im going to keep the other one as a mom
in case this girl turns out to be something Im interested in. I dont have the
money for a PPM meter right now so... no I dont know the PPM's :bashhead:
I just go by whats on the back of the bottle (GH Micro, Grow, and Bloom w/
a Ca/Mg supplement and Sweat Leaf but I do less than recommended on the
Ca/Mg and the Sweat Leaf) I gave them a heavy flush and they seem to be
doing better. Thanks for the advise :smoke: I plan to do as little LSTing as
possible in flowering but Ill keep in mind to take it slow, and as crzy said the
BSP is for bag seed plant :laughing: sheis getting an amazing citrus smell to
her and starting to fatten up more. Thanks for the interest :D

crzy Ive been lurking in your thread, havnt had a chance to check
since you last updated yet though. Ill be visiting shortly :laughing: I think I
did work out the deficiencies with cali's help. I gave the Hashberry fresh
water for the past three waterings and she has only gotten better. Tonight I
gave her a diluted dose of nutes for the first time in a while, also the KD's
looked like they were craving more N so I gave them a weaker dosage of
nutes than normal as well. Im not sure how many days it was, I didnt really
keep count LOL but if your counting the number of days according my posts
then yes it is. She 1st showed roots a few days before that pic/post though.
That BSP is starting to smell like strong cirtus and a hint of the exact same
smell as the purple mango had :muahaha: I cant wait to see how she looks
when shes all finished.

Good to see ya around hazy The HB really is a big ball of leaves haha I
love it. I can barely even wrap my arms around her :headbange Every two or
three days I have to clear out about 10 or so dead leaves from her interior.

Sorry for not posting an update recently but I plan on getting some pictures
of all the plants tomorrow and posting an update if I have the time but Im
going to be pretty busy so it might not be till the next day, Ill try my best
though. I think Im going to switch the lights to 12/12 tomorrow, the plants
all look like theyre ready to to go and anyways its getting hard to wait any
longer :biglaugh: The KD's still havnt shown their sex, I sure hope they turn
out to be girls. Heres a picture I just took of the garden for fun, take it easy.


One Love

Hey Tyler, Things are looking nice and BUSHY over there. Those things really do seem to explode once they hit the rez in those hempy buckets. Should get even more exciting now that you're making the switch to flowering! That BSP is looking sweet also, you think she is going to finish before you get some frost?
Oh yeah, and I finally found some batteries to get a flick of my WW's. Only two here, as one of the beans did the ol' tap root growing upside down in the rapid rooter bit. These two are taking on well though. I think the one on the left will end up being male, it really shot up in size from the start; and i'm hoping for a female from the smaller one on the right, as it already has a very strong and pungent smell to it.

Anyhow, looks like everything is going well on your end. Keep up the good work mate. :rasta:


Hey One Love Im pretty sure the BSP should have enough time to
finish before it gets too cold. I dont think its gotten below 60F any night yet
and it can still get hot during the day. I thought about that when I decided
to put her out and figured she'd have enough time. That sucks about the
seed growing upside down, I had the same thing happen with one of mine
:fsu: I hope you get a female, Id like to see how they turn out. They look
great so far :rasta:

Finally I got some time to relax and let yall know how the plants are doing
since the switch to 12/12. Sorry for not doing it earlier like I said I would, I
was pretty busy and wasnt around much to get pics while the lights were
on. The KD's have stretched soooo much more than I thought they would. Im
glad I know now though so when I grow my more sativa strains Ill have a
better idea of when to start flowering. Ive been giving them the transition
nutes for this week and I think Ill start giving them the bloom formula from
now on. I gave all the plants a good flush with fresh water today to get
ready for the bloom nutes. KD 1 is definitely a female :woohoo: She showed
pistils earlier this week. KD 2 is still unknown and only has one preflower at
each node so far so she could go either way. I think they might be turning
into crab claws though :badday: I hope not, she's so beautiful and has
thicker and stronger stems than the other one. KD 1 is no sloucher though,
dont get me wrong. The Hashberry is stretching more than the ones I saw, I
think it might be due to the higher nitrogen levels that Im feeding her
compared to what the others were being fed. She seems to be slowing down
now though so I think the bloom nutes will probably stop her. I did a little
more LSTing on her, just to spread her branches out some and get some light
into the interior of her. I also took 12 more clones and took off some dying
leaves and she doesnt look too much different except around her base. Shes
a fuckin beast of a plant. Shes going to be a little Christmas tree :muahaha:
The BSP is frostier but not bulking up too much atm. Her smell has developed
into a funky orange juice smell with some skunky, rotting cheese undertones.
Thats about it. Heres some pictures I took earlier today. The BSP pictures
are from 11-03 though. Enjoy :smoke:



Kali-Dream 1

Kali-Dream 2

Mr. Durden :joint:


Looks like I was right about KD 2, she's showing multiple clusters of
preflowers after her, or should I say his, beauty sleep. I guess Im just going
to chop him down. If I want to make seeds with some KD pollen in the future
Im sure I have a few more males to pick from in the seeds I have left. I
might want to make a KD BX sometime since MOD seeds arent available any
more but thats a good ways down the road. Ill give another update when
theres more to show. Later.

KD 2 Male(?) preflowers (same thing 2 different angles)

Group Shot

Mr. Durden :joint:


Active member
Good update, Mr. Durden. Lot's of pics. Bummer about the male. Don't you hate to have to chop such a big healthy plant? Oh well.
That must have been some decent weed you got that bsp from. Nice and frosty.

Those hempy buckets do make some kick ass plants.


I cut down KD 2 this morning when I was 100% certain that she was actually
a he. It always seems like such a shame to me to cut down such a beautiful
plant but some sacrifices must be made. At least my two females have much
more light and room now. I think/hope I should get enough to last a couple
of weeks, dont know if Ill be able to make it on my own till next harvest
though. I got out and took a few pictures of the BSP yesterday so I thought
Id post a few to show how she's been doing. I also snapped a shot of the
girls under the light after feeding them bloom nutes and chopping the male.
Hopefully this will kill the stretch and make them start packing on weight.
Should be interesting to see how things go in the next few days.

BSP 11-09-08

Group Shot 11-10-08

Mr. Durden :joint:


Thanks hazy. I hate having to chop down a plant that I took care of
for so long but I guess Id better get used to it. Time for a little weekend
update. Not too much to report except the girls officially started to flower as
of Thursday. Little buds are actually starting to form now :D The Hashberry
is done stretching completely now but the Kali-Dream sill seems to be gaining
a little height every day but has slowed down quite a bit. She started
forming her bud sites a little later than the HB. I guess the pheno I got in the
KD is more Kali Mist influenced b/c of the stretching. I might get some
pictures of the BSP today or in the near future. I havent even looked at her
for 3 days. We've had plenty of rain so I havent had the need to water her
for a while. Heres some pictures I took of the girls a few minutes ago. Sorry
for the HPS glare, theyre getting so big now its getting hard to take them in
and out of the closet.

Group Shot

Hashberry Top's

(main top)

KD Top

Mr. Durden :joint:

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