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1st Grow: Nirvana White Widow and Bag Seed



:laughing: caligreen yo but seriously, that FFA is gorgeous :smoke:
great colors, super frosty and fat ass calyxs; thats all you could ever ask for
besides a great smoke IMHO and Im sure it will have one :D Thanks for the
compliments, good to have you stop by the thread bro. Peace

Thanks HydroFarmer :D I took down the Hashberry last night and Im
gonna let the Kali-Dream go another 3 weeks before chopping her down.

Hahaha thanks crzygirl and good to see you around again, take it
easy :rasta:

Stay as long as you like Toob. :laughing: damn right this is better
than going to a baseball game! Only drawback is this takes just a little longer
Lol. Later man

I finally took the axe to the Hashberry last night :woohoo: Once I got her
out of the closet I realized she had a lot more bud than I thought. Id
forgotten how big that girl was! Heres what she looked like outside the
closet for those who have forgotten:



Took me a good 2 and a half hours to trim her up nice and good and that
was with a friend. I got quite a bit of popcorn bud from all the lower
branches I couldnt bring myself to take off before flowering but its cool
cause I was kinda expectin it. She had a rotting fruit/lemony pine smell to
her at the end and damn does she stink! Heres some more pictures I took of
her before and after the harvest, enjoy :D













Ill get a few pictures of the Kali-Dream tomorrow if I can. Ive got alot more
space to move around in the room without the HB in there now :D Take it

Mr. Durden :joint:
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I dont know whats going on but I cant seem to get the images to show up. If anyone knows whats up Id like to know but Im stoned and tired so Ill mess with it later and see if I can edit it somehow to get them to show up in the post. Later.

Mr. Durden :joint:

One Love

haahaaa! Nice one Tyler!

Looks like a good harvest from the HB bush there. Hopefully you don't smoke her all before the KD's finished! haha. Congrats on a good run with the Hashberry and here's to KD coming of age.

i've had a little hold up in getting my new thread started as a friend is borrowing my memory card right now and i'll need that to get the proper pics up. things are coming along well on both ends though and i'll let you know when things get going.

I think they are still doing work on the pics thing right now. With all the changes that are taking place i think they will continue to have small improvements each day. I think i heard someone mention that the pics would all come in as thumbnails, but upon clicking, the full size image will open in another window. Thats all i've got on that one :confused: Hope all is well tyler and i'll be watching the KD with you for the next couple weeks.



Thanks One Love, Im more than pleased with how the HB performed. Hell if thats all the bud I got from this run Id be one happy camper :D Good to hear your only problem is not having a memory card and everything else is going good bro. Thanks for the info on the picture problem, I got some of the problems resolved for the moment but it sure is a pain in the ass to get the pictures to show up now, hopefully they'll get all the bugs fixed pretty soon. They seem to do a pretty good job with this site. Hope you enjoy watching the KD finish up as much as I will :smoke: Too bad our govt. is so fucked up otherwise Id have you and everyone else on the thread over to enjoy the fruits of my labor... some day. Take it easy bro.

Mr. Durden :joint:


that hashberry is SWOLE man, solid hashberry yield bro.
Like a fine wine...or those whiskey ads...only gets better with age
take care T


Kali-Dream pictures as promised

Kali-Dream pictures as promised

Yo thanks DonChron :smoke: I cant wait to see how she smokes after
a good cure.

I finally got around to taking those pictures of the Kali-Dream today and
she's looking excellent :D She keeps putting more calyxes on her foxtails
everyday. Her main cola looks insane. The top of it has 3 foxtails shooting up
so theres like three tops on one :muahaha: Ill shut up and let the pictures do
the rest of the talking:










Mr. Durden :joint:


Registered Medical Patient
Gorgeous work Tyler, that Hashberry looks amazing!!! And a great pull it looks like too...I like ur makeshift shelves made outta paper, nice work dude...KD looks amazing as well, I cant wait to see them all said and done!!!Peace bro

_ Z


Hey Zeus :wave: thanks for the compliments. It was definitely a good
pull, much much more than I expected from my first grow. Thanks for the
props on the makeshift shelves too, but I gotta admit, theyre made out of
some wire mesh so that they could breath a little. Peace bro.

All the Hashberry was dry enough last night to snap the stems at the tops
and the nugs/stems had lost alot of their green color and turned greyish. So
I jarred all the bud up and am starting to cure it. I weighed all the bud
today, minus the popcorn I smoked before and whatever I had been smoking
as it was drying, and I came out with a total of 158 grams. Thats 5.64
ounces of bud from the Hashberry plant :woohoo: I thought I might get
around that much from all my plants this round and when I was starting out I
was just hoping to get just 2 or 3 ounces. God has seriously blessed me with
this grow and I give all the credit and thanks to him. Oh and as Ive been
looking at the buds and as is shown in some of the pictures, the HB has a
seed or two here and there on some of the buds. Not on all of them bud on a
few. I have no idea of where the pollen came from. I didnt see any nanners
on her throughout the grow or when we chopped her down and trimmed her
or even on any of the dried buds. Theres no nanners or seeds on the
Kali-Dream though so the seeds are a total mystery to me. I suppose I could
have not gotten all the WW pollen off of me after collecting it and it could
have blown around in the grow room a little while I was inspecting the plants
but if that were true, why doesnt the KD have any seeds? Anyways doesnt
really matter to me but I just thought Id point that out. Here are some
pictures of some dried buds from the Hashberry:









Mr. Durden :joint:


I havent had a whole lot of time to be spending on the forums lately, Ive
been a busy little bee. I ordered a 150w HPS for a veg light and got lazy and
decided to buy a grow tent instead of making a custom cab. Ill have more on
that later when I get it and set it all up, then Ill be able to have a perpetual
grow :woohoo: Im so damn excidted :D Also, a friend of mine gifted me 5
power skunks that he didnt have room to grow. Theyre about 8-12 inches
tall but havnt shown any signs of sex yet. I put them into flower as soon as
I got them (about 2 days ago). They were just in plastic cups so I
transplanted them into gallon jugs with the top cut off, filled the space with
a mix of organic soil and a good amount of perlite, gave them a good light
feeding and now Im back in the groove again. Ive been flushing the
Kali-Dream all week and am gonna let her go for one more. Heres a few
pictures of the KD and the power skunks from today, take it easy.








Mr. Durden :joint:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey Tyler...that KD looks almost ripe bro, very nice....and the HB stash is lookin killer, how does she smoke, and taste? Are u flushin the KD now?? how much longer on her, looks like about 2 weeks tops!!!!Peace bro

- Z


Hey Z thanks bro. Ive been flushing the KD for 10 days now and I
think Im gonna chop her at the end of this week after flushing her for 14
days. Ill do a little smoke report on the Hashberry for you and anyone else
interested. After the biggest top nugs are done curing for a couple weeks Ill
do a different report on the smoke report thread area.

Appearance: 9/10 Rock hard nugs with LOTS of visible trichomes. Great bag

Smell: 6.5/10 Light fruity scent. A pleasant odor but not too much of a

Taste: 8/10 Earthy/floral on the inhale with a bit of fruitiness and coffee on
the exhale

High: 8/10 Comes on slightly cerebral at first with a mellow body effect then
moves on to a full bodied indica stone. If you smoke a full bowl from a bong,
at the end of your ride your definitely going to want to take a little nap
:muahaha: Not bad for a day ender but smokin this shit all day makes me
LAZY :laughing:

Potency: 7.5/10 Doesnt hit me untill about 4-5 minutes after the first hit.
The high lasts about 2 hours or so and so far tolerance build up hasnt been
too bad.


Ill have Harvest pictures this weekend when I chop the Kali-Dream down, a
little update on the power skunks and hopefully a new veg tent, keep your
fingers crossed. Ill also be starting a new thread soon since it wont be my
first grow any more and Im going to be doing a perpetual :smoke: Ill put a
link in my sig and post it with the update if I have it by then or post a link to
it whenever I get it set up. Take it easy.

Mr. Durden :joint:

One Love

Good stuff Tyler! Those power skunks look like they'll be a nice sativa with those thin fan leaves. You will love your perpetual setup. It adds so much to your daily growing chores, but you get to plan way ahead and can always throw something new in to spice it up a bit. I'm still waiting to get my f-ing memory card back, but I plan on getting you a shot of the WW before she's done (at any rate).
My MIS (4), G13xWW(4) and (single) c99xbb are all growing up fast and will get thrown into flowering within the next two weeks so i'm pretty excited to see what kind of male to female ratio i will get this go round. I'm not sure whats going on, but i've had horrible germ rates on some strains. 1 out of 10 on the C99xBB, and 0 out of 10 on MNS "Devil". I still haven't received the Jack Herrer seeds either! Oh well, guess I will stick with what i've got and enjoy it...
Your KD is looking nice, should be a good mix between the HB and KD. Little sativa in the morn, little indica in the evening. Lifes good!
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Kali-Dream Harvest; New Thread Started

Kali-Dream Harvest; New Thread Started

Hey everyone, first off I got the new thread started for my perpetual grow
and should have my veg tent here and set up by tomorrow and secondly, the
Kali-Dream is down and drying :woohoo: She is one stinky bitch and fat as
fuck :D I could have let her go another week or even two but I didnt feel like
waiting and all her leaves were dying off. Ill let her clones go all the way and
see what other potential she has but damn does she look good as she is. In
this last week shes started to really purple up in her buds and a little on her
leaves too. I think if left for another week or two she would have gone solid
purple which is pretty cool I think. Im so excited. Ill weigh her once she's
dried and put up the final weight and a smoke report later. Ill be here every
now and then for a while but Ill mainly be on my new thread found here
or under the Grow Diaries section of the forums. Here are some pictures from
the harvest, enjoy :smoke:















Take it easy.

Mr. Durden :joint:


Good stuff Tyler! Those power skunks look like they'll be a nice sativa with those thin fan leaves. You will love your perpetual setup. It adds so much to your daily growing chores, but you get to plan way ahead and can always throw something new in to spice it up a bit. I'm still waiting to get my f-ing memory card back, but I plan on getting you a shot of the WW before she's done (at any rate).
My MIS (4), G13xWW(4) and (single) c99xbb are all growing up fast and will get thrown into flowering within the next two weeks so i'm pretty excited to see what kind of male to female ratio i will get this go round. I'm not sure whats going on, but i've had horrible germ rates on some strains. 1 out of 10 on the C99xBB, and 0 out of 10 on MNS "Devil". I still haven't received the Jack Herrer seeds either! Oh well, guess I will stick with what i've got and enjoy it...
Your KD is looking nice, should be a good mix between the HB and KD. Little sativa in the morn, little indica in the evening. Lifes good!

My bad for forgetting to reply bro! I have no idea what to expect from the
Power Skunks but they definitely are some pretty heavily sativa influenced
plants it looks like fo sho. I cant wait to have a perpetual, its what Ive
dreamed of for quite a while. Sorry to hear about the bad germ rates you
had and for not getting the JH yet, that blows big time :mad: Ive never
heard good things about MNS germ rates. I was thinking of doing some of his
stuff but Im kinda wary after seeing all the disastrous germ rates. I hope the
C99xBB comes out well, really sounds like an interesting cross. I gots some
MIS freebies too with some recent orders so I think Ill start some as well and
hunt for a good/unique mother plant :smoke: Oh and get the mem. card, I
need an update on the WW :D Hope all is well bro, take it easy.

Mr. Durden :joint:


Hey everyone, Im postin on this thread for probably the last time. Just
wanted to get the final weight up for the Kali-Dream for reference and show
a few pictures. I love this plant. It yielded WAY more than the Hashberry
which I totally didnt think it would do since all the buds look much fluffier.
And the actual weight of the plant after drying was 246.6 grams, so a little
over a half pound :woohoo: Im very excited and almost couldnt believe it. Oh
yea thats also after I lost some to mold and smoked a little while it was
drying. I was getting scared when I started to see more mold developing but
I chopped up all the buds off the branch and dried them out a little faster to
fight it off. None of it has spread and everythings lookin good now. Thanks
to everyone who supported me and helped out through the grow and I hope
to see you all at Fight Club. Ill put a smoke report on this strain and the HB
in the smoke/hash report section of the forum and in my perpetual grow.
Thanks again everyone for all the encouragement and support :D I couldnt
have done it without yall. Take it easy.



Mr. Durden :joint:


wow huge yeilds, amazing grow. Puttin my first grow to shame! haha congratulations man, looks chronic


Hello Mr. Durden, I've been "lurkin" around this great site for a couple of months and I've read a many of threads, and just got finished reading yours. Anyways, I've never seen anyone thanks GOD for the success of there grow, and I was grateful to see someone do something of that sort. I should have know by reading the scriptures that you put up under all the posts. Just want to say that the LORD JESUS CHRIST has a special place in heaven for you. Your grow was truly blessed and I haven't seen too many people around this site getting that much bud off of 1 400watter. I will be following your next grow also and wish you all the blessings in that tribulation if you will, peace.