Re-Read the link provided by hoosierdaddy. It's the most important part of a grow. A 150 with a new bulb produces little if any heat if properly ventilated and I get my plants as close as 3-4 inches from bulb without burning. My grow cab has an 8inch exhaust with 3 settings (low-med-high) on top, with 2 four inch pvc pipes and 1 two inch pvc for intakes on bottom with a 6inch fan blowing on canopy+bulb. My temps stay 2-4 degrees above ambient usually and thats with exhaust on low setting! Its all abour airflow!i know ive been reading about bout growing for at least 2 month straight only thing im a lil confuse is the air flow and the heat the 150 hps produce.. how much do they produce ? .. and behind the closet is a hallway to the backdoor so i was just gonna leave my screen door open and alot of air comes in with pressure so i know if i make a hole in the wall of the closet (size of a door knob) and get another fan and put it close to the hole, i will pull alot of cool air in ..