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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......



Missed your post :bashhead:.I just checked the ballast and it say S55 and i took a look at businesslights and saw that i have the 100v bulb :badday:


Do you have a good ground wire running from your light back to the ballast box, or just a hot and common wire? The cheap econo lights are grounded well before disassembly, but when you separate the light from the ballast enclosure, you may no longer have a good ground. Hard to tell from the pics you provided, but you need to have a ground wire from both your incoming power source AND the light fixture metal secured to the box.
A light that is not properly grounded will cycle and act exactly as you have described.

Also, be sure your power source cord actually has the ground plug still on. I have seen folks nip them off to use with a non-grounded receptacle. Snipped grounds wont do.
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Not sure if this is normal but these bag seed babies are little. About six weeks old, going on their seventh node. I'm feeding BC nutes at about 450 ppm (just over half the recommended strength.) The leaf tips are burnt slightly so I'm not gonna give stronger nutes, at this point anyway. The plants don't show anything unusual, except the size.

Thanks to some electrical advice from PurplePotion and Pipedream, I rigged up a small DC computer fan to help circulate the veg room.

The plants have had the fan for about 72 hours. No overall height change (3.5 ~4 inches) but the fan leaves are noticeably bigger and appear healthier. I transplanted the tallest plant into a larger pot and the root ball was no where near pot bound. I'll probably end up waiting another 10 to 14 days to transplant the other three.



"Looks good Duck.. glad I could help ya out. How are your temps in there?"

Hello PurplePotion.....me too and good question. The ambient temperature in the bedroom is 74 degrees. I took a temp probe and placed it 1/4" from the center bulb:

I know that's probably a little high, I'm just glad to know my box only increases ambient temps by 6 degrees f. We're having some odd weather the last few days, warmer than normal. I've got the box over a central air vent because the summers here are brutal.

Here's a bag seed sativa clone at 51 days 12/12. Her mother stretched 3 to 1 so I planned on this one doing the same...

...I believe I stressed the shit out of it when I transplanted prior to flower. It didn't stretch a single inch and is about 9 inches tall. It takes about 15 weeks or more to finish so maybe it'll fatten up before knife day. I'm gonna add a circ fan for the flower room, poor air movement could have something to do with the problems over here as well.
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Active member
hey, disco ... i found your comment re: lack of stretch to be interesting . my last 3 or 4 grows i experienced almost no stretch at all, and my plants seemed to stall out around 4 - 6 weeks of flower . i also think that it might be due to transplant stress because i have just been transplanting and switching to 12/12 on , or close to, the same day . i have a plant right now that is ready to flower and this time i'm not gonna transplant it at all . we shall see how this works out.


Hello green_grow, glad to hear you got some more ready to flower, look forward to pics. Good luck with the different method, maybe you'll learn me somethin new.


150hps 130cfl vert with a hood for exit fan

150hps 130cfl vert with a hood for exit fan

Hey you guuuuuys!150 watt hps and two 65 watt cfl's.This is what I Magivered together.I took an old cage hamper cut the feet down smashed it into an oval and then shoe horned it and a kitchen steam hood in to a dresser.At night I have a fan blowing in there also.The plants were vegged for a week.Some are more Sativa then others and I have some stagered in time so I have a couple of harvests.Also when one come out another will go in hope you like.

Here is a view of the top

I should get another bulb in that socket!?

The dresser

All stealthy still have under wear in the top drawer and junk in second drawer.

Well I know that it more then 150 watts ,but that the power punch I need and I have read all this thread feels like I know some of you all ready.I wish we (icmag could have a pot luck salad bowl not a contest of buds just of how much one can smoke party)or my 150 club party stuff like that well damn big brother peace.


Also the reason I made it in a dresser is cos I never have had a friend or relative try to get in my dresser.If I made something with a lock everyone I know would think I had "DRUGS" or even worse they would just guess.AAAAhh don't even want to think about that stupid shit.I was also thinking about leaving this old sex doll with it's leg hanging out of the closet door where the dressers in. If my like mom,granny or any relatives stopped they would see it get grossed out and be focused on gettin away from that fuckin hidiously lookin uninflatated flippy floppy dead body lookin thingy.It's give me a drooppy just thinking about it. :fsu:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


yeah Poodo, hang a really stinky sock over the drawer edge ... lol. Nice set up. I like the hamper, that's a great idea. I'll bet you can grow one hell of a vertical scrog with that set up.
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It won't be hard to get a cool tube in there so thats the next step.?I can't get a good pic that shows how big that one front nug is.


Poodo said:
It won't be hard to get a cool tube in there so thats the next step.?I can't get a good pic that shows how big that one front nug is.

Your vertical light will be more efficient than the setup I have. Some of my reflected light passes through the glass more than once, reducing some of the output. One of the growers in this thread says a fan will keep a 150 as cool as the tube will. Another fellow grower here is doing vertical without a tube. Send pics of whatever you decide, looks like you've got a weed growing machine.


well, i through two blueberry clones along with one GDP in with my 3 somango. I took clones from the somango, blueberry, and my grape ape re-veg. I'll take some from the GDP when they start to get bigger. I wanted to veg the GDP out a little more but i ran out of space in my veg box so one of em had to go in! The other one will get a good veg on and then we'll see what she puts out.

I'll update pics later tonight or maybe 2m.


Active member
now in flower ...

now in flower ...

satori ... a clone of a plant that i destroyed about 5 weeks into flower, due to poor health.

as you can see, this one isn't doing too great either . i did get a bit sloppy with the last feeding, not bothering to check ph (checked after the fact, it was about 7.4, according to test drops). i can't positively identify the problem using the guide in the infirmary, so i am hoping that it was just ph. also, this one, like my previous few grows, doesnt seem to be stretching. as i said earlier, i didnt transplant this one prior to the 12/12 switch, so whatever the problem is, it's not due to transplant shock or soil issues . keeping my fingers crossed for a full recovery. when i destroyed the mother that set back my plans for a perpetual harvest, so i really need this one to come through.


Active member
green_grow - almost looks like a mag or cal deficiency - do you use any of those cal/mag products? how about giving her a dose of some epsom salts to boost MG? Maybe it's just me but everything I grew always started with 100 ppm of epsom in the res then my one part fert GH floranova... just seemed like all my plants liked the extra MG


green_grow said:
satori ... a clone of a plant that i destroyed about 5 weeks into flower, due to poor health.

as you can see, this one isn't doing too great either . i did get a bit sloppy with the last feeding, not bothering to check ph (checked after the fact, it was about 7.4, according to test drops). i can't positively identify the problem using the guide in the infirmary, so i am hoping that it was just ph. also, this one, like my previous few grows, doesnt seem to be stretching. as i said earlier, i didnt transplant this one prior to the 12/12 switch, so whatever the problem is, it's not due to transplant shock or soil issues . keeping my fingers crossed for a full recovery. when i destroyed the mother that set back my plans for a perpetual harvest, so i really need this one to come through.

green_grow, here's what Stitch has to say about magnesium, if you haven't already seen it:

"Magnesium (Mg) - Micronutrient and Mobile Element

Magnesium helps supports healthy veins while keeping a healthy leaf production and its structure. Magnesium is significant for chlorophyll-production and enzyme break downs. Magnesium which must be present in relatively large quantities for the plant to survive, but yet not to much to where it will cause the plant to show a toxicity.

Magnesium is one of the easiest deficiencies to tell… the green veins along with the yellowness of the entire surrounding leave is a dead giveaway, but sometimes that’s not always the case here. In case you have one of those where it doesn’t show the green veins, sometimes leaf tips and edges may discolor and curl upward. The growing tips can turn lime green when the deficiency progresses to the top of the plant. The edges will feel like dry and crispy and usually affects the lower leaves in younger plants, then will affect the middle to upper half when it gets older, but It can also happen on older leaves as well. The deficiency will start at the tip then will take over the entire outer left and right sides of the leaves. The inner part will be yellow and or brownish in color, followed by leaves falling without withering. The tips can also twist and turn as well as curving upwards as if you curl your tongues.

Excessive levels of magnesium in your plants will exhibit a buildup of toxic salts that will kill the leaves and lock out other nutrients like Calcium (Ca). Mg can get locked out by having too much Calcium, Chlorine or ammonium in your soil/water.
One of the worst problems a person can have is a magnesium def caused by a ph lockout. By giving it more magnesium to cure the problem when you are thinking you are doing good, but actually you are doing more harm then good. When the plants can’t take in a nutrient because of the ph being off for that element, the plant will not absorb it but it will be in the soil… therefore causing a buildup. A buildup will be noticed by the outer parts of the plant becoming whitish and or a yellowish color. The tips and part way in on the inner leaves will die and feel like glass. Parts affected by Magnesium deficiency are: space between the veins (Interveinal) of older leaves; may begin around interior perimeter of leaf.

Problems with Magnesium being locked out by PH troubles

Light Acid Soils, soils with excessive potassium, calcium and or phosphorus


Magnesium gets locked out of soil growing at ph levels of 2.0-6.4
Magnesium is absorbed best in soil at a ph level of 6.5-9.1 . (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph of over 7.0 in soil) anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a Magnesium deficiency.

Hydro and Soil less Mediums

Magnesium gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 2.0-5.7
Magnesium is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 5.8-9.1
(Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a Magnesium deficiency.

Solution to fixing a Magnesium deficiency
Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have Magnesium in them will fix a Magnesium deficiency. (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients or it will cause nutrient burn!)
Other nutrients that have magnesium in them are: Epsom salts, which is fast absorption. Dolomite lime and or garden lime (same thing just called different) which is slow absorption. Sulfate of Potash, Magnesia which is medium absorption. Worm Castings, which is slow absorption. Crabshell which is slow absorption. Earth Juice Mircoblast, which is fast acting. (a must buy!! Has lots of 2ndary nutrients).
Now if you added to much chemical nutrients and or organics,( which is hard to burn your plants when using organics) You need to Flush the soil with plain water. You need to use 2 times as much water as the size of the pot, for example: If you have a 5 gallon pot and need to flush it, you need to use 10 gallons of water to rinse out the soil good enough to get rid of excessive nutrients."

I checked a chart I have concerning ph and nutrients. It looks like magnesium should be available to your plant even at 7.4. I'm having the same thing, green older growth and lime green new growth.

Bag seed Indica dominant at 7~8 weeks:

Guard dog:

If you've got lime in your soil, it should provide part of the calcium and mag needed for the plant. It will also keep your soil in the 7.0 range, even if your water is not a perfect 7.0. Like sugarbear said, Epsom salts is a good thing to add for mag. Good luck.
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Active member
i think you guys may have nailed it ... i cant recall the last time i gave this plant a pinch of epsom salts. it did look a little perkier after last nights dose of plain water; will definitely give it a pinch of epsom next watering/feeding.

do the ladybugs hang in there and not wander off ? my grow cabinet has no filters so any bug could get in or out anytime it wanted.


green_grow said:
do the ladybugs hang in there and not wander off ? my grow cabinet has no filters so any bug could get in or out anytime it wanted.

I guess some wander off. This is just an experiment because I saw holes in a few leaves, thought a bug might be chewin' on 'em. I don't think these things eat bugs, just the eggs that bugs lay. They're a little like pets because they don't try to escape, although I occasionally see one crawling outside the grow area and just put 'em back in. I'll keep you posted if they create a bad result in any way. I can imagine dead lady bugs everywhere and having to get rid of 'em.

I didn't buy mine, just put a half dozen or so from the garage window sill to a can, to the grow box. In less than a week I see ladybug sex going on here and there. If you happen to find them in nature, be aware there are herbivores that look like lady bugs, they may eat your plants. I usually get 'em off surfaces other than leaves or plant material. If you see 'em crawling around where there are no plants, they're probably looking for bugs/eggs.


Buteo Jamaicensis
another spin-off

another spin-off

thanks for the inspiration sugabear. a 4" odorsok is NOT cutting it on my current 4 plant micro grow, so i made this today....

i used 2 pencil holders, aquarium filter activated carbon refill, hose clamp, and pantyhose. there was originally 9 oz of carbon, so id say my mini filter is holding atleast 7oz. i think that should be enough to neutralize my problems :joint:


wow nice looking carbon filter bird! so what have you got flowering these days? its always nice to watch your grows! you must be loving that bottle rocket huh? did i read you hang your 150 verticle? have you got any pics of your grow currently? -bluebuds