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150 HPS SCROG Cab Thread - Mother's Finest



Very nice! :smile: I love to see good grows under smaller lights.I have a friend that believes in 1k's only and I have a 430 he keeps giving me shit about! :mad:


Active member
WOW! those are some sparkly buds! they look like they'd stick to anything that ouches um! Great job,, HAPPY TOKIN!!! & good luck on your next scrog too! Ya did great this time,, it can only get better with experience!



Thanks everyone for nice words... :wave:

I'm pulling the other screen down tomorrow and I think those will look even better!

I am impressed with the 150, I've only ever used a 1000w before, and while the buds aren't as big, the quality and potency is no different from what I can tell so far.

I've sampled some of the 1st screen and on exhale it's a facial rush like a nirtous hit, then it calms down and 2 minutes later you are trippin, but with a nice body buzz to boot :alien: After it wears off your eyes get really heavy~



Hey Immortal - Not too many big buds on this screen, the extensive training produced a ton of smaller ones, maybe 1.25 G is the largest but there a quite a few that size.

After I cut the other one down I'll let you know if there are any bigger. That's the one downside to the SCROG IMO, no giant buds for me!



Active member
Hmm thats it huh. I have quite a few that are really fat. But I did grow from seed, I topped them at 6 inches. The fattest branches have the fattest buds.

I think all your little buds are still gonna yield more than me though. I really hope I can get 2 ounces. This is my only source of smoke and I dont know when ill have something ready to flower again.


Active member
ok M.S., im still impressed and im still gonna go 150,those nugs are lovely bro!! :canabis: i was also thinking could'nt you use compact floro's in the back corners of your box insted of doing extra contruction and adding light traps?..i also think if you had filled out that screen & trimed all the growth under the screen you would of got bigger buds and bigger yield..oh im useing advanced mother earth , big bud and carbo load right now and it's living up to the hype so i know if i use it when i go 150 the yields should be good or even great i'll keep an eye out to see how there products work for you ..cpt.k


Hey CPt.

I do have a CFL in the one corner but it seems like the HPS is only capable of hitting one of the screens fully the way it is set up now. If I can spin it around AND add another CFL we'll be in good shape. You're right, definitely on the trim under the one screen and the fill - my other is trimmed well and filled out better - the buds are slightly larger and it looks like the yield will be better, could partially be genetics too as these were 2 different phenos of the MF. I think I'll be around 2.5 total when I pull the other one in tonight. I'm not dissapointed with it, but you can always do better I think!

OH -I do like the AN stuff alot. Lots of resin on these and the taste is pretty good for only being in the jars 5 days or so. Cant wait to try the pirhana and tarantula on the next run - I could have used some bigger roots.



Last Update:

Last Update:

Second screen was taken down at 58 days and has now been dried. Yield was a fairly impressive 41 grams. So the total for both screens was 70.2 grams I believe. I think I could hit closer to 100g with the right plant in both screens and a few more tweaks.

Looks to be some serious shit

Smoke report with pics in about 3 weeks - :joint: :joint:

Good Luck Everyone~


very nice man! Im impressed .5g's per watt aint bad considering its the first time you have used this cab! The nugs look very tasty!

Dr Watt

Who What
Yeh, I'm impressed also. The colour of these buds is attractive.

The yield of .5g/watt in 7 weeks is okay for first run - .5 in 7w = .88g/watt in 9 weeks. I guess the aim would be 1 gram/watt in 8 weeks. js.


Thanks JS.

The 2 phenos ran 51 and 58 days respectively. The first could have been left in another week and still been at peak potency, IMO after smoking it now. The 58 day pheno is incredible though, curing up really nicely. I dont think I will be keeping the 51 day pheno clone I saved, it's just not as impressive. Only the 58 day stays. That shit is Dizzank.


Thanks - I'm stoked with this pheno. The smell is rotting apples to me. The taste is exotic, but I haven't been able to figure it out yet. It's still a little green too, only been the the jar 3 or 4 days. Will do a smoke report in a couple weeks.



mmmm rotting apples :yummy: lol. I take it your gonna grow 2 clones from the rotten apple plant in the same cab? Cant wait to see the next grow!

And ya sugar coated is a great description!!! All thats been in my town recently is mexican mud brick. Im soooo jealous!

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