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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


Active member
I grew ACE landrace Lebanese 12\12 from seed and they were ready in 90 days. I didn't get a lot but it was pretty fast.


Official English Seed Tester.
ICMag Donor
Doing a 12x12 in my signature now but not looking to good hopefully they will pick up in a week or so sweet seeds.:tiphat:


Official English Seed Tester.
ICMag Donor
Aren't those auto's? 12/12 for auto's isn't a good idea, I'm pretty sure. 18/6 or 20/4 I've seen as optimal.

I don't do autos OranguTrump think youre on about someone else mine is S.A.D. Sweet Afgani Delicious S1 :biggrin: :tiphat:
Seems like a sleeping thread?

With my very frist growing attempt I've discovered that my tent (40x40x140 cm) is to small. My plants filled it up and it's more or less a mess. It's the only size of tent I can use due to space.

So now I checked the 12 12 from seed, and it seems very promising in terms of more Control in that kind of space.

Just wanted to check if there's activity enough in this thread to put out a question or two once in a while?


Active member
12/12 from seed can produce tall plants, also. i'm not sure how familiar you are with topping, supercropping, or lst; that would be a good place to start.
12/12 from seed can produce tall plants, also. i'm not sure how familiar you are with topping, supercropping, or lst; that would be a good place to start.

That I know about, so what about questions? Those things are general plant handling. You say 'can produce tall plants'. So far I've Heard the 12 12 from seed is 'perfect' when just smaöö spaces are avialable.

If it 'can' what is the crusial things yo avoid a tall plant then?


Active member
That I know about, so what about questions? Those things are general plant handling. You say 'can produce tall plants'. So far I've Heard the 12 12 from seed is 'perfect' when just smaöö spaces are avialable.

If it 'can' what is the crusial things yo avoid a tall plant then?

Packing the plants in too tightly will result in the plants growing very tall. You can keep tieing them down to keep them at the right height. You may want to flower just rooted clones if you have a small amount of head room.


Active member
Sleeping thread detected. Thank's for all your engagement… :puppydoge

The whole sites a bit dead unfortunately mate. Really only ace strains, hype American strains, politics and conspiracy and arguing about haze will get people talking.

I grew 12/12 from seed for years, it's really the only way for people in a rental situation with 3 monthly inspections that don't have access to clones.

I'm happy to answer any questions that you have.
The whole sites a bit dead unfortunately mate. Really only ace strains, hype American strains, politics and conspiracy and arguing about haze will get people talking.

I grew 12/12 from seed for years, it's really the only way for people in a rental situation with 3 monthly inspections that don't have access to clones.

I'm happy to answer any questions that you have.

Most appreciated Bushed. I registered recently as I just started a small tent for the first time, but had that experience as well putting out some quest in this, to me, new forum. (On one quest, the only response was 'do not write so many words' !! - that was really helpful ;) )

It's a person like you I really would like to 'talk' to and I promise I woun't be a pain in the ass. Just be able to address you when I am a bit confused. Otherwise I really try to find sources of information on the web about 12 12 from seed - and just as you just stated I concluded this might be the only way with my 40x40x140 tent.

Started up my very first attempt (then in a 'traditional' way) but soon found out that this developed into a mess. Saved Three plants just to be able to identify a female but that way a compact weed vegitation filled the tent up to the lamp and the tops was burned. Two weeks into blooming I finally found out that I had ONE female (my luck ;) ) and in competition with the two males (was out yesterday) a quite insignificant female hopefully at least can give me something back at the end of the circle.

So when it's done I will start a new round in 12 12 from seed and perhaps I can put in some quest now and then in this thread with the hope that you might be kind enough to respond. Your long experience in this is most valuable for me.

I have just one matter right now, preparing myself for that method. As I have a lot of collected seeds (some very old) I will try to use what I have (not that easy to buy seeds here in Sweden).

Looking at pics I've seen those 'poles' with lots of buds coming from 12 12 fr seed and my judgement says I might be able to grow four females in my space. Or is that too optimistic?

Anyway, I also read somewhere that aiming for the 'final' pot as soon as a seed germinated is the best. I don't know really why it would be a disadvantage to transplant those guys.

My question relate to that. My plan was, to detect four females, to start with around 10 seeds in small pots. Then hopefully detect at lest four females and immediatly trash the others and transplant those four in a decent pot, just bifg enough to be able to grow four plants to the end of blooming.

So to start with, your reflections on that? Is my strategy good or bad?

My best.
PS. Not to confuse you, I didn't mean ONE decent pot to all four plants. That should be interpreted as FOUR decent pots. Have four such pots in mind that will fit perfectly in that space.


Still Learning


I have a plant (germed 1/1/20) that I cut down stripped off all foliage in early veg (Super Platinum Cookies - April 2, 20) leaving a skeleton of stalk and branches that is/was about 12"-13" tall. It is now almost 2 months later and it remains at about 14"-15" w smaller leaves. Don't know its' sex yet but if a female it probably wouldnt yield much if bloomed but it remains very small compared to others of the same strain. Some is better than none!:tiphat:


Well-known member

These two were grown 12/12 from seed in 5lt pots.

The one on the left is Yumbolt & the right is Nigel Benn A cross of mid 90's sensi Nl & Black Dom.

Not everything works though from the Indica side.
It's A great way to keep a person supplied with personal stash while changing up the menu.
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=78697&pictureid=1911509&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

These two were grown 12/12 from seed in 5lt pots.

The one on the left is Yumbolt & the right is Nigel Benn A cross of mid 90's sensi Nl & Black Dom.

Not everything works though from the Indica side.
It's A great way to keep a person supplied with personal stash while changing up the menu.

Guess you just missed the link to pic. Would be very nice to have a look? Germinated seed directly in 5 l pot then? Are you aware any obsticales if you did a first run in smaller pots (to detect sex) and the transplant in i 5 l? Asking because I read somewhere that 12 12 from seed gain something with avoid transplant?


Active member
Hey Cehster, are your measurements in cm? Are you growing in soil? Cramming in as many as possible in order to select females will result in taller plants as they stretch to compete for light but you will have to learn about tieing plants down anyway with so little headroom.

It also depends on the genetics, indica may stay under 50cm, Sativa may want to continue stretching past 2m. If the seeds are from a 50/50 hybrid you may get some very tall and very small plants.
Hey Cehster, are your measurements in cm? Are you growing in soil? Cramming in as many as possible in order to select females will result in taller plants as they stretch to compete for light but you will have to learn about tieing plants down anyway with so little headroom.

It also depends on the genetics, indica may stay under 50cm, Sativa may want to continue stretching past 2m. If the seeds are from a 50/50 hybrid you may get some very tall and very small plants.

Yes, 40x40x140 cm. And yes, growing in soil. And yes, I now have practiced to tie down in the mess my first attempt created.

I had a veg phase where three plants in 6 litres pots soon was growing to the roof. Tops was burned and a heat fan was to close as well.
That made severe damage on the tops on all three plants. I then practiced a lot of those techniques to bind down and even out in a canope.
But it was too messy with three bushy plants in that space. Had to do it anyway as I wasnät able to detect sexes until 2 week into blooming.

A bit of bad luck was that the two dominant (in size) plants was males and the female was the one that was a bit at the side and not that significant.
So not until 2 days ago the sexes was detected and the males sorted out. So my first attempt will be to grown this female through the blooming period.
Naturally there's not that many buds I guess but I have now tied it and spread it out to get even light in any possible bud.
Looks nice but I guess it's not such a big crop. At least I feel more of 'in control' now and it seems healthy.

Anyway. Thyis was a lesson and pointed out that my available space can't grown that many plants in the 'traditional' way.
As well as it seems like I can handle more 'limited' plants the 12 12 from seed -method.
I've seen some pic of massive 'poles' with lots of buds. Looking at them my guess was that I perhaps could grow four such plants in my tent.
And if they need tieing down I will manage that I guess. Had a bit of pratice as said ;).

But I have unsorted seeds collected from many years and have to start germinating at least 8 plants for the odds that get 4 females from that.
And to do that I have to start with smaller pots. But as the blooming starts early I hoped to be able to sort out the males before they grew that high?

So therefore my plan for my next attempt was to grow 8 plants i small pots, and then transplant 4 females in bigger, like the 6 liters I have?
Read somewhere that in 12 12 from seed you should avoid transplanting and plant in the 'final pot' at start?
Don't know why or if it's important? To use the selection from 8 to 4 I just have to transplant?

Here's a pic of my quite modest female in present state. No more bullied by the two big males and no more burned tops.
As I have no experince I can't say if it looks alright? At least I can see where buds starts to develop.

BTW. I'm not good in determine Sativa/Indica either. What does my present plant look like?
