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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


To much talking somebody should clean here and let the esential it is very boring,like someone care you dont like this metod. Is very good for someone who want to grow sativas like they grow at ecuator and small growrooms end of conversation we are not all dealers to care about weight.

Indeed this is very true. If I had not of started my Ace seeds Green Haze and Oldtimers' Hazes from straight 12/12 I wouldn't know what to do :laughing:. Both growing over 5 feet tall even with extreme LSTing. Just 2 single plants 5 feet tall each LSTed out takes over half of my 5'x5' Sativa room.


Indeed this is very true. If I had not of started my Ace seeds Green Haze and Oldtimers' Hazes from straight 12/12 I wouldn't know what to do :laughing:. Both growing over 5 feet tall even with extreme LSTing. Just 2 single plants 5 feet tall each LSTed out takes over half of my 5'x5' Sativa room.
You didnt understand what i said for people who want to grow sativas like in the ecuator Wich can get very tall look at videos for small growrooms you have hybridsfor pcgrowbox you have 100% indica or dominant ,i toght is clear but with people who dont control the smoke zombies its hard. And if i have to bealive you those are some great phenotypes but i dont you only get 1 stick with this method,also to much N can delay flowering dont do that if wana keep them short
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You didnt understand what i said for people who want to grow sativas like in the ecuator Wich can get very tall look at videos for small growrooms you have hybridsfor pcgrowbox you have 100% indica or dominant ,i toght is clear but with people who dont control the smoke zombies its hard. And if i have to bealive you those are some great phenotypes but i dont you only get 1 stick with this method,also to much N can delay flowering dont do that if wana keep them short

Strains such as Oldtimers' Haze and Green Haze are 20+ week phenos :laughing:. You can't keep them under 3 feet no matter what you do even in 12/12. I just tired it and posted plenty of photos of such plants. Of course to much N can delay flowering but I use AN products which are made for top of the line and have proven their products time and time again to me.


If you scroll down in this thread which is in the Breeders section you will see my Oldtimer's hazes and Green Hazes. That was a month ago they look even more beautiful now :biggrin:. Thanks and have a great day.


Active member
@v1 good luck with your grow. With that number of seeds sure you will do well. From reading through, seems one of the most one of most important decisions is whether to top them or not- depending on space, variety, etc. I have seen 12/12 go really perfect on untopped Crimea Blue which is really dense squatty uni-cola indica type branch pattern. Really good yields if correct strains r used. Bunched closely together it is a beautiful pattern.
Yes, you make sense there, Ive just threw 10 or 11 WWxBB cuts into 12/12 in a 1.2m tent, vertical 600W and from seeing the mums they are really squat so I reckon that would be much better for this method. On a UK site we have a sticky thread about 12/12 and a 30% Sativa mix was recommended but I had my doubts about that when I read it. I would have thought more Indica was less work and pruning maybe? On that note it was also recommended not to top in the other thread I read but I now see from this one its a can o worms! haha dam, trial and error it is then.


Yes, you make sense there, Ive just threw 10 or 11 WWxBB cuts into 12/12 in a 1.2m tent, vertical 600W and from seeing the mums they are really squat so I reckon that would be much better for this method. On a UK site we have a sticky thread about 12/12 and a 30% Sativa mix was recommended but I had my doubts about that when I read it. I would have thought more Indica was less work and pruning maybe? On that note it was also recommended not to top in the other thread I read but I now see from this one its a can o worms! haha dam, trial and error it is then.

Nice, hope you post some photos up here for us to see once they get up and moving. Hope they come out big and beautiful, BBW :laughing:. Good luck.
The only plant thus far that has given me 3+ oz's on 12/12 that doesn't take 18+ weeks would be CBD Crews Mango Haze. She took 11 weeks and yielded me 4 oz's. I've tired 6 different 100% Sativas none of which yielded over a whole ounce which is sad. 7 different hybrids, none yielded over a whole ounce either which is sad. Definitely strain dependent. I plan on trying another Mango Haze next round, placing her into my tent which will already be in the 12/12 cycle.

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
To much talking somebody should clean here and let the esential it is very boring,like someone care you dont like this metod. Is very good for someone who want to grow sativas like they grow at ecuator and small growrooms end of conversation we are not all dealers to care about weight.

People post yield on here to dispel the myth that 12/12 from seed somehow makes plants yield low and to work out which strains work well and which don't. End of story.

Nothing to do with dealing. End of story. The clue here is 12/12 FROM SEED. Dealers grow from cuts not seeds. Maybe a bit more reading is in order.
You are right though. There is too much talking here and thread needs cleaning up.


Well-known member
This works with sativas or stretchy hybrids. Otherwise no yields even for personal stash.......it's however a safe way to grow with minimal chance for pests etc. it's a must for hazes though unless outdoors. Peace sdd
PS: I personally have had both excellent and extreme fuckup projects from going straight 12/12, but more of the good ones, you tend to learn from your mistakes (hopefully).
Hi, v1ru5.

So, what were your eff-ups? Anything we can learn from? I'm going to try 12/12 from seed with my next batch, as I have a limited time per year I can grow, and seem to have bad luck with too many males, too few females. (Last year I had 1 female out of 6 plants; this year 2 out of 5).

I assume I only need to feed with flower formula (I'm a dedicated coco grower) and CM. Assuming all goes well, how many days should I expect from sprout to harvest? Will topping or LST improve bushing and yield, or does that only work in a vegetative period?


Well-known member
wow all of these grows r looking so great. I did a 12-12 seed a few years ago and loved the outcome and am planning on doing another one for the next grow. :)
From my limited experience, none documented except by me, it's always better to veg at least a week or two, unless you're doing a massive sog with little lollipop stick looking plants.

Northern Ganja

New member
The very first grow I did before I -really- got into growing the medical strains that I currently have was done straight from 12/12. I had a cardboard box, a handful of CFL's, a timer and a pc fan and that was it. I grew maybe 10 seeds and lost probably 4 to males. I used miracle grow soil so the smoke tasted awful. However I still ended up with decent yields per plant, especially for my very first grow. It was also intended to pick out the very best strain for a mother plant. Wanting something with Crystals and stocky growth habit, or high yield with full growth pattern, rather than lanky or stringy.

I have since moved on to growing mothers in veg to clone off of and then place the clones into flower once established. I have managed to keep every strain I have acquired alive using this method, except for those first couple bagseed strains.

However my question about 12/12 growing is this. Is it faster than taking a clone, from a mother, establishing said clone in 18/6 lighting, transplanting the clone into something larger, then finally putting it into 12/12 after it is established a second time? Or could I cut out a month or two growing and stress recovery time by planting my Sprouted beans directly into 1 gallon cloth grow pots?

I invested quite a bit of time into being able to make colloidal silver, and currently I am spraying my Northern Berry with it trying to get some female pollen for femmed seeds. Since my mothers often get stressed out from being root-bound and further stressed by re-potting over and over again.. I'm hoping that once I get some seeds I can use them for backup and also grow plants directly from seed in 12/12 lighting to get some quick meds if my mothers are not in condition for cloning or if cloning fails.

My current garden somehow ended up with a bad batch of dirt from the shop. Used BMX fungicidal promix for several years, straight, with no fertilizer for a couple years now. Always got awesome growth, then all of a sudden everything in my garden stopped growing all at the same time. Had one hell of a run trying to figure out the issue and switching over to foxfarm ocean forest fixed everything. Only Pineapple Express and Alaskan Thunderfuck Kush seem to be having issues recovering.

I'm lucky to have any plants at all in flower right now and I'm expecting perhaps an ounce and a half yield. I grow in a closet 3' wide 3' deep and 5' tall. 150watt hps + 69 watt cfl + 15watt florescent reptile side lighting with extra UVA and UVB for increased tric development.

Right Now the strains in flower are Northern Berry, White Widow, And Lemon Skunk.

I Hate lemon skunk. It smells bad, it tastes bad, and it grows bad. Long distances between nodes and massive leaves, obviously an outdoor strain, but hopefully pollinated with my Favorite strain, Northern Berry which is more of a purple indica will help.


New member
How long from seedling poking up to harvest? That's what we are waiting for you to explain. Or did I miss it? (on 12/12) Thanks

rasta man

Planning on doing a 12/12..since plants dont get big, avg. an ounce or so from each.. in theory, it sounds like I could use a 600 watt hps and if I get an ounce each plant I should be able to put 20 plants under it..since they pretty much grow straight with no laterals , shouldnt this be possible...and if so, wonder what size pots one would need ...any feedback is welcome..


Very old thread , but a great read I have 8 female tester No veg time they used showed there sex link in my sig

mack 10

Resin Herder
If you let the seedling grow to it has proper 5 finger leafs
It will yield much better.
Like Chasing green said, 2 weeks veg will go a long way to your yield.

Sat Dom hybrids will do best.
Heavy indica like a Bubba will not far so well
(Yield wise)


Buteo Jamaicensis
kinda feel like a noob asking this, as 12/12 isnt normally my thing. when running heavy sat doms 12/12 from seed, when do you start counting days for the flower cycle? once one of the group shows female pistils, or once the entire group shows its sex? thanks :tiphat:

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