When I was about 20, Dexies were the big thing. They were nothing but caffeine and would make the top of your head tingle. I remember seeing Christmas trees, black beauties and all other types in a health magazine, so I ordered a case of the trees and beauties not thinking I'd get anything. I think it was $25 a case of 12 jars with 500 pills in each. I had totally forgot about the order until I got a slip from the post office telling me I had a package. I showed up and two big boxes were waiting for me. A green Customs sticker was on both boxes with "Caffeine" listed as the content. The christmas trees were selling for 1.50 each in bars and was popular with truck drivers. Black beauties were identical in content and sole for 2.50 each. I unloaded the two boxes for 5k. that was a $4950 profit for doing sweet fuck all. I ordered 10 cases the next day "rush delivery". Knowing it would take about a month to get the order, I decided to drive to Mesena NY to pick up a few boxes while I waited for mine to come in. Pink hearts were really popular. lol. Some weeks I'd sell 5 cases. $2500 a pop. For caffeine pills! I sold them for about three years, and had customers in every warehouse in town. Not bad for selling something people thought was illegal, but wasn't. lol.
When a friend with Satan's Choice told me he wanted to buy all my supplies, I bowed out and gave him the skinny because selli yng them stuff meant you owed them a favor. It's way better for them to owe you a favor, then the other way around. lol
(hum... I wonder if dexies would sell again. lol)
Sometimes, I can hardly believe what people post.
I had tea this morning and it ruined my day.
Tea is better later on in the day......usually after lunch, or around 'Tea-Time' ...(4-5pm)...