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11 Reasons Why You Should Drink Coffee Every Day


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I had to drop a friend off at the hospital this morning at 6 am, I'd only gotten a couple of hours sleep before that & so I had my 1st ever cups of decaf when I stopped for some breakfast. I was surprised that it was tasty and when I got home I zonked right out, I even slept through my own doctor's appointment.


Well-known member
yes YES! I'm and addict :woohoo:


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I like the taste and smell of coffee but i don't drink it anymore bc it gives me stomach problems. I drink a lot of tea for my caffeine, I like good green tea/ black teas like earl grey, but yeah coffee is delicious just can't drink it anymore unfortunately.


Active member

I had to drop a friend off at the hospital this morning at 6 am, I'd only gotten a couple of hours sleep before that & so I had my 1st ever cups of decaf when I stopped for some breakfast. I was surprised that it was tasty and when I got home I zonked right out, I even slept through my own doctor's appointment.
Yes, if you experience insomnia, difficulty sleeping, waking up in the middle of the night, unable to get back to sleep, then check your caffeine intake. If you continue to drink tea, coffee, energy drinks past noon, you will be wide awake for 12 hours, meaning you'll still be up at midnight and beyond. And if you do manage to get to sleep, you'll probably get up very early.

And then if you start drinking decaf after noon, you'll find good sleep again! :)


Active member
Hey, so what KIND of coffee do you like? Drip, either machine or Mellita
What STRAINS do you prefer? Kona, Kenya, Colombian Kona, Kenya, Colombian
How do you take it? With soymilk.
Any special drinks you like? Frappucinos, Cappucinos, Double Tall 2% Vanilla Latte decaf.


Professor Organic Psychology
Gosh it seems that there would be some kind of pot that would help with insomnia


Active member
Gosh it seems that there would be some kind of pot that would help with insomnia
Of course there is! That's why I use cannabis. :) See, I have insomnia whether or not I drink coffee. And if I don't smoke pot, it's much worse.


Professor Organic Psychology
I see Starbucks Everywhere around here. Near my office in Seattle there are 4 coffee shops facing each other on a busy street corner.

I have the 20 ounce Mocha Frap at Tullies or Starbucks. It is like a big chocolate slurpee with a big pick me up kick


if it smells like fish
if I pee on the rose bushes I would prob go to jail ..some dickhead on the street would prob take a pic....yeehaw indecent exposure my ass .. I think my weiner is decent..


:bigeye:People metabolize caffeine differently.. and it's phenotype related, actually.. :snap out of it:

This is due to the fact that around 7% (of caucasians) are slow sparteine metabolizers, where around 1% are fast sparteine metabolizers. The fast ones are the ones, that can get a kick from drinking coffee, I believe.

I'm a slow sparteine metabolizer. For me, this means that caffeine works slowly, but for a long time. It has the same effect on local anaestethics, like xylocaine, novecaine, lidcaine, etc..
When I leave the dentist (having had local anaestethic), he always tells me to wait an hour, before eating. Well, for me, that's 3-4 hours.
Since it takes longer for the drugs to work, I sometimes get the shot, then sit in the waiting room, while he treats another patient. Then I go in the chair for painless drilling.


Well-known member
it also causes high blood pressure and hypertension.....gives you terrible bad breath,causes yellow teeth


Lover of Life
I've heard coffee can cleanse your system, too...like, getting rid of toxins and what not.

Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
^^^ lol.
All I know is coffee wakes me up ASAP to take care of the morning garden chores wich need to be done 25 minutes after I wake up. and I love it almost as much as I love midgets...almost:biggrin: