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100% male with feminized seeds?


Well-known member
mighty interesting article, is it a one-off?
probably not, just my humble opinion
actually seems to jibe with some observations I've seen posted here on IC

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
I would like to get my hands on OGKushBush's cut of OGKB and self that bitch and see what happens.
If the results don't match the line I have here derived from ogkb bagseed then maybe i was stray pollen.
If the results match the line I have..... well it just opens up things to ponder now doesn't it.
The fact that the line behaves like a well bred IBL is what really throws me. If it was stray pollen it would show in the numbers of plants run by the percentages.
I've reversed the ogkb 2.0 clone...... no males yet , just real nice ladies.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Shantibaba is selling NL5 fems nowadays, found that pretty interesting.
I saw that recently on the Mr Nice Forum and it disappoints me... profoundly, to be honest with you. Unfortunately, intentional feminization is now the norm and even this old dinosaur understands the reasons for both the sellers and growers to be interested in not having to deal with males.

Whatever's easiest and fastest to get you what you want, in the least possible time, is today's marketing mantra.

But it _astounds_ me that Shanti would use the specific #5 . :( If there's one thing that I've learned through many years of tracking down the origins of Northern Lights, it's that the #5 that was the foundational _plant_ for Nevil was, indeed a unicorn. If Nevil couldn't source a verifiable #5 in 2010, then absolutely no one else can either. Especially now, with all the marketing hoopla and bullshit that's being bombarded in every possible media outlet for growing cannabis.

For me, the only company that has the certified, genetic material of #5 is Sensi, and that's a fucking fact. :)


Well-known member
I saw that recently on the Mr Nice Forum and it disappoints me... profoundly, to be honest with you. Unfortunately, intentional feminization is now the norm and even this old dinosaur understands the reasons for both the sellers and growers to be interested in not having to deal with males.

Whatever's easiest and fastest to get you what you want, in the least possible time, is today's marketing mantra.

But it _astounds_ me that Shanti would use the specific #5 . :( If there's one thing that I've learned through many years of tracking down the origins of Northern Lights, it's that the #5 that was the foundational _plant_ for Nevil was, indeed a unicorn. If Nevil couldn't source a verifiable #5 in 2010, then absolutely no one else can either. Especially now, with all the marketing hoopla and bullshit that's being bombarded in every possible media outlet for growing cannabis.

For me, the only company that has the certified, genetic material of #5 is Sensi, and that's a fucking fact. :)
I think it's pretty cool. Especially if it genuinely is an S1 of the old NL5 clone. Could even be considered a major contribution culturally then. But not sure if it is, info on the site is scarce.

He is even selling 1000 packs, maybe one of them would be the one-in-a-thousand male. :D 1200 EUR, not too bad.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I think it's pretty cool. Especially if it genuinely is an S1 of the old NL5 clone.
As much as I respect Shanti and know that his heart is in the right place, I can't believe he is selling a feminized #5.

Just like with NL Seattle Greg, it's all in the mystique and marketing of Northern Lights. I have no problems whatsoever with them wanting to make money off of the hard work they did, but anyone saying they have _specific_ numbers of Northern Lights is either totally deluded or marketing bullshit to make money.

For Boomers, By Boomers, For Money.

I stand by my assertion that if Nevil could not obtain the #5 that he felt was so special and is one of the foundations of modern cannabis, then _nobody_ can... even Shanti. :(
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CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Shantibaba is selling NL5 fems nowadays, found that pretty interesting.
Sorry for temporarily jacking the thread, looks like it was dying anyway, but just found this out and remembered goingrey's post in this thread.

It looks like Shanti is selling feminized NL5 but is not claiming it is his or Nevil's, he made it from someone else's seeds:


I have no earthly idea who contracted with him to produce NL5 feminized seeds but the naming of a specific number of NL (especially a _feminized_ version of NL5) simply reeks of Boomer marketing.

Seeing that post makes me sad because he doesn't make that distinction on his website.

Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
I have a male seed going that came from female clones only of old school blue satilitte that they grow in columbia and export as their sin-semilla brick. its almost done with its life cycle. it has that dominant lemon and industrial cleaner smell. I crossed it with a central american brick i think is either mexican or manga rosa, not sure all the 3 females i had where different in strucrure but had similiar smells in the sense they where all sweet and tropical, and lacked a gassy or skunky smell. and with a 3 kings domiant sative female of a 3 kings x williams wonder f1 it was cool finding this thead making me feel better about the male. that its possible for good seeds even know it came from most likely fem seed. feel pretty lucky as ive only grown less than 25 fem plants total and to find a male in such a sought after strain here is cool. unfortunately that was my only seed from the blue satillite so i can't make the pure line. but if i find another i might cross the central american x blue satillite back into a female blue satillite. but probably not as i have alot more seeds to grow eventually.

Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
Thought you were going crazy didnt you? Lol
funny story honestly, i was so sure it was a female, i told my son it was his plant, and i am not allowed to cull it for this reason or he will be upset and i want him to have positive experiences gardening not horrified when dad chops down his big plant ya know. so this male was lucky, or maybe im the lucky one for not culling it, i don't mind only using 3 plants for a small bit of bubble hash, and having some seeds to gift friends. but next plants will be only lightly seeded the orissas i got going, with original line male if i can find one. orissa seems to be one of those funky lines from what i've heard with high female population.