brainthor,plant looks like its going to be big yeilder,have you grown this before?
NorthernKronic said:Hey brainthor,
Just wondering, so you run your mh bulb 12 days into flower before switching over to hps? does this help with streching? is there a reason you dont just switch over to HPS right as soon as you change to 12/12?
Im not sure if switching to mh in the last week of flowering would be very benificial, i feel that the closer a plant gets twoards full maturity the more yellow/red spectrum it wants, so maybe it would be detrimental to the grow? but thats just a thought, im excited to see what happens when ya try it.
Anways looks really good round here, your lady is startin to get big, she should enjoy the hps your about to give her. sorry for the rant dude.
sugabear_II said:really nice experiment you got going - good work - I'm following along for the finish