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1 plant 4 sq ft 400 watts


Well-known member
Damn brainthor, That girl of yours is growing-up fast. Before you know it she will be wanting to borrow your car to go out with her friends.


yes she needs to stop growing and start putting on the weight or she is going to overgrow her cabinet...i think i timed it rite though..we will see...thanks for stopping by man..peace
brainthor said:
yes she needs to stop growing and start putting on the weight or she is going to overgrow her cabinet...i think i timed it rite though..we will see...thanks for stopping by man..peace

probably got another week of stretch eh? You could try tying the big colas

down a bit, more light penetration to the lower branches.

this is what happen last grow round......


yeah, I SCROG now, lol.


nice work man! no i think she is done stretching....maybee three more inches...thanks for stopping by..peace
SensiMilla024 said:
probably got another week of stretch eh? You could try tying the big colas

down a bit, more light penetration to the lower branches.

this is what happen last grow round......


yeah, I SCROG now, lol.


day 19..i could not stand to see her in that little box...i moved her to a 3x3 closet..did i mention the closet is at a new location...that was fun...peace
and also some pics of my new veg setup



WOW Brain great looking girl there i bet it was fun moving her to a new location kekeke
how much longer she got? i might of missed that somewhere sorry.. great work


40-45 days and she will be done...actually the move was pretty smooth accept the central ac went out at the new location..it looks like she will be in the dark a extra 12 hrs until i can get a repair man..when it rains it pours man...thanks for stopping by..peace
gbl357 said:
WOW Brain great looking girl there i bet it was fun moving her to a new location kekeke
how much longer she got? i might of missed that somewhere sorry.. great work


ok day 21 and there is a little white rhino in there with her...yesterday all of her bondage was removed so she will be able to finish how she wants too..now the real fun begins...peace

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yes judging by her size in comparison of other cuts of her that i have flowered..she will be between 4-6 ounces not as good as i was shooting for but it will be good enough...thanks for stopping by..peace
Excellent looking plants brainthor,...not to mention the awesome selection of genetics!! :joint:

I like what you've done w/the LST. I noticed in one of your pictures 2 lines running into the Waterfarm module...I take it you are running a bubbler in the bottom? If so, I was wondering if you have both lines running 24/7 or if the dripper is on a timer w/the bubbler going 24/7?? I've got the same setup going on and both lines run constantly.....just curious as to your method.... I have developed a litlle bit algea on a few of the hydroton rocks because of the ring dripper running all the time....but it doesn't seem to have affected the growth at all.

Anyway...Best wishes on your grow, and we all look forward to the outcome/pictures of your efforts.


actually you can turn pumps off at lights out on the waterfarms...i dont anymore...i have used coco in them and i had to turn them off...now that was messy..i have the line running down the pumping column it does help when the roots get down there...i also drilled bigger holes in the bottom of the modules(orange bucket)...just add a little hydrogen peroxide when you change your rez to get rid of that algae..like 5 mil per gallon...never put more than two gallons of water in your farm...waterfarms rock man an thanks for the compliments...peace