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08 greenhouse



a new pipe i made out of one of me stems,,,(HEMP),,and my last tree i planted that is still growing,,atleast so far growing great,,,atleast a few pounder i figure,if not 4 pounds wet i should get off this one

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Howdy Jack,

Well that's just plain daggum spiffy ! :D I can see where ya thought that would make a natural pipe..it's cool ! :jump:

Have a good one ! :D


a few pics,,i plucked a few stems off bottom,,it is and will be done real soon,,i will pluk off this one for a few times,,,,,

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Howdy Jack,

Lol..I like the pic of yer mom and I'm glad to see her looking well,thanx to yer loving devotion and care. :smile:

I hope that yer gonna have some help for when ya do have to do the big harvest,because that's gonna be alot of work ! Albeit a labor of love.. :D

Have a good one ! :D


Torog said:
Howdy Jack,

Lol..I like the pic of yer mom and I'm glad to see her looking well,thanx to yer loving devotion and care. :smile:

I hope that yer gonna have some help for when ya do have to do the big harvest,because that's gonna be alot of work ! Albeit a labor of love.. :D

Have a good one ! :D
catch the red eye,,i defenitly need help,and i just haven,t even begun,the last tree is still growing..it will be huge and so much weed.i even had to take off roof cuz of overgrown greenhouse,,now ya can see why i had to take down sides,,and even roof no more,,well one side i took off,other side is to close to mager road,not that it matters cuz it does,,so i left on one side,,,and the huge one i will have to bulid a spider web of rope to keep up ,cuz it is still growing,,so i see it come rain time ill have to build a lean 2,,,,,have a great million,,,,,,,,,



Howdy Jack,

I tell ya what ! :jump: I wish that we could jump aboard a redeye express and help ya out,brother ! :D

Just be kind to yer self and take it easy,git up and stretch,play with the dogs or something..lol.

Have a good one ! :D


well one down,8 more to go,and this one took me down,,lots of hard work on the mind on when to and when not to,,but me gut has yet to fail me,,learned a few things this yr,,diferent growths for different strains,,at certain times of yr that is maybe,,next yr i,ll figure it out finally,,,,



Torog said:
Howdy Jack,

I tell ya what ! :jump: I wish that we could jump aboard a redeye express and help ya out,brother ! :D

Just be kind to yer self and take it easy,git up and stretch,play with the dogs or something..lol.

Have a good one ! :D
howdy torog,,ma bell this morning,,no one at the ready,,maybe morrow,,hay to the misses and ya,ll
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just wanted to say thanks for all the look see,s,,and comments and hopes of inspiration to new growers,,just as each and every yr,soon i,ll be shut down till feb 09,,new name,new handle,new whatever i do,,grow em huge,,and like i say,,soon after my last harvest,i will shut down as i only say and post on what i myself has had experience in,,when harvest is over,i have nothing to show or even say,,again,fare well all growers and enjoy our labors of love for the weed,,,,,and thanks for the coments and look see,s,,lots of kool growers with pics to back up what we say,,lots of kool wanna be,s even,,gotta be a wanna be to have a see a sea a green of sea weed,,,,,,hahaheyheyhohohehe,,,
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Howdy Jack,

Sorry I missed yer call yesterday,I was visiting with relatives and was gone all day..give me another holler and hopefully I will be here..lol.

Happy Labor Day ! :smile: Today is supposed to be a holiday for the "working men and women",so ya should take a day off and bbq or something. :D

Yup..a picture is worth a thousand words.. :D :jump:

Have a good one ! :D


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Sorry if I missed this question but Jack you either live in a very MJ friendly city, or you neighbors are cool. Is this a med grow or what? How on earth do you get away with it? I remember your first grow. You've come a long way in a short period of time. Good job


well,i do live in a friendly weed close nit family,,i have lived here sence 1968,,,same house,same neighbors,cept 1 who has been here 4 25 yr,s,,my back yard neighbor is a retired red neck,on both sides are retired with kids,they no me and what i am really about,how i care for the sick and needy,i dont party no more,loud music,,,and i get along with all(try to anyway),,and it is a legel in cal grow,,hey i went to buy some hash at a club in haight yesterday,,new rules,,they charges me tax on a gram of hash,,he said they just came in last week and said time to pay taxes,,so now a 60 dollar gram of hash is 65 dollars and 45 cent tax,,,,5 dollars and 65 cent taxes on hash,,more pics soon to come,,
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08growbyjack said:
so now a 60 dollar gram of hash is 65 dollars and 45 cent tax,,,,5 dollars and 65 cent taxes on hash,,more pics soon to come,,

Holy shit that's a lot of money for a gram! Good luck with the harvest, my man! The bubble you get off the trim will probably be better than that hash you bought!


Howdy Jack,

It looks like yer having a great harvest so far ! :D :jump:

I hope they have a fancy name for that there expensive hash ya got..:D They sure are proud of it..:smile:

Things are okay here,we've been gittin some rain and cooler temps,it's a big relief for us. :smile:

Have a good several million ! :D


missed ma bell,,anyway,,2 down,,7 2 go,,this is hard work,,but rewarding that i dont have to buy club weed that is overrated and over priced,,compassion my ass,if anyone has compassion,it is me,,,anyway,,soon all done,till maybe next yr,,health isnt getting any better,maybe wheelchair bound soon,,but was told that a few yrs back by doc anyway,,bone disease rotting away me back and spine,,weed sure does ease the suffering of knowing what i have anyway,,weed eases the pain,weed releases some flashbacks to get by the day ,,weed does wonders,,


Howdy Jack,

I hear ya brother- marihoochie does work wonders ! :D

I hope and pray,that yer doc is wrong about ya and that you continue to defy the diagnosis. :smile:

I've told my gal,that next time ya call,to wake me up if I'm asleep. :smile:

May God continue to bless you and your's and yer gardens too ! :D

Have a good one ! :D


sure glad im almost dome growing and showing pics,,a site has many wrongs in there loading of pics and its postings,,,,,,pic one pic,another dif one shows,,anyway,,this tree is still growing at 16 ft tall plus and same wide,,not even flowering yet,,all that come over are amazed at size an say they never seen such a huge tree,,,i will need a chainsaw to cut it down,,i will have many hemp walking sticks,,but again,soon grow over,,soon 08 over and out,



Torog said:
Howdy Jack,

I hear ya brother- marihoochie does work wonders ! :D

I hope and pray,that yer doc is wrong about ya and that you continue to defy the diagnosis. :smile:

I've told my gal,that next time ya call,to wake me up if I'm asleep. :smile:

May God continue to bless you and your's and yer gardens too ! :D

Have a good one ! :D
high torog ..happy hanaka,
happy turky day,,happy late bday...lhappy halloweed,,just ketsuping ons me howdys and whats nots,,anyway,,i got me some nerve and started a new thread in outdoor grow,i mean sence it all overgrew and became outdoor anyway,,well gotta rest for my hearing on serviice connected compensation,,.and pension board tomorrow(P.T.S.D),,high noon is me appt,,,so i am at a hotel in bay area preparing for tomorrow,roomates are caring for my mom till i get back home,,i needed lots of peace and time to reflect on all forr tomorrow,,,cuz the drive if had to ,would of been to much for me ,,so i just got a motel around corner from hospital(V.A...i can just get up and relax without caring and helping my mom,,then go to hearing with less stress on me mind,,,,well have a great many more to come,,hey to u and yours,,,,,,,Jack)