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08 greenhouse


Active member
Jack, I have been following your log since the beginning and I have to say you are a God! If I ever get my greenhouse grows to be a fraction of yours I'd be thrilled. Your grow especially your 15 footer is just amazing! Take care Rose.


Howdy Jack,

I hope all is well with you and your's ! :smile:

I set a feller straight over at SF,he seems to think that yer 15 footer is a 'money tree', I told him that you don't grow for money,but rather to help yer self and others and so ya won't have to buy alot of over-priced product at the cannabis clubs.

Things are doing okay here,still having some hot weather though. :smile:

Have a good one ! :D


Active member
I hope everything is okay with Jack too I am really looking forward to his harvesting that big mutha he has.


New member
pics in gallery,cant seem to post here in me thread,,thats ok,,just take a gander at a huge fucking tree,i mean huge,,buds are finally drooping


Active member
Jack, Its a damn redwood! How thick is her trunk? You should register her with Guiness because I am sure she is a record holder.


New member
mihakt said:
that's huuuge jack :eek: how many weeks till harvest?
soon,some say real soon,few say weeks,i say no telling till i pull em,anytime till harvest i guess,weather is ok,not freezing,lots of snow on buds,i have started clipping some on bottom that are done,so just like all my grows,many harvests off this one


Active member
Jack, I have certainly learned a lot from your thread and I can't wait until Spring so I can try out the ideas you have given me.
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Active member
Jack, Its almost sad seeing her being chopped down. How many lbs do you think she will give you? I am still trying to figure out how much I need to grow so that I have enough to last me to the next harvest I keep falling short and then have to get my meds from the co ops which I hate. I think next year I'll plant directly into the grown after prepping it like you do.

Oh here is a picture of my "Jack"


New member
Rose56 said:
Jack, Its almost sad seeing her being chopped down. How many lbs do you think she will give you? I am still trying to figure out how much I need to grow so that I have enough to last me to the next harvest I keep falling short and then have to get my meds from the co ops which I hate. I think next year I'll plant directly into the grown after prepping it like you do.

Oh here is a picture of my "Jack"
nice jack,,,hehehehe,,anyway,i grow enough so i dont have to go to overrated co op,s..overpriced and overrated,with a bunch of names that are just that,names,,,,so hence,i overgrow,,i wish u well next yr,,i say ,go for what u no,,,i fell short for many moons,now i may not even have to plant this yr(maybe 2 or three),but i know how to keep weed fresh for months down the road,,i never manacure till ready to smoke,i use jerky stayfresh pkts,i keep in large BLK trash bags,only pulling a little at time to smoke when need be,double bagged trash bags,,,just works for me,,but what works for me,dont always work for others,,hope i helped ya out anyway,,,and the soil mixes i use works great,,,,is the cats name really Jack???a name like jack proves to be invaluable at times,,,cant never go wrong with a name like Jack,,,and i even hate to cut her down,she is one huge buetifull tree


Active member
Jack, Yep his name is Jack he is only 6 months old just adopted him from the pound. I feel the same way about co-ops and what they sell isn't really better then what I can grow. Do you grow the seeds in containers first and transplant them in the dirt or do you plant them directly outside? I always feel bad when its time to harvest after so many months caring and loving them and then as soon as they "reward" me with nice fat buds I make like a serial killer(G) I am planning on growing Northern Lights, Papaya, and white rhino next year. Keep growing you're a master at it!


New member
i dont want to be here anymore,to many a whore,time to head out the door so i can find me a whore,i want guest next to my name,fuck u very much,i,ll be a rude crude dude from now on,no more a pic from me,no more a word from me,sigh yo nadda,,,,say what u want,they just be words,i am the king kong of all long a dong,get me wrong,please,dont sneeze,just misplease,,i will ,,i will,,i need no stinking reputation