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The Vertical Joy Ride!!

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So Quick

Gather around folks!! Once again, the ol Quickster is at it :headbange This thread isn't for everybody, so please, if sog type grows disgust you or rather offend you...please look no further, cuz it's gonna get real hot up in hur!! I'm pretty sure most of yall is familiar wit the coliseum...and if your not familiar, well hang around and see the power in vertical gardenin...just a quick note before I start...this system is just a masterpiece!! I mean really...you have see the beauty in this layout...if you can't, then I'm sorry to say...you my friend are a hater :biglaugh: but no, seriously...this vertical stuff only makes so much sense...and again this ride isn't for everybody!!

Here we have unused space...once was to be occupied by a flat garden, just as you see to the right...

but a flash of creativity hit me one late night while I was up tweekin...well not really tweekin, just not able to sleep at night...insomnia if you will!! I still haven't been able to correct my sleeping pattern...while most people can just lay it down and dose off...even when I'm tired I can't seem to get those oh so valuble Z's...my mind always feels like it has to be doing somethin, so while my mind wanders and races...Ilike to spend this time sketchin out plans like this...looks interesting, huh :D

Some of you guys followed my first coli thread on OG...if you can remember...I din't get these horse shoe res's back then...and it was a pain in the ass!! So this time I got smart and I picked up a pair for this run :smile:

So as I sit here, eyes on fire as if hot sauce was dripped into each eye...LMAO!! Lemme stop while I'm ahead...i'm puttin too much on it :biglaugh: But seriously...I've been thinkin for the past few days about this plan that I have!! and if anybody knows anything that could help me get closer to my goal...please don't be shy and step forward and tell me what ya know!! I've been pondering on this idea about getting a club together...I've been feeling the need to contribute to the sick!! I won't go into too much of my personal feelings, but while I'm here entertaining the community...I would love to hear all the ups & downs on this thought of mine!!

Now back to the story...I'm doing things a lil bit different than my previous coli runs...I'll get into more details later, but for now...let these pics spark up that curiosity :joint: But one thing I should mention is the strain I chose...the lady that will be entering the vertical joy ride is the original cali o that was gifted to me by my newest dear friends Toka...regulars at OG should know who I'm talkin about!! Such a kind hearted soul she is!! I know your goin thru tribulations right now Toka, but hang tight and the sun shall burst thru in no time :wink: Now I'm not sure how good this baby yeilds, but we'll see in a couple of months...I was gonna slap my ak99's in here, but I always grow my 99's, so I felt the need to venture...

So welcome everybody to The Vertical Joy Ride :moon:


cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
he's at it again

he's at it again

Uh oh, SQ is at it again with the coli grow. NICE!
These things are pretty cool.
The article in the first issue of IC magazine was gret, although I would have liked some more details. In particular about the heat problems and how you dealt with them. I'll be following along on this one. There's a bit more room for details on the internet than there is in a printed meg :wink: :yes:
I could see where if ya had a source for or could produce enough clones to fill that bad boy, it would seriously produce. Rock on, SQ :headbange
As if this guy ain't able to produce enough in a standard SOG :rolleyes:


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
So Quick this should be very amazing when it's all said and done. I say hell yeah man let the good times roll.



Toka - such a kind hearted soul she is. God bless her. I've followed many of her threads, incredible lady.

Good luck SQ! What's the lighting gonna be like in there?
Can't wait to see what kind of yield you get outta that thing!
I wish I had room for a coli :rolleyes:
Oh sweet jeebus!! Here we go.....I just have to assume that you were assured that this CaliO yields well. Otherwise I won't maintain my hard-on!! :biglaugh: Is this the caliO that leans more to the indica side?? Look out people, the gladiator has entered the coliseum!! :eek:
Oh Man....Oh Man.... Oh Man...... I'm really excited about this grow~~! Uhhh....could I get a towel..... I'll be right back.

All better.... that is THE coolest thing I've EVER seen SoQuick!!!! I'm here for the duration.....you gotta lotta towels, right?


Just caught up to this thread. Calio is something I've got and have running in my coli too! It is very dense and yeilds very well. I liked how it had an orange/turkeygrease/weird smell. It doesn't stretch too bad and mine was done around 50 days. If I had known you were looking for sq I coulda hooked you up, lol. I finally got my veg room back in check. Took 200 cuts and will be filling the coli up wiht the best of 150 and using the 3 air cooled 1kw's this time. I'm thinking of using the coliseum setup just like you have it for a veg setup instead of my tables. Still contemplating, but it seems like the best idea.


New member
Hey SQ, getting your arse kicked is how you get better...although it can be very frustrating. As far as team skills I would work on shooting lanes, by sectioning off the field where moves from the other team are going to come from, it makes it more difficult for the other team to move on you. Everybody stays on their lane, unless you communicate that you want to switch then someone else can cover your lane. Another huge factor is communication, having kill calls and calls for when you drop a player. Also calls for the other teams posistions. We like to divide the field up like a football field, 10 is usually the back line of bunkers, then moving up the field 20, 30, 40, and 50 is the middle line of bunkers. Then side to side, go by the number of bunkers in the specific line, so starting left to right, 30 - 1, 30 - 2, etc. In order to do this you usually draw the field out, then mark on the sheet the numbers, and mark your posistions, and draw the lanes that everybody is shooting. If you take 10-20 min for everybody to look it over, you can cover the whole field, making it easier for you to move, and more difficult for the other team. During you should be calling out posistions of the other team, and relaying them when you hear them. We made a point of never having it quiet on the field, if your not yelling out posistions, you should be shooting lanes. This is one of the most difficult things to do, but it comes in time, especially when you play with the same group all the time. As far as individual skills, I would definately work on shooting on the run, if you can be accurate shooting while in full sprint, you can destroy people. A could way to practice, is put one person on an end of a field opposite side of you, you start on the other end, then run full speed while shooting while the other person is running and shooting at you, trying to hit them first. Another individual skill is snap shooting, being able to pop out very quickly taking 1-3 shots accurately. This one is very easy to practice, just set one other person in a bunker 10 - 20 yds away from your bunker, and just keep popping out at different angles of the bunker taking 1-2 shots as fast as you can. We do this one alot, just keep going until you get very tired. If any of this is unclear let me know, I will do my best to explain. If you put as much dedication into paintball, as you do growing, (unbelievably talented), im sure you will do very well. I hope this helps a little, again I love talking about pb so hit me up anytime.


Your my hero Quick.

I am going to make a descision in the next couple of weeks on a "cube" or "mini-coli" to take it to the next level. Is it possible to do either one in a 4'x4'x9' space? If not I will build another closet.

Verticle vs. Horizontal, which do ya prefer overall with all things considered?

Grow on Quick, I love your commitment.




Anxiously awaiting the show... and possibly a soon to be vertical convert as well! :chin:

Your grow shows REALLY get my own wheels turnin' on how to improve my own setup. I really like the vertical idea, it seems so much more efficient. I'm interested to hear what comes of your club idea, it sounds like a nice idea for sure. Props to you man!

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Hey hey hey, Guvnor, and another LUFC fan, death to the red edevil scum, lol. and fuck hudds toewn, (although they done a good job of fucking themselves, ahahaha)
welcom m8ey, Im not much of a footy fan, but If any12 asks, leeds is ma team. Check out ma thread n see what a leeds fan is doing, lol.
SQ, may I say, nice 1 m8, Im gonna be having to nip between here and my thread, but I gotta see this, I have been klooking intp these vert grows, The cage is the one I have been looking at, or to be more precise, the cube, I think Tex mentioned getting one too some day


It............. WAS getting boring around here...

Holy Shit! I read your last Coli Exploit thread over at the other forum.

I'm glad a few folks are pushing the edge. This is great inspiration.

:::putting my helmet on for this ride:::

So Quick

Fredster: Nice to meet ya...are you ready fer some fun :smile:

cooked cook: Glad you liked the article...that was actually a pecked down version of the thread i ran over on OG...I'll pull up the thread when I get a chance...it has the whole nitty gritty from start to finish...

mrwags: Ah...the good ol days :D

Farmer John: *slips a whoppie cushion on johns seat before he sits down*

tokeAcola: Aint she!! Always, give give give!! I couldn't even get her to take mer up on any of my offers...I wanted to atleaset repay her in some kind of way...so I decided to put the cali o's in the lime light for her...plus the need to venture :wink: I'll get to the details in a minute...I'll explain my lighting choice and all that fun stuff :smile:

giantmanbags: I have no idea of the yeild...I grew a local strain awhile back called orange crush maybe 8 years ago...it was a local name, but I ended up loosing this strain...I later found out that this locally named strain was actually a Cali O that has been around since the 80's...I've been searchin for her since...and just got it back at the end of last year...so if this is the same one...and I'm hopin to god it is...she's a yeilder, plus top grade stuff!! So lets cross our fingures and hope that these are the same plant!!

pistillwhipped: Don't use a towel...you can never really wash it out...grab some toilet paper :biglaugh: Nice to see ya drop in buddy!!

Guvnor: :D

Hey it's my twin gardener...chodo!! :friends: How it goes twin?? Man if you had told me that you had the cali o, i'de a bugged ya to death until you gave me one :moon: Is yours the AE77 that's in circulation?? I'm so anxious to see how these babies do in here!! I personally wouldn't waste that valuable coli to a veg cycle...she's built to flower :wink: I kicked out veg time completely...whether I'm flat gardening or vertical gardening...I like stubbies :yummy: You could hit em wit the veg nutes for the first week..that'll help wit some growth just before they hit the 2 week in flower...hey where did ya get the air cooled tubes?? I found some over on www.growvertical.com I think I might pick me up some to help exhaust that heat in the middle!! What are ya throwin in your coli's this go round??

Texas Kid: why thanks TK :D I'm not sure about the dementions on the cube...this was actuall the system I wsa gonna get until the Doc released these coli's!! The coli takes up approximately 7' ground space wit the res and a nice gap to go in and out...the next closest vertical system that fits to your closet space is the cage...but it takes exactly 4' ground space, so gettin around would be nearly impossible...a 6x6 would be nice and comfy for a cage...and a 8x8 would be cozy for a coli...

Vertical > flat imho...arista is the place these things come from and their based in canada, but a nice retailer is www.growvertical.com I've personally ordered stuff from this place and I can voucch for it's service...no phone contact...all communication is thru email, but the response is usually pretty fast..and the price is very competive...I walked into a local store in my area before I bought my first 2 coli's and these people were pokin butts :moon: they was chargin 5 grand for these and to top it off, it wasn't the mini version...it was the big stupid 4 chamber coli's...no disrepect DDoc, but I'm so glad he made these things a lil more portable as far as hauling and setting up...let us know which one you decide on :smile:

Thanks for stoppin in GS...by the time this thread finishes, lets see if I can pursuade ya over to the dark side of gardenin..muhahahaha!! Once I get things levelled out, I'll start workinon the club idea...I'm sure it's gonna be a lot of planning and work...but I'm up to it...if I can contribute in this type of way for my sick folks, then by gollie damit!! I'm all game!!

How ya doin harry :smile:

Maistre: :D don't strap that helmet on to tight and cut off circulation to your brain :biglaugh: I'm glad you hopped aboard for the ride!!

sunnyside: :D


I think I will layout a 6x6 room tonight for a possible Cube landing.hehe

Thanks again Quick

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