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Outdoors 2015.... Hick back in the sticks


Still at large...
So I'm back at it again...... back into the sticks and swamps filled with horse flies, ticks, mosquitos the size of VW's, and of coarse clay filled ground....... yeeeehaw!

With that said, it is also a very nice spot. Long hours of sun, seclusion, and a water table that isn't to bad to get to.

I 've grown in the area for years and it has been good to me, but ya got to work for it... Long trips with supplies and hard as hell digging.

So I thought.... well if I am going to dig I might as well go deep.. past the water table.. and well that means going through rock hard clay after the first 10" of root ridden swamp sawd.
I found myself digging down about 3 ft at about 2 ft wide... it's a good size hole which at the time fills with water with in an hour, so a bunch of waste soil if I filled it back in with my mix... where it will be under water most of the year.
I took what I call a sauna tube and cut it in half and drilled holes although out the sides of it... makes it about 2ft x 8", I use it as a swamp tube or wick.
I place it in the hole and fill back around it, then the top of the tube is about 3" above ground. Now I take/ make a pot over the top of this so the plants have a large area to root that will be less likely to be flooded, but with the tube also be able to access water all the time....
I refer to this as a swamp tube hybrid, kinda easier to explain it that way.
Alright enough of my rambling, time for some pics...
Swamp sauna tube..
I fill it with my mix before I place it in the hole...
Fill the rest of the hole back in with a mix of soil, clay, and sawd about 3/4 the way back in then place/make what I am using for a container and fill the rest with my mix...
With a couple others I use 5 gallon buckets in place of the tube.... all seem to be wicking great, haven't had to water yet..... only when I feel they need some nutes down the road.

I also have done other methods of planting... in ground with a mix of native soil and my mix, and a couple where I just took out the native and replaced it with the mix.... where and why I did this is dependent on the area I am growing.
( "my mix" - organic, locally sourced )
Here's a couple of the gals..
Minion City Diesel

Khalisi #6 (clone)


, The Ghost of
Hey hey bro! Those wicking tubes oughta be fun to watch. Got any training planned for the ladies?


Still at large...
Purple Nocturnal (clone) in the swamp tube hybrid...

Khalisi (clone) swamp tubed....

Pineapple haze (clone) 5 gallon bucket swamp tube..

Gorilla Glue (clone) in a 5 gallon swamp tube hybrid..

Midnight Madness (clone) in ground...

So far all the plants are loving there new locations, showing it by great vigorous growth.... plus the fact I'm not having to go out all the time to water is great!


Still at large...
Hey hey bro! Those wicking tubes oughta be fun to watch. Got any training planned for the ladies?

Hey brothah glad you found the spot.
yeah I'm hoping the wicks work out well, they seem to be doing the job so far.... I will have to hand water in the later part of the season, but right now with the weather we're having the water table is still in range.

I was planing on doing a couple with stakes and the larger ones with tressels and netting which I will be tackling later this week. I haven't done much as far as topping..... a pinch here and there.
The gorilla glue has gone nuts...... it's a nice sized bush... I'm surprised because most of the others haven't bush out like the large one..... gonna stake and net that one a couple times along with a couple pineapple haze that have gotten rather large as well lol.

Kinda something like what you've done with your OD gorilla glue...
Got some males for pollen and some chucking in mind as well.:biggrin:


Still at large...
Got some more ladies..
Khalisi (clone) tubed...

New York Cookies x Freak (clone) tubed....
Midnight Madness and a NYC x Freak in ground. With the in grounds ones I dug a 2 x 2 ft hole then took a post hole digger and dug another 2ft down in order to get well with in the water table.
Sour Bubble (clone) in ground, she was a little root bound but a couple days later after planting she turn around nicely.

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
Glad to see you got an outdoor thread going. This will be fun to watch. What latitude you at?
Best of luck with your outdoor run this season and may all your buds be huge.
Peace GG


Still at large...
Glad to see you got an outdoor thread going. This will be fun to watch. What latitude you at?
Best of luck with your outdoor run this season and may all your buds be huge.
Peace GG

Thanks GG and welcome, I'm around the 46th last time I checked.... it's a short season but if done right great things can be accomplished.
Looking forward to seeing how yours turn out as well, and of coarse best of luck and karma to you.


, The Ghost of
Youre gonna love what the sun does for MM terps. 5-fold what indoor tastes like.

Make sure you check PHaze 3rd week of Sept (5th week of flower) for nanners. She'll do it indoors, don't know about out in the sticks.


Still at large...
Youre gonna love what the sun does for MM terps. 5-fold what indoor tastes like.

Make sure you check PHaze 3rd week of Sept (5th week of flower) for nanners. She'll do it indoors, don't know about out in the sticks.

Thanks for the heads up..... the MM definitely got thumbs up indoors... Outdoors she's got a great spot... both of em, can't wait.
I will keep an eye on the p. Haze, haven't flowered her yet, but she will get the best attention I can give so not to stress her. I will admit I would be disappointed, she clones and vegg's like a beast and stank oh boy she is stanky lol.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
looking good brother! that is a great ideal with the tubes:dance:. i may try and do a few like that next year. i have been thinking how to build a good wick system and what u got there is genius and will work great for one potential plots that stays wet all year long with a few inches of water:whee:. i will be following along to see how this one turns out, nice strain selection as well.:bow: gl bro hoping for a mold free season for all us guerillas!!:respect:


Still at large...
looking good brother! that is a great ideal with the tubes:dance:. i may try and do a few like that next year. i have been thinking how to build a good wick system and what u got there is genius and will work great for one potential plots that stays wet all year long with a few inches of water:whee:. i will be following along to see how this one turns out, nice strain selection as well.:bow: gl bro hoping for a mold free season for all us guerillas!!:respect:

Thanks Kyg and Welcome!
Ya I been toying with the idea for a couple seasons.... and let's be honest not having to haul out gallons an gallons of water is very appealing to a guerrilla lol.

It seems to be working well so far.... haven't had to give em a drop of h2o... only time I plan on watering them is when I feed em.

Mold free is the way to be...lol, usually I leave it up to the plants to defend them selves against such things like bugs and mold..... and in the past it's work well.
But with the season shaping up the way it is, it's looking like a wet fall..... I hope not but after taking a peek at yours and others threads I think a more proactive approach is in order.
Again thanks and I wish you and all our fellow guerrillas the best of luck.


Looks like the water level is below the surface, so why have had you the hard work ? - indeed uthenger knows how difficult and tiring it is to dig in such conditions.
When I saw that how deep the tube sinks, so indeed there is a deep hole, I was thinking wasted energy. why have you not dig only about 5-10 cm or 2-4 inch deep only below water line, then fill with your own soil and then make raised beds as you partially did. Also if uthenger had been used that tube, then he would cut them at the level of water. Why to restrict root grow on the raised bed if you already planted the plant in the tube with relatively small holes?
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Still at large...
Looks like the water level is below the surface, so why have had you the hard work ? - indeed uthenger knows how difficult and tiring it is to dig in such conditions.
When I saw that how deep the tube sinks, so indeed there is a deep hole, I was thinking wasted energy. why have you not dig only about 5-10 cm or 2-4 inch deep only below water line, then fill with your own soil and then make raised beds as you partially did. Also if uthenger had been used that tube, then he would cut them at the level of water. Why to restrict root grow on the raised bed if you already planted the plant in the tube with relatively small holes?

Hey Uthenger, welcome!
I've used this spot for a couple years now... most time the water level is fairly close to the surface... most of the year but it does move and there is little to no standing water.
The tube will allow the water to be accessed in the latter part of the year, I can dig about 8 inches in June and have water flow in but come August and September I have to go over 1.5 ft to hit the water table.

The pics might be part of the confusion..... after the tube is in and the top of the tube is at surface level, I then add the "raised bed" above it and plant with in the bed..... directly above the tube usually about 4 inches above... making it so the plant can establish a root zone in the pot and send tap roots with in the tube.
I feel if I just planted in the tube it would restrict the roots and forgo the use of the pot/raised bed above.


seeker of greater knowledge
Its always refreshing to see outdoor growers using different techniques to cultivate this amazing plant....good luck man


New member
Hick..would i possibly know you from another od thread a few years back @ another forum? I switched forums as i got back into growing od and seem to find all the really good od growers and good info comes from this forum..


Still at large...
Hick..would i possibly know you from another od thread a few years back @ another forum? I switched forums as i got back into growing od and seem to find all the really good od growers and good info comes from this forum..

I haven't really been any where else but icmag, I pop in from time to time elsewhere .. this is kinda my home.
Thanks tho and welcome!
there is ton of great and knowledgeable growers here.