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Sweet Tooth#3 X Lightstorm - Test Grows


New member
Hi Everyone,

Long time since my last thread but here we go... Hop on! I have sent 10 Sweet Tooth#3 X Lightstorm seed packs all around the world (to kind ICmag folks) for testing purposes. Still crossing fingers so all the care packages make it to their destination!

I expect to see very sweet and frosty plants with hopefully some crazy purple specimens in the batch. It will be fun to watch you guys, I'm already your biggest fan!

Let's get it on!
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Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
All of us test growers were talking about making a SWT#3 x Lightstorm thread. It looks like you took care of it.


what's up.. will be doing a nice outdoor grow in Spring.. that's in about 3 months :D

Closet Funk.. i think before you do a tester, you should shorten your signature..! :chin: :yoinks: :bat:

"Smoke Good, Eat Good, Live Good"

"Grow that shit! Don't be scared!"

"Cannabis is not addictive, but growing it is"

"Follow the funk from the skunk in the closet where it stunk"

Current Grow:
Somango x Lavender (Bonsai Mums)-Indoors
Blue Streak (DJ Shorts Blueberry x Master Low)-Outdoors
Our first stop is in Bogota
To check Colombian fields
The natives smile and pass along
A sample of their yield
Sweet Jamaican Bright Greens
Golden Acapulco Lights
Then Morocco, and the East,
Fly by morning light

We're on the train to Bangkok
Aboard the Thailand Express
We'll hit the stops along the way
We only stop for the best

Wreathed in smoke in Lebanon
We burn the midnight oil
The fragrance of Afghanistan
Rewards a long day's toil
Pulling into Katmandu
Smoke rings fill the air
Perfumed by a Nepal night
The Express gets you there- "A Passage To Bangkok" 2112
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New member
This is indeed not the right place for a signature debate! PM's serve a purpose and as far as signatures go, life works like this: to each his own!

Please delete your out-of-topic posts... I like clean threads so we will attempt to keep things tidy from now on! :lurk:
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Active member
Hey GPB? its nice to see this new thread I would call it chapter II on the Lightstorm journey to purple goodness. Again thank you. I'll have some pics up soon for ya like everyone else. The other purple lightstorm thread was OK but this should be front row entertainment for purple bud lovers.




Active member
As promised its Thursday nite and the seeds went in for an overnite soak. Here it is:

So we got a pack of SW3xLS seeds, some distilled water, superthrive and a plastic cup. One drop of superthrive in the gallon of water, shake alot to mix and aerate the water. Water in cup, 6 seeds(half pack, save half just in case everything goes wrong) in cup cover with palm of hand and give a little shake. On the warm shelf above the 400 it goes. Back tomorrow with planting them in a jiffy pellet. Thanks Purp!
ive got a sweet tooth # 3 baby up...only 1 out of pack of 5...i killed the rest..cross fingers its a girl...is a bit stretched..dunno why..was sprouted under a grolux fluro...but not to worry..hope she powers on soon...the strain looks great


Active member
Its Friday nite/Saturday morning, damn its late.
Well here we have the seeds in the water, a little poke with the finger and they all sank like rocks

So we got 6 seeds, 3 n peat pellets and 3 in soil. see which is the happiest.

Look real close, 3 or4 out of 6 sportin tails in 24 hours, prettee good. :) I use the water I floated my seeds in to water in my seeds. (Cheapskate :pointlaug) Just a little in each, I don't soak'em. So over and under the T5 and snap

I misted the under side of the clear tray cover dropped it loosely with gaps over the tray. I hope tomorrow someone is pushing out of the ground. :smile:
Back when they're above grade.

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
lookin good 2buds! i'll post pics sunday nite/monday mornin. thats usually when i update on my main site, plus it will space out the updates on here. keepem crossed!

- ezra -

its great to see this thread get under way, should be a great thread to follow over the comming months.

Hope to join in eventually, I am still waiting on my special delivery (I think mine got sent a while later than most)

good luck guys, lets make this thread awesome!

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
I'll be joining in here in a few months. They are one of the first sets of seeds I'm going to start. Looking forward to seeing some others just to see what I'm going to be working with.