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3000 watts of pure fun!!!


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ICMag Donor
Well I'm finally getting this system up! The line up is G33XDiesel from MrG (Thanks Bro), WonderFuck (Rez), WonderGod (GodbudXWilliams Wonder, my own F1 creation) I'm searching for a few good moms on this run.

I have: 3 1000 wt switchable lights
a 360 light move
a 6 ft linear light mover
air conditioner with temp controller built in
24 bucket ebb and flow bucket system
1200 cfm fan
a 3 stage RO unit
a 40 amp timer
3 part Gh series, B52, Bcuzz root stim.,barricade, fish emulsion,
carboload, overdrive. I'll pick up some PK or something for mass later

Does anyone have any info on setting up and maintaining the RO
filteration system?I've had most of this for a couple of years now, but
I just never had anywhere to set it up! So I forgot which tubing is
for what! See ya on the sunny side!

RO unit



controller with 5 outlets

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Active member


can't wait to see the buckets filled & working!

rock it, dc105!!!!


Major Book Mark. This is going to be one badass grow. Can't wait to see those bucket's kicking ass.
Take care


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ICMag Donor

Here are the little darlings! I forgot to mention that I have 1 chronic and 4 of Mota's Blue Kronic too! I lost 2 G33XDiesel and 2 chronic to mother nature, as seen in the 1st pic. The G33Xdiesels are slightly burnt. Hey G! We need a name for these. Evidently they are a bit more sensitive in early veg. The G33XxDiesel are the 3 fartherst on the left, then Blue kronic, then I have 1 chronic(with the clothes pin, then the last 6 are my Wondergod cross. I love the vigor of F1's. Mota's are F1's as well. If anyone knows him they know he has got some great crosses.

Thanks for all the replies! Nice to see ya here sleepy! Thanks to the rest of you guys too! I'm sure H3ad will be sticking his h3ad in every now and again. I'm thinking of going ahead and throwing my last 5 G33's in. I have some true bluberry along with another of my F1 creations. I took G's dieselgum and crossed it with a purple godbud that I call heavenly diesel. It should give it a berry flavor. It sux weeding out the males, but it's a necessity! I may put 2 to a bucket, then I can cut the males out or just take the best looking females. Hope to get her going soon!!!!!!
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Awesome, man... 3000w of fun, indeed! I'll be watching those G33Diesels:wink:.


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Hay dc,

Looks like this is a start of a great grow my friend, I wish you well and will be sitting in for the show………


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ICMag Donor
:wave: Thanks big toke! Always a pleasure to have your knowledge on board! Here's a little update! H3ad! You tha man!

So far the room is almost finished. I have to get a friend to fabricate a piece to butt up against the 1200 cfm fan that has a flange with it for the exhaust tubing. Temps are way too hot otherwise. I have the little ones under a few flouros lights while in early veg. They are about ready for some big light.
The G33 X ECSD has never really recovered from nute burn. These are the only ones that were hurt! Hmm! Well! The Wondergod looks great IMHO! This was my cross between a purple male godbud and williams wonder. The Blue kronic looks killer as well! This is Motas cross between bitchin blue (killer queen X blue moon shine) and black kat (g13xblack widow X firecracker) There have been great tests from this cross! The wonderfuck looks OK. Not much really to say for these yet. I'm hoping they take off good during flower. Here are some pics!


Blue kronic





Active member
looks good i cant wait to see those babies under the big spotlights i am looking forward to the G33xECSD bot the wondergod looks like its going to be the one i will keep an eye on your thread...


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ICMag Donor
Looks like it's going to be 2000wts of pure fun :confused: I had a light short out! Nice to see the site back up and running. Don't want to see it end up like OG and some others that got shut down! Well! Here is what crackin. The wondergod and blue kronic have the most vigor, both are F1's The G33XECSD V3 started slow, but has come on strong and is looking really healthy now. You have to watch your ph and nutes carefully when starting these in hydro. I have one fav from these thats darker and with more defined leaves. The Wonderfuck is looking OK. They didn't have quite as much light and they vary more than the others. I had 13 wonderfucks, so I'm placing 1 in each bucket along with a Wondergod or a Blue Kronic. I have 1 Chronic by it's self and it is the first to show female traits. I have 3 G33XECSD V3 that are in a bucket by themselves too! Here are a few of each strain.


Blue Kronic


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Active member
they look healthy & happy, dc...

2000 watts is still plenty! :yoinks:

glad to see you back & continuing the thread!! :wave: