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Why was cannabis made illegal?


ICMag Donor
Sucks ya gotta give cc info just for a free copy of that book.

I'm curious G.O. Joe;
How much different is that book from Jack Herrers, THE EMPOROR WEARS NO CLOTHES?

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
You think the link was posted with everything exactly as you say? There is something you should take a closer look at maybe.

At filesharing sites since rapidshare a dozen years ago there have been all kinds of curiously prominent buttons that generically say download which are in fact not related to the actual downloading. If you had something like NoScript installed, this particular iframe would have been blocked to start with. If you hover over them there isn't a visible link or the link is very long and goes offsite to somewhere like xmediaserve.com - maybe instead of clicking on those look for the less flaming link button a half inch above that one that says Download (pdf, 17.52 MB), but not the read online button next to that which doesn't work. You'll notice this autodownload link could have been posted, but I didn't want to freak anyone out.

It's a totally different book than Jack's hemp manifesto, coming from a totally different place, and having a narrow focus that it covers in depth. Where he was writing about law, it was coming from this.


Active member
first of all I was already smoking weed when Nixon started the war ondrugs and started the DEA, before that it was Harry Anslinger and the Bureau of Narcotics, which was a goon squad that employed junkies as agents and beat confessions out of people.
Let's roll back even further to making marijuana illegal.: it started in Texas , Mexican migrant workers smoked Mota, there was a depression and there is nothing poor white trash with a nickel hates more than a Mexican with a penny. The Texas government said they have to get rid of all Mexicans because they smoke weed, get crazy and rape white women .... hmmmm sound familiar? The next thing weed is illegal but you could have it but have to pay a tax but if you showed up to pay the tax they would arrest you or some such shit. I can't remember all the details but I saw the documentary on NatGeo.


Active member
By: Joel van der Reijden | Date: August 27, 2016

1. Intro: four dozen CIA drug trafficking cases
2. “Liberal CIA”-backed “New Left” media our best friend?
3. Key names behind the CIA drug trade
4. The “rogue” CIA myth
5. CIA drug trafficking timeline: 1940s – 21st century
6. Mike Ruppert and those less reliable CIA drug trafficking cases
7. Notes



Active member

^Click the above link

The good news for Grassley, and for everyone else, is that starting Sunday night and running through Wednesday the History Channel is showing a new four-part series called “America’s War on Drugs.” Not only is it an important contribution to recent American history, it’s also the first time U.S. television has ever told the core truth about one of the most important issues of the past 50 years.
That core truth is: The war on drugs has always been a pointless sham. For decades the federal government has engaged in a shifting series of alliances of convenience with some of the world’s largest drug cartels. So while the U.S. incarceration rate has quintupled since President Richard Nixon first declared the war on drugs in 1971, top narcotics dealers have simultaneously enjoyed protection at the highest levels of power in America.
On the one hand, this shouldn’t be surprising. The voluminous documentation of this fact in dozens of books has long been available to anyone with curiosity and a library card.
Yet somehow, despite the fact the U.S. has no formal system of censorship, this monumental scandal has never before been presented in a comprehensive way in the medium where most Americans get their information: TV.
That’s why “America’s War on Drugs” is a genuine milestone. We’ve recently seen how ideas that once seemed absolutely preposterous and taboo — for instance, that the Catholic Church was consciously safeguarding priests who sexually abused children, or that Bill Cosby may not have been the best choice for America’s Dad — can after years of silence finally break through into popular consciousness and exact real consequences. The series could be a watershed in doing the same for the reality behind one of the most cynical and cruel policies in U.S. history.


Active member
it's not "the gubmint". it's the criminals that seized control of our government. this is a global issue. it's so big that most ppl can't wrap their heads around it.

“George Herbert Walker Bush: ‘Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.’ That is a famous 1992 quote by George Herbert Walker Bush to Sarah McLendon, a Texas journalist who Bush had known for years and who was the grand dame of the White House press corps at the time.

look at what's going down in your country and tell me those crooks in power represent "the people". cannabis is just one issue.

this is not a rant against corrupt government. this is a rant for ppl to wake the fuck up and realize it's the crooks in power colluding together on a massive global scale to defraud the countries and the ppl of those countries of proper government.

we are the 99%. we have the power. we just need to "get realized". that's what i'm trying to do along with others here.

St. Phatty

Active member
Awesome link idiit thanks for sharing.

How can we trust our govt?

Move to Iceland.

They have the simple common sense to imprison bankers engaged in Fraud.

The US rewards those same banksters with HUUUGE bail-outs.

But has trouble coughing up $30 billion to help auto companies in 2009 ... with 1 million jobs at stake.

That is an informative indicator about which demographic groups are favored by the US gov.


Pot was made illegal after an influential politicians son died.. of laughter...

Actually, it was made illegal because corporate interests saw the potential and took a lifetime to sort it out, for their children to bank off of. While running the current gamut, namely pharmakia, into the ground, milking the fraud for all its worth before moving on. Same with everything else. Made illegal to transfer the power. Like free energy probably could've existed 100 years ago, but they had fossil fuels to milk first.

Corporate interests keep their ducks lined up,. and own the world governments.


Active member
Im not so sure drewsif. Profitability drives criminalization today, but I suspect Anslinger & racism were largely initially responsible, no? Just like how 5 grams of rock gets same penalty as 500 grams powder, riddle me that.. Racism..

St phatty absolutely we have to stop tolerating fraud let alone rewarding it with bailouts etc.

Idiit you seem very intelligent. I am mildly perplexed that you choose to attempt to differentiate between "the gubmit" (you lost me at gubmint, do people speak that way? Maybe i took it the wrong way) And the crooks who control it..

So, are you suggesting that the politicians are fine and outside special interest runs things? Or are you suggesting that political bad actors control things? If so, they ARE the govt whether they are crooks or not. Across the world govt is often synonymous with crooks..


Active member
the moderators have been good about letting us continue this thread. we can't talk politics or the thread gets binned. I can talk about how the people in power do not represent the interests of the ppl who are paying for their positions out of tax revenue.

if the ppl (placed) in power do not represent the ppl then they are not our government. this is true for every country.

cannabis is a cash cow for the elite oppressors (not our government). They will only let us manufacture, sell and use cannabis if they get to regulate and tax it for their benefit. when and where cannabis is legal you can be sure that the elite (not the ppl) control it. in places where the market is legal it is regulated and taxed ( or soon will be with legislation probably already pending). this is what the ppl need to understand. it's actually a much bigger issue than cannabis.

if ppl don't unite and take back their power from the elite oppressors then things will stay the same or probably even get much worse. the alt media (internet community) is very active in trying to inform and unite ppl towards this end. otherwise look forward to smoking gmo paclo bud as your only future alternative unless you risk growing your own.


Active member
Haha. Its not a government of your choosing in the most direct sense but it is our government.

I am all the way with you, fuck walmart m39 prerolls.

So, when you find someone who agrees ideologocally is willing to participate, what do you say to them?
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Basically Anslinger hated jazz music and black and latino people in general. He also wanted to further his own career and agenda and cannabis fit perfectly in his "fight" against the scourge that makes mexicans rebel and blacks rape white women when they are high. And iam serious. This is the real reason. This was the whole early start of the war against a basically harmless plant. Had nothing to do with the plant. Was all about the second class citizens that smoked it and the music they played. 100% Truth.


Active member
chest trousers

chest trousers

the marijuana persecutors all wore chest trousers
thank fuck they are mostly dead now
seriously wtf fukin chest trousers.A


Well-known member
Who was it that said it is always about the money. If only things were that simple.


I have seen references of uncle sam 'withholding' shipments of ' urgent medical supplies' to both cuba and mexico to force compliance with anti cannabis laws.

I can recall having heard Nixon used such an approach on Nepal in the early seventies.
I can't help but wonder how many other countries experienced similar.

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