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Why was cannabis made illegal?


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below is a link to the latest veterans today radio show. i listen to their bi-weekly shows while i trim. great stuff. the vt ppl are usa veterans for the most part. many are/were intelligence officers. gordon duff runs vt and he also runs the world's largest private intelligence company.

chip tatum talks on this radio show i've linked. he was an intelligence officer in pegasus. pegasus reports directly to the current us president. chip (gene) tatum talks about delivering large amounts of $ and cash for both clintons (bill, hillary) in this podcast. this show is about 2 hours long. you can go directly to where he talks about trafficking heroin and cocaine for the government leaders (not the government, the ppl who hold title to our governmental positions. traitors, whores). start listening at 1:33:00 in. a kilo of raw heroin is worth $200k wholesale nowadays according to chip tatum.

vt podcast link

Gene "Chip" Tatum was a Vietnam Special Forces Air Combat Controller Defense Intelligence Asset, and US Army special operations pilot flying classified missions during the US invasion of Grenada, Tatum was also involved in the Nixon Administrations relations with China, NASA's Apollo Program, the Iran Contra Affair, and several other classified intelligence operationsdating through through 1992.

A 25-year CIA deep-cover agent and a member of the ultra-secret Pegasus "hit" team" working directly for the sitting President.

^^ http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/tatum/

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^^ http://www.veteranstoday.com/staff-writers/ lets not hear any more bullshit about the vt staff's credentials from those who know not of which they speak. :)


Active member
Why was cannabis made illegal?

the war on drugs is actually a turf war determining who gets to $profit. plain and simple.

^ this is the point my above posts have attempted to document.

the very idea of a "war on drugs" makes no sense. like, we are putting "drugs" behind bars?

there is a war on those who are operating outside the elite 1/10 of 1%'s turf.

lots of world class banks have been convicted of lundering drug money. this is a felony yet not one manager has gone to jail. we are talking close to 10 major banks and lots of smaller banks.

eric holder ain't getting any scrutiny from leo for his documented role in abetting the sinola drug cartel's weapons accumulation (fast and furious).

the opium production under usa military protection is close to 10 times what it was before our benelovent selves "liberated" iraq. 10 times. our soldiers guarding those fields. our nato bases and cia helicopters transporting the heroin around the world.

russia has taken steps to halt the nato/cia based heroin distribution networks. this is one reason the west is attacking russia and putin so aggressively. the brics divergence from the usa "petro dollar" is another. vetens today covers these stories better than any other site in the world i'm aware of.


Veterans Today Radio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUjtce6_goM


Well-known member
Well if you all like that sort of thing, maybe I can interest you in : Leroy Fletcher Prouty

In a nutshell, he tells how the uncle sam makes it all work. It ain't pretty.

As to why cannabis in not legal today, I will have to go with race, fear, greed and the baser side of human nature.
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Active member
Much like alcohol influenced writers, and added that extra flare and genius that comes from being in the position of the alcoholic, cannabis was made illegal by a secret coalition of piano players from Italy called the "Lombardi's." Not all who were present in the meetings that under-pinned the design effort in such a heist of say, 'the people's whits about good music' were immediate family. They were adopted if you know what I mean.

They had even taken up such efforts as indirectly motivating jazz musicians and drum players, and a small portion of physicists at the time to do the same by bringing around decked-out pianos that were extravagant beyond belief, and jazzing on those instruments of the soul! And on a piano, oh man! What were they smoking? How did they develop that flow? Nobody could know it came from the pianists.

That is what is sinister about this whole plan, it was in plain sight from the get go.


Listen to it closely please, it's dead-on. This this is the kind of manic fervor pianists strive for!

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Don't forget the Controlled Substances Act. Cut from: http://www.beyondthc.com/report-identifies-dr-mikuriyas-accuser-at-nimh

The CASP report includes a revealing confession that Nixon aide John Ehrlichman made in 1992 —after he got out of prison— to the great journalist Dan Baum:

….“[L]ook, we understood we couldn’t make it illegal to be young or poor or black in the United States, but we could criminalize their common pleasure. We understood that drugs were not the health problem we were making them out to be, but it was such a perfect issue for the Nixon White House that we couldn’t resist it.”

…“[T]he Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar Left, and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black. But by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

The CASP authors note that Ehrlichman was not pardoned for his role in the Watergate cover-up. Ehrlichman’s amazing confession was quoted in “Truth, Lies, and Audiotape” by Dan Baum (2012), collected in The Moment: Wild, Poignant, Life-changing Stories (Harper Perennial, 2012, ed. Larry Smith). Thanks to CASP for publishing this material. As Tod used to say, “It wasn’t just marijuana that got prohibited, it was the truth about history.”

Psi Haze

`Because bad people want to puke on your face, and control you. Most people are in fear of the unknown and many of these people who pass generalizations on your life do so as they are passing judgement of a person as retarded as themselves.

Remember, Ignorance is Bliss..


Active member
So let us just end the Cannabis prohibition, it was wrongfully implemented was it not?
Anyone see this as a good alternative to legalization?


Active member
Cannabis has already proven its medical value!
Before it became illegal.

Popular Mechanics describes hemp as the new billion dollar crop. The article was actually written in the spring of 1937, before cannabis was criminalized. Also in February 1938, Mechanical Engineering calls hemp the most profitable and desirable crop that can be grown.

Google Books: (1938) Popular Mechanics: Billion Dollar

1941 plastic hemp car made by ford.



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Flatly ending prohibition IS the right thing to do, but it will never happen. Not in the US anyway, I know little of other countries as my public education has prescribed. Hmm, wonder why that is?

Fact is, the people of the US are slaves like any other slave population. There was a time in this country when a handful of white families controlled everything. They had the native people beaten down and under control, and were exploiting the blacks as slave labor. Today, there are still a select few white families in control. The natives are still controlled, but instead of the blacks doing the slave work, every non-elite does it. That's you. That's me. And we all allow it, even enforce it on ourselves.

We (in the US anyway) are all slaves to our corporate overlords. Why is cannabis illegal/ridiculously controlled? MONEY. Why are there cameras at every intersection? MONEY. Why do obviously outdated beliefs of our origin persist? MONEY. It's all money. Why are we controlled? MONEY. The US of A is a capitalist country. Capitalist. Not Catholic, not Democratic, not anything else but capitalist. For the slow among us, capital = MONEY.

You want to know why? 'Cause you ain't in charge. This isn't your country. This land is spoken for and that hold is enforced by your friends and neighbors, also so held. Neat, ain't it? So relax and smoke a spliff my friends, and do what you know to be right because the government is certainly no role model. In some states, my marriage isn't even considered legal. I'm 100% disabled in service to this country yet not recognized (in 2015) as an equal citizen of it. Go fuck your laws.

Ok thanks kids, I feel better for having ranted. :)

Psi Haze

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. ~ Edmund Burke

Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it. ~ Edmund Burke

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. ~ Edmund Burke

The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. ~ Edmund Burke

This is why the American Gov wants the educational system to remain broken while sending the jobs overseas. Use your minds and the asses will follow.


Active member
the reason cannbis is illegal is because the ppl in gubmint are crooks. the crooks make big money$ off drugs because it's illegal.

if you haven't seen how many of the world's biggest banks have had to pay fines for drug laundering you need to change your source of news media. no banker has gone to jail.

The failure of both the vigilantes and the army to quell the cartel's carnage is a direct result of the huge profits that the drug trade generates. Cartel leaders can continue hiring and arming their combatants because it's worth the expenditure; the illegal drug trade accounts for around 8 percent of all international trade. One of the primary reasons that cartels retain their enormous power is that well-known and popular banks are supporting their finances.

Bank of America, Western Union, and JP Morgan, are among the institutions allegedly involved in the drug trade.

The hypocrisy of the role that banks play in the drug trade is particularly disgraceful when considering the recent system of marijuana regulation that was introduced in Colorado. The state's legal marijuana business has proven to be highly lucrative, with $5 million made in the first week of 2014. However, at present, marijuana businesses cannot access essential banking services.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/avinash-tharoor/banks-cartel-money-laundering_b_4619464.html 2014 article

the banks are only allowed to wash dirty money. legal cannabis proceeds can't get processed easily.

this has been going on a long time.

it's going on now.

The definitive documentary exposing who the Clinton’s really are. And, their cooperation with the CIA drug running programmed code name “Black Rose”. The head of Black Rose was a US President named the White Rose (George Herbert Walker Bush: G.H.W.B.), once director of the CIA, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, chief of Black Rose operation drug runner in exchange for weapons (illicit drugs flown in, weapons flown out, just like current “Operation Fast & Furious”), a former ambassador to the evil United Nations, and a bisexual pedophile SATANIST. See Ted Gunderson Chronicles. Hillary Clinton ran the “Rose” law firm in Arkansas to launder all the illicit drug money through the BCCI, Bank of Commercial Commerce International that was shut down in 1991 for drug money laundering.

The Clinton Chronicles . . . unbelievable! ~J documentary utube vid.



Active member
DEA agents had 'sex parties' with prostitutes, watchdog says
By John Bresnahan and Lauren French
3/26/15 9:49 AM EDT
Updated 3/27/15 12:06 AM EDT

Agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration reportedly had “sex parties” with prostitutes hired by drug cartels in Colombia, according to a new inspector general report released by the Justice Department on Thursday/QUOTE]

The stunning allegations are part of an investigation by the Justice Department’s inspector general into claims of sexual harassment and misconduct within DEA; FBI; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; and the U.S. Marshals Service. The IG’s office found that DEA did not fully cooperate with its probe.

“The foreign officer allegedly arranged ‘sex parties’ with prostitutes funded by the local drug cartels for these DEA agents at their government-leased quarters, over a period of several years,” the IG report says.
The parties reportedly took place from 2005 to 2008


it's a rigged game run by crooks. calling them "our government" is a horrible mistake. the crooks in office and placed in positions of authority are not "our government".

this is why cannabis is illegal. they control manufacturing, distribution, money laundering and legal oversight as well as legal enforcement.

they run the casino. you attempt to open a betting parlor in their casino and you gets your legs broke.

they can't control homegrown cannabis. anyone, anywhere with electricity can run an indoor garden. with auto flowering strains cannabis can be grown outdoors almost anywhere in the world.

they will open medical dispensaries. only the "chosen few" will be permitted to remain open.

they will also decide who can control manufacturing for the chosen few dispensaries. everyone else will be labled a criminal by the very criminals in charge.

^ this is how the current system operates under our would be slave masters.


Active member
MONEY,evrythi g from medical system,to paper and plastics.even the way the control peoples minds.is it not funny most real weed smokers are smarter tban your average bear.at least in the sense of being a better person and caring about" hippy "things like peace,love and harmony. Think about it


Active member
Flatly ending prohibition IS the right thing to do, but it will never happen. Not in the US anyway, I know little of other countries as my public education has prescribed. Hmm, wonder why that is?

Fact is, the people of the US are slaves like any other slave population. There was a time in this country when a handful of white families controlled everything. They had the native people beaten down and under control, and were exploiting the blacks as slave labor. Today, there are still a select few white families in control. The natives are still controlled, but instead of the blacks doing the slave work, every non-elite does it. That's you. That's me. And we all allow it, even enforce it on ourselves.

We (in the US anyway) are all slaves to our corporate overlords. Why is cannabis illegal/ridiculously controlled? MONEY. Why are there cameras at every intersection? MONEY. Why do obviously outdated beliefs of our origin persist? MONEY. It's all money. Why are we controlled? MONEY. The US of A is a capitalist country. Capitalist. Not Catholic, not Democratic, not anything else but capitalist. For the slow among us, capital = MONEY.

You want to know why? 'Cause you ain't in charge. This isn't your country. This land is spoken for and that hold is enforced by your friends and neighbors, also so held. Neat, ain't it? So relax and smoke a spliff my friends, and do what you know to be right because the government is certainly no role model. In some states, my marriage isn't even considered legal. I'm 100% disabled in service to this country yet not recognized (in 2015) as an equal citizen of it. Go fuck your laws.

Ok thanks kids, I feel better for having ranted. :)

Did I post this.....no? sounds alot like what I am saying!
:smoke out:


Active member
because we allow the govt to do it to us.

Just like we allow them to garnish 30% of our earnings and run our country into debt.

Basically because humans by nature are inherently stupid and have a primitive desire to be governed and lead like cattle without resistance as long as their perceived notion of "society" is maintained to sustain a life a materialistic bull shit.
also, another reason that Harry Anslinger spoke out against marijuana is because "African-Americans" were selling it, smoking, and making money from. He said "it makes the darkies feel like white men..."

marijuana prohibition was bascially a byproduct of racism, pure foolishness...

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