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Active member
This is quite lovely!

By chance anyone close enough eith Gypsy to suggest a Spirituality/Philosophy thread>? No flaming no-descrimination, just an open forum to share ideas and life experience. . .

I tried with no response, so i was hoping someone who knows Gypsy better would be able to suggest it, . .

anyhow, much love to you all

Lots of Love and Light


Active member
As far as i know rasta your free to start any thread you like. If people sre interested and want to share, youve got a thread. Check the forum guidelines. Good luck, hope this helps.

Thank you brotha easy!!!! I love those Daliy encouragements bro, keep em comin. The last pragraph/quote was perfect for me today. A friend of mine came by and is defenitly struggling with some issues. So i eased into sharing with him what Nam myoho renge kyo has done for me. I have stryggled with the exact same issues he is at the moment and we have been friends for 30 years. I want to just scream out to him ya know and say "DUDE, YOU GOTTA TRY THIS , YOU WONT REGRET IT , IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!!" But at the same time i dont want him to think im some kind of crazed fanatic or somethin. I dont want to scare him away, i want to encourage him but not push to the point where he thinks im nuts and doesnt want any part of what im doing. So i just told him that this has improved my life tenfold and he might want to give it a try himself and i gave him a Nam myoho renge kyo card. How do you go about similar situations?

Also easy, you posted a link that had a Gongyo practice thing, that you can listen and follow along with, i think you posted that? Could you post it again? I would sure appreciate it my brother.

Thanks easy for all your hard work and dedication to this thread, you just keep it comin, and that means a lot to me. At my meeting today one of my friends who has been chanting since he was like 11, and recieved his Gohonzon when he was 14 talked about how he had backslid a few times and stopped chanting and i dont want to go there bro and your awesome presence here defenitly helps to keep me from "backsliding". More importantly it keeps me wanting to progress further!!!!!!




>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Ditto!!! Kudos to easy! And to Bonz!!!

Ditto!!! Kudos to easy! And to Bonz!!!

To all of my dear friends,
let's make a truly great and determined effort to develop our friendships
and trust with others throughout the world,
for the sake of a new future
and for the sake of achieving peace for all humankind.

Daisaku Ikeda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo !!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo !!

hello Bonz I think this will give you what you are looking for . Bonz you have been the most awesome encouragement lately . Please continue to post your thoughts and feelings your rocking brother :)

Gongyo link http://www.sgi-usa.org/thesgiusa/downloads/index.html

Look down where it says Section A Hoben Chapter and
Section C Juryo Chapter
Thanks Bonz Thanks Everyone
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo !!
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Active member


HI BIG T!!!!! :wave:

HI BABBA!!!!! :wave:

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I am blown away that ya'll are enjoying my thoughts, that makes me feel so good cause i still doubt them when im typing them. Thank you cause it helps me to feel more confident in posting up what im feelin way down deep ya know? So far i dont know any other way to post except from the heart. Is there any other way? I hope not.

MAN I LOVE THAT POST AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE T!!! How are ya dude? Are ya eatin' pizza yet? I hope you and yours are all eating pizza!!!!!! I should go get my flu shot, i never do and allways get hit with it, so i think i will this year.

Thanks for the link and the positive input Babba!!!!!! Means ALOT to me!!! And by the way i wish i could be there too!!!!!

All my love to the both of you and your families!!!!!!



bonz :wave:

:woohoo: !!!!!!!>>>>>>> NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO >>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo:


Thank President Ikeda and Sensei Toda for the encouragement,I am growing with u also!

Thank President Ikeda and Sensei Toda for the encouragement,I am growing with u also!

So, today I finally met two people that never heard the daimoku, Nam myoho renge kyo, by putting myself at the right place and making a conspicuous cause to really get involved with kosen-rufu best I can especially if that means supporting members like us.

These two people are from different states yet both have a seeking spirit which led them to listen to me for 10 minutes each then follow me into the bookstore and purchase some books with my encouragement, I suggested The Winning Life and The Journey Begins those 1 dollar phamlets and then others in the SGI center encouraged them as well and it was splendid, they asked me for my phone number for future reference and I referred them to beginner meetings with slow gongyo, and also to come back and ask questions (I also asked for their information to foward to the leaders so that they could followup and encourage these seeking spirits further).

The goosebumps on the ride home reliving today and subsequently living my life with more determination and effort focused in the right direction is my biggest benefit thus far, I am developing DISCIPLINE! I never truly knew what that was with respect to managing my life completely. I have been given quite a few benefits a big one was my mother coming around slightly, my father's emancipation from his former self imposed torture and his growth towards independance, truly gaining the best friend I could have ever hoped for (they say the way to enlightenment is to encounter a good friend! Thanks for you and yours just being who you are!), my Teacher's recent challenges ( more fuel for future victories!) and Bonzo and alwaystotheleft receiving Gohonzon following the greatest icmag tradition of Chanting Growers. *Including helping a foreign member procure a Gohonzon in america and help them purchase a butsudan, and possibly really leading towards 2 new shakubukus today!*

**I am smiling right now editing this post and knowing tomorrow will be another great day for me to continue going forward.**

I even have great looking pot plants and chanting growers giving me pointers along the way, plus I will be more determined to be on call 24/7 for Buddhism and follow my mentor's sincere guidance. Thru my mentor's efforts we have been fortunate enough to finally create value in our lives since our seeking spirits were finally receptive to Nam-myoho-renge-kyo via this medium.

I take pride in telling others I read the Goshos and it is my great honor to incorporate The Buddha of Beginless Time's instructions in my life and with Nam-myoho-renge-kyo go into every battle victorious with Faith!

Buddhism is Daily Life. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, Bonz its my good fortune to have a brother like you this time around you are a great benefit in my life as is Babbabud who is growmaster and CompassionKing! Gain more momentum and never fear telling others about this, thats just the old devil of the 6th heaven which cannot stand a fighting daimoku! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

With respect towards building conviction, effort and perserverance lets step up and be great leaders!

Always strive to enhance your practice and remember the Daishonin's words "Unless you perceive the nature of your mind, your practice will become a painful austerity" (WND, 4) In "The Strategy of The Lotus Sutra," he writes, "A coward cannot have any of his prayers answered" (WND, 1001)

Apply the Goshos to our lives. President Ikeda's guidance on this is " Leaders who are genuinely committed to realizing kosen-rufu will read the Gosho every day, even it only a line or paragraph, and make it a living part of themselves.

Equality! The Daishonin states in "The True Aspect of All Phenomena", "The Yujutsu chapter states, 'I have taught these people since the remotest past.' There should be no discrimination among those who propagate the five chracters of Myoho-renge-kyo in the Latter Day of the Law, be they men or women. Were they not Bodhisattvas of the Earth, they could not chant the daimoku" (WND p385)

And to quote one of PasstheDoobies favorite quotes (or one of my favorite's that he has told me a few times...) from the Goshos more specifically in "Reply to Sairenbo" the Daishonin states:

"The sutra says, 'Those persons who had heard the Law dwelled here and there in various Buddha lands, constantly reborn in company with their teachers.'
It also says,

"If one stays close to the teachers of the Law, one will speedily gain the bodhisattva way. By following and learning from these teachers one will see Buddhas as numerous as Ganges sands' " (WND, 309)

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

I wrote this message with alot of love for all especially you.

Deepest Respect,
:dance: MyohoDisco :dance:

P.S. :wave:
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Admirable Nichiro, because you have read the entirety of the Lotus Sutra with both the physical and spiritual aspects of your life, you will also be able to save your father and mother, your six kinds of relatives, and all living beings. Others read the Lotus Sutra with their mouths alone, in word alone, but they do not read it with their hearts. And even if they read it with their hearts, they do not read it with their actions. It is reading the sutra with both one's body and mind that is truly praiseworthy!

[ Letter to Priest Nichiro in Prison, WND Page 204 ]


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"There should be no discrimination among those who propagate the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo in the Latter Day of the Law, be they men or women. Were they not Bodhisattvas of the Earth, they could not chant the daimoku."

(The True Aspect of All Phenomena - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 385) Selection source: Living Buddhism, Seikyo Shimbun, October 8th, 2006


Active member
Good morning. :D

I came across this little blurb while reading Learning From the Gosho:

" The nameless people count most. The essence of Buddhism shines in their down-to-earth efforts to make faith manifest in daily life "



>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>
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From Living Buddhism ......

From Living Buddhism ......

Living Buddhism
Buddhist Concept for Today’s Living (21)
Good FRIENDS and
BAD Friends

In the Buddhist concept of what constitutes a good or bad friend, a good friend is one who leads people to the correct teaching. There are honest people who guide others to faith in the Gohonzon. Conversely, an evil friend is one who deceives and causes people to fall into the evil paths, into suffering. An evil friend deludes others with false doctrines in order to obstruct their Buddhist practice.

Regarding the importance of having good friends in our Buddhist practice, Nichiren Daishonin states: “When a tree has been transplanted, though fierce winds may blow, it will not topple if it has a firm stake to hold it up. But eve n a tree that has grown up in place may fall over if its roots are weak. Even a feeble person will not stumble if those supporting him are strong, but a person of considerable strength, when alone, may fall down on an uneven path” (“Three Tripitka Masters Pray for Rain,” WND, 598).

The human mind is easily swayed by environmental influences. That is why it is valuable to associate with good friends who support our practice to attain Buddhahood.

Buddhism explains this age of the Latter Day of the Law as a time filled with people who oppose the heart of the Lotus Sutra, an age where views and teachings that run counter to life’s inherent dignity prevail. In this regard Nichiren Daishonin quotes the Nirvana Sutra, “Bodhisattvas, have no fear of mad elephants. What you should fear are evil friends! …Even if you are killed by a mad elephant, you will not fall into the three evil paths. But if you are killed by an evil friend, you are certain to fall into them” (“On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land,” WND, 11).

In modern terms, the tragedy of a traffic accident might be equated with a stampede of mad elephants. But should Buddhist practitioners die in a traffic accident, or through some other sudden cause, they will certainly not be led into the three evil paths of hell, hunger or animality. The Daishonin strictly cautions us that one who dies with incorrect faith as the result of influence from “evil friends,” will surely fall into the three evil paths in future existences. The essential point here is that we seek out good friends.

Buddhism describes this time as a defiled age. It is at such a time, when we are surrounded by the influence of so many evil friends, that we require the wisdom to perceive who they are. We must develop the strength of faith to continually improve ourselves to guide even evil friends to the correct teachings.

In this regard, Nichiren Daishonin states: “Devadatta was the foremost good friend to the Thus Come One Shakyamuni. In this age as well, it is not one’s allies but one’s powerful enemies who assist one’s progress” (“The actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra,” WND, 770). Devadatta was once Shakyamuni’s disciple but because of arrogance, her later backslid in faith and betrayed his mentor. He then went about creating his own following, misleading some of the disciples of Shakyamuni and thereby disrupting the harmonious association of Buddhist practitioners. He even went so far as to conspire with Ajatashatru, the king of Magadha (a large state in ancient India), to do away with the Buddha. However, it was through Devadatta’s treachery in persecuting Shakyamuni and the Buddha’s tremendous victory in widely spreading Buddhism, while enduring and defeating such evil, that Shakyamuni was able to prove the greatness of his teaching. The power of Buddhism is such that even people of evil influence can function to prove its validity and become “good friends.”

The Daishonin further states: “For me, Nichiren, my best allies in attaining Buddhahood are Kagenobu, the priests Ryokan, Doryu, and Doamidabutsu, and Hei no Saemon and the lord of Sagami. I am grateful when I think that without them I could not have proved myself to be the votary of the Lotus Sutra” (WND, 770). As the Daishonin indicates here, it is our strong opponents that can act as good friends, making it possible to strengthen our weaknesses, improve our character and prove the power of faith. In this writing, the Daishonin refers to Ryokan, a priest of the True Word Precepts school, who was at that time regarded as a sage. In truth, he was a powerful enemy, obstructing the propagation of the Mystic Law. Using his status and position, he colluded with government authorities in persecuting the Daishonin and his disciples. He was also instrumental in causing the Daishonin’s near-execution at Tatsunokuchi Beach. From the standpoint of Buddhism, Ryokan was indeed an evil person. Nonetheless, the Daishonin lists him among those who, because of their powerful opposition, made it possible to prove himself to be the votary of the Lotus Sutra. We can see through the Daishonin’s own example that we can cause every influence in our lives to work for us, like a good friend when we devote ourselves to Buddhist practice.

In the course of our practice, we may encounter the type of evil friends that hold the potential to sway us from the correct path in life. However, through continuous devotion to faith, practice, and study, we will definitely not be swayed and can turn any negative influences into profound causes for happiness for ourselves and others.

We embrace the Gohonzon that Nichiren Daishonin inscribed for the happiness of all humanity. We also have the SGI organization which is itself a gathering of good friends--of fellow Bodhisattvas of the Earth--who inspire and encourage one another in the correct practice of the Daishonin’s Buddhism, What great good fortune we possess. The whole purpose of our Buddhist practice is to establish an invincible self, impervious to any negative influence, like the beautiful lotus flower that emerges from and is nourished by a muddy swamp. Filled with joy, purity, self identity and creativity, we are able to dynamically turn even evil friends into good ones--into sources of growth and happiness.

Living Buddhism
January 2001
Page 12
By Mark Koral, based on Yasashii Kyogaku (Easy Buddhist Study).


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The Ten Worlds

The Ten Worlds

Each of the Ten Worlds

Although our lives are constantly changing and we experience a range of emotions from moment to moment, Buddhism teaches that our experience of the world can always be understood as one of ten basic states of life. These are called the Ten Worlds, and what follows is a brief impression of the negative and positive aspects of each of these worlds:

1. Hell

- Misery and suffering. Fear, grief and destructive rages or depression. A feeling of being imprisoned by one's circumstances.

+ Having experienced hell helps us maintain a desire to better our circumstances. Empathy, understanding the sufferings of others.

2. Hunger

- Being dominated by desires or cravings, both physical and mental.

+ The driving force to improve a situation. People can hunger, even yearn to see others happy and fight for peace in the world.

3. Animality

- Instinctive behaviour, lacking in reason. Fear of those who seem stronger and bullying of those who seem weaker. The 'law of the jungle'.

+ Protective instincts, for example, that we need more sleep. Preservation of self or others.

4. Anger

- Feeling superior to others and wanting to show it. Aggressiveness. Feeling in conflict with others. The world of self-centredness and ego.

+ Anger at injustice. The passion to fight authoritarian behaviour.

5. Humanity, or Tranquility

- Constant inactivity, laziness, passivity.

+ Being at peace, calm and reasonable. An opportunity to restore one's energies.

6. Rapture, or Heaven

- Short term gratification when one's desires have been achieved . Can quickly revert to hell, or hunger.

+ Temporary joy when desires are fulfilled. Exhilaration at being alive.

7. Learning

+ Learning about life and oneself from others and from existing knowledge.

- Can lead to self-centredness and separation from others. In the Lotus Sutra people of Learning and Realization were taught they could only enter the realm of Buddhahood through faith.

8. Realisation

+ The wisdom or insight where we gain an understanding of an aspect of life from our own observations and experiences.

- Can lead to self-centredness and a tendency to use one's intellect, rather than one's wisdom, to solve problems.

9. Bodhisattva

The word consists of bodhi (enlightenment) and sattva (beings) and means someone who seeks enlightenment, for themselves and others.

+ Devotion to the happiness of others as shown by eg nurses or a parent's love for a child.

- May turn to arrogance if you feel superior to those you are helping. Pouring life-force out towards the lives of others, without paying attention to one's own needs means that one's life will move towards the lower life states.

10. Buddha

An ordinary person awakened to the true nature of life, and experiencing absolute happiness and freedom within the realities of daily life. Indestructible joy, unlimited wisdom, courage, compassion, creativity and life force.

The Workings of the Ten Worlds

The 9 worlds (from hell to Bodhisattava) can be experienced as positive or negative. The Buddha state originates from the very depths of life, called the amala consciousness, meaning the fundamentally pure life force or consciousness. The function of the Buddha state is to bring out the positive side of the other 9 worlds.

This principle of the Ten Worlds shows that the Buddha state is a naturally occurring condition of life in every living being. The purpose of Buddhist practice is to enable us to cause the Buddha state to appear; to have it working strongly in us. In Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, then, the Buddha is not some perfect, ideal being, but is rather an ordinary person living in rhythm with the law of the universe, taking wise, courageous and compassionate action for the benefit of others, through the functioning of the 9 worlds in daily life.

The first 6 of these life states are called the six 'lower' worlds because they can be experienced by all human beings without any effort. If people make no effort towards their own self improvement they will experience lives, which simply move within these 6 life states. It is like being in a life, which only has six moods; these will be the only patterns in a constantly changing world.

The four 'higher' worlds however require effort on our part. We have to want to improve ourselves, mustering our energies and learning to direct them in a worthwhile way that requires patience, tenacity and concentration.


This state is not confined to people who study; it is about having an attitude of wanting to learn, whether a practical skill or mastery of our work or the development of an interest. It is about applying ourselves with an open and sincere mind and using the process of reflecting on our efforts so far to take the next step.


This is the creative use of what has been achieved through cultivating the state of learning. But it involves the cultivation and polishing of the self. It often involves a self-awakening to some truth or principle, a bit like Archimedes shouting 'Eureka' in his bath!

As soon as someone whose dominant life-state is learning or realisation achieves what they set out to do, they may experience joy, but they also become vulnerable to conceit and egoism. If our lives are strongly influenced by these two worlds we may find that we become arrogant and stubborn. We may become self-satisfied and think we know it all, and have no further need to improve ourselves. We may feel we have escaped the six lower worlds and are better than the people in those worlds. At this point we begin to become gripped again by the lower worlds.

The Lotus Sutra and the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin make it clear that people whose lives are in the grip of the worlds of learning and realisation can still attain Buddhahood, but through faith, not through the intellect.


The world of Bodhisattva is a state in which one makes effort for the happiness of others. One's own happiness comes from actions that enable others to overcome their sufferings. Those who teach others about Nam-myoho-renge-kyo are, in the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, referred to as the 'Bodhisattvas of the Earth'. That means that this life state is grounded on the 'earth' of the ultimate Law of life. We can simultaneously cause the pure life force of the universe to flow and work more strongly from within our own lives, as well as pouring out our life force towards others. In other words, this type of Bodhisattva action means that our efforts towards others further invigorate our own lives. This means that as we have dialogue in which the other person gradually learns the value of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we ourselves maintain and strengthen our own life condition.


This is a state of freedom, in which one is awakened to the ultimate truth that is the reality of all things. It is a state characterised by wisdom, courage and compassion. The Lotus Sutra reveals that Buddhahood is a potential in the lives of all beings, not just a select few.

The enlightenment of Buddhahood is not a mystical or transcendental state. Rather it is a condition in which we enjoy the highest wisdom, vitality, good fortune, confidence and other positive qualities, and in which we find fulfillment in our daily activities and come to understand the purpose of being alive.

The Mutual Possession of the Ten Worlds

Although it is possible to see these ten life states to be climbed like the rungs on a ladder, this implies the need to move up the ladder a rung at a time! But the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism talk about 'the mutual possession' of the ten worlds. The ten worlds do not exist as separate, isolated realms. Rather, each world embraces and contains within it the potential for all the others. Even if the self-destructive world of unrelieved suffering known as hell has manifested itself in an individual's life, the potential for the other worlds remains; any one of them can become the dominant state of that individual's life in the very next moment. In this way, our life condition is never static or fixed, but continues to transform itself, instant by instant, throughout our lives. This is what is referred to as the 'mutual possession' of the ten worlds. In the light of the theory of the ten worlds, we see that even the tormented world of hell carries within it the potential state of enlightenment. No matter how bleak our circumstances may be, at each moment we can choose to reveal the highest state of life.

(from: http://www.sgi-uk.org/index.php/buddhism/tenworlds )


Daily Wisdom: From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin

October 10"The moon appears in the west and sheds its light eastward, but the sun rises in the east and casts its rays to the west. The same is true of Buddhism. It spread from west to east in the Former and Middle Days of the Law, but will travel from east to west in the Latter Day."

WND Page 401
On the Buddha's Prophecy
Written to All believers on 11 May 1273 from Sado - Ichinosawa

My post from yesterday was not copied and pasted (although it may look like that since I did reference great quotes) yet I digress and hope you all continue to build your faith and increase your studying as you chanting fighting daimoku and really make the impossible possible. Dream Big and Live a Winning Life, the tools required are: Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!


Active member
hey all,, i just wanted to say thank you to everyone from the bottom of my heart . listen everyone , im very new to this , lets say im very green . everyone , i could "feel" your love and energy sent my way . i truley ,truley mean that. never in my life would i think that could happen . when i posted abought my battle with mother nature , i was a beaten teary eyed fool , but by the end of the night i felt strong , smiling again ! ive had my freinds and familey come to my aid and it feels so good . i wish i could give each and everyone of you a very heart felt hug . i have been chanting like crazzzzzy , none stop . i hope i can return the energy to all of you . babba , bonzo , thomas , disco , everyone thank you , these are not just words i type , but true heart felt feelings .................................. hey bonzo , you have a pm comming soon . just have to find the time to sit down and type up a storm


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
You've been getting a lot from me! I am so proud of your efforts! Congratulations fallen! Well done!!! Don't relax! Keep it up. Make this the circumstance that shows you, you are a Buddha! My prayers continue to be with you and everyone else here!



Tonight I enshrined my first Gohonzon with members from a foreign country who immigrated here 5 years ago and handed in their Gohonzon since they had a room in their home dedicated to Gohonzon and would be going to the unknown and wanted Gohonzon to be safe. So they came to this country and were snubbed everytime they met someone who knew about Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and they were becoming discouraged over the past five years and then I met the Father who has been practicing 30 years and he finally found out about the center in the city and called and they called our district in which he resides in and then he attended a meeting at the chapter leader's home and then he tried to explain but much was lost in translation since his son was translating and his translating skills were not sufficient to explain the situation for his father so then the next time he was able to attend a meeting I was present and I spoke to him and immediately realized this friend needed Gohonzon back in his life.

I made every effort possible and purchased him a Butsudan on Sunday after he received Gohonzon last wednesday where I translated his story for him to share with our members and tonight he and I with his wife and oldest son present enshrined Gohonzon, half an hour of daimoku, chanted gongyo, then had a meeting for 2 hours in which I heard the most incredible Kosen-rufu expiriences and also was touched and received a huge benefit. His awesome wife thanked me and was in tears that a guy like me helped them be reunited with Gohonzon, even her son was seemingly a little shocked yet the father was confident and knew it was a matter of time and was glad it was me who helped him. I have maintained a consistent dailouge with this gentleman for a couple weeks now and have tried my best to help him and tonights meeting was just beyond words.

They would walk many many kilometers to visit members even in the most impoverished areas where people would live in shacks and just have a Gohonzon and not much else, they (husband and wife even as kids) would walk members to meetings, attend as many meetings as possible, always go out and spread kosen-rufu the best they could and eventually they had a house with a room for Gohonzon and held meetings. They would take many buses and travel a day and half on buses and miles of walking to attend large meetings and festivals. They told me stories of how a sister who miraculously survived after losing heart and ventricle function and had various transplants started practicing had a child and her husband led her to quit and stop practicing and she died shortly after quitting her practice and losing faith. They told me about leaving their country and getting american visas to come here and they made huge efforts and sacrifices to get to this country then temporarily place Gohonzon in safe keeping but that turned into a five year period in which they would even considered practicing christianity just to have others to pray with but never stopped chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo yet felt lost since they did not know about anyone from SGI. Until now!

Talking to them I saw my parents being shakubukued my mother my father relatives loved ones! I expirienced all their great benefit and they told me I brought good fortune to their lives I reminded them that it was not I but Gohonzon who facilitated this and their faith and conviction was strong enough to overcome incredible barriers and now usher in a new level with the same mission of kosen-rufu. Their incredible faith totally totally reinvigorated me! Thats why we need to practice everyday.

Even after a great weekend I was neck deep in a nasty "midlife crisis", I should have been able to swat it away like a fly with some daimoku but it was insiduous and creepy yet I forced myself to let it rest while I drove to their home and after I left I was me again, MyohoDisco kosen-rufu warrior winning each battle with faith. Last year I would have laughed if someone told me I would believe in anything, I am a new person just I as I emerged from the earth thats how it feels tonight, I am here and ready and willing for more.

My life is totally totally different now and it feels so natural that I know this is who I really am. I am MyohoDisco, I protect The Mystic Law and propagate the 5 chracters of Myoho Renge Kyo because its in all of us and tonight I saw the Buddhanature of 3 uniquely special individuals, what a wonderous benefit. My life is going in the right direction, THANK YOU. I offer my deepest appreciation. thank you.


Daily Encouragement:

It doesn't matter in what area, just keep working on your personal revolution to transform and improve yourself in the way most natural for you. The important thing is that you change in some positive way. There is surely no more exhilarating a life than one in which we write our own unique history of human revolution each day. And the growth and transformation we achieve in this way can convince people of the greatness of the Daishonin's Buddhism more eloquently than anything else.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
***Just completed hour five of my fifteen hours of Daimoku today!***

God I feel great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Active member
WOW!!!! Thats ALOT of Diamoku dude! Do you take breaks during the five hour periods? WOW!!! What are your beeds made out of T? Can a person make/string their own personal beeds? I have an idea for some and i dont see them anywhere

Hi Babba!

Hi easy!

Hi fallen! KEEP CHANTING MY BROTHA!!!!! :woohoo:


bonz :wave:

>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>
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Active member
Thank YOU easy for that awesome post! One thing i dont understand is why and who would snub these people if they were practicing Nam myoho renge kyo? Who are these people? Why would they do such a thing, that sucks!!!! Defenitly not SGI members?



>>>>>>>>>> Nam myoho renge kyo >>>>>>>>>
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