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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Man I thought I was a pretty tough ol boy but ill tell you this body has a hard time getting to the first hour. Many years of heavy equipment operation makes it almost impossible to sit up that long!! I have to break it up in to short sessions but have alot of them. You are one tough ol boy PTD!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
After almost 30 years trying...

After almost 30 years trying...

I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

In the last 17 hours, I sat in front of the Gohonzon, upright, beads in hand, chanting Daimoku for 15 of them. 15 hours out of 17. Wow! Now I know why I never succeeded in any of my other attempts. That was fucking hard!!! :dueling:

Most I ever chanted was 11 hours in 24. This is a victory of a magnitude I could not have conceived, when I started at 6:45 this AM. I could not have pulled it off without the support of my wife to do it, or the place in my heart you have all made for yourselves.

I am still in shock that I pulled it off!


Much love and deep respect!

Thomas :wave:

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
I haven't posted much yet, but I wanted to say that I've been reading, and been reading over at sgi-usa also. I am very interested and dedicated to seeking and learning more about this, and will continue to do so. I hope to be more active here once I have, and I wanted to let you all know you've been an inspiration. Babbas, Bonzo, Disco, Gypsy, PTD..(to name a few!) Thank you.

PTD - Congratulations on your triumph!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Alright personalmeds ... ive felt your great vibes on the boards and I am so glad that your seeking spirit has brought you here to post. First thing is just start chanting ...whether its in the shower , when you are driving, when you exercise , when you work...sitting and being still. Just start chanting and understanding will begin to show itself. Woohoo so glad you have posted :)Please continue to come back and share you experience :)
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!!

Wooooohooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wow PTD way to go !!! that really is an accomplishment. So happy for you !! You are one tough dedicated Buddha!! Thanks so much for being the Buddha my Brother. You add love and inspiration to many lives daily and we all appreciate your and our faith.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Thanks meds!~

I am so happy to read what you've posted! Key words that give you away as being a Bodhisattva of the Earth from the get go:

"...very interested and dedicated to seeking and learning more..."

If you are interested and dedicated to seeking and learning more--based on what you'll find, and assuming you appy it to your life rather than peruse it as mind candy--you have most likely found what you have been looking for. I assume you are chanting. Study without engaging the Buddha Nature is pointless.

Chant for something dynamic that will help your life. Don't be shy. The Universe has big shoulders and can handle it. You deserve it. You are a Buddha. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in your own life is a infinitely more meaningful then anything you can read. Make sure you are chanting as much as you are reading and I think you'll be very happy with the result.

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you. It's my pleasure.

Deep respect,



Congrats PasstheDoobie!

Congrats PasstheDoobie!

Bonzo said:
Thank YOU easy for that awesome post! One thing i dont understand is why and who would snub these people if they were practicing Nam myoho renge kyo? Who are these people? Why would they do such a thing, that sucks!!!! Defenitly not SGI members?



>>>>>>>>>> Nam myoho renge kyo >>>>>>>>>

Bonz, I know it would be difficult to articulate but the truth is that this member and his family does not speak english so essentially all their efforts to convey their reality was lost in translation. Also some of the membership in my area is not familiar with immigrants or other foreign cultures and seemingly did not feel soo compelled to help them since originally they were told to contact their former country and have them facilitate them, which they originally did with terrible results. I do not wish to slander anyone or rebuke older members whom could have approached this situation different but then again thats why MyohoDisco is in town! I humbly accept my daily mission for kosen-rufu and assisting these great Bodhisattvas (Father, Mother and Eldest Son) in acquiring Gohonzon again was one of my greatest victories this year.

Last night we had a marathon meeting until about 10pm after a great chanting session and gongyo, we laughed we cried we gained further appreciation for Gohonzon and also increased our faith sharing our stories. I told them my personal story and they were blown away, when I heard theirs I was just ecstatically jummping about pumping my fists in the air, thumbs up, V for Victory and Peace signs everywhere, totally just overwhelmed with the super inspiring discussion which I would love to share soon enough.

Right now in the midst of my workday I thank you all for your participation in this thread and again congratulate PasstheDoobie for his great victory.

PersonalMeds- just chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Chanting the daimoku Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is primary, as you proceed and continue to study more your understanding will increase accordingly. Please be strong enough to chant outloud and vocalize your chants for maximum effectiveness. I appreciate your great message and look forward to your further participation. Peace you to you and yours.

Much love to all! WOOHOO another great day, make the best of it just like PasstheDoobie did/does and lets keep working towards kosen-rufu.


Active member
ptd ... wow !! what an acomplishment !! 15 hours . unreal . i just wanted to say hello to all . i have been chanting a ot at work , in the car ,, lying in bed . i had a great day ! very challenging , hard work , but great day . im telling you thomas , its weird but its like i can "feel " everyone chanting with and for me ..
much love . nam myoho renge kyo , nam myoho renge kyo , nam myoho renge kyo ,nam myoho renge kyo , nam myoho renge kyo , nam myoho renge kyo !


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Each and every day,
let's be most earnest in our endeavours.
It is such a decisive mind, in a single moment of life,
that is the cause for certain victory and success and
the way to open up the path towards happiness.

Daisaku Ikeda
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Active member
Page 289 Is Booming with great people, great feelings. Thanks for the Inspiration. Diso that is wonderful! Doob, your in the guiness book now, you're floating! Bubba, what fantastic advice, just start chanting. This thread is forever. It's like a cool breath of a bite of peppermint patty! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

I just love you all!


Active member
HUGE CONGRADULATIONS T!!!!!! :woohoo: You must feel great! and tired! Awesome bro. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

peace and deepest respect

bonz :smile:

:dueling: >>>>>>>>>> Nam myoho renge kyo >>>>>>>>>> :dueling:
I have taken the advice of you all and begun chanting. I think fear of mispronunciation and uncertainty is what kept me from trying it outloud, though I must admit I had done it a few times in my head. Thank you for pushing me out of the plane, so to speak, I know I have the best parachute in you all now.

What do you think would be the best books to purchase to start learning? There seem to be so many that seem relevant and interesting, but since I'm so early on my path here, I thought maybe one of you could direct me to a few titles that would be best for a beginner's palette. Any and all suggestions are appreciated, and thank you all once again for your welcome arms.

This thread is forever. It's like a cool breath of a bite of peppermint patty!

Great simile there, by the way :D



hi hitman say hi to moms for me, always great to see you. I am happy your doing well and posting. I chant for you brother.

Bonz, thats right buddy! :woohoo:

Babba, master grower super friend, keep on keeping on! Your making great breakthroughs and really must have awesome expiriences on the horizon for all of us to share.

I'm sure the same goes for alwaystotheleft and socal, I chant for you both alot and you guys inspire me to go out and chant more with all the soka gakkai and really go out there and bring kosen-rufu to the forefront of our lives.

Personalmeds, thank you for asking this, I recently posted that I encouraged two people unfamiliar to the practice to pick up copies of The Winning Life (1 dollar small booklet from SGI bookstores at SGI culture centers in the US) and another called Beginning Your Buddhist Practice. I have been told that the book Buddha in Your Mirror, is a great book to read and I am sure you would enjoy it very much since my wife is reading it and enjoys it alot, she has an amazing heart and great seeking spirit like you, I know she is going to realize very great good fortune expanding her understanding of Buddhism just as you will if you keep at it (same goes for her). Have the determination to study best you can. This thread is amazing, read it from back to front or front to back or goto www.sgi-usa.org or goto www.sgi.org great places to start. This thread is special I am sure you see the Buddhanature manifested in this thread. This thread is enlightened and protected and I know you came to the right place to begin your Buddhist journey chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, this is where I started not too long ago, same for Babba, Bonz, Always, Desi, FALLEN (hi there), DG, Gypsy, Wags, my brother O Valley Bodhisattva Baccas, maybe Gordy and Southern Girl, bog, deepchunk, treehugger, scegy (hi there scegy) and great support from exsisting chanters like Socal and everyone else I can't remember since I'm about to goto sleep. Great great Great to have you here, just chant outloud have no fear....

Don't be afraid. Don't be defeated. Faith. Victory of Gold!
Go on and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and tap your unlimited potential.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey meds, let's make this easy for you...


This is NOT an SGI publication, although Martin rocks, and Moreno was the study department chief of SGI-USA for years. It's gotta be good!!!

Frankly at almost 300 pages, so many complete writings of Nichiren Daishonin, complete essays and lectures on Nichiren's teachings by Daisaku Ikeda, and the personal life experiences of people like you actually trying it and applying it to their lives; this thread has as much content as any source I know of. It's a mix of many different people in many different places.

Almost all of the information here is attributed to the source. Reading the thread would be very very helpful and free. Also free are all of the SGI's english translations of the Daishonin's writings.

Here: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/library/Nichiren/wnd/

I bow in obeisance to all,

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Take these teachings to heart, and always remember that believers in the Lotus Sutra should absolutely be the last to abuse one another. All those who keep faith in the Lotus Sutra are most certainly Buddhas, and one who slanders a Buddha commits a grave offense.

[ The Fourteen Slanders, WND Page 756 ]


Active member
PassTheDoobie said:
Each and every day,
let's be most earnest in our endeavours.
It is such a decisive mind, in a single moment of life,
that is the cause for certain victory and success and
the way to open up the path towards happiness.

Daisaku Ikeda

This is exactlty what i strive for, sometimes i feel im there and sometimes not. Today for example: It was a great day, got alot of work done, feeling great all day till towards the evening i all the sudden felt this wave of darkness and a sense of no direction and just plain confusion all at the same time? Not smiling anymore. Have stopped trying to figure out why. Time for Daimoku.

peace and love my friends


:dueling: >>>>>>>>>> Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>> :dueling:



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Bonzo said:
This is exactlty what i strive for, sometimes i feel im there and sometimes not. Today for example: It was a great day, got alot of work done, feeling great all day till towards the evening i all the sudden felt this wave of darkness and a sense of no direction and just plain confusion all at the same time? Not smiling anymore. Have stopped trying to figure out why. Time for Daimoku.

peace and love my friends


:dueling: >>>>>>>>>> Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>> :dueling:

fundamental darkness
[元品の無明] (Jpn.: gampon-no-mumyo)

Also, fundamental ignorance or primal ignorance. The most deeply rooted illusion inherent in life, said to give rise to all other illusions. Darkness in this sense means inability to see or recognize the truth, particularly, the true nature of one's life. The term fundamental darkness is contrasted with the fundamental nature of enlightenment, which is the Buddha nature inherent in life. According to the Shrimala Sutra, fundamental darkness is the most difficult illusion to surmount and can be eradicated only by the wisdom of the Buddha. T'ien-t'ai (538-597) interprets darkness as illusion that prevents one from realizing the truth of the Middle Way, and divides such illusion into forty-two types, the last of which is fundamental darkness. This illusion is only extirpated when one attains the stage of perfect enlightenment, the last of the fifty-two stages of bodhisattva practice. Nichiren (1222-1282) interprets fundamental darkness as ignorance of the ultimate Law, or ignorance of the fact that one's life is essentially a manifestation of that Law, which he identifies as Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. In The Treatment of Illness, Nichiren states: "The heart of the Lotus school is the doctrine of three thousand realms in a single moment of life, which reveals that both good and evil are inherent even in those at the highest stage of perfect enlightenment. The fundamental nature of enlightenment manifests itself as Brahma and Shakra, whereas the fundamental darkness manifests itself as the devil king of the sixth heaven" (1113). Nichiren thus regards fundamental darkness as latent even in the enlightened life of the Buddha, and the devil king of the sixth heaven as a manifestation or personification of life's fundamental darkness. The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings reads, "Belief is a sharp sword that cuts off fundamental darkness or ignorance."

devil king of the sixth heaven
[第六天の魔王] (Jpn.: dairokuten-no-mao)

Also, devil king or heavenly devil. The king of devils, who dwells in the highest or the sixth heaven of the world of desire. He is also named Freely Enjoying Things Conjured by Others, the king who makes free use of the fruits of others' efforts for his own pleasure. Served by innumerable minions, he obstructs Buddhist practice and delights in sapping the life force of other beings. One of the four devils.

See also: Heaven of Freely Enjoying Things Conjured by Others; four devils; devil

Heaven of Freely Enjoying Things Conjured by Others
[他化自在天] (Jpn.: Takejizai-ten; Skt.: Paranirmita-vasha-vartin)

Also, sixth heaven. In ancient Indian cosmology, the sixth and highest of the six heavens in the world of desire. Its dwellers make free use of things conjured by others for their own pleasure, hence the name of this heaven. Their life span is sixteen thousand years, one day of which is equal to sixteen hundred human years. Their life span is therefore equal to about 9.3 billion human years. The Heaven of Freely Enjoying Things Conjured by Others is the abode of the devil king, called Mara in Sanskrit, and therefore it is known as the Heaven of Mara or the Heaven of the Devil. The devil king abiding in this sixth heaven at the top of the world of desire is often referred to as the devil king of the sixth heaven. He is said to harass practitioners of Buddhism himself or through his subordinates to dissuade them from practice and prevent their attaining Buddhahood.

[魔] (Jpn.: ma; Skt.: mara; Pali.: mara)

A personification of evil. The Sanskrit word mara also means killing, death, pestilence, or obstacle, and in China it was translated as "robber of life." In Buddhist scriptures, Mara is the name of a devil king who rules over numerous devils who are his retinue. He is described as the great evil enemy of Shakyamuni Buddha and his teachings. When Shakyamuni entered into meditation under the bodhi tree, Mara attempted to prevent him from attaining enlightenment but failed. After Shakyamuni's enlightenment, he also tried to induce the Buddha to abandon his intent to preach. Mara is identified with the devil king of the sixth heaven. The sixth heaven is the highest heaven in the world of desire, or the Heaven of Freely Enjoying Things Conjured by Others, and its ruler delights in manipulating others to submit to his will. In Buddhism, devils indicate those functions that block or hinder people's effort to complete their Buddhist practice.

four devils
[四魔] (Jpn.: shi-ma)

Four evil or debilitating functions described in Buddhist scriptures as afflicting practitioners and obstructing their practice. They are (1) the devil of the five components (Skt skandha-mara ), or hindrances arising from the five components of life; (2) the devil of earthly desires (klesha-mara), hindrances arising from earthly desires; (3) the devil of death (also called the devil death, mrityumara), the hindrance arising from the death of oneself or another practitioner; and (4) the heavenly devil (devaputra-mara), hindrances attributed to the workings of the devil king of the sixth heaven. The Sanskrit word mara means devil, obstacle, killing, death, or pestilence. Together with the three obstacles of earthly desires, karma, and retribution, the four devils are referred to as the "three obstacles and four devils."

See also: three obstacles and four devils

three obstacles and four devils
[三障四魔] (Jpn.: sansho-shima)

Various obstacles and hindrances to the practice of Buddhism. They are listed in the Nirvana Sutra and The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom. The three obstacles are (1) the obstacle of earthly desires, or obstacles arising from the three poisons of greed, anger, and foolishness; (2) the obstacle of karma, obstacles due to bad karma created by committing any of the five cardinal sins or ten evil acts; and (3) the obstacle of retribution, obstacles caused by the negative karmic effects of actions in the three evil paths. In a letter he addressed to the Ikegami brothers in 1275, Nichiren states, "The obstacle of earthly desires is the impediments to one's practice that arise from greed, anger, foolishness, and the like; the obstacle of karma is the hindrances presented by one's wife or children; and the obstacle of retribution is the hindrances caused by one's sovereign or parents" (501).

The four devils are (1) the hindrance of the five components, obstructions caused by one's physical and mental functions; (2) the hindrance of earthly desires, obstructions arising from the three poisons; (3) the hindrance of death, meaning one's own untimely death obstructing one's practice of Buddhism, or the premature death of another practitioner causing one to doubt; and (4) the hindrance of the devil king, who is said to assume various forms or take possession of others in order to cause one to discard one's Buddhist practice. This hindrance is regarded as the most difficult to overcome. T'ien-t'ai (538-597) states in Great Concentration and Insight: "As practice progresses and understanding grows, the three obstacles and four devils emerge in confusing form, vying with one another to interfere... . One should be neither influenced nor frightened by them. If one falls under their influence, one will be led into the paths of evil. If one is frightened by them, one will be prevented from practicing the correct teaching."

From source: The Soka Gakkai Dictionary of Buddhism


Dude your own inner darkness, a function of your karma, is fucking with you. You already knew the solution. Execute! Only you can kick your "Devil of the Sixth Heaven's" ass. Fake till you make it; it's all a reflection of you and the Life Condition your actions have dictated based on the Law of Cause and Effect.

Time for Daimoku? Good call! Only a Buddha knows that truth! Congratulations!

Deep respect,

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
PS: My beads are made of sandlewood. If you want to make your own, they have to be in the same configuration as the ones you already have. Every bead on that string of beads has a meaning and significance. If you guys are curious, I'll share that someday.

We could never do this before, ya know. The priests controlled the bead market. They said they had to to open their eyes (perform eye-opening ceremony) before the beads would work (the beads possess a function according to Nichiren Shoshu doctrine).

You can order custom made prayer beads here: http://buddhistprayerbeads.com/

My personal advice is stay away from tassles instead of the round poms. The tassles are used by the priests, and are not very functional with us lay people who generally get in a few vigorous "rubs" going while we chant. Priests don't rub their beads (VERY minimally).

The tassles represented the benefit of the priests, flowing back into the bodies of the lay believers. I guess they do feel superior. Their Daimoku is more powerful than ours?




Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


fallenangel said:
ptd ... im telling you thomas , its weird but its like i can "feel " everyone chanting with and for me ..
much love . nam myoho renge kyo , nam myoho renge kyo , nam myoho renge kyo ,nam myoho renge kyo , nam myoho renge kyo , nam myoho renge kyo !

I know what you mean! It's almost a little scary! I "feel" it too. All the time now. I could hear folks chanting with me for the last three hours that I did it, but it could have been an auditory hallucination.

Who knows? They sure did sould good and helped me in those last crucial excrutiating hours. The clock starts moving REALLY fucking slow at eleven hours!

Don't forget the space for the alter in your new family room! I'm serious about that! It is very important. Please trust me on this. Make a determination that you are going to create a space for your devotion.

And do it. MUCH MUCH good fortune will come from such an action from your heart. Do you want MUCH MUCH good fortune? It's completely your choice.

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