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Orange Kush in veg....


Active member
I had a few people asking for pic's of the OK so here they are.
Looking good so far.
This is the mother.

This one is dedicated to all the shit talking trolls out there this morning.
Eat a dick!
Orange Kush is one of my favorite smokes.

You gotta watch out, taking her with amber trichs results in a knockout stone. No work or productivity whatsoever, but probably the single best strain for sleep IMHO.

Where'd you get the clone? I know a couple clubs reportedly had it but I don't trust club Kush.

Props on coming into posession of the Orange she is truly unique. Peace


hello Jdog :joint:
thanks for the pic bro been woundering how she was coming along, loos like she is doing fine right where shes at...next time you have her out could you please get a side shot of her? would like to see the node spaces..
very nice bro :joint:


Active member
beautiful little plant dog. interesting how there are some fairly wide leaves and some relatively narrow ones on the same plant. nice. nuggler


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
the leaves look real sativa at the bottom for the orange. some shots from the side maybe?


hello Jdog..
thanks for the side shot, those nodes look fairly close should get some tight solid buds from that one....

did your friend say with was better between the more ORANGE and the more KUSHY pheno's???

cant wait to see you get this one to budding..
peace bro..


Active member
This guy who bred this is the master and no one even knows about him hardly. Thats what I really like about the guy.
Recognition is so unimportant to him. It's all about the plant.
He lets his work speak for itself.
The way it should be. :joint:
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hello Jdog :joint:
well brother it looks like you got some testing to do, so you better get to it i suppose hahaha....i'll be looking for the budding pics in the coming months...

would love to run one of the three down the road after the newness has worn off a bit :chin: :yoinks: :yummy: ...
peace bro :joint:


Active member
Wow, begining to think I shouldn't have posted this.
It never fails.
If you want any info on it.
PM me.
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JDOG6000 said:
Wow, begining to think I shouldn't have posted this.

Not being negative or anything, but anyone with a bit of sense would'a questioned tha very-same thing, my friend. No negativity, here. Just a simple Q that requires a simple A.

So, what's up? :smile:
Nandro :sasmokin:


Active member
What are you asking then?
because it was all right there in my posts that I just deleted to avoid future problems.
People can pm me if they have any questions.

BUt I type it again since you missed it the first time.
The breeder kept his 3 favorite OK pheno's.
A Kushy one, a more Orangish one and one in the middle kind of 50/50 mix.
I'm trying the more orangey one first because it still has a killer Kush after tase and yields fat. BUt my friend(the breeder) said he would let me test all 3 to decide for myself.
Which is way cool of him actually.
We both think the 50/50 mixed one is probably the best of the 3.
BUt he said all 3 were killer in there own way,thats why he kept all 3 all these years.
Sorry for the confusion,nandro, I know you mean wellI've been bombarded with negitivity around here lately.
(Partially my own fault lately)
So I get uppity sometimes when I'm on ICMag.
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I know you have, my man, but geez - don't ya' ever think I'm on tha wrong team.

I can't even speak about negative shit in PMs, where everyone wants to dish out shit ya' know, I speak GENETICS and GENETICS only.

Thanks for tha explanation and I hope ya' don't delete stuff anymore, because that just causes further questioning, ya' know? G'luck with yer quest. It's what we're all about.
Nandro :sasmokin:


Active member
I just reposted it all right above your last post.
So no loss no worries.
Any questions anyone has can ask here or in a pm.
Either way is fine.
Because I know I'll get blasted no matter what I say at this forum.