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~Star~Crash~ All & Everything


Well-known member
Even though it's exceedingly difficult to do when you get to be our age and start reflecting on the past, I usually go back to a book I read in high school Richard Alpert/Baba Ram Dass, Be Here Now when I'm feeling that way.

When I start worrying about the future or regretting the past, I remember those words, just be here now.☮️
Because of chronic pain and having OCD mindfulness meditation has been a tremendous help. Being in the moment is the best place for me.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Afaict, omibc is doing _exactly_ what he should be doing... not smoking or vaping _any_ type of cannabis product.

And from what I can tell on this thread, you are doing pretty good yourself. (y) Losing weight, walking/exercising and eating right will make a big difference in your life!
Thanks Charles! One day at a time here. Loving falafel like 4 times week. 👍


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ICMag Donor
Go for it f-p. Get the paperwork done.

I didn’t retire right at 65. My long-term employer was purchased by overlords from France and the new fools loved me for some reason and made me North American Sales Manager for the Pro division. So I quietly hung on until the end of my retirement year – traveling far more than I wanted to that late in life - and then surprised the shit out of them by saying bye-bye. 2 months later the plague hit, so my timing was impeccable. Without a private pension, we count on the gov’t pension dole here as well - along with some savings and no debt.


Well-known member
Thanks Charles! One day at a time here. Loving falafel like 4 times week. 👍
Good attitude DB...people I know who had to deal with weight issues for whatever reason, never changed things over night. Once the weight is down then the other mind frame clicks in about keeping it off.

When I quit smoking cigarettes on Apr. 13th 1987, it was one of the most difficult things I've had to do. I made a date to quit and 90days after the date I ran out of excuses for quitting. I couldn't honestly look at myself in the mirror and keep up with the excuses, which is exactly what happened. In the end quitting was easier than I thought but what was hard was staying quit. It took years for all the cravings to go away but all the time becoming less and less of a burden on me.

I can tell your getting tingles about baseball season:)

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
...2 months later the plague hit, so my timing was impeccable. Without a private pension, we count on the gov’t pension dole here as well - along with some savings and no debt.
My wife Harley's a nurse and was just getting ready to retire when Covid started. We were so afraid she was going to get it and die before she could get the hell out of the hospital. She stayed working longer than she wanted, to just to keep covered under health insurance but she retired the day after she turned 65, and said hello to Medicare. :love:

For us, being totally debt-free and having no house payment, credit card payment, etc. enables us to live pretty much on Social Security alone and we still have her 403b for emergencies.


ICMag Donor
Just got a email containing all this word salad from NYSEG ->>>> “ Providing safe, reliable energy service to you at an affordable price remains our top priority. That's why we continue to prioritize investments in a stronger, resilient energy grid. If you experience a power outage, we remain committed to restoring power as quickly and safely as possible.

Destructive storms that were once every 100 years are becoming the norm annually in New York state. Over the past several years, these damaging storms have wreaked havoc on the state's infrastructure, primarily its electric transmission and distribution systems. In 2024 alone, costs to restore, and in many cases rebuild, have run into the millions of dollars. Even with large investments in preventative infrastructure, storms are more intense and frequent than ever before.

We take our role in your daily life seriously. Addressing these storm costs through traditional ratemaking would bring high bill impacts over a short period of time. Securitization is an alternative mechanism to ratemaking that can be used to resolve certain costs, in this case legacy storm costs, with lower interest rates, reducing the impact to you. Securitization is similar to refinancing your mortgage to secure a lower interest rate. Legislation authorizing securitization was signed into law in 2024 and the New York Public Service Commission, our government regulator, approved the securitization plan because it provides benefits to our customers.

Your bill will include a recovery charge on electricity consumption and demand effective February 11, 2025. The recovery charge is calculated based on your electricity use. A residential customer using 600 kWh of electricity will see a monthly bill impact of about $10 for six months. After six months, and based on current projections, the recovery charge is estimated to decrease to approximately $5 a month for the same residential customer using 600 kWh of electricity. The approved recovery charge allows a lower interest rate on certain past storm costs over ten years to your benefit. We do not make any profit on the charge.

Our commitment to providing you safe and reliable service is stronger than ever. Together we will build a more resilient energy grid that meets the challenges of tomorrow.”


Well-known member
Just got a email containing all this word salad from NYSEG ->>>> “ Providing safe, reliable energy service to you at an affordable price remains our top priority. That's why we continue to prioritize investments in a stronger, resilient energy grid. If you experience a power outage, we remain committed to restoring power as quickly and safely as possible.

Destructive storms that were once every 100 years are becoming the norm annually in New York state. Over the past several years, these damaging storms have wreaked havoc on the state's infrastructure, primarily its electric transmission and distribution systems. In 2024 alone, costs to restore, and in many cases rebuild, have run into the millions of dollars. Even with large investments in preventative infrastructure, storms are more intense and frequent than ever before.

We take our role in your daily life seriously. Addressing these storm costs through traditional ratemaking would bring high bill impacts over a short period of time. Securitization is an alternative mechanism to ratemaking that can be used to resolve certain costs, in this case legacy storm costs, with lower interest rates, reducing the impact to you. Securitization is similar to refinancing your mortgage to secure a lower interest rate. Legislation authorizing securitization was signed into law in 2024 and the New York Public Service Commission, our government regulator, approved the securitization plan because it provides benefits to our customers.

Your bill will include a recovery charge on electricity consumption and demand effective February 11, 2025. The recovery charge is calculated based on your electricity use. A residential customer using 600 kWh of electricity will see a monthly bill impact of about $10 for six months. After six months, and based on current projections, the recovery charge is estimated to decrease to approximately $5 a month for the same residential customer using 600 kWh of electricity. The approved recovery charge allows a lower interest rate on certain past storm costs over ten years to your benefit. We do not make any profit on the charge.

Our commitment to providing you safe and reliable service is stronger than ever. Together we will build a more resilient energy grid that meets the challenges of tomorrow.”

NYSEG, a subsidiary of AVANGRID, has a rate base of approximately $4.5 billion and serves 902,593 electricity customers and 268,806 natural gas customers across more than 40% of upstate New York.

This is a corporation saying we have some work to do. It's going to cost millions of dollars and we don't want to pay for it and have it come out of our billions so we are going to stick you for it. But we are doing it for you.

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