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Well-known member
Anyone who is able to make it to the office, will be given 'the conversation'. As was the case with Jimmy Carter, who was a very decent màn. I wish that it would be different, but our history does inform me differently.
None the less, I admire your position, añd may well follow your example.

moose eater

Well-known member
Anyone who is able to make it to the office, will be given 'the conversation'. As was the case with Jimmy Carter, who was a very decent màn. I wish that it would be different, but our history does inform me differently.
None the less, I admire your position, añd may well follow your example.
The pressures are real. JFK went into the office after selling his soul to the bastards, but he found his heart again, before they made it stop beating.

They can kill people, but "they can't kill an idea."

moose eater

Well-known member
And I dream of the fuckers behind the proverbial curtain ending up like Mussolini did in the town square. I'll stop there, lest the graphic descriptions of that karmic justice moment turn others off more than they're already turned off.

But once the pigs are eating at the trough, they don't depart willingly until either the trough is empty, or eating there becomes too painful to continue.. One or the other.


Well-known member
Anyone who is able to make it to the office, will be given 'the conversation'. As was the case with Jimmy Carter, who was a very decent màn. I wish that it would be different, but our history does inform me differently.
None the less, I admire your position, añd may well follow your example.
a good man in a bad job, the combination often doesn't work so well

moose eater

Well-known member
Anyone who is able to make it to the office, will be given 'the conversation'. As was the case with Jimmy Carter, who was a very decent màn. I wish that it would be different, but our history does inform me differently.
None the less, I admire your position, añd may well follow your example.
And recall, if you will, that despite 'the conversation', Jimmy still returned control of the Panama Canal to its rightful owners, the Panamanian gov, despite pressure from non-thinking idjits, nationalists, and various alphabet soup agencies for us to continue extending our tenacles of power and control where we didn't belong. In other words, despite 'the conversation' Jimmy maintained proper international boundaries as often as not.

The only way the fascists, corporatists and assholes continue getting elected, year after year, is they're sold to us by those who benefit, and we're stupid enough to refuse to expand our horizons, thus, we continue to vote for them. Trained, properly conditioned lab mice in a maze, refusing to find a new route.

Edit: And this homemade cranberry-peach wine isn't too bad. One smaller bottle of the homemade strawberry wine is now bottled, corked, waxed, and headed out airfreight soon. So says my wife.
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Well-known member
I guess how major he would be is decided by you and millions of others. He has the votes at our house. We don't vote for poison, whether watered down or otherwise. Ever.

The public is free to continue voting for the lowest common denominators of mediocrity and weasels, those habitual liars representing Wall St. and the DoD/CIA/NSA, Big Corporations, et al,, or they can try to go back to voting for someone with heart, truth, and soul who actually gives a fuck about the commoners.

Me? I gave up masochism for lent.

But you'd said, initially, there was "not a 'single candidate'", not 'major'. To be accurate.

There are several candidates who don't support the genocide or putting Wall St. & the MIC ahead of their actual constituents.

America's voters' gullibility and inherent (as demonstrated) masochism, wherein they like (apparently) being fucked by their dishonest leadership, have the power to change this.
I don’t count people with under 1% of the vote as candidates. If I say I’m running would you count me in you conversations about the election?

I think we’re on the same page here. Nobody winning any major federal office will say “defund Israel”.

moose eater

Well-known member
I don’t count people with under 1% of the vote as candidates. If I say I’m running would you count me in you conversations about the election?

I think we’re on the same page here. Nobody winning any major federal office will say “defund Israel”.
2 points there; Cornell West has far greater name recognition than you or I do. And the more others talk him up, make his stand or platform clear, the more that might grow.

The second is that the voting public is at least somewhat aware of the redundancy of pro-corporatist weasels running on either primary party's ticket. They might not be aware of how that now routinely comes to be, but they're aware of it, and they are often tired of it,. Many don't believe there's any alternative (take yourself, for example). All that stands in the way of that changing is for people to believe there is a choice, and for them to believe in issues that maybe currently give them pause.

Both of those issues can be dealt with to a controlled degree by word-of-mouth. They can also be dealt with by giving contributions only to people who are presenting viable answers to the issues.

Is it a long shot? Yep.

Lisa Murkowski won a write-in campaign in Alaska when she ran against Joe Miller, after losing the Republican primary. And, again, she won.

But not all states allow for a straight write-in campaign. And those that do sometimes have requirements for signatures of support, similar to a ballot initiative.

The way to boost Cornell West is to get people onboard with working his campaign for him. Word-of-mouth, formal local orgs, whatever.

We took on Big Oil in Alaska in our earlier (2013?) SB21 referendum. My crew in the Interior had people of all ages and stripes, and both parties. The Oilies spent over $20million on ads alone in that contest. My crew had all of $14,000+ after all the receipts were counted in the end. While we lost that race thanks to the Hillside in Anchorage, somewhat also the Mat-Su Valley, and Nikiski down on the Kenai Peninsula, too, in the Interior here, we won 5 out of 6 districts and nearly won the sixth (which was where our old oil refinery used to be, btw), and our local crew had hand-painted plywood signs, good interviews on the air on talk radio, and fire in the belly. We got locals from all sides to understand what was at stake.

Fire in the belly matters. Been there and done that many times with numerous issues.
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Well-known member
Actually, Israel invented modern terrorism at the king David hotel.
they dressed as arabs and still to the this day claim they were the victim in that tragedy .

the adl was formed through defending a child rapist

yet the adl like to point their fingers and shout ' anti semite'

So Hai

Well-known member
they dressed as arabs and still to the this day claim they were the victim in that tragedy .

the adl was formed through defending a child rapist

yet the adl like to point their fingers and shout ' anti semite'
According to jewish law the child rape victim should be put to death for causing trouble to the jew.