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Pure colombian gold (peru)

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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
No wonder folks get frustrated with you. I'll be back later to point out you error yet again..
Truth hurts the most to those living the biggest lies matey

Universal law, nothing complicated

- Speak.....from....experience....
- Listen to hearsay but be open minded its could wrong
- Avoid non verifiable gossip or picture framing as much as possible
- Question your sources. Are they bias? Or honest
- be skeptical not paranoid. Research the truth to verify it just as vigorously as the lie
- consensus does not mean truth...as 1 fact can debunk a billion opinions or beliefs.
- above all, as a person with responsibility here (moderator) set the standard of professionalism gypsy, your colleagues and peers expects from you



Well-known member
Earth to the cybertrolls here:

If I am not selling any pure colombian gold
....I have 0 social contracts to oblige to anyone

If you feel entitled to "the customer is always right" illusion....they got hit a McDonald's drive thru and take the snowflake attitudes to them.

Just sit back an enjoy the show.

Name one other breeder on icmag (registered or not) that has a documented seed hunting mission in picture and video.....I will wait lol


The funny (or sad / pitiful) thing here is that you actually pay forums to be able to post your thoughts, lies, scams, bickerings, and coke-fueled ramblings.
More pitiful is your delusion where you think you're right and all of us are wrong, just trolling you. All that negative attention still gets your ego's swchantz hard, and that's why you keep paying to have mods not delete your BS posts.

Again, if that Ayahuasca story is true, man...I feel sorry for you. But not sorry enough to turn a blind eye to your scams and being a rat


Well-known member
Buddy. I was born in edmonton then moved to victoria bc briedly, then Libya from 81 to 86 until Reagan bombed ghadafi, back to Victoria for a couple, then monterrey Mexico, then winnipeg, then the Bahamas, then winnipeg then Holland, then vancouver, back to mb to really take med-man brand to the next level and semi retire at 32 now living back in paradise where most the draft dodgers in bc still live. The perfect place to complete the rks project.

When living in Libya as a kid I saw the whole middle east, Malta and all of western Europe. I even loved in turkey for a few months

I think people are confusing their lack of emotional maturity and life experience with their own petty projections lol which is normal


Jesus Christ, thats Jason Bourne

Or more accurately, Jesus Christ, your parents were Jason Bourne and having been a state department baby, you got to explore the world as a toddler and now you're and expert in everything.

So now I get whats really going on:
The whole "18 sessions of Ayahuasca ceremony" is really a cover for MM being in Joint Task Force 2 of the Canadian Special Operations and that really MadMan went down on a solo sniper HVT mission in Peru and Colombia to take out Alpha Centaurian aliens. While he was there saving the world, the Majestic commission of Human-Alien relations gifted, no, rewarded MadMan with these interstellar cannabis seeds and told him this story he has to tell otherwise he will be taken out by Colombian hitmen like happened to Barry Seal. This is why MadMan is dropping little hints, just as a POW sould, that he is in danger from Colombian and Peruvian hitmen, known in the Spec Ops community as La RKS Muertos. So he uses words like Peru, Colombian, and RKS to let us know he needs help.
Poor guy

Donald Mallard

el duck
No I showed a expression of ST and your response was "that's an indica hybrid" "st has no variation". And "only looks one way" lol I guess go edit your responses to hide said facts haha

ita a pure sativa ,, it cant have indica pheno types mm ,
what you showed is a hybrid with indica in it , there is no question about it ,
shall we look again ??
you still never answered me where it was grown either ,
indoor , green house , thailand ,, colombia , canadia ??
either way , there is no chance that is squirrel tail ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Well. Best to start stalking charlie Garcia becuase he has verified there is skunk pure landrace colombian grown in peru lol

And that you are confusing equador with peru

umm , u better read that again ,
it clearly says in that quote u can find hybrids due to visitors ,
u cant cherry pick that parts of a paragraph you like and disregard the rest ,
read the whole thing raho posted ....

Donald Mallard

el duck
You see mate when you are like me and tell the truth there is nothing to change or remember. That's why all my posts are consistent and why all your are always changing.

I strongly suggest actually reading my posts. Not skimming and making things up I don't say

Life will get easier. When the truth becomes more important then an agenda or a narrative to protect

what a load of shit mm,
i mean come on ,, ive already shown where u misquoted me once ,
and u have done it since ,
my posts are the same , if u want to question me on stuff ,
quote me , show where i have said something other than your poor recollection ,

i dont make stuff up , why would i , im not selling anything ,
and i have nothing to prove ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Landrace afghanica.

Heirloom family seeds

Let us never again confuse landrace and stable.

Plants from up north will not be the same as central, southern or island thais. In fact. There is o e island with 2 totally different expressions depending on which side of the mointain you are on.

Bld mixed with nld

Just called genotypes amigo

View attachment 18924599

does this ring a bell at all ,
where you are saying landrace isnt stable ??

maybe put that joint down sometimes and u will remember where you are ,
what you have said , and who you are talking too ...


Well-known member
ita a pure sativa ,, it cant have indica pheno types mm ,
what you showed is a hybrid with indica in it , there is no question about it ,
shall we look again ??
you still never answered me where it was grown either ,
indoor , green house , thailand ,, colombia , canadia ??
either way , there is no chance that is squirrel tail ...
View attachment 18931557 View attachment 18931557

Looks just like a skunk 1 hybrid


Well-known member
BTW if you were trying to suggest there is an indica pheno in that squirrel tail like you showed you would be 100% incorrect...
You are such a POS dude. That is not at all what he said, and you know it. It's what YOU SAID, and now you're trying to use your own words to back yourself up... AGAIN. Everyone here sees straight through your bullshit.
What you got in a bag of weed at a market in Peru, is Peruvian bagseed, likely grown in Ecuador, or Paraguay. You never did show a single plant being grown in situ. Not one. You don't even know what country it came from, but you're comfortable making a complete ass of yourself, dying on your "it's Pure Isolated Colombian Gold RKS Auto Haze Mexican pheno you guys don't know anything god".


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
umm , u better read that again ,
it clearly says in that quote u can find hybrids due to visitors ,
u cant cherry pick that parts of a paragraph you like and disregard the rest ,
read the whole thing raho posted ....
Charlie says Peruvians arw pure colombians.

And that the hybrids are in equador.

Confirmation bias.... do we get it now? Or do you need me to post the definition too? Lol read em and weep...

I guess I have to becuase conformation bias will just create a new definition here haha

I will grab a picture so all the confused can easily interpret it k?

30k people have engaged this thread in 2 weeks. It's like ic in the 2000's numbers before ig and fb came along

So. Lets remove the cherry picking, goal post moving, non verifiable conspiracies and just focus on the facts presented. Then we can remove the emotional motivates bias....and focus on this beautiful origonal line of colombian gold that fell in my lap. Becuase it wasn't a seed hunting mission until I smelled the deep dank skunk from up river every night after ceremonies

Screenshot_20231212_102008_Samsung Internet.jpg



Well-known member
Premium user
I'm not sure if the smell you experienced confirms rks though, I don't know how confirmation can be accomplished without scientific methods.I have c99,ak47 and god growing now and my wife(doesn't toke) said the other day that that skunk must be back,another time she said that tomcat is back spraying when I grow sk1xc99 she mentions it every flowering run .We also had a tilray production facility down the road from where I live and when you drove by you could smell skunk and there have been so many complaints about home depreciation due to it the newspapers have covered the story and now it's closed. Anyhow best of luck.
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