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thread for people born 150+ years to late



I was born at the right time and have loved watching technology flourish,any time later would have been fine too if we're still around.A couple hundred years ago there was too much disease and not enough Popeyes Fried Chicken.I think each of my subsequent generations had an improved standard of living and longer life and my relatives of 150 years ago would be jealous as hell.
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journies said:
Do you mind telling where in the rural country? My dream is to move out into the wilderness, not as disconnected as you propose, but as close to it as I possibly can. Just wondering.
i live in western north carolina deep in the applachia mountains. its beautiful out here and alot of the land is untouched. one of the most beautiful areas ive ever seen. living out here is cheap however finding wok can be hard. but with the expansion of interstates and how quickly asheville is growing its possible to live in the country and commute if you have to.

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George Hayduke said:
modern technology is responsible for 90% of the problems today.

This statement is nonsense.

How can an I-pod sitting on a table hurt anything? Technology can't think, it can't make decisions, it can't do anything without a person to utilize it, it just lays there. Technology on it's own cannot create problems.

Your problem is with people. You think they should all be like you, but nobody wants to be like you, they want to have the easy life they work so hard for and they deserve to have it. Stay in your hut if we bother you so much.


George Hayduke said:
finding wok can be hard. but with the expansion of interstates and how quickly asheville is growing its possible to live in the country and commute if you have to.

When do you find time to work for the machine George? Aren't you out catching fish and spinning wool and such?

And now all of a sudden interstates are a help to you? I thought modern things like roads caused 90% of the problems in your life. What's down that scary, alien-built road that you need? More douche bags like me looking at their cell phones? We wouldn't want to piss you off. I'll let everyone know you're coming so we can put on our bear skins and build fires in our offices so we won't upset you when you get here.


The American said:
I was born at the right time and have loved watching technology flourish,any time later would have been fine too if we're still around.A couple hundred years ago there was too much disease and not enough Popeyes Fried Chicken.I think each of my subsequent generations had an improved standard of living and longer life and my relatives of 150 years ago would be jealous as hell.

What would they have been more jealous of, the smog? or the fact that we can sit and stare at a box for hours on end?
George, do people get credit for nothing in your world? We're all morons for not living in a shack on a hill, anything you have to plug in is crap, and now people aren't even smart enough to have created the comforts they enjoy.
I never called anyone a moron I simply said I think we’d be better off as humans without modern technology. People are so distracted by their cell phones, cameras, computers, houses, tv’s, video games, etc. its disgusting. People are no longer connected with the earth, they only connection we care about is our internet and cell phone connections. Humans are being slaves to technology to the point that it’s adamantly defended and people no longer think we can turn back time. Some of you actually think you can’t live without this crap and thrive. Its really sad.
Your problem is with people. You think they should all be like you, but nobody wants to be like you, they want to have the easy life they work so hard for and they deserve to have it. Stay in your hut if we bother you so much.
No I’m no misanthrope like you tried to call me earlier. I like people I just don’t like over population and the destruction of the earth done by people who only care about themselves.
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I want to be connected to the earth, and think of myself as being so, but I still enjoy the internet. What's wrong with me then?
When do you find time to work for the machine George? Aren't you out catching fish and spinning wool and such?

I addressed it once but I guess you didn’t read it. I wasn’t born 10,000 years ago like I would have liked to be. I was sadly born in the early 80’s when times are different. In today’s world people like myself often have to make sacrifices and compromises in what they believe in to survive. I can’t help it that I am in no position to grow and kill all my own food, skin my own animals for clothing, build my own cabin, etc. In today’s world working to survive is just a sad reality. I talked about the interstate system because certain parts of western Carolina are experiencing rapid growth right now including a growing interstate system. I told him that because for someone who “wants to get a way but not completely” its good knowledge to have. Just because I work or use said interstate systems doesn’t mean I don’t want to do away with them. anyway they werent always here and lived here when all the roads were dirt or two lanes. but the rapid growth around here really saddens me since this is such pristine land. However I must work if i want to live. unless your going to show me/put me in the position to live completely off the grid but i doubt it..
I was born at the right time and have loved watching technology flourish,any time later would have been fine too if we're still around.A couple hundred years ago there was too much disease and not enough Popeyes Fried Chicken.I think each of my subsequent generations had an improved standard of living and longer life and my relatives of 150 years ago would be jealous as hell.
Considering your realitives probably killed their own chickens and had fresh chicken... i doubt they'd be too sad about missing out on popeyes fried chicken considering that shit is greasy crap giving people heart disease and other problems... but your right, diseases 150+ years ago were just SOOOOO much worse. bwhahahaha.

anyway, i think you guys are lost. the title of this thread was for people who want to live 150+ years ago.
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Active member
George Hayduke said:
I wish people would stop coming in here and repeating this same line because you’re like the 6th person to do so. For me it is greener on the otherside and I would willingly give up cars, the internet, and my electricity and I wouldn’t miss that shit at all if it meant peolpe were connected with each other and the earth once again. I know what I want and I know how I want to live. I don’t need someone I’ve never met telling me what I would and wouldn’t miss plus those things do nothing but destract us and keep us entertained so we think we need these things however we really don't. modern technology is responsible for 90% of the problems today.

I don’t see your point about malaria or smallpox either. Today we have diseases and sicknesses that can’t be treated and are deadly. There will ALWAYS be diseases. This certainly is no argument for not going back in time.Is this all you’re ****ing worried about? I don’t need marijuana or have to grow it it’s just something I enjoy to do. I would easily trade in marijuana for a world I am talking about however who says we couldn’t still grow our own marijuana? Cannabis has been cultivated for a lot longer than 150 years and even though I wish I lived more like 10,000 years ago I could still live without marijuana. I don’t absolutely need it. So? Again is this all your worried about is how convenient it is going to be for you to grow marijuana? This is pretty pathetic train of thought if so.

Whoa whoa calm down buster. I'm not telling you how to live your life, just contributing my thoughts to the conversation. That's great that you live with your dog in the middle of nowhere. May I ask: Where do you get your groceries? Do you farm them? How do you go where you go for entertainment? Do you walk? How did you get your education? Public school?

Obviously, as some of these things you take for granted, they aren't available 150 years ago, or 10,000 years ago. If you were born 10,000 years ago, you wouldn't even have the articulation to express these beliefs. Not much more than 150 years ago, 25% of every kid got the smallpox, and a large portion of them died. How can you even compare that to "sicknesses" today, thanks to the invention of the vaccine? 500-100 years ago, much of the known world were ravaged by plagues and war.

You're alive today, everything taught to you from a modern perspective. In my very humble opinion, there's no way you could even comprehend live "back in the day". Maybe people back then were like, "I wish there will be a time of no war, where I could see the entire world without spending a 7 year journey to sea, where I don't have to worry about endemic plagues, or being captured and sold into slavery by Germanic tribes." You wouldn't know about that.

Now I fully agree that technology can be done without -- all technology to be certain -- but would you be prepared for that?

By the way, "connected with the Earth" must be some kind of new age philosophy train of thought, because it doesn't exist. There's no real measure of how you would be "connected with the Earth" unless you think it - it's a state of mind. Quit using that as a justification... I only bring up marijuana, because other people have came up with these kinds of topics to "get away from the Feds". I was responding to that.
Whoa whoa calm down buster. I'm not telling you how to live your life, just contributing my thoughts to the conversation. That's great that you live with your dog in the middle of nowhere. May I ask: Where do you get your groceries? Do you farm them? How do you go where you go for entertainment? Do you walk? How did you get your education? Public school?
No – live in western Carolina it’s the rural country but it’s not the northern tip of Alaska or something. We have grocery stores like everywhere else. I just make fewer trips because it’s further away. We also have public schools and things like that. It’s rural but things are changing around here. With the introduction of the Blue Ridge parkway and interstates it’s getting more and more developed. However, it’s big enough that one can live on the mountain and not see anyone.

My entertainment is hiking, camping, smoking/growing weed, riding my bike, hunting, fishing, reading, etc. Living out here isn’t for everyone. You definitely have to find ways to entertain yourself. It just depends but there is more than enough to do out here if you love the outdoors.
You're alive today, everything taught to you from a modern perspective. In my very humble opinion, there's no way you could even comprehend live "back in the day". Maybe people back then were like, "I wish there will be a time of no war, where I could see the entire world without spending a 7 year journey to sea, where I don't have to worry about endemic plagues, or being captured and sold into slavery by Germanic tribes." You wouldn't know about that.
Well if people back then want to live in a world without war, disease, famine, etc. they aren’t going to find it. Many parts (including our own country) are still plagued by many of these problems today. Prisons are just a new form of slavery, AIDS is the new plague, and millions of people die from malnutriotion every year. I’m not saying living 150+ years ago didn’t have its problems either. I realize that the problems 10,000 and 150+ in many cases very dangerous, and the life expentecy for people was usually very low, however I’ll take that over what we have today where people just sit around watching tv, taking on their phones, playing video games, driving hummers, developing every inch of land for money, wal-marts, etc.etc.etc.
Now I fully agree that technology can be done without -- all technology to be certain -- but would you be prepared for that?
Of course short of a catastrophic event tomorrow technology isn’t going to go away so I believe if human decided to start living without modern technology we would slowly move away from it. However, if a catastrophic event did happen tomorrow I feel confident that I know enough about survival to get away with it for at least awhile, or longer than most people would. Survival is about 95% mental, most people would freak out and die within the first few days. I, however have been lost in the woods before… and know what to do. So I know I would last longer than most people.
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newbgrow said:
Whoa whoa calm down buster. I'm not telling you how to live your life, just contributing my thoughts to the conversation. That's great that you live with your dog in the middle of nowhere. May I ask: Where do you get your groceries? Do you farm them? How do you go where you go for entertainment? Do you walk? How did you get your education? Public school?

Obviously, as some of these things you take for granted, they aren't available 150 years ago, or 10,000 years ago. If you were born 10,000 years ago, you wouldn't even have the articulation to express these beliefs. Not much more than 150 years ago, 25% of every kid got the smallpox, and a large portion of them died. How can you even compare that to "sicknesses" today, thanks to the invention of the vaccine? 500-100 years ago, much of the known world were ravaged by plagues and war.

You're alive today, everything taught to you from a modern perspective. In my very humble opinion, there's no way you could even comprehend live "back in the day". Maybe people back then were like, "I wish there will be a time of no war, where I could see the entire world without spending a 7 year journey to sea, where I don't have to worry about endemic plagues, or being captured and sold into slavery by Germanic tribes." You wouldn't know about that.

Now I fully agree that technology can be done without -- all technology to be certain -- but would you be prepared for that?

By the way, "connected with the Earth" must be some kind of new age philosophy train of thought, because it doesn't exist. There's no real measure of how you would be "connected with the Earth" unless you think it - it's a state of mind. Quit using that as a justification... I only bring up marijuana, because other people have came up with these kinds of topics to "get away from the Feds". I was responding to that.

Germanic tribes huh? If this isn't zionist propaganda, I don't know what is. Sound just like Alex Jones. Technology and money are where most of their control comes from. The consumer mindset is one they don't want to see fade. It works in their favor greatly. 150 years ago, they couldn't get their propaganda into every home across the nation. Hell, in 1919 they tried to have a 6 million holocaust and it FAILED because they couldn't push the message in front of enough people and get them to fall for it...

I said I was done, but maybe I'm not. I'm the only person on this website that recognizes their tricks, so whether it gets me banned, or gets the whole website pissed at me, I have a moral obligation to point it out...go figure I actually give a shit about the ICMAG community and the people who come here.

Read the damn article yourself and be enlightened: http://erichufschmid.net/TFC/img/CrucifixionOfJewsMustStop_page1.PNG
Technology and money are where most of their control comes from.

i disagree with your whole entire zionist rant however i will agree with is where the government gets alot of its control over people and brain washes them. look at how powerful this government has become with money and technology. its insane. they control every aspect of our lives. drive down a road you see advertisements, money, malls, banks, etc... turn on the tv and all the channels are owned by billion dollar corporpations. this is where MOST people get their news from and its the only view points they'll EVER hear. and then you have hours upon hours of advertisments on tv... that just say, BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY! think about all the food you eat too. most of it comes from very few places owned by a few corporations worth billions of dollars. they control what we eat and often times its pumped with dangerous drugs, pesticides, and all sorts of other crap that indangerous our health. lets be honest how many of you have actually seen where you food is raised or grown?? i doubt many... and shit, you guys are worried about smallpox? ha - i think ill get over it if i don't die from cancer first!!! so much of our lives are controlled by this shit and people don't even realize it.

:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
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Active member
s2d I respect your thoughts and contibutions to this site.

most peeps here dont have a "grow show" like some if us.

I dont care about a drop of drool these peeps spit unles they have a gallery or some credible knowledge.



You are free to disagree, but the only way that works is either you are completely ignorant to the facts, or you're one of them. You haven't read a sinlge link I posted if that's the case.

There are a total of FIVE companies that control the media you're talking about, and they're run by zionists.

As for the food you eat. Research the kosher food tax.

There is SO much you just don't even know yet dude.

Thanks Yukon!! :wave:
i don't bother to read anyones links. i haven't posted any links so i don't expect you to. everything i've said is in my own words why can't you do the same? i don't want to hear some zionist rant from some guy i can't have a fair debate with.

thinking back i should of just made this a thread for people who are interested in sharing techniques, ideas, stories, how-to info about raising and growing your own food, building a cabin, survival skills, hunting for wild edible plants and game for food, etc... for being as self efficent as possible and living of the grid... so the thread wouldn't turn into what it has. a debate rather than a refuge for people sick of living in a world dominated by the opposite. i will begin posting some info in hopes to sway the thread that way. i won't be debating anymore.
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Oh well dude. If you can come onto ICMAG and post your point of view, so the **** can I.

You can have a debate. Debate what I just said in my own words. Don't play dumb.

I wish I was a mod around here so I could see where all these IP's originate from. I'm sure it would be very telling.

This is an OPEN forum. Anyone can post here. It's not exclusive for people who don't want to hear about zionism. EACH and EVERY person on this forum has a story to tell, and zionism is mine. You are free to push the "filter" button on my posts..

You admit you won't read the links and educate yourself, so you honestly have NO stance from which to debate. You are ignorant to the facts i.e. not knowing.

This has turned into what it is, because truth is a one way street, and ALL roads lead in that direction.
no sir all roads come to an end and hopefully your road on this website is almost up. i asked you not to turn my thread into a zionist rant. if you want to enlighten us start your own damn thread! also i click on links i think will enlighten me however i don't feel enlightened after read that crap.

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Active member
George Hayduke said:
no sir all roads come to an end

the 2 places I know of where "roads end":

Homer Alaska
Silverton Colorado.

seward alaska too but different.