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thread for people born 150+ years to late

I don't like what he says any more than you but I asked him to stop and he said he was done so please don't give him a reason to reply. isn't there a way to block other users? if not just don't feed the fire and it wont burn. i haven't seen his other posts maybe you want to let the mods know if its actually a problem.
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Nubie Biatch

Active member
I have been using the "report bad post" button every time he goes off the deep end. He got one of my threads canned recently, despite my request he not post in it. S2D normally doesn't stop ranting till the thread is binned. I'm sorry he managed to hijack another one.

I'm going to gracefully step back into the shadows and hope to provide as little fuel for his fire as possible. You have my sincere sympathy for this problem. Hopefully we will be able to discuss an issue in a less contentious forum next time. My best regards to you G. Hayduke:wave:
George - We were definitely in a better place 150 years ago in a lot of ways. I think we are in sync on what the true problem is. The world is getting smaller everyday and peoples freedoms, rights, and privacy are disappearing as quickly as endangered species are.

To be in a simpler time and to live a simpler life...

i definetely agree with everything youve said here. i worry all the time that were moving closer and closer to a 1984 scenerio. maybe im paranoid but every day it seems like more and more of our rights are taken away, our privacy invaded, and so on all while people are destroying every inch of the planet for nothing but the all mighty dollar and convienence. i try and remember that no matter what we do to mother nature she will be here and she will eventually regenerate herself. even if its 10 millions years from now. thats the great thing about it all. right now shes just plauged by a pesky virus called humans. we've got to remember how old this planet is and how many harsh changes its been through.
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Active member
I feel like I want to go back before the time of television. Still in the last century but before television became commercially available. I think that was the best time to be alive. At that time you would have the best technology in history (up to that point) and everyone was still awake and unplugged.

When you go anywhere now, the airport, the hospital, the post office, the bank.. there's TV's everywhere. And the people who go to these places and stand in line, you can watch them and see that they're totally pacified by television. It doesn't even matter what's on. It's usually CNN or Bloomberg TV. Even with the sound off, people just stand there and watch the screen, totally docile. And this is the same when I go anywhere. I dropped my gym membership 2 years ago when they installed LCD tv's in front of every workout machine and lifting station. And people would just do their workouts in front of the tube, totally unplugged to their surroundings, totally on another planet. And when I go outside, I just see people either watching TV or talking about something on TV or acting out a personality that they picked up from TV (and it's very easy to spot those people). It's like walking through a city full of zombies.

If you've ever listened to people on their portable phones, it sounds pretty braindead, yes? Well, if you were ever a kid with a Bearcat scanner, you know well as **** that the conversation is braindead on both ends. Most telephone conversations go something like this:

"Hi mom, how are you?"
"Oh, good. Yourself?"
"Good, good. So how's the weather over there?"
"Rainy, how about you?"
"Cold.. so what did you have for dinner?"
"TV Dinner"
"Good..good.. well ok mom. Good talking with you. Talk to you later!"
"Good talking to you too"

And that's the same conversation you get out of most people even in face to face conversations these days. People are flying around on autopilot because modern technology has given them the ability to do so (150 years ago, any job you'd go do you couldn't do high. You'd kill yourself or someone else). At this point in history we can totally do our daily routine and not even know what the hell we're doing. Most jobs have the same conveyor belt feel to them and we can thank industrialization birthing specialization for that. Same crap..day in.. day out.. go home.. watch TV.. eat dinner.. go to sleep.. get up.. do it again.. weekend.. go shopping.. weekday.. back to work.. I hate mondays..

People are pretty much sleeping their lives away and creativity and willpower is zapped via television. The modern day Gods on the boob tube is what is driving a huge portion of our economy. We hate our lives, so we live vicariously through the people on the tube. And we are always plugged into it. No matter where we go, we are bombarded with advertisements and messages.. and most of it is to buy stuff. Even when it's not a commercial, shows and movies are so rife with product placement (The WB doesn't even try anymore.. their shows are just pretty much 1 hour commercials now), you're still bombarded with the urge to buy, buy, buy. Spending will make you happy. It works for the middle class families on television shows. YOu hate your life. You want to be like them. You want a different life than your dreary 9-5 existence. You want to be on the beach on TV, not in your shitty-ass apartment with snow on your car and an overdue credit card hovering over you.

So what's the answer? The answer, of course, according to modern capitalistic societies such as ours, is to... BUY MORE SH1T! So you go to work to make money to come home and buy more stuff. You feel momentary happiness during purchase and it quickly fades, and you're not as happy as that Raymond douchebag on TV. So you work more, and so you can buy more.. you gauge your happiness by how nicely your neighbor makes you feel because you got a new car. "Gee, George, that's a nice truck" "Sure is, Mike. You know, it just makes me feel better that Barbie is going to be SAFE driving that to work" "Yeah, George. It's crazy out there. Hm, that must've cost you a penny" "Yep. But nothing's too good for my Barbie"

Spend, spend, spend and get deeper into debt in the process and in the end you feel like crap because you're still not where that dude on TV is. You're not happy, you don't have a snazzy apartment with a nice, fun job and you don't have a delicious girlfriend. And now, you're deeper into debt!

I think that whole cycle was not around (or if it was, it was nothing like now) before the mass-production of televisions.

So I would've really like to have grown up around that time.
marx2k its funny you bring tv's up. i had to go to lowes today and while i was there i saw them selling refrigerators with ****ing tv's in them!!!!! the whole time i was thinking "how much do these damn people need to watch tv..."

i also agree with everything else you said pretty much. nicely said.
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Active member
Joe Hawkins said:
I think its actually the "archaic conservatism" of society and politics that have nullified advances in science and medicine, I mean, we still have Christianity and all other Religions controlling the attitudes of the ignorant masses.

To be quite honest, I would rather their brains be controlled by religion than by the fear of prison. And I think most people don't end up killing each other because of one or the other.

With fear of prison, people can kill without guilt and only feel remorse when they are caught and have to go to prison.

People who believe in an ever-looming God are afraid because they all think they're being watched 24/7 by the almighty.

Religion has already done what the government is trying to do. Religion already permeates the majority of homes in this country and slowly controls the brainwashed public. The government is totally lagging at this point.

So if the control is maintained by one or the other, religion or prison.. I'd prefer it to be religion. Hell, let them dance with snakes. I don't care as long as they don't try to kill me on the streets,

Nubie Biatch

Active member
Speaking of Televisions...

23 Tools To Brainwash and Influence People Through Media

Now the power to rule the world and wag the cultural dog is at your fingertips. What follows are simple instructions, a manual, a playbook of sorts, some simple behavioral tools to influence and take advantage of the nervous systems of all your peers.

The 23 Tools:

1. The key to truly effective brainwashing is to work at people’s most fundamental awareness. Shape them at the neurological level so they develop the faculties to take your input and call it “thinking for myself.” Enable them to stop thinking.

2. Limit any and all faculties for self-awareness and self-sensing. Destroy instinct and intuition. Actively and endlessly encourage external awareness. Make people dependent on your external input for as many decisions as possible.

3. Speed up messages so that the pace and rhythm of information is disorienting and visually biased.

4. Condition people to being bombarded with hundreds of thousands of signals a day. Teach them to attend to this stream of information and to call it Reality. Never let them ask what “reality” is.

Framing is everything. Decide what you want people to believe and make sure that any choices you give them are within a framework which assures you of your result. This is called the Illusion of Choice. “Do you want to sweep the floor before or after dinner?” Repeat this formula for economic systems, politicians, news stories, competing product brands and entertainment.

6. Appeal to the lowest common denominator. Make sure that all shows model conflict resolution of people with an emotional and intellectual maturity no greater than that of a six year old. Make it funny so no one notices.

Keep people passive. Encourage the Couch Potato Alpha Wave Escape Plan as the healing elixir for all that ails.

8. Don’t make people think. Their days are hard enough as is. Bypass the need for opinion making by giving people ready-made opinions. Do it as though you don’t have a conscience – they are probably too stupid to make their own decisions anyway.

9. Ensure that there are no ongoing storylines with meaning or purpose beyond immediate sensory stimulation. Avoid universal themes as much as possible. Make absolutely certain there is no cultural, societal or global story or mythology present that conflicts with the myths of comfort and consumption.

10. Never encourage responsibility, or so much as suggest that humans could be involved in co-creating their future and the realities in which they reside.

11. Encourage group-sanctioned individuality only. By making ‘individuality” the new conformity you are generating a powerful illusion of free choice.

12. Sensationalize the superficial.

13. Keep information bytes infinitesimally small. Promote Attention Deficit Disorder. Several decades of television have already set this in motion.

14. Repetition is key. Repeat important messages as often as possible.

15. Repetition is key.

16. Repetition is key.

17. Bypass rationality by any means possible. People don’t need logic to accept information. Belief is emotional. Always remember: WAR=PEACE.

18. Remember –- two half-truths make up a whole truth.

19. Demonize self-knowledge technology of all kinds. Throw around words like “cult” and “brainwashing.” Marginalize anyone involved in such pursuits.

20. Keep old models of consciousness alive and well. If you can get away with referring to people’s states as being phlegmatic or sanguine instead of programmable and intentional, do it.

21. Keep people’s attention on what really matters. Emphasize what’s wrong as much as possible.

22. Always give the impression that Everything Is Under Control – but just barely so – hammer into the populace the idea that their greatest fear could strike at any moment.

23. Teach people that they are their thoughts and emotions. Reinforce this by teaching them to feel bad about their ideas, and to feel bad about feeling bad. Remember: Identify, identify, identify –- this will widen the empty void inside of them that only shopping can cure.

By sticking to these simple premises you should be able to produce entire societies capable of ending world hunger, but too selfish to care. You will be able to bring about massive consumer mindsets and buying habits so powerful that logic and reason become superfluous in making the sale. You will be the new face of media.

The opinions and behaviors of people and societies are easily swayed. Every decade, every year, every week, those who control mass media change the climates of human thought. New pop stars, fashions, and fads are paraded center stage and then exit stage left followed by floods of expendable cash, leaving the path of sordid garbage known as “popular culture” in its wake.
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Active member
George Hayduke said:
marx2k its funny you bring tv's up. i had to go to lowes today and while i was there i saw them selling refrigerators with ****ing tv's in them!!!!! the whole time i was thinking "how much do these damn people need to watch tv..."

Dude, I know. Those TV's are ubiquitous now. They're EVERYWHERE. Back of car seats, refrigerators, telephones, streaming media subconsciously directly into your brain. I am positive that underneath the visual layer on television there is another layer (maybe I'm just really high and thinking of the first time River went apeshit in the Firefly movie), but since your brainwaves to change during television viewing, those messages sink in without restraint. It's like television is holding open your brain like a curtain and letting the messages shine on through.

At first I thought the messages were mainly to just buy stuff. Purchase more of whatever you can. The messages I thought do not have a sponsor in mind, but just the general suggestion to consume. Now, I think the messages are also there to make you a well-heeled skinbag, feeding the machine, being positively reinforced by the machine, receiving suggestions from the machine, back and forth and round and round.

But I want to know, who is at the root of this? The government? I'm not even 50% sure it would be. Secret societies? Aliens?

I need another volcano bag and I'll figure it out...
But I want to know, who is at the root of this? The government? I'm not even 50% sure it would be. Secret societies? Aliens?
well ive examined all this technology over and over and its got to be coming from aliens. it all looks like alien devices to me atleast. none of this shit is natural.


I love the whole lets be green and save mother earth. I practise wherever i can. Yet, I have a son born with spina bifida, and if it werent for the modern technologies he wouldnt be here today. Theres a lot of good in progress just a lot of bad too.


Active member
Nice find. Here's my reply...

Nubie Biatch said:
The 23 Tools:

1. The key to truly effective brainwashing is to work at people’s most fundamental awareness. Shape them at the neurological level so they develop the faculties to take your input and call it “thinking for myself.” Enable them to stop thinking.

If you experience "mind fog" after watching television, you are not alone. Studies have shown that watching television induces low alpha waves in the human brain. Alpha waves are brainwaves between 8 to 12 HZ. and are commonly associated with relaxed meditative states as well as brain states associated with suggestibility.

While Alpha waves achieved through meditation are beneficial (they promote relaxation and insight), too much time spent in the low Alpha wave state caused by TV can cause unfocussed daydreaming and inability to concentrate. Researchers have said that watching television is similar to staring at a blank wall for several hours.. [.....]

Read the full article at http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/247802/your_brain_waves_change_when_you_watch.html

That's no big surprise though. I think people have been aware of that for some time. I remember reading a book on hypnotism written in the 70's and it mentioned that.

Watching people from the side when they're watching TV is eerie too. They're just staring straight ahead.. laughing sometimes.. like a freaking lobotomy patient.

2. Limit any and all faculties for self-awareness and self-sensing. Destroy instinct and intuition. Actively and endlessly encourage external awareness. Make people dependent on your external input for as many decisions as possible.

Correct. And that is why people become gentle as lambs in public when there;s a TV on in a store. I'm sure that's why stores do it, so people remain calm...remain calm...

3. Speed up messages so that the pace and rhythm of information is disorienting and visually biased.

Also a good vehicle for slipping in suggestions. But yeah, everything on TV now, commercials, shows, even most movies, have a 3 second attention span. Most shows, if you try to watch from the beginning to end, you'd have no idea what the hell happened in the beginning.

And that's 30 minutes.

4. Condition people to being bombarded with hundreds of thousands of signals a day. Teach them to attend to this stream of information and to call it Reality. Never let them ask what “reality” is.

People feel uncomfortable with "actual reality". The reality on the tube is far more comforting. You get to hang out with your friends evey day, you get to chill with them for 30 minute sessions, then a new bunch of friends come over, etc etc. The situations are always really clean and nice, and even if there is some sort of crisis within the 30 minutes you hang with your friends, you know it'll be over by the time they got to go for that day.

Reality is constantly being redefined. You can tell by people who are hooked into the machine 24/7. They begin having unrealistic expectations and unrealistic demands of themselves and others around them

5. Framing is everything. Decide what you want people to believe and make sure that any choices you give them are within a framework which assures you of your result. This is called the Illusion of Choice. “Do you want to sweep the floor before or after dinner?” Repeat this formula for economic systems, politicians, news stories, competing product brands and entertainment.

Choice is also as manufactured as reality is. People all work within a framework of acceptable social set. The independent-minded goth chick at Spencer Gifts... in the framework. The dude putting fart cans on the back of his civic because he wants to make it sound like a badass car.. in the framework. And choice is just a limited set of options provided to you by those who want to feed off of you. People may have free will, but that is decimated by the machine.. the system.

6. Appeal to the lowest common denominator. Make sure that all shows model conflict resolution of people with an emotional and intellectual maturity no greater than that of a six year old. Make it funny so no one notices.

People don't want to watch other people on TV. They want to watch single-layered caricatures of people having good times and "living life". They want what they don't have. Most people don't want to watch people toiling away through a crappy day, waiting to get home to watch TV.. they already have that.

7. Keep people passive. Encourage the Couch Potato Alpha Wave Escape Plan as the healing elixir for all that ails.

Yep. And again, this is the same outside of the house too. Next time you go somewhere where there is a TV (most stores, bar, post offices even have some now).. look at the people staring at the TV. It always looks like they're just downloading information by direct view.

8. Don’t make people think. Their days are hard enough as is. Bypass the need for opinion making by giving people ready-made opinions. Do it as though you don’t have a conscience – they are probably too stupid to make their own decisions anyway.

Unfortunately, thanks to multiple factors, they probably are. People no longer HAVE an opinion. How can they when all of their opinions are beamed into them? People need to be presented a choice, but they also have the need to let others tell them what to choose. It's like 5 jewelers showing you the same diamond ring at the same time and the only difference in the box and the price tag.

9. Ensure that there are no ongoing storylines with meaning or purpose beyond immediate sensory stimulation. Avoid universal themes as much as possible. Make absolutely certain there is no cultural, societal or global story or mythology present that conflicts with the myths of comfort and consumption.

Absolutely. And typically, those shows are delegated to cable TV. They get called HBO Specials and report about how hard life is for someone else somewhere in 9 states away from where you live. America Undercover .. whatever.

10. Never encourage responsibility, or so much as suggest that humans could be involved in co-creating their future and the realities in which they reside.

Humans these days tend to live in the 'now'. The future is bleak and uncertain. Media beats our heads in with scary stories about the end of the world, so why not achieve instant gratification?

11. Encourage group-sanctioned individuality only. By making ‘individuality” the new conformity you are generating a powerful illusion of free choice.

"All my friends got the Motorola Razr, but I'm cool because I got the pink one" ... "with a skull and crossbones on it"

Individuality has become the new conformity, I agree. Everyone is very individual with their individual tatoos, individual piercings, "individual" tastes in music, individual opinions, individual political opinions, etc etc. Individual thought is at a premium.

That's kind of funny since someone today started a poll on weither the posters feel that they're 'normal' or not. And of course, the majority felt that they were not normal... making them normal...

12. Sensationalize the superficial.

That might explain this: http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/hea_tee_pre-health-teenage-pregnancy

13. Keep information bytes infinitesimally small. Promote Attention Deficit Disorder. Several decades of television have already set this in motion.

I think that was covered above. #4?
14. Repetition is key. Repeat important messages as often as possible.
15. Repetition is key.
16. Repetition is key.

17. Bypass rationality by any means possible. People don’t need logic to accept information. Belief is emotional. Always remember: WAR=PEACE.

Even when people are given the full information, they still hold the opinion of the giver of that information. SUVs are a good example. People know they're not safe, people know they get SHIT for mileage, people know they're endangering other people with them, they know they're ****ing up the environment.. but the man on the TV keeps telling them they need one. They need one. They need one. Man, I just read a Honda Civic ad in Newsweek last week. The text was talking about how it's a comfortable ride, has everything you need, will probably give you a blowjob, etc.. and it was appealing to the people who commute for hours every day. And the description for that came in the sentence: "This car is perfect for today's workers who have a more ambitious daily commute"

Marketrers.. I love em.. they can make anything sound awesome.

18. Remember –- two half-truths make up a whole truth.
19. Demonize self-knowledge technology of all kinds. Throw around words like “cult” and “brainwashing.” Marginalize anyone involved in such pursuits.

People are no longer interested in how things work. They just want them to WORK. That's apparent in every aspect of our lives. Most people may be able to tell you how a CRT TV works if they were born before 1985. You ask most people how the hell a plasma TV works and see what you get. People are more interested in the aesthetics of objects. Not the inner workings. The romantic appeal is much higher.
21. Keep people’s attention on what really matters. Emphasize what’s wrong as much as possible.

22. Always give the impression that Everything Is Under Control – but just barely so – hammer into the populace the idea that their greatest fear could strike at any moment.

THis is where you've got to consider the American government's ingenuity with terror alert levels and how major media sources picked them up immediately. A few years ago I was able to always be sure what terror level we were at because it was a constant display on most media networks. They've toned it back some, but we will never get to a 'safe' color ... what was it.. orange? We will always be at yellow and above. Perpetual war, baby. Just like the setting in the story which my user icon comes from.

23. Teach people that they are their thoughts and emotions. Reinforce this by teaching them to feel bad about their ideas, and to feel bad about feeling bad. Remember: Identify, identify, identify –- this will widen the empty void inside of them that only shopping can cure.

Consume, consume, consume. Buy more, be happoer. Buy more, store more, buy bigger homes to store more stuff, rent spaces to store your stuff, get more, buy more, consume more. And of course, pay taxes on it, sometimes twice.

By sticking to these simple premises you should be able to produce entire societies capable of ending world hunger, but too selfish to care. You will be able to bring about massive consumer mindsets and buying habits so powerful that logic and reason become superfluous in making the sale. You will be the new face of media. Good luck!

I say in 5 years, they're going to start eating brains.

It'd be awesome to release a gas in the middle of city that just...woke people up... brought them out of low beta state. It'd be great to watch people stop in the middle of the street or while talking and just look around and realize they're now awake.
I would love to travel back about 300 years and go fishing on my favorite river. Keep in mind most Black people would most definately not want to travel back 150 years, no matter how bad racisim is in 2007. If I were Black 1857 would suck ass!


You're not going to just trash my name Nubie Bitch. You cry when I say something about zionists, then turn around and show how they use the media to control people. Absolutely classic. You and your little clique are also the reason threads get binned. Not me. I've been here for over three years, and never had trouble till you and trouble showed up....hmm. The only difference is I don't have a support group I can pm to push the mod alert button and insult people. You hold yourself on such a moral high ground yet all you do is talk shit about people then play nice guy with everyone else. **** you.

Listen. You people want to sit around and talk about how you would like it better, then figure out the ****ing problem. I'm not helping anymore. You wanna let this guy tell you I'm the problem? Read my ****ing posts, check the ****ing links and figure it out because he's laughing at every one of you, and really has no other purpose than to make sure when someone steers you down the right path that he muddies the road. He's what's called a sayanim. Look it up.

I'm done with this thread. You can have your "I wish I lived 150 yrs ago" but you can't escape the truth or the present. You want it better? Get the zionists OUT of control....last wake up call.

Nubie........KEEP my name out of your mouth for good.
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Active member
Two things:
1. The Zionists aren't in control, I am. Next time you see my friend Ehud making another speech about some middle east peace ("war") initiative, that's really me telling him what to say, pulling all the strings. Zionists? Pshh, what a joke. I AM Zion. lol

2. All education is "brainwashing". All experience is "brainwashing". Out of everything that you take into your brain, 99% of it is subconsciously absorbed, versus the 1% that you realize. 90% of the info disseminated by everyone (including the media) is unintended. For example, what people say about first impressions, you say more about yourself just from your avatars before you even realize you've said anything.

As such, any talk about mind control is paranoid propaganda in itself. Marketing? Advertising? Media? What difference is it coming from them than coming from your first grade teacher repeating 1 + 1 = 2 over and over again? Think for yourself.


Active member
Nubie Biatch said:
George - We were definitely in a better place 150 years ago in a lot of ways. I think we are in sync on what the true problem is. The world is getting smaller everyday and peoples freedoms, rights, and privacy are disappearing as quickly as endangered species are.

As much as I agree with you on certain things here, the grass is always greener on the other side. There's alot of things they didn't have 150 years back either, and things they did. Like smallpox. Malaria. Typhoid fevers. Things they didn't have: like cars, the internet, and electricity. You might claim these things to be the cause of all the problems of the world today, but I guess you wouldn't miss them until they're gone. Would you really have been able to grow all these marijuana strains, if they didn't have USPS delivering all the seeds everywhere? 150 years ago, you had you make a journey of a lifetime to pick up some Mexican sativa. Today, you either put in an order online, or call up the local dealer for 20 bucks. 150 years ago, if you weren't rich, you had to walk several miles to get to the marketplace, or if you were, you could ride the carriage. Sure, blame SUV's. 150 years ago, you'd be blaming wild horses and cowboys.

I think, really, since we all grew up under the modern social and economical framework, there's no way we could really gauge realistically what it would be like to live back then.
As much as I agree with you on certain things here, the grass is always greener on the other side.
I wish people would stop coming in here and repeating this same line because you’re like the 6th person to do so. For me it is greener on the otherside and I would willingly give up cars, the internet, and my electricity and I wouldn’t miss that shit at all if it meant peolpe were connected with each other and the earth once again. I know what I want and I know how I want to live. I don’t need someone I’ve never met telling me what I would and wouldn’t miss plus those things do nothing but destract us and keep us entertained so we think we need these things however we really don't. modern technology is responsible for 90% of the problems today.

I don’t see your point about malaria or smallpox either. Today we have diseases and sicknesses that can’t be treated and are deadly. There will ALWAYS be diseases. This certainly is no argument for not going back in time.
Would you really have been able to grow all these marijuana strains, if they didn't have USPS delivering all the seeds everywhere?
Is this all you’re ****ing worried about? I don’t need marijuana or have to grow it it’s just something I enjoy to do. I would easily trade in marijuana for a world I am talking about however who says we couldn’t still grow our own marijuana? Cannabis has been cultivated for a lot longer than 150 years and even though I wish I lived more like 10,000 years ago I could still live without marijuana. I don’t absolutely need it.
150 years ago, you had you make a journey of a lifetime to pick up some Mexican sativa. Today, you either put in an order online, or call up the local dealer for 20 bucks. 150 years ago, if you weren't rich, you had to walk several miles to get to the marketplace, or if you were, you could ride the carriage. Sure, blame SUV's. 150 years ago, you'd be blaming wild horses and cowboys.
So? Again is this all your worried about is how convenient it is going to be for you to grow marijuana? This is pretty pathetic train of thought if so.
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in the rural country with my dog. i wouldn't live anywhere else. i still use a wood stove to heat my place so when people tell me I can do without things like ac/heating units, tvs, etc. i laugh because i already live without alot of that crap.
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Do you mind telling where in the rural country? My dream is to move out into the wilderness, not as disconnected as you propose, but as close to it as I possibly can. Just wondering.


George Hayduke said:
well ive examined all this technology over and over and its got to be coming from aliens. it all looks like alien devices to me atleast. none of this shit is natural.

George, do people get credit for nothing in your world? We're all morons for not living in a shack on a hill, anything you have to plug in is crap, and now people aren't even smart enough to have created the comforts they enjoy.

You guys aren't technophobes, you're misanthropes. If it's so bad, just switch the computer off and go sit on your porch (if a porch isn't too technically advanced for your caveman utopia), there's some kick ass rocks sitting in the front yard that are good for lookin' at.

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