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thread for people born 150+ years to late

Anyway maybe I should give a little more reason as to why I made this thread. I was coming home from a bust camping trip (i.e. thanksgiving thread) and heard this guy talking about his book on what I believe was NPR. I didn’t get to hear the whole thing as I was in the mountains and you never know when its going to go fuzzy. I heard most of the interview with this guy named Alex Weisman who wrote a book called The World without Us. It’s a book that explores the idea of what would happen to everything if only humans went extinct. It looks at what would happen to cities, dams, subways, aqueducts, nuclear waste, plastic, species of animals and plants, buildings, etc. etc. etc. then I got to thinking about a world with humans but we lived without all that junk. I’ve always tried to respect the land I live on and live with it as much as possible taking only what I need and giving back as much as possible. I grew up in the woods and spent many nights alone in them as a child so I guess that’s where most of this was ingrained.
George thanks for that tip on the book... sounds interesting.
I think you’d like most of Edward Abbey’s books then.
I find that eating really fresh, mineralized foods... as u would find naturally out in nature...makes you just feel higher/better...
Definitely, eat fresh healthy foods for a week and then go and eat Taco Bell for a week and tell me which foods gave you energy and made you feel healthy.
Get that in the city, heck NO!
Lack of toxic pollution ALL OVER AND AROUND YOU.
its amazing how we survive cities yikes.
I wish that were the case but I live in rural Appalachia parts of the year and we get all sorts of pollution that floats way up into the air and blows this way with the wind from all the damn city pollution. We get tons of acid rain way up on the mountain.
The best part is I only have so many more years left. I don't want to be around on this earth much longer. I think overpopulation and just everything that is happening is just going to be getting much horrible.
I don’t either, I see these ****wad’s building their wal-marts and shitty stick houses on pristine forests land and I want to puke, grab a shot gun, and blow my face off its so disgusting.

I also agree I won’t birth a child unless I was completely away from any kind of civilized life otherwise there better off not being here.
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Active member
well i was supposed to be born in the mid 1800's..this I know

back in the day where when you got out of line you got whaked. ...everyone knew the rules

i'd have been the mtn man not the cowboys and indians tho.....just like I am today.

hayduke...I read the monkey wrench gang and am familiar w. ed abbey...i didnt make the connection tho.

ed abbey is a hero to me tho...."epitaph for a desert anarchist"...his bio by james bishop is a great read too.

you have no clue how much i resemble ed abbey....

nothing like disabling machines at night that might destroy your/our world the next day.
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Although I've been living off the fruits of babylon all my life, I yearn for my own farm, my own crops, my own cattle. If I have a family, that is how I'm going to raise them.
NOKUY said:
well i was supposed to be born in the mid 1800's..this I know

back in the day where when you got out of line you got whaked. ...everyone knew the rules

i'd have been the mtn man not the cowboys and indians tho.....just like I am today.

hayduke...I read the monkey wrench gang and am familiar w. ed abbey...i didnt make the connection tho.

ed abbey is a hero to me tho...."epitaph for a desert anarchist"...his bio by james bishop is a great read too.

you have no clue how much i resemble ed abbey....

nothing like disabling machines at night that might destroy your/our world the next day.
aye, ive read that book by james bishop it is good! i just read abbey's road again from page to page this month. i love all his work. huge hero and influence of mine too.

i love watching this video of him speak.
"do this and we will be strong bold and happy... and we will out live our enemies.. and well live to piss on their graves!"
yes, sir... one day mr. abbey
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yeah well see the other thread where id want to with the paleo indians. thats 10-40,000 years ago. i just used 150+ because well, even 150 years ago you didn't have wal-mart, hummers, and all this other crap our culture consumes and builds bigger, BIGGER, AND BIGGER! i would of still been happier then than i am now.


Yeah I was happier even just growing up in the 80's...maybe a bit of early 90s...then man it just got out of control. people in hummers with their bluetooth blackberry in one hand and a quadruple shot mocha with 8 flavors in the other... road ragin up your ass from the back.

when ur just trying to keep calm. and its like...its us against them.


Yeah, I'd be happy with anything pre-industrialization I'm glad so many people on this forum share these sentiments. I'm in college right now, but getting out of this society and on to a farm is keeping me motivated.


New member
I feel the same, I would love to live in a society that wasn't strictly about material wealth and gain.

My parents own some land that is undeveloped. There is nothing more that I love than going there and staying in their cabin that doesn't have electricity, or an indoor bathroom, spending time in nature-enjoying fresh air and the lack of electronics.

I'd love to be self sustainable and live in the middle of no where with my wife and kids and just exist.

Maybe I should start a commune lol.

I feel your pain. But I guess we are stuck eh?


George Hayduke said:
it can't get any worse than what we have now.

Oh yeah, I can't imagine anything worse than a fridge full of food, a nice home, clothes on my back, a hot shower, I could go on about the many advantages I have that make me feel like my life sucks, come on.

Did I mention how funny it is to see people using their computers to complain about technology? Shouldn't you guys be bitching via telegraph? No, that would probably piss you off to, how about smoke signals? I've got a quill and some parchment you guys could use if reading and writing are still ok, or we could sit around the cave and draw pictures of how in tune with nature we are on the walls with a charred stick, have sticks been invented yet?

"The Apple i-stick, draw, poke, and hike, all in the palm of your hand."

The DAY the time machine dropped you guys off you'd be complaining about something you needed that didn't exist yet. And a few days after that you'd probably be a pile of predator poop.
Oh yeah, I can't imagine anything worse than a fridge full of food, a nice home, clothes on my back, a hot shower, I could go on about the many advantages I have that make me feel like my life sucks, come on.
This is a really pathetic train of thought and no one said their life sucks. We said we’d be happier living in another time. I do have a good life however I realize a lot of it is controlled by things shit I really don’t need like a hot shower or a fridge and a nice home. Its just crap we think we need because it makes YOUR life convenient however in the process we are destroying the earth. Let me guess you’re one of those people who thinks humans have everything under control and global changes aren’t happening because of us?
Did I mention how funny it is to see people using their computers to complain about technology? Shouldn't you guys be bitching via telegraph? No, that would probably piss you off to, how about smoke signals? I've got a quill and some parchment you guys could use if reading and writing are still ok, or we could sit around the cave and draw pictures of how in tune with nature we are on the walls with a charred stick, have sticks been invented yet?
Umm, well considering the times and circumstances we live in as human beings sometimes we are forced to make compromises. Unfortunately for me I wasn’t born 10,000 years ago I was born in the 80’s. Currently I have to have compromises to survive. I have no way of leaving everything behind, moving to the upper points of Alaska, and living alone off the land. I am in no position to do that right now however I try my best to live off and to respect the land as much as possible. It so happens I own a computer… so what? I would/could happily do without it or any modern technology at all. It’s a meaningless piece of plastic to me really.
The DAY the time machine dropped you guys off you'd be complaining about something you needed that didn't exist yet. And a few days after that you'd probably be a pile of predator poop
Nope, I grew up living on and off the land with my parents and spent many nights alone in the woods by myself with almost nothing. During the summers I would spend entire weeks alone in the woods so please save this crap for someone else.
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Active member
george washington hayduke I agree...(yeah i looked sum shit up hehe)I lived in the woods w/ out running water, w/ out sewer, w/ out electric w/out roof even.

I just wanted to point out the hardcore necessities...w/ out sewer is fine....w/out electric is fine.

but no water and no roof sucks.

you'll never realize how important fresh water is until you dont have it at easy access.


Active member
I would gladly live in a better time/place...

I would gladly live in a better time/place...

I too feel that we could be much better off than we are ATM. My problem with todays society isn't as much with the tech, as it is with mainly what I call: 1) "Over-regulation", and 2) "Ferengi Factor" (Yes, I mean ferengi as in Star Trek). These 2 things alone make me want to live in a "better place and time", past or future. I would join you in the time machine in a heartbeat.

Let me explain...

Over-regulation: Is it not fact that today we are literally over-regulated in almost every aspect of life? More and more modern BS laws, passed mainly on trumped up "safety" issues restrict us more and more every day. I have been on this earth near 40 years, and I see it happening right before my eyes.

Everything is getting badly overregulated. But gov/corps like this, it makes them more $$ thru fees, the legal system, permits, etc.

2) Ferengi factor: Well, we all know what a Ferengi is, and what they stand for in that fictional world. Sound familiar? In ours, it relates to greed for $$ instead of greed for bars of cold-pressed Latinum. Aquire as much wealth as possible, screw everyone else...

The cost of everything, including living is increasing at an alarming rate. Nowadays, 3-5 grand/month is pretty accurate for an avg cost of living. (rent, food, bills, car, etc) I feel this will be at least double or triple by the time those who are kids now grow up. Sux to be them...

Some new bs laws also apply (see overregulation above), making you take paid courses, and buy licenses, and permits for things that used to be free/low cost...well everything except something I would be more than happy to buy a permit for. 3 guesses... (hint) :joint:

The 2 go hand in hand to phuck us all slowly but surely. Just wait and see...

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Good post MoeBudz.....specially the part about the Ferengi factor. It's not like 90% of the bullshit we experience isn't engineered this way for us, and the "Ferengi factor" in our real world is called Zionism. If enough people figure it out fast enough and start applying the second amendment we might be able to make a difference. www.judicial-inc.biz

Btw, I'd give anything to live 150 yrs ago to help make sure we didn't end up where we are today, and living in tune with nature is definitely where it's at for me. You can keep the concrete jungles......
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You should be banned for running your mouth. If the truth hurts, that's your problem. It doesn't offend you, it scares you that I keep exposing shit. Now sit down and stfu Nubie.

Joe Hawkins

Active member
Everything about this thread reeks of Naivety , Idealism, Self Righteousness and disgruntled American Teenage Angst.
150 years ago, landlords were much more vicious than they are today, you also had lynch mobs, Mafia style protection rackets wherever you went, random violence was a part of life, (my home village still doesnt have the luxury of electrivity or running water).
I come from a culture that still lives like they did 200 years ago, only thing these days is that they dont still eat each other and they wear second hand (European style) clothes from the salvo's.

As ugly as civilisation may seem its a neccessary evil, otherwise theres no way in hell you'd have the education you had, be using the internet, be having a shower indoors, be able to go to a gas station and buy whatever you want, whenever you want.
And more importantly you would be so ignorant as to not even know you have a choice.
I suggest you go read up on the history of civilisation, Socrates is a good start, you will soon realise the struggle that Humankind has endured in the battle of Good Vs Evil, or better yet the struggle humankind has against its very own nature.


All you've got are your childish insults. Everything I said in that post can be verified by that link. What do you have? Your wore out insults?

Here's an idea. If I'm wrong, prove it. I'll bet anything you won't argue it, but let's see what you've got. I'm tired of your insults, so show me where I'm wrong. Time to put up or shut up.