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Diary Goji Grow


Well-known member
I have an equally leaky basement, been using concrete pavers so there is a separated layer of concrete floor above the flooding then put a tray on that for the plants. Grow looks great, makes me less anxious about flowering here.
Hello, @VerticalVerde . Leaky basements can weigh heavily on the psyche and they make a great spot to grow (most of the time). Tomorrow there is a 100% chance of rain to keep the water flowing down there. ;)

Last Sunday morning I moved the five tester seedlings from the flower room after they spent 72 hours there. On Thursday I checked them to see if they were showing signs of flowering. All five are now sexed. There are three females, and there were two males who ended their existence in a trash bag.

Females were 1-1, 1-2, and 1-4. 1-1 and 1-2 were the two seedlings that were separated from sprouting in the same pot.


Sorry, Boys, but this is a girls only party.




Well-known member
Great grow diary dude! I don't know how you avoid budrot, mildew etc in that environment. Very impressive skills on that front. My weather is spot on to yours..I'm in the deep south. Drastic swings in winter from 20 to 85, it's freaking crazy and makes indoor growing tough. Watering is an art form in winter with fluxating temps and humidity.


Well-known member
Have that problem here also but more in the transition of summer into fall.
First you have the air on then ya don't, then they're not getting enough heat in the root zone.
I only grow from Sept thru May now


Well-known member
I cut down a Gelato yesterday and I moved an Animal Cookies x 88G13 plant into flower to replace it. The Gelato is hanging at the top of the stairs. I cleaned up another Animal Cookies that was slow to dry to make room for the C99 plant that I cut down last Sunday.

The seeds I planted on Friday have not come up yet. There's a 100% chance of rain in the forecast so I'll spend some more time in the rooms. There's an old metal folding table on the veg side that is nearly rusted through that needs replacing. I have a plastic topped table in the shed, but I will have to clear a space to get the old table out of the room.

That's the plan and I'm stuck with it.


Well-known member
Two seedlings are above ground this morning. I did not check the label because it was dark in the room and I did not have my glasses and I had not had any coffee and I will keep myself in suspense until I turn on the light after I find my glasses and after I pee out the coffee that I drank a while ago, but I will.

Soon is relative.


Well-known member
This is a Soulmate standing under the lights in the 5th week of flower. It caught my eye when I went down there. The first shot was with a flash and I noticed the shadow it cast on the back wall.


The old table that served in the veg room for many years succumbed to iron oxideosis. I claimed a table that we had bought for MamaD to play at tie dying. The table sat unused in the shed for at least two years so I drafted it for the cause.


I moved stuff around to get the old table out.

The new table is longer than the old was so there was some more shuffling of stuff to make it fit.

Then after a little more adjusting it's good for now.

Now I am off to the grocery store for the weekly food haul.


Well-known member
I scrolled through another journal I have going on another site. I came upon this photo from February 2023. When I was downstairs yesterday I took a look around to see if it was shedding season.

I have had an assortment of critters show up down there. I started growing in the basement June 2002.
There's a light rain falling this morning. It is good because I put out some fertilizer for the pecan trees and shrubs around the yard during the last 2 days.

I found another critter in my photo stash.
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Well-known member
That's an old strain used to know a guy in Ohio that grew that
Speaking of Satori seedlings, the two are growing well. They are the two in back. There are three seedlings that are of unknown heritage that I planted for the hell of it. The two in front have names.


Left is Killing Kush x 88G13 Hash plant and on the right is Bomb Lemon Diesel. First time run for both strains so we'll see what develops.

The cuttings under the domes are holding their own this morning. I removed the domes for a little while to see how they react. They are underneath the fan and not exposed directly to its breeze. I'll take another look at them after breakfast.

This is Tester 1-4 and I am going to move it into flower tomorrow morning. I have it backed up with a clone.

1-4 will take her place in the Week 1 spot in the left rear corner. The rest of the girls will welcome her.


Well-known member
I have to correct the Killing Kush label above to Kosher Kush, and I did that a few minutes ago.

Tester #1-4 is now in flower at the Week 1 spot at the back of the flower room.


Animal Cookies x 88G13 is now hanging upside down at the top of the stairs.




My brother asked for help moving a refrigerator. I said I would help. I will enlist him to water the plants next month when we go to Texas.


Well-known member
Hey Buz is that black mold on that osb?
Spray and kill that shit, I'm not positive but I think that was fuckin with my pants at the old house.
I had some sheetrock take on a bit of that crap.

Are you asking about the stuff in the bottom right corner above?

If so, that is algae growth on a concrete floor. In the winter water seeps and flows across both rooms to a sump pump. I have sprayed an algaecide a few times this winter to knock it down. Once the trees and grass starts growing the water table will drop and I will sweep away the crusty dead algae until next winter.

If that's not what you saw, please point out what it was.

This stuff works great on mold growing on sheetrock.

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