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Damn cable guy came today and caught me with my pants down...i had my glass bong and dolphin glass pipe out in plain view (i was high and forgot about them out)...then the guy asks to come in my room to run some cable im like uhh...ok give me a sec...so i cover up all my growing shit water bottles and shit and let him in....i had just gotten ona gel yesterday so my room was smelling pretty fresh (or so i thought)....then he turns to me when in my room and says "smells good as fuck in here"...im like heh you caught me smokin...hes like its cool man i blaze too...

So what do you guys think ?he left.... cables hooked up...he seemed pretty chill..

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I would not be too worried about it, he was there to install your cable

Chances are he probably blazes himself, and could care less


Trying to have a good day
Sounds like he just was trying to get you to spark up.Couldnt he had just been commenting on it smelling like you smoked something good in there since, as you said, you had all that smoking equipment left out?

He couldnt see that one lady could he?Or anything else to do with growing? Be sure of it.I would have went back in there and looked around to see what I could see.Did you?

From the sounds of it if I was worried about anything it might be getting broken into.Even if he didnt do it.If a guy like that is out partying he would probably talk about it.

If you are SURE he didnt see anything but the pipes.........I wouldnt give it any more thought.Only you know that though.

I wish you the best.Take care.


Active member
I'm an electrician, and I know shit loads of Electricians... we have all stumbled over plenty of grow rooms over the years...
Hopefully he will turn a blind eye, as ALL the lads I know do.
Its no big deal, unless he's some crazy Christian who believes in Grassing!
I wouldn't get too worked up about it.... as long as he didn't see your Green fields, he shouldn't even think about you again.
Take care Dojo, hope this eases your mind a lil!


Thanks for putting my mind at ease....seems like he did want me to spark somthing up too...hell he even left his name and number...hell just go on the suspect list if anything goes down i got his name and place of employment and if anything happens 10 fold will fall upon him

He didnt see the babies he just saw my closet with no door and black plastic as a door lol...no nutes or anything like that...i turned off the lights as soon as i knew he had to go in...

I thought the ona gel was blockin the smell cause thats all i can smell since i got it but i guess not...i guess im so use to the smell its hard to tell

good drown

you should have smoked with him at least man, thats pretty rude not too if you had enough to spare an extra bowl session


Thats a common mistake for many growers. They assume since they cannot smell it no one else can. In fact your nose just got accustomed to the smell and it doesn't stand out. If you really want to check, go fill a small bag up with some coffee beans or grounds. Inhale nothing but the coffee air from the bag for a minute and go in. It'll reset your nose so to speak.


OMFG Dude just came back as i was typing and smokin a few roachs...he forgot his shirt and my stoned ass didnt realize it was right on my fucking chair in front of my couch...so i let him come in AGAIN to grab his shirt but this time i got a smoldering roach in my ashtray and im grinin like a mother fuck...and his fucking stoner ass forgetting shit....fuck:tiphat:

oh well fuck it

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
When I lived in a rental. I would always cook all kinds of indian curry when people had to come over. The grow was in a closet in my room, but still. You can't smell it when you've been exposed to it that much. The smell of burning herb vs. growing herb is way different.

I'm sure you'll be fine. Got to be smart.
you should have smoked with him at least man, thats pretty rude not too if you had enough to spare an extra bowl session

ya! this dude comes into your house, chill as fuck, to make your TVs work. declares he smokes and then comments on the pleasantness of your home and you don't offer him a good-will bowl?! Next time a cup of coffee wouldn't hurt either :dance013:


Thats a common mistake for many growers. They assume since they cannot smell it no one else can. In fact your nose just got accustomed to the smell and it doesn't stand out.
This was a problem for me. I could basically never smell anything. I had people walk in (who were trusted already) and I would just watch their nostrils open up and then immediately eyes open up. "dude. it smells like weed in here". Whenever anybody not trusted came over I would light intense, lots of it. That seemed to mask the smell. I realized that I had to run my carbon scrubber more than I was; I thought it had been on enough, but I wasn't the best judge of that it turned out.


New member
I wouldn't worry about it at all.

Dude souds pretty chill, as most tradies and home service people are. I mean it wasn't an ideal situation, and he probably knows that you're growing in the cupboard. Assuming he does smoke, he's hardly going to tell somebody to bust in and steal your 1 plant or whatever. I'm sure that he has 100 sources other than your bedroom.

He's probably laughing about it now thinking "that dude was so lucky it was me who went in there."