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Red Eye South Africa Cannabis Road Trip.


Old School Cottonmouth
I don't think I did but I do jump the gun sometimes and I apologize if I did.

you never know just how you look through other peoples eyes.

and sorry if that rant on america had nothing to do with the thread. I just wanted to elaborate a lil (or alot as I just realized my ginormous post indicates) about showing them a positive side of america and why we work so hard for technology which they probably don't see much use for.

on second thought I'll rearrange that post and this one to make it easier to read.

rearranged from my earlier post:

as for the OG seed reference thing. at OG we had a big thread up about exactly this. these laptops. a few people were going to buy one outright but the rest of us were going to have an auction. you see we do it when friends go to jail for legal fees too. you mail your seeds free to the auction, and when they get sold instead of us getting the proceeds we put them in a collective fund and use it for a purpose, like a friends legal fund or buying villagers of 3rd world countries laptops that don't work for no reason. its an easy way for us amature breeders to turn nothing into something quick for a good cause.

The OG thread was more than just about the laptops, it shows a lil philanthropy from supposed "dangerous drug manufacturers" for one thing but more than that it was about urban growers spending the money they worked for to show africans (many of whom have been fucked by our machine) that there are people in the west, not just companies but people, fellow farmers in their own right, that care about their well being and don't want them to be taken advantage of. and those kind of positive vibrations matter. especially in these days that people have a negative view of the west in general and especially america. and the truth is americans are incredibly good natured and generous, and have incredibly little influence with american politics and really don't have any idea about foreign policies much less support them. people don't understand that our elections don't cover things we want to vote on. only gay marriage and shit like that. they think because we're a "democracy" we voted. we don't vote on shit. you have a choice between two people who'll do basically the same thing either way. big government is what we have and its pretty much indecipherable from big business. its a machine we've created but lost control of. especially now with the global village. we're scared of it ourselves, the end all be all of our country is money and outsourcing is the way of the future. its going to hurt millions of americans as well. people don't know that. they think we're all patriots that support everything our country does 100%. and thats :fsu:

showing them individuals is part of what breaks down our cultural divides. good will is recognized whether your in a tribe in eithiopia or a pothead new orleans. americans are not america, and people need to see that whenever they can. and we need to show them whenever we can.

okay now I'm done. and this time I mean it. :biglaugh: :wave:
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Active member
Hi Guys,
I am glad to see there is an interest which raises the awareness
of the African plight.
Most of the commercial farming in Africa does not benefit the people of Africa.
It Benefits Mostly America & Europe & I see Asian countries with bad Human Rights Records moving in fast as governments sell off previously nationalised companies.

Subsistence farming is not a choice.
When you have been pushed off the best ground
& have no money for seeds or tools it is difficult to make
enough bucks for food let alone anything extra.

Corrupt Leaders & governments backed by
Powerful non African countries are the biggest problem.
Education is the second area that keeps a man down.

Farming African Indigenous Ganja on a national scale would benefit the small scale farmer if legalised. No pesticides or fertilisers need to be used.
Seeds can be crushed with manual presses for the oil.
The oil can be sold to refining co operatives for Bio diesel manufacture.
(Clean green Fuel which does not pollute the planet)
The stems etc can be used for the fibres for making cloth , rope etc'
the seeds are also a high nutrition food rich in Omega oils.
The crushed seed cakes can be used as a animal food supplement.

Thats even before we get to the bud material which can be utilised for medical purposes.

Conservative Africans with western views regards Ganja need to be educated
before it will become socially acceptable to become a reality.

Other seed bearing plants have already been introduced & distributed by some African countries for bio fuel manufacture & European Hemp Plants have also been introduced
by the misinformed which can weaken the endemic Landrace varieties.

We Need to Initiate the Change.

Ganja is the means for the poor nations to become self sufficient
with people empowerment.

Cool Runnings..........
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i don't see how a mass cannabis monoculture in the african climate can sustainably produce the quality and quantity of fiber, seed oil and buds required for international markets, without using any fertilisers.

exportation of african soil must stop, and agriculture must be scaled down to small self-sufficient farm units that have no inputs or outputs other than information via internet ect.

the only way that producers can avoid being exploited is to stop producing, there's just no other way. the law of nature is survival of the fittest and in the capital system it's those who have the greatest understanding of economics and not those who produce the goods.


Active member
Its for Self sufficiency Initially.
With Modern forced flowering tecniques several crops
per year can be realised in the African climate.
(Compare that with other annual oil bearing seed alternatives)
Export to neighbouring countries & International Markets is
what follows.
Oil is what drives a nation! If you import poluting Fossil fuel
you are making an unecessary overpriced debt & destroying the planet.

You do not need fertiliser to realise a crop but if you want to maximise like comercial farming then organic fertiliser can be utilised.

All countries will eventually use Biofuel realised from seed bearing plants.
Ganja is the Best as testified by Henry Fords cannabis biofuel plant & bioplastic car
that was killed off by Dupont & US Government with fossil fuel alternatives.
This is the reason Cannabis was banned & why we still have to put up
with the bull regards keeping it illegal.

South Africa has already invested in a couple of Biofuel refinaries to accept
Jatropha , Sunflower, Rape & other oil bearing seeds.
Why Exclude Cannabis?

Cool Runnings.......
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SatGhost said:
i don't see how a mass cannabis monoculture in the african climate can sustainably produce the quality and quantity of fiber, seed oil and buds required for international markets, without using any fertilisers.

exportation of african soil must stop, and agriculture must be scaled down to small self-sufficient farm units that have no inputs or outputs other than information via internet ect.

the only way that producers can avoid being exploited is to stop producing, there's just no other way. the law of nature is survival of the fittest and in the capital system it's those who have the greatest understanding of economics and not those who produce the goods.
This whole idea of sell sell sell is a capitalist and western thing. Not needed.
Nor is it Africa's dream to replace the middle east as a fuel source for the west. Look how nigeria has been fucked up.


Active member
I disagree.
Africans were trading since the dawn of man.
It is Africas dream to be economically independent
& realise the profits for Africans.

Nigeria is a great example:
Even the locals in some areas protest to being ripped off.

In several oil producing African countries The Freedom Fighters
called terrorists by the western backed governments
want to see some money for the oil being pumped.
Thats why there is trouble.

Ask any African what they want = MONEY!
Go anywhere into Africa & if you are a Muzungu (European)you will be surrounded
by plenty mouths shouting:
Give Me Money!

You can not escape from having to make money to live on this planet.
You can choose to live in the bush off insects & yams but your life expectancy will be about 35 if you are lucky.

Africas Biggest Killer is Malaria which can be avoided
with sleeping Nets that cost too much money for the avarage citizen!
If you had some extra income from Ganja you would be able to make a start.

The biggest Earner these days is Tourism which every African country aspires too.
Open up the coffee shops & watch the tourist dollar pour in.

Cool Runnings............
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Old School Cottonmouth
thats what I was trying to say. they keep acting like they don't need or want money. and currency is currency whether its cows or greenbacks. and thats the backbone of everything. to get a home, a wife, land, it all takes whatever you are using for currency. no escaping that. people don't work for free and they need something they can use.

and I don't think afro was trying to say that they were going to be the new fuel provider of the west or anything like that.

its like I'm always telling people. there are no big wars. its all little wars. a little bit each day. helping people where you can.

it would be great if there was one big solution, but there isn't. there is a bunch of situation dependent solutions for millions of people that when tied together equal progress for the african nation. and if you step on peoples hustle it never gets off the ground.

but if a few people can grow coffee, if a few people can grow herb, if a few people can... it all means something and you'll see it in the long run.

I would also like to add malaria as well as a host of other diseases have nothing to do with europeans and everything to do with 100 degree heat and stagnant water.
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Active member
Damn reading these old posts is insane. Jim was a man of the future. Wish his genetics were still being sold.

"if the mass population of Africa had the truth regards Cannabis production for buds, seeds & Hemp & there were movements etc towards legalisation the power would come back to the people & a far more earth friendly based economy would be achieved."

people have and are raping africa of its resources but its silly to think they were fine before white people came
The sad reality is its gone into a new gear with a turbo. The corruption in SA is crazy and ripping the earth apart. Mad place and culture.


Well-known member
Hey Lowrider, thank you very much for bringing this thread up
I sprouted this season 3 packs of Afropips originals: Mabombe, Senegal Haze and Tribal Vision
I had also a pack of Senegal Haze F2 made by USC. Total 20 seeds. From the Afropips pack, I had 5 seeds show roots, 4 of them on fresh EWC. And from the rest of the pack, 1 seed showed root in paper towel
From the USC repro, I got 9 seeds to show roots but none of them passed the cotyledon stage and never developed
Only 1 made it and it was on EWC and she is a girl growing on 25 liter pot. I expected her to be much more stretchy
Senegal Haze Afropips

From Mabombe pack, I got nothing, not even one root
From Tribal Vision which shares same father as Mabombe, to my big surprise and unexpectedly I got a germination rate of 10 out of 10 in just 3 days with plenty of vigor all of them, I am currently sexing this Tribal Vision pack, all of them very similar columnar plants
Tribal Vision Afropips


Active member
I sprouted this season 3 packs of Afropips originals: Mabombe, Senegal Haze and Tribal Vision

That is great to know. I have 3 senegaleze haze beans sitting right next to me. So keen to grow out some more of Afropips genetics. Well whats left. Wanted to ask, who is USC? How is your grow coming along?


...como el Son...
Hi Satghost,
If you are a SA citizen & never had 00 for the 11th & 12 th digit in your Id number you must be very young otherwise this might some it up:-

White Comedy
(from 'Propa Propaganda')
"I waz whitemailed
By a white witch,
Wid white magic
An white lies,
Branded by a white sheep
I slaved as a whitesmith
Near a white spot
Where I suffered whitewater fever.
Whitelisted as a whiteleg
I waz in de white book
As a master of white art,
It waz like white death."

La oveja negra​

[Minicuento - Texto completo.]
Augusto Monterroso

En un lejano país existió hace muchos años una Oveja negra. Fue fusilada.
Un siglo después, el rebaño arrepentido le levantó una estatua ecuestre que quedó muy bien en el parque.​
Así, en lo sucesivo, cada vez que aparecían ovejas negras eran rápidamente pasadas por las armas para que las futuras generaciones de ovejas comunes y corrientes pudieran ejercitarse también en la escultura.


the black sheep​

[Mini story - Full text.]
Augusto Monterroso

In a distant country there existed many years ago a Black Sheep. She was shot.
A century later, the repentant herd erected an equestrian statue of him that was very well in the park.​
Thus, henceforth, whenever black sheep appeared, they were quickly put to death so that future generations of ordinary sheep could also practice sculpture.


descarga (3).jpeg


...como el Son...
well if you think africa is like that because of the white man your welcome to believe so, but truth be told it would be NOTHING but cows and huts and shit if white people never came. people have and are raping africa of its resources but its silly to think they were fine before white people came. if not aids, than malaria, whatever. its africa. pick a disease, any disease.

Nubia was a great kingdom your right, but since then we've had rome and all and africa pretty much stayed the same. so I think they could use a lil help.

and you know despite how fucked up and ego driven it has all become the foundation of capitalism is that with capital you can help people that need it. and if anyone needs help its africa.

I've no plans to invade africans lives and I do think the west intrudes and imposes beliefs on others, but there are parts of africa that are so uneducated that they think if they sleep with someone who doesn't have aids their aids will be passed to them, and taken away from the original host and they'll be cured. the only people they know don't have aids are virgins, ie children. so they rape them thinking its going to cure their aids. I think enough money to educate them to stop doing that would be money well spent yes.

have u no sense of philanthropy? with all the shit going on in your country and u have no interest in helping? for a couple dollars I can make a bunch of africans lives much easier. why you wouldn't want the west to give them a helping hand is beyond my comprehension.

if you want to live on a little stretch of earth and only help you and yours go for it. but don't discourage others from making peoples lives easier who are starving to death.

see how u feel about helping hands if your born in the dirt of a hut in africa. doing shit on your own from scratch ain't that easy. we don't choose our parents and the least you can do is show a lil humility about the quality of life you were born into. I don't approve of the way they live and I understand its largely their own traditions that are the downfall of them, but it doesn't change that they are human and you can at least try. many of them want a better life and everything anyone else wants and its pretty hard to do that when your starting from nothing.

This seems to me to be the product of a supreme historical ignorance, and it is only necessary to review the history of Africa from Rome (to follow the above mentioned; Rome became the first superpower in the West of the "Old World" only when it was able to defeat the previous superpower in that part of the world: an African power that also extended throughout Europe, for example in Italy and Spain) to the Ottoman era.
My own country in great part and my area in particular, near a millenium after the fall of the Roman Empire, belonged in their respective moments in great part to two African Empires. And I do not live in any "banana" island: I am hundreds of kilometers north of Africa, in a country that would have its own empire in the five continents, and current part of the EU...

AIDS had the same cause as COVID (a zoonosis) and I don't think all the covid's dead outside Africa were African immigrants.
Malaria was not officially or "mostly" eradicated from my country until 1964. And I repeat that I am in Europe, and in the EU in its supposedly 4th power, and in the supposedly 14th world power.
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...como el Son...
no man your wrong about that. european people were basically the only people whoever got sick. none of the diseases today are of african/spanish/indian origin, they all came from europe. people would take a shower once a year, and only once in europe. that bred the bases for the diseases you see today

and europe had nothing on africa. africa had mathematics, created philosophy, and probably created writing. then the greek/roman came over there, took all their ideas, claimed it as theirs and built upon work that was thousands of years in the making.

so when i say whitey fucked up africa, you can look up african history (B.C.) to check it out.

And this seems to me as silly as the above, although this time in the opposite sense and even though it "supports" my previous comment.


...como el Son...
I see a lot of foreign johnnies talking a lot about africa.
FWIW, stop trying to see Satghost's comment as the old staple "Africa would be nothing without europeans", because it isn't.

Africa has been responsible for a lot of things, but allow me to correct you lot on a few things.

Egyptians were not "africans". Please take note that the Egyptians were afro-asiatic, and in touch with the "known world" millenia ago. Ideas were exchanged.
Coffee was not "invented" or created. It is merely geographical positioning of the habitat.
You don't hear the world telling us the south americans are great because they gave us Pineapples?

It isn't about huts and shit.
It is about mindset, and the mindset of the vast majority of Africa is rural. Your average joe around here just wants his little piece, and have the opportunity to indulge in his "traditional" right of being the man of his "house"

Now if anyone has any further discussions about this, feel free to read these links first (This is specifically for you Reign Of Terror):

Now the Egyptians were not Africans... And they came from Asia...
...And I believed in the mixture of Libyans, Numidians and Ethiopian Canaanites...
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...como el Son...
thats what I was trying to say. they keep acting like they don't need or want money. and currency is currency whether its cows or greenbacks. and thats the backbone of everything. to get a home, a wife, land, it all takes whatever you are using for currency. no escaping that. people don't work for free and they need something they can use.

and I don't think afro was trying to say that they were going to be the new fuel provider of the west or anything like that.

its like I'm always telling people. there are no big wars. its all little wars. a little bit each day. helping people where you can.

it would be great if there was one big solution, but there isn't. there is a bunch of situation dependent solutions for millions of people that when tied together equal progress for the african nation. and if you step on peoples hustle it never gets off the ground.

but if a few people can grow coffee, if a few people can grow herb, if a few people can... it all means something and you'll see it in the long run.

I would also like to add malaria as well as a host of other diseases have nothing to do with europeans and everything to do with 100 degree heat and stagnant water.
And malaria...
In Southern Europe (not only in my country) there has been malaria since ever...
This seems to me to be the product of a supreme historical ignorance, and it is only necessary to review the history of Africa from Rome (to follow the above mentioned) to the Ottoman era.
My own country in great part and my area in particular, centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire, belonged in their respective moments in great part to two African Empires. And I do not live in any "banana" island: I am hundreds of kilometers north of Africa, in a country that would have its own empire in the five continents, and current part of the EU...

AIDS had the same cause as COVID, and I don't think all the covid's dead outside Africa were African immigrants.
Malaria was not officially or "mostly" eradicated from my country until 1964. And I repeat that I am in the EU in its supposedly 4th power, and in the supposedly 14th world power.
(If someone comes out and says that this happens because we mix too much with the Africans...).


...como el Son...
That is great to know. I have 3 senegaleze haze beans sitting right next to me. So keen to grow out some more of Afropips genetics. Well whats left. Wanted to ask, who is USC? How is your grow coming along?
Underground Seeds Collective.