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I have grey bits in my phlegm

Big Beans

Beans Means Highns
ICMag Donor
I'm a bong smoker and I get through about an eigth every 4 days. I smoke it pure through clean awater. For the past month or so I've had grey bits of phlegm that ioccasionally cough up. Does anyone else get this. How can i heal it. I don't feel like telling my elderly GP about it. Thanks.


Just your lungs sweeping out the various bits of smoke residue.

IMHO and in my experience - not a huuge deal.

If it gets black, or cough gets bad, then worry. Or blood - blood is NEVER good (had that a couple o' times before when I smoked cigs and herb).

I cough little now, some greyish, not nearly like before...

Big Beans

Beans Means Highns
ICMag Donor
I'm wondering if it's just an infection that I could clear ip for good, rather than just put up with

Thanks for your reply.

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
I assume it is dust and tar from smoking. I used to have this problem when I was smoking alot too

only way to heal it would be to stop smoking for a while or vape

Rollin Face

Nope sorry my friend, as long as your smoking marijuana you will have it, I too have that, and cough up chunks of black shit...i mean the darkest matter, always when I first wake up in the morn..

Now like Classy said it is a way that your lungs are filtering out the bad shit, but lemmie ask you this, do you have asthma or lung troubles? I have a mild asthma and smoking really fucks me up esp cigs....so since i love bud so much i continue to do it, but it never gets better..

Big Beans

Beans Means Highns
ICMag Donor
Thanks to everyone for your replies. I have hay fever but thts mainly in June. I also am allergic to dairy as that snots up my nose. So I'd I have a few nasal problems but not asthma

I will save for an electric vape. And use my bulb style pipe in the meantime and see how that goes


you may have a bacterial infection in your nasal passage...i.e..sinus infection.
Well cannabis is a bronchiodilator and an expectorant so it will help clear bits of dust and tar out of your lungs. Id say if it gets worse somehow (bloody) you may want to get it checked out. Doesn't sound like anything too serious but I am not an expert...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

hey c'mon bro, I pulled a booger outta my nose the size of a
fuckin' iguana but I didn't start a friggin' thread about it.......


Rollin Face

...were all dying, and hell i figure its best to die before 60, not to much after that anyhow....live fast die young these hoodlums now-a-days say...


hey c'mon bro, I pulled a booger outta my nose the size of a
fuckin' iguana but I didn't start a friggin' thread about it.......

i had a big chunk fall out my ear the other day...
i thought it was bubble hash..but after i smoked it i realized it was 20 years of ear wax.


Well-known member
...were all dying, and hell i figure its best to die before 60, not to much after that anyhow....live fast die young these hoodlums now-a-days say...

and when you make it to 61, you'll realize you didn't live fast enough nor die young enough, and now you're just an old man.

60 is the new 30 (i keep telling myself)


I'm a bong smoker and I get through about an eigth every 4 days.
Looks like you might be developing chronic bronchitis as a result of smoke inhalation from those bong hits. The exact same thing happened to me shortly after I began smoking exclusively from a good-sized bong. I started taking lots of big bong hits every day.

Before getting that bong, I had been smoking mj frequently, often several times a day, for about six years - mostly joints, wood pipes, one-hitters etc. There had been some minor phlegm when I smoked that way, but not enough to bother me. Then I got the bong, and started using it all the time. Loved it!

However ... about one month after I began using the bong ... I began coughing up more phlegm. It became worse over time. Finally it got so bad that I quit using the bong, but the phlegm was a still a major problem several months later. Eventually I cut my smoking back to almost nothing, and the phlegm very gradually lessened over a period of two years or so.

I think that the bong must compress smoke so that more is inhaled. Or something to that effect. Not saying that bong smoking will affect everyone the same way. But your symptoms sound much like mine were when they began.

I'd consider switching to a vaporizer if I were you.

Hope this helps, and good luck to you ...


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i had the same problem. i would even cough and taste my bong. that was until i found out about carbon fliters for bongs. best thing ever for your lungs! haven't coughed up sh!t or anything like that since i bought it.




i'l bump this thread.. I have been smoking daily for about 5 years.. probably only about a year or less into smoking did i start to cough up black/grey snot and get slowed down

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