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I have grey bits in my phlegm

Big Beans

Beans Means Highns
ICMag Donor
THat carbon filter sounds Interesting. I'll look into that

My Dad is currently in hospital with pneumonia having all kinds of shit drained from his lungs as he has smoke tobacco from the age of 10. And his dad died of lung cancer. So I'm trying to be as healthy as I can ad I don't want to end up like them.

To be fair though I don't smoke baccy.

Thanks for your comments. Good to hear I'm not the only one.


Active member
Yes, welcome to the morning time lung cookies club.
I spend a few minutes every morning hacking that shit up, I figure its my lungs sweeping out the bad shit.


Good idea

Good idea

i had the same problem. i would even cough and taste my bong. that was until i found out about carbon fliters for bongs. best thing ever for your lungs! haven't coughed up sh!t or anything like that since i bought it.



The filter uses activated carbon, which absorbs tars and oils and various toxins from smoke. But does it trap much of the (sticky when warm) THC as well?

I looked at the Roor Carbon Filter Adaptor, and saw that it uses larger "stones" of activated carbon, instead of the more common little aquarium granules. Hmm, could these larger chunks be a device to trap the tars, while letting the THC pass through and complete its mission? It could be worth shooting them an email, just to see what they have to say.

The Filter Adaptor comes in two sizes and is designed to filter joints (not bongs). Stick the Joint into the filter, then fire it up.

Roor also has a rather pricey bong with a filter chamber which uses their activated carbon stones. Chamber can also hold ice.

Anyways ...


Joint Filters -

Edit: I located the page with all of their filter stuff, including bong filters and carbon for sale.

Or maybe just vaporize instead ...


Yes, welcome to the morning time lung cookies club.
I spend a few minutes every morning hacking that shit up, I figure its my lungs sweeping out the bad shit.

I call it "lung butter"...

I stopped the morning hacking about a yr after I quit cigs (4 yrs ago April 15th). Used to almost pass out in the shower I coughed so bad.

I'm a hardcore weed smoker (pipe or joints) - no daily limit (if I have it) and still don't get that nasty choking cough. I don't miss it (the cig hack).


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
j6p - i got an ehle carbon filter instead of the roor because i couldn't find a 18.8 mm joint in stock anywhere. i use activated charcoal from a pet store, works great and cheap as hell. im sure the carbon does trap some thc, but i am more then willing to lose a little to save my lungs. i change the carbon in the filter weekly, you can tell when it need to be replaced. i love how the bong water stays perfectly clear!
as i said before, this is the best thing for not getting the lung butter. :woohoo:

Ehle carbonfilter -


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I'm a bong smoker and I get through about an eigth every 4 days. I smoke it pure through clean awater. For the past month or so I've had grey bits of phlegm that ioccasionally cough up. Does anyone else get this. How can i heal it. I don't feel like telling my elderly GP about it. Thanks.

Get yourself a vaporizer!

Big Beans

Beans Means Highns
ICMag Donor
thanks for all your suggestions. I will try that ehls one soon as I prefer gongs to vaples.


as i said before, this is the best thing for not getting the lung butter.
I'm convinced. From what I have seen, the activated charcoal should provide at least some protection for anyone who uses it. We do have vaporization now, but lots of folks still prefer bong hits etc.
You state you have allergies. This leads me to confirm the Dx of bronchitis. Start vapeing and it will go away in time. Your lungs are having an allergic reaction to the smoke. Nothing big, it can lead to pneumonia if the reaction gets worse and the mucus traps some bacteria and THAT causes an infection, but on it's own it's just an annoyance to us weed smokers. Cigarette smokers need to pay closer attention since tobacco does so much damage to the lungs compared to weed. It can be the first sign of more extensive damage and disease process (COPD). Go search bronchitis on webmd and read. It's really not a big deal.


ive had black in my phlem in the shit i cough up for 4 years now, Straight Black like the resin out a pipe, but sometimes can be more on the grayish side, and pretty much every time ive coughed for the past 4 years its been black or grey or clear with little grey bits. out of the 4 1/2 years ive been regularly day to day smoking. Ive been scared about it for years not wanting to see a doctor, and this thread put me at ease, lol. I cough up blood about 3 times a week, never in huge chunks, just small clots, perhaps this may be lung sacs. RANDUDE, Are you serious Bro!?!? You save your black phlem and put it in a jar??? dude tell me your not joking lol. I can taste the tar resin when i cough man and i kno its there. Please explain more.


weed fiend
Been ripping bongs daily for 35 years. Like Lola I have phlegm in my grey chunks but no blood, EVER. Cigarette deposits stay in your lungs. Your phlegm is colored because your body expels some of the mj deposits as well as dirt, dust, mold spores etc. I know that's not perfectly healthy but it's better than cigs, much better.

As for folks coughing up lung chunks, that's another matter. The drummer in my garage band collapsed a lung from a bong hit/coughing spell. That's an exception and not common in my experience. I recently started making my own hash and discovered how horribly it makes people cough. Then I read it should be cured for a year or so before smoking.:biglaugh:
ive had black in my phlem in the shit i cough up for 4 years now, Straight Black like the resin out a pipe, but sometimes can be more on the grayish side, and pretty much every time ive coughed for the past 4 years its been black or grey or clear with little grey bits. out of the 4 1/2 years ive been regularly day to day smoking. Ive been scared about it for years not wanting to see a doctor, and this thread put me at ease, lol. I cough up blood about 3 times a week, never in huge chunks, just small clots, perhaps this may be lung sacs. RANDUDE, Are you serious Bro!?!? You save your black phlem and put it in a jar??? dude tell me your not joking lol. I can taste the tar resin when i cough man and i kno its there. Please explain more.

Please go see a doctor. Anytime you are coughing blood it is a cardinal sign that you NEED to get checked out. It could be anything from lung cancer to TB or another hemolytic infection. Due to how long you have been having the symptoms I would rule out the cancer, you'd already be dead, but the TB is a distinct possibility. Especially if you have been in a situation in the past with close quarters; prison, college dorms, military barracks, etc. TB can lay dormant for years before becoming active and causing problems. Don't ignore it and hope it goes away, it won't, and you will be spreading it to everyone you love and care about every time you see them.

Not trying to freak you out, but GO GET CHECKED! It will put your mind at ease if nothing else. Oh, and if you smoke tobacco, QUIT NOW!!!!!!!!!
The weed will do nothing but cause a little allergic irritation and bronchitis, tobacco will clog your alveoli and causes a multitude of lung diseases, plus it makes any lung issues a million times worse AND harder to treat.

Hoping for the best and that it's just chronic bronchitis for you amigo....


weed fiend
My pops had to quit smoking cigs after 60 years. He smoked non-filter cigs and the Doc told him his lungs weren't in as bad of shape as if he'd smoked filtered cigs. Tiny filter particles are inhaled and actually cut lung tissue. This is what makes millions of smokers cough blood, among other things.


DB...thanks for the idea of toe cheese football...
im starting a league at the local watering hole..


I've smoked erb and cigarettes both for a little over 30 years now. I bet my phlem coloring and texture would make the whole lot of you'll jealous as hell.Picasso would have paid big money to create masterpieces with my gorgeous, colorful, nearly phosphorescent phlem.You can judge the integrity of a man by his phlemical coloration and consistency.And behind any successful man is a phlem filled woman.Don't ever forget that.


weed fiend
I've smoked erb and cigarettes both for a little over 30 years now. I bet my phlem coloring and texture would make the whole lot of you'll jealous as hell.Picasso would have paid big money to create masterpieces with my gorgeous, colorful, nearly phosphorescent phlem.You can judge the integrity of a man by his phlemical coloration and consistency.And behind any successful man is a phlem filled woman.Don't ever forget that.

I think cig smokers benefit from smoking herb. You wouldn't be expelling any mucus if you smoked cigs alone. Just a non-productive hack with the occasional chunk of air sacks.


I don't know if you ever smoke the odd joint, but the other day while I was smoking a joint a friend of mine gasped in horror as I inhaled the ash off of the end of the joint, along with a burning ember. I had no idea I'd done it, and I dread to think how many times I've done it without somebody noticing. I imagine this would cause the symptoms you describe though.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
No worries, as the Cannabis Poet always said, you have to cough if you smoke weed!

It is just nature's way of cleaning out your lungs.

Take it easy, less is more!


Active member
25+ years of toking, nearly all day, every day. Mainly hits off a brass bat all day, very few joints.

Used to cough up a lot of crap before I moved to Cali. Now I only cough up crap when my supply has quality issues. No, I don't use a bong much anymore. *sigh*

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