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"Day" drinking...


Eh, yesterday I drank like 6 Pacifico's at the beach in the afternoon and felt straight up groggy till after dinner time. Less is more with daytime drinking.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
congrats you are on your way to an alcohol problem.
i wish you the best, but alcohol is the devil.
good luck w/ your future opiate addiction.
pills are worse than liquor.

you want some meds?
grow grass, smoke grass, tap some ass.
youll live a long healthy life that way.


stoned agin ...
i stick to the beer it has self-regulating qualities for me i start filling up before i start falling down. i find mixed drings dangerous i drink em like beer.
i dont drink before "coctail hour" unless its e.g. saturday in the back yard or a patio and then more than one only if i got company.
but you know i toke all day ('cept workday). and that got me thinkin about my responsibility to my self that way, too.


It seems there is so much caution around alcohol... and I understand but at the same time I think it can get a little ridiculous. I have never really drank my entire life. But there is always this attitude around me that drinking is somehow a vice...

Yet some cultures, like french or spanish...drink at lunch and dinner. and they are healthier so go figure.

neways i don't want to make this a negative thread about becoming an alcoholic...cuz thats ridiculous
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cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
im not trying to call you an alcoholic, but that is how it starts.
next you had a "tough" day at work and just need that drink.
i know alot of drunks, lots.
worst part is, none of them think they have a problem.
sitting outside the liquor store at 8 am shaking.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Why do alcohol haters have to come into alcohol threads and play "holier than thou"??


Registered Med User
"Alcohol, the cause of, AND solution to, All of lifes problems.." Homer J. Simpson

Day drinkin is the shit, I been doin it since highschool! Pretty soon u wont be able to function in society without having some liquor, it becomes a crutch. I fucked up 2 job interviews then the third one I had a couple shots of hennesy and a tallcan before I went in and low and behold, got the job! But then it starts to show ware on your body.. your kidneys start to ache and u get stomach problems, and your gut gets bigger. At the same time you start fuckin up relationships and turnin everyone away from u, you try to quit drinkin but you get depressed and stop carin, thinkin 'I might as well drink, I dont give a fuck anyway' and so you keep drinkin anyway. You become bi-polar, having extreme lows when your sober then fealing like a god amongst men when your drinkin.
Well this is where I stopped, I now only drink a little bit if I drink and dont drink everyday. What would happen if you didnt stop?
As you get older your body would age quicker than the average body, more wrinkles and swollen face (example: mel gibson). Your kidneys begin to fail and many people develope hemroids. Since alcohol is mostly sugar you will most likely wind up with diabetes. Your insides will give up and youll most likely die an agonizing, slightly young death looking back on a life of drunk'n regret.
I been drinkin since 13 and an alcoholic since 18, functioning everyday for the last 6 years only with alcohol. for the last year or two I been slowin down and tryna quit but I always relapse, I got A's in all my classes last cemester drinking a pint before class everyday, if I stayed on this route Ill prolly be dead by 40. I aint drank for a week now though and for the last 2 months I been calmin down drasticly, but its real hard to quit liquor, not like cigarettes or weed or coke which was all easy for me ta get off when I chose...
Alcohol is a drug, its addicting and it ruins lives. I love it, and hate it at the same time. More people beat there wives and get in car crashes and make stupid mistakes off liquor than anything else ive seen. Its your choice but I wouldnt recomend it as a daytime thing, It becomes an all time thing real easily.

Dr. Buzz

Get-Mo speaks the truth.

I used to be a heavy drinker from when I was a teenager till I was in my late 20's. I'm a musician and one of the last places to get steady gigs are in bars. I used to get drinks from the bar when I was WAY under age and I thought that alcahol was cool.

In collage I married my sweetheart and her dad was a functional alchaholoic in which he would go to work sober and then get trashed every night. He would also spend the weekends getting drunk. I remember drinking half and half black velvet and diet pepsi with him and he could drink me under the table.

Fifteen years ago he woke up in the middle of the night throwing up blood. That's when it started, the fifteen years of hell. He soon had to have multiple stomoch surguries to try to keep the bleeding under control. His health still was in decline, and about a year and a half later he was put on the liver transplant list... His skin was yellow from the toxins building up in his body and his mind was going. After two years waiting on a liver transplant list he was able to get a donor liver, albeit he was on death's doorstep. That was ten years ago. It took a year for him to get out of the hospital and physical therapy. Because the anti rejection drugs are a coctail of poison he suffered a stroke which made walking a horrible chore. He broke his hip because his bones were becomming britle. Then he lost most of his kidney function, had poor circulation from the diabieties, and got cancer of the ashphigus (sp?). This last March the cancer was too much for him and he passed away. He was 63.

RIP Roy.

I have since become a social drinker. Stick to weed.
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A cold beer on a hot day is great. Washing down a good meal with a complimenting beer is satisfying, but I could see how that could lead to a beer after every meal. Definitely a dangerous drug and although I'm young I see lots of my friends going down bad roads that they will have to change out of or suffer some heavy consequences.

That nice, euphoric drunk takes more and more drinks to get going with regular hard drinking. Some people seem to bang their head against a wall once and they learn to never do it again. Other people seem to never learn from their mistakes. There are a ton of drunks and ex-drunks (AA) out there. Alcohol is a hell of a drug.

Daily marijuana use is much more sustainable :rasta:


EatCannabisRaw said:
Yet some cultures, like french or spanish...drink at lunch and dinner. and they are healthier so go figure.
Theyre drinking wine though, which unlike spirits etc has antioxidants and other things. In addition to that they're only drinking in moderation with their lunch and dinner. Even chocolate in moderation is good for you 8)
Who knows, maybe cannabis in moderation is a good thing


stoned agin ...
i think its just that pretty well every one of us who has been in this world a short while has seen what happens when it goes wrong, and it can go very bad; and many have seen it close up and personal, thats the only reason. not to get all sanctimonious.

my drinks: beer by far (corona), red wine, cognac, tanqueray & tonic, tequila, margaritas, rye & ginger, grand marnier, sake; like fancy coffees, champagne and orange joice, hot mulled wine, agua vita, retsina, and now i gotta try a mojito :D a great pleasure ... in moderation.
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Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
cocktail frank said:
congrats you are on your way to an alcohol problem.
i wish you the best, but alcohol is the devil.
good luck w/ your future opiate addiction.
pills are worse than liquor.

you want some meds?
grow grass, smoke grass, tap some ass.
youll live a long healthy life that way.

look up how many people are addicted to alcohol a year compared to painkillers

also look up how many people die from alcohol a year compared to painkillers, then get back to me


^ Alcohol has been an integral part of many many cultures for thousands of years.

Give painkillers some time....


Give painkillers some time....

... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium ...
"Cultivation of opium poppies for food, anesthesia, and ritual purposes dates back to at least the Neolithic Age. The Sumerian, Assyrian, Egyptian, Minoan, Greek, Roman, Persian and Arab Empires each made widespread use of opium, which was the most potent form of pain relief then available"

... how much more time do you want? 8)


Well I'm not too clear about opiates and painkillers and all the different types and such...

But if heroin and opium are classed as painkillers, then surely big bud bears argument that painkillers are not as dangerous as alcohol becomes defunct?

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
its harder to quit oxy's than heroin.
opiate addictions cripple people.
dopamine receptors shut down in the brain from over stimulation.
after years of abuse, dopamin doesnt flow like it used to.
dopamine is a hormone in your brain that makes you "feel good"
eating and sex releases dopamine.
so recovering addicts are mostly depressed, cuz their brain is now fucked.

don't hate, it's science
still dont believe me?
read this book>
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Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
cocktail frank said:
its harder to quit oxy's than heroin.
opiate addictions cripple people.
dopamine receptors shut down in the brain from over stimulation.
after years of abuse, dopamin doesnt flow like it used to.
dopamine is a hormone in your brain that makes you "feel good"
eating and sex releases dopamine.
so recovering addicts are mostly depressed, cuz their brain is now fucked.

don't hate, it's science
still dont believe me?
read this book>

i'm going to by that book

i've been on 40mg of valium a day, as well as 20mg or more of oxys. i do have serious pains, but not even the MJ i smoke takes the pain away, also, I can pop pills at work all day long. I can't come into work stoned all the time for pain relief.

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