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f**ck iraq rebuild america



Wrong, they stopped the count. He stole the election come on now. No offense but you are being selectively blind. Follow the truth not the appearance of truth. The funny thing is I think we all know there was something wrong there but for some reason we wait for Bush to tell us what to think.

There never was a real final count.

Caprichoso: Preach it brother, but don't get to worked up over the Bush followers they can justify everything by blaming Clintons blow job or the liberals. Puppets... they are. They can't think for thier selfs. I think they underestimate how many people like me that have never voted before , that will popup at the last minute to vote. Please vote if you are on this side of the the big pond. It's the only way.

I am glad you posted what you did. They can't post anything that proves he won fair and square. But they can dispute all the facts.
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Re: Bush won Florida

Re: Bush won Florida

Einsteinguy said:

Prove me wrong!!!


Its been done! There are SEVERAL good books that DOCUMENT the dirty tricks and straight out ILLEGAL moves done by Jeb Bush in his brothers name! There have been PLENTY of proof that if you take a strict look at the roles prior to the Bush doctrine jr (Steal this election) you will see that the SUPREME COURT reversed many of the controversial rulings done in GWBs behalf!

DO NOT quote me CNN for ANYTHING!!

The NEXT TIME you want to quote CNN watch the Daily Show interview with Wolf Blitzer!

They STILL don't get that they gave this IDIOT a free ride, asked NO HARD QUESTIONS and allowed the Bush team to sacrafice us lives for worldbuilding! CNN and the straight media PARROT whatever is popular! According to Wolf, "Maybe we should have asked the hard questions but they kept telling us something and we believed it!"

WHAT?? What happened to journalism!

To ANYBODY who believes that GWB is doing a good job, PLEASE STOP SMOKING and NEVER GROW!

Give up the evil weed because GWB says it is VERY VERY bad!! Worse than HEROIN and CRACK!! It must be true because EVERYTHING GWB says is fact!!!

Check out some of those "other" books, the ones NOT written by Moore! The ones written by legit. concerned individuals!
Without a dog in the fight EXCEPT they live in a world where MORE and MORE of the world hates us, where an arrogant religious zealot believes he is on a crusade from GOD!!!

Not My God!!


Bigmo said:

There never was a real final count.

He's talking about the partisan recounts that were done by papers, some of which said Gore won others said, well, if you factor in this, and that, and consider this and dont consider all the people illegally excluded because their names resembled someone on a felony list that TEXAS supplied Florida with, and exclude those who were put back on AFTER the election, then MAYBE, Bush would have won!

Its MEANINGLESS in the real world but IDIOTS who blather at bush love to bring that up as if that MEANS something, but when the same paper questions bush, thats just the press, pay no attention to them!!!

Listen, people who blindly follow bush have a 24 hour network that "tells them lies, tells them sweet little lies!"
and they rush to regurgitate those lies as fact!

You can't win!!

They claim the 911 commision CLEARED Bush, when they HAD to use the language they did to get bi-partisan support but there are MANY MANY people who feel that in 5-10 years we will know the TRUTH!


No doubt my friend. I'll be waiting for their proof here in this thread. The proof is there they just choose not to see it. Pretty sad huh. You are by far more educated than me on this issue, and with great passion. Keep it up it is infectious and that is what we need.

I guess they think the left is responsible for persecuting Med Users to. Hypocrits.

There is one thing I agree with him on. We don't need spoiled ass movie stars up there spouting idiotic bullshit even though it is true, it hurts our mission. They should have booked some of the younger movie stars and heard their opinion. We need to get the young involved.
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That was sarcasm. I think Bush is the single most dangerous person in the world. He has no plan for anything. And that Bi-Partisan commision did'nt even look into all aspects of the investigation.

Why did'nt NORAD launch fighter jets when airplanes went off course, turned their transponders off and failed to respond to air traffic control?

Why did'nt Dick Cheney have a phone that worked so he can give the order to shoot down planes flying off course? What nobody had a cell phone?

Why did George Bush wait over 7 minutes to make the decision to walk out of the classroom after the towers were hit?

Why were the taped interogations of the FCC officials cut into a million peices and strewn around seperate trash cans?

Why was there a senate investigation into the evidence for war after the war and not before it? Thats what happens before every other war why not this one?.

How come Chalabi was'nt mentioned when it came to intelligence and how a lot of it was bogus.

There are sooooo many unanswered questions in that report. I'm upset at both sides for not stepping up to the plate and single out the wrong do'ers no matter who they were. This is all election year politics. Nobody wants to accused of bashing the president or his administartion during an election. Pussies!

And in response to the American education thing. Bush has a thing he called no child left behind plan. If you look at statistics it shows that the plan is not even being applied. He cut spending for education and will again in his next budget. He cut after school programs but funded faith based programs which is against the law according to the constitution. Church and state are to be seperated. Instead he makes Tax cuts during a war. So instead of keeping taxes where they were he knocked em down to where the top percenters make off with millions and the rest of us save hundreds if not one hundred. In the mean time we continue to borrow billions and inflate the federal deficit. Boy those 300 dollar refunds really helped did'nt it? i can go on for days on this keep it coming.

My biggest grudge is Bush's violation of the principles this country was founded on.

1) seperation of church and state. Its a simple policy, one that protects our government , but also protects EVERY religeon. If we continue violating this, one day youll walk into a church with a republican/democrat banner, or a mosque with posters for be all you can be. You cant have a president giving government money to one type of religeon and not others, it discriminates against everyone!

2) Violating state rights. The Bushy's dont recognize the states legal right to legalize pot for medicinal users, states passed it , the feds are still trying to prosecute them.

3) The patriot act, could probably be number one. I think if you hold people , even non americans, without charging, without giving them due process to prove innocence or guilt, then you are violating everything america stands for. Since when do people stand for this crap? Our image to every country in the world has gone from superpower american, to america the evil, plain and simple. Every human being should be given due process. If you accuse someone of breaking laws, try them in an open court.
Well said rollin. Blatant and Neimand are also right on top of things. Nothing like the Daily Show to point out that out of Iraq, Iran and Syria, we chose to invade the one that didnt buy nuclear info and intelligence from Pakistan and didnt have an active Nuclear, or as "W" would say Nucular program running. Sure they may have been looking to buy some uranium, but Iran already had it. I just love how the GOP says that Iraq could have sold info and materials to Al Queda, but what I dont understand is why they dont think that the Leadership in Iran wouldnt. And as for the lie that our country is safer now, has anyone done any target shooting?, because I know it sure is easier to hit a bit target rather than a small one, and the bullseye on our country has grown exponentialy since the war in Iraq.


Well, this is my last post in this thread. I can see you kids are so twisted up with leftist propaganda that you will NOT hear the truth no matter who tells it to you.

1) Again : NO Bush stole NOTHING. The Supreme Court stopped the recount, not Bush... and it was done on the back of statistics that almost are NEVER wrong..and in this case; were PROVEN to be correct because partisan recounts conductied with party funds by the dems CONFIRMED THE OUTCOME TO BE IN BUSHES FAVOR BY 516 VOTES!!!

TRUTH ^^^^ ... if you don't like it; then continue to do what you are doing, complaining and bitching... thats SURE to get results.

Tha 9/11 report has singlehandedly jerked the carpet out from under all your loud mouthed lying movie stars and dishonest politicos who sell out your safety just to get a vote.

TRUTH^^^^ ..like or not; your "opinions" do not change FACT.

Fact is...all you kiddies can see is BIG DADDY won;t let you have your pot... and now it's tantrum time. Grow up. There a PLENTY of things MILLIONS of times more important than this fun little hobby.

Personally, I would trade ALL my future grows to avoid having my head sawed off by vicious animalistic barbarians.

..and if YOU don't think that is a very real threat to you also, you are just being very, very niave.

Like I said before, leftist care little for the truth; and I'm not in the habit of debating a pre-recorded message...

so, see ya!

The simple fact is, my beliefs are my own, im not trying to shove my beliefs down your throat with half truths and fifth grade insults, and id appreciate if you showed me the same curtoesy.

For one, I dont have a vested interest in MJ being legalized, only in protecting my states right to approve it for medicinal use. Even though I am not a medicinal user...

And as for having your head sawed off, can you imagine the things we would do if somoene invaded our country, conquered our army and occupied america? Im sure youd understand why we would go jeffrey dahmer on their asses too.

How convenient you wont post again, reminds me of third grade, im rubber your glue!


resident slackass
###########1) Again : NO Bush stole NOTHING. The Supreme Court stopped the recount, not Bush... and it was done on the back of statistics that almost are NEVER wrong..and in this case; were PROVEN to be correct because partisan recounts conductied with party funds by the dems CONFIRMED THE OUTCOME TO BE IN BUSHES FAVOR BY 516 VOTES!!!###############3

tell that to the thousands of african american voters who were prevented from voting in 2000 by katherine harris and jeb bushs'
doctored felons list

516 votes huh? of the thousands illegally purged from the roles the overwhelming majority were registered democrats

oh and looky here they are trying to do it again...
but this administration and the GOP are the most dishonest and corrupt element in american politics today. i would even venture to say in american history.

hell, the most honest thing i've ever heard george w bush say was earlier today when he was addressing the National Urban League this morning

and i quote "i'm here to ask you for your vote...........
I KNOW, I KNOW....... THE REPUBLICAN PARTY HAS A LOT OF WORK TO DO" talk about the understatement of the year.

and hellboy you are right. there are plenty of things a million times more important than pot. such as....

the FACT is that this administration has failed....

failed to deliver on homeland security
failed to deliver on education
failed to deliver on health care
failed to deliver on the envioment
failed to deliver on the economy
failed to deliver osama bin laden
failed to deliver on job creation
failed to deliver on stopping the bleeding of american jobs to foreign markets
failed to properly plan for the occupational phase of the iraq war
failed to honor his campaign promise to respect states rights ie: issues such as gay marriage, assisted suicide, and medical marijuana. (and yes i'm a patient with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and 2 herniated discs that cause me a GREAT deal of pain everyday and will continue to do so for the rest of my life so yes, this issue is VERY important to me)

this list goes on and on and doesn't even address the lies this president has told the american people. he shouldn't even be afforded the dignity of being elected out, he should be impeached

FACT is this..... americans are much worse off since this administration assumed power and we know it, and on november 2nd we are going to do something about it so all you neo conservatives out there... enjoy it while it lasts.
the tides are turning and this time the truth about katherine harris and jeb bush are well known and it's not going to happen again
back in 2000 bush was running as a uniter....
well he was successful.... just not in they way he had planned;)

by the way hellboy...... i always enjoy these debates so don't go just yet


I pulled this text from the book "The Emperor Wears No Clothes."

I think it says alot.

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged-sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."

Originally spoken by Julius Caesar.

This must be what Bush thinks he can do. I don't think the American people are as stupid as he is and will never allow this to happen.

At least I pray we aren't.
Well last time I checked Kerry isnt going to legalize pot either, so take your bs and flush it along with yourself down the toilet. I am tired of having a christian fundementalist in the white house. As for my earlier post, it wasnt the Daily Show that pointed that fact out it was from Bill Maher when he was on Leno the other night. If only more of the population would drop the political correctness, I mean come on people if you cant handle some harsh words, than you might as well cut your own head off. And as for the crap about Kerry/Edwards being the most liberal ticket ever, no one seems to mention that Bush administration is probably the most conservative administration to stink up the white house.


Hellboy no more debating? The only thing you seem to even know about is the election 4 years ago. I'm not a leftist, centrist, rightist or whatever direction you wanna categorize people into. But when something is so apperent and slapping you in the face its hard not to flinch. Oh well just like our president you choose not to debate.:wave:

hey guys

hey guys

We all are facing a war now , a verball war, emotional war, physical war, and spiritually war, on many scales of public and personal importance.

We are all involved wether we like it or not.

How you think has never been so important.

How can you not feel for those suffering from the hands of ANY countries governments who allow such terrible ways to take place.

How can you not know how unjust it is...?

How can you endorse it...?

This is my opinion from what i have seen in my 28 years of living on the same planet as everybody else, and from watching my own people be treated like animals by my own government. It makes me care about other people and other governments because we are all connected wether you like it or not.

We all have a war that starves the human rights in every patch of land on this earth and INACTION is the real weapon of mass destruction.

Those who think their opinion doesnt matter need to know it does.

Those who think their little part cant possibly change things need to know that it does by being apart of a conscious collective called karma :)

And those who have truly felt the effects of karma will tell you, life has its own very magical and powerfull ways of dealing with everything and everyone.

We need honest politics with honest answers and honest motivations. We need it to be spoken and writen in ways that every citizen can understand so they can vote in the most honest way possible. We need to be telling those citizens that their efforts can help to change things, even in their own little ways.

Those who support the western governments way of handling these current situations,

Please..... have the courage to be honest about the pain and suffering even in the face of pride for your country.

Have the real courage and humanity to see the truth of what lay beneath your governments motivations...what do you find?

There are forces using puppets just as wally said...those forces are wearing bigger viels than the middle eastern counterparts and remain firmly seated and protected in a mind set that has only one purpose.

To globalise and take over everything to further feed their power more and then to flaunt it in the face of everyone in a show of arrogance and mistaken pride.

To be unchallenged on every cause they deem fit. What a care free way to live.

I can understand the supporters wanting to be on the side of who has the most "power" but do you really want a force to be reckoned with like that as your leaders?

What if they turn on you?

Where will that leave you then....to be persecuted about the very things you need to be happy? To only live in a way deemed fit by others?

Will you still support them if it is you they send to war to watch children being raped? and for you to be tortured while someone who hates you so much for what your government is doing, stands over you and watches you slowly die or beheads you and sodomises you or takes pictures of you while humiliating you?

How many soldiers have come back from these wars wishing they never went?

How many will tell you that they should never have been there in the first place?

Having your say can be done without hurting others, The governments dont agree with this and their supporters are following, its a theme that is catching on like a bush fire and its the most dangerous theme ive ever witnessed.

Hurting others seems to be of no interest anymore. When did the governments stop caring about that? or did they ever truly care at all?

You can "be", without taking away things from others.

If they have something you want you dont just go barging in or plot greedy methods, you negotiate with honesty, not plot to secretly do devious things for your own advantage.

Ive never felt so politically motivated until now.
Im sorry for this rant, but its more about my own feelings on the situation, and just finding a place (this thread) to express it.

The last few years have made me realise that inaction is really the worst thing you can do in times like these.

Goverments across the globe not just Amercia, need to know that people will not stand for such violent ways.

Find your own little way of making this known to them, by using your votes, by using your keyboards, by using your morals when teaching your children about being accepting of other races and peoples, by using any simple ways you can.

It all amounts up to a big collective of mental and spiritual power that can and does work just as well as any nuclear weapon.

This is just my opinion.
Im sorry if i have offended anyone by stating it.


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
i saw a joke about bushs intelligence being wrong, it basically went along the lines of, if we have to rely on bush's intelligence, we're fucked, hahahaha, he really is a numpty of the 1st order, ppl like him should be sterelised and it would be called a global peace initiative.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
this sounds a crap thing 2 say, and a bit troll-like, but when did this siyte become american cannagraphic, isnt it sposed to be cannabis law and politics in this forum, while mentioning bushs reasoning(or lack thereof) on the subject of pot, is relevant in here, the rest of the bush stuff, incuding my previous post r not really, imho. sorry to cause any offence


resident slackass
sure the forum title is Cannabis Law & Politics but come on, what do you expect? we're stoners... hehehe:D
i dont think theres a single thread on this site that hasnt gotten off topic at some point. ;)
no offense taken... you're right
but hey , we're stoned..... forgive us if we get off track:D


New member
Truth is the first casulity of war

Truth is the first casulity of war

Well said Leeroy, I agree whole heartedly. The inaction of the majority of Americans is the root cause to this & most of the worlds proplems. America with all it's weath & knowlage would not be hated so much if more Americans took part in the political process.That would force our leaders to truly act on the peoples intrests, and not there own. We that live in America have not only the right but the responsablity, and if we dont become more responsable we WILL loose the right. That said I cant imagine what must go through GWB's mind. He is not a stable person. Anybody who calls themselves prolife yet supports the death penalty is a hypocrate. So many lies, it's unimaginale almost that people actually support him.


The Tri Guy


The original start of this thread was along the lines of spend the money in america not iraq. Its not american money that is being spent in iraq. Its iraqi cash being paid to american companies to do the work. And its being spent on the rebuilding of iraq after the war. Which as iraq lost, they will also be paying for. this is the way it works and is only good news for the american economy. especially with the value of the dollar being so low, as your goods are cheap abroad and the money coming in from iraq buys more dollars which maximises profits. to pull all americans out of iraq now will not put more money into the US economy but less. Thats why everyone wants iraq rebuilt, because they can make cash out of doing it, and your economy gets a boost to boot, and your complaining? Ethics aside, the economics are good.