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f**ck iraq rebuild america

wallyduck said:
heres something to think about , might ligten things up a bit on this thread , i didnt notice a second page and it was looking so good by the end of the first didnt you think ??

Are you implying that I ruined the thread somehow? :rolleyes:
(cause my post is the 1st on the 2nd page)

Anyway, this last post of yours was quite funny and I just wanted to say thanks ;)


im sorry if i affended anyone with this thread . i was trying to make some good coversation . i ment no disrepect .
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thanks for that simpleman , your a champ and i think we have achieved some good conversation and some good points were made ,, thanks to everyone that participated .... itd be nice if we all kept any abuse and name calling to ourselves .. sure think it , but post somthing different , it makes you look like a more reasonable person and thats what we like to see around here ... we dont want to be called silly stoners do we ???


I see where your coming from Blue, but I have to disagree with you on a couple points. Bush is not a dictator even tho he did say this about the iraq occupation..... "If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator". Funny huh? But honestly I think he is a Fascist. All his policies are in line with Fascism.

The other point is there is no way in hell he will be impeached. The Republicans have the majority in the House and the Senate. An impeachment must go thru those two bodies to be official. And as we all know Politicians will back their party members, especially when they are making money hand over fist. Bill Clinton was impeached in Congress but it never made thru the Senate, because at the time Democrats still had control of the Senate.

And last of all if this thread offends anybody for what has been DEBATED then they have no place in a democracy. Name calling thats different, lets keep the debate alive.



wouldnt old goergie be just a puppet ,, he seems to have a fairly low intelect , someone is pulling the strings .. not as though they would have the front man up front ...


well another american civilian got beheaded today . and im still hearing about the way we treated there prisoners.these killers have no value on life .they murder the civilians . blow up there water and electric.and kill the people that are trying to fix the country so they have basic meens to live .they burn and hang our civilians on bridges .then complain we are not doing enough to fix there country .i think when we rebuilt germany the people were on our side . not destroying everyone and everything .they didnt cut peoples heads that were helping them . not even the jounalists are safe.(remember pearl in afganastan) they cut his head off. the thing i dont get is the world thinks were crazy .would you all call the cops if the people next to you were being murdered ......yes . i dont know if many people here new what went on in iraq when sadam was there . sadam before he ruled irag was a hitman . he killed when he was 14 or so .this guy was bad .so im really not sure if we did the wrong thing by going in there . we must get controll of this situation or leave . if these people wont do good for themselves .how can we do good for them .


I know my heart goes out to his family. Very unfortunate, His death had nothing to do with Iraq tho. It all took place in Saudi Arabia. The demands for his release were that the Saudi Gov. was to release Al-qaida prisoners. Which they did'nt and could'nt.

The Iraq issue is a different one all together. We have killed thousands and thousands more than these daily bomb attacks have. The last I heard was that the estimated civilian death toll in Iraq was over 30,000. Now thats a lot of angry and pissed off family members. The US Government is'nt even counting civilian casualties which is another rule we broke of the Geneva Convention.

All the work that is to be completed at this point is only half done and the money almost gone. Thats why Congress approved another 27 Billion last month for Iraq. So how can we rebiuld a country when the company we hired for the job is skimming at the top? All this just sucks.

Until we start following the rules why should they? If this whole thing in Iraq was by the book then all this shit would not be happening. If there is animosity then it should be directed at Our Government. They started all this Iraq shit. We need a regime change within our own borders.



If everyone smoked bud....stuff like this would never happen.

regime change is needed, but regardless I feel for that man's family. I cannot imagine the horro they or the family of nick berg have felt. I hope nobody ever has to live through that nightmare.


this did have alot to do with iraq , blatant, they made him wear an orange jumpsuite. like the iraq prisoners . they said they are going to treat him like those prisoners . but the problem with that lousy excuse is he was a civilian . the iraqi prisoners were soldiers .i agree with sharp pain they need to smoke some bud and find a differnt hobby than kidnapping .(man i barley have time to fart never mind finding time to murder people) that kind of stuff just doesnt make any sence. also sadam put his army to fight in hospitals and in schools. of course people are going to die .war just sucks .bush is just not getting the job done he needs to step down or find another way to make this work someway.


>>Bush was voted in by the american people like it or not.....

What the hell are you talking about? He was appointed by a group of Supreme Court justices who halted a legal Florida recount to simply give the election to Bush.


WASHINGTON –– In a jolting turnabout, George W. Bush's lead in Florida is suddenly in peril – and his carefully crafted image as the most-likely-to-succeed presidential candidate could fade with each newfound vote for Gore. It's Bush's turn to play defense. The Florida Supreme Court voted 4-3 Friday to order manual recounts across the state to review as many as 45,000 ballots on which there was no vote for president picked up by tabulating machines. The seven justices also added 383 votes to Gore's totals, apparently shaving Bush's 537-vote margin to 154 votes – out of 6 million cast. His lead and chief political advantage in jeopardy, Bush immediately asked the U.S. Supreme Court to block the recounts.


WSWS : News & Analysis : North America : US Elections

The US election
Anatomy of a right-wing riot—the Republican mob attack in Miami-Dade
By Kate Randall
25 November 2000
Use this version to print

More details have come to light concerning the events on Wednesday at the Miami-Dade County Canvassing Board that led to the board's decision to halt manual recounting of ballots in the presidential election. The board's sudden announcement that it was abandoning the recount meant that hundreds of votes, mostly for Democratic candidate Al Gore, would not be included in the official state-wide tally.

The protesters who mobbed the board's proceedings were not—as had been generally portrayed in the media—a collection of “outraged citizens” and rank-and-file Republicans who came together in a spontaneous outburst of indignation. The mini-riot was a carefully orchestrated operation designed by the Bush camp to halt the manual recounting of ballots that had been authorized only one day before by the Florida Supreme Court.

According to a report on ABCNews.com, the participants were not for the most part local party activists, but rather Republican Party operatives who have been functioning out of a large mobile home in Miami, some having come from as far away as Washington DC and New York City. These individuals were tight-lipped when questioned by a CNN reporter about who was in charge of their activities.

On Tuesday night Bush campaigners began phoning Republican Party members, urging them to join the out-of-state operatives in an anti-recount protest the next morning at Miami's County Hall. At 8 a.m. Wednesday, a meeting of the board of canvassers voted to abandon a full hand recount of Miami-Dade's 654,000 ballots and proceed instead with a hand count of approximately 10,000 “undervotes”—ballots for which no presidential choice had been registered in the original machine count. Since most of these ballots were from Democratic precincts, the board's action outraged the Bush camp, which proceeded to organize a violent provocation.

A crowd of about 150 pro-Bush protesters gathered outside the room on the 18th floor of County Hall where the board of canvassers was meeting to begin the recount. In an effort to expedite the counting process, the board decided to move its proceedings—and the disputed ballots—to a room on the 19th floor where the general public would be excluded, but two representatives from both the Republican and Democratic parties would be allowed to observe.

At that point, according to a November 24 column by Paul Gigot in the Wall Street Journal, New York Rep. John Sweeney, a Republican “monitor” on the scene, gave the order to “shut it down.” The throng of Republican protesters moved to the 19th floor and began pounding on the doors of the county elections department, chanting, “Stop the count, stop the fraud!”

Numerous incidents of violence on the part of the demonstrators were reported. The crowd chased down Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chairman Joe Geller, screaming that he was stealing a ballot. (It turned out he was carrying a sample ballot.) The mob attempted to rush the doors to the 19th floor elections office, and several people were trampled and manhandled in the process. Luis Rosero, a Democratic aide, told the New York Times that he was punched and kicked in the scuffle.

Key in mobilizing personnel for the Republican onslaught was the Spanish-language radio station, Radio Mambi. In an effort to whip up a lynch-mob hysteria, Republicans accused the Miami-Dade election officials of deliberately excluding Hispanic precincts, areas politically dominated by right-wing Cuban exiles that had voted overwhelmingly for Bush.

Radio Mambi reporter Evilio Cepero played a key part in fomenting the violence, chanting over a megaphone “Denounce the recount!”, “Stop the injustice!” His calls for people to come down to the demonstration were repeatedly broadcast over Radio Mambi, and he telephoned interviews with Republican Party politicians that were relayed by the station.

According to Gigot's column in the Wall Street Journal, Republicans on the scene told the besieged election officials that “1,000 local Cuban Republicans” were on their way to the demonstration. The prospect of facing a mob of anti-Castro fascists—who earlier this year illegally held young Elian Gonzales in defiance of government orders to return him to his father, and whose leading figures have been linked to terrorist actions against Cuba—undoubtedly unnerved the canvassing board members, who had good cause to fear for their lives.

Gigot, who in addition to penning a weekly column for the Wall Street Journal is a regular commentator on the Public Broadcasting System's Newshour television program, enthuses in his Journal article over the success of the mob attack: “The canvassers then stunned everybody and caved. They cancelled any recount and certified the original Nov. 7 election vote.... Republicans rejoiced and hugged like they'd just won the lottery.”

This provocation, utilizing an openly fascistic element within Miami's Cuban-American population, underscores the threat to democratic rights represented by the ultra-right forces that have come to dominate the Republican Party. The Republicans' reliance on traveling thugs operating out of a mobile home, employing violence and mob tactics to thwart a court-sanctioned recount of ballots, is indicative of the methods the party is employing in its attempt to hijack the presidential election.

In a belated response to Wednesday's events, Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman on Friday issued a meek appeal for the Republicans to curb their operatives' activities in Florida: “These demonstrations were clearly designed to intimidate and to prevent a simple count of votes from going forward,” he said. “This is a time to honor the rule of law, not surrender to the rule of the mob.”

Lieberman's plea was the latest in a series of futile appeals from the Gore camp for the Republicans to rein in their forces. Meanwhile, the Democrats have discouraged any mobilization of popular opposition to Republican sabotage of the court-mandated recount.

The Democrats are far more concerned with obscuring the fascistic character of the so-called “base” of the Republican Party—and the danger it represents—than organizing a defense of democratic rights, even if this means acceding to an illegitimate seizure of the White House.

One of the crassest expressions of Democratic pandering to the Republican right was Gore's role in the Elian Gonzales affair, when he publicly broke with the policy of his own administration to back the efforts of the Cuban exile groups in Miami to prevent the boy from being returned to his father. Ironically, but not unexpectedly, these same forces are now providing the shock troops in the Republican campaign to hijack the election.

The media has played a predictably foul role in covering for the Republican Party operatives. Initially there was a certain note of alarm in reports about the events at the Miami-Dade canvassing board. The networks showed footage of the mob rampaging through the county building and banging on doors. But the story was relegated quickly to the back burner.

There was virtually no attempt to reveal who and what was behind the mob tactics. One MSNBC commentator argued that the protesters were simply exercising their “democratic rights.” The connection between the Republican assault and the decision by the Miami-Dade canvassers to abandon the recount was barely noted.
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Bush won Florida

Bush won Florida

In case you missed it . All reviews and recounts gave election to Bush. All Media recounts gave election in Florida to Bush .

"Under every scenario Gore would have won" the Florida vote if the U.S. Supreme Court hadn't stopped the count. In making this claim, Moore chooses to ignore the most definitive post-election examinations of the ballots.

Two large news consortiums (USA Today and The Miami Herald headed one; the other included The New York Times) conducted massive recounts of Florida's ballots. Both reached very similar conclusions, and neither supported Moore's claim. To quote from the USA Today group's findings (May 11, 2001):

"Who would have won if Al Gore had gotten manual counts he requested in four counties? Answer: George W. Bush."

"Who would have won if the U.S. Supreme Court had not stopped the hand recount of undervotes, which are ballots that registered no machine-readable vote for president? Answer: Bush, under three of four standards."

"Who would have won if all disputed ballots — including those rejected by machines because they had more than one vote for president — had been recounted by hand? Answer: Bush, under the two most widely used standards; Gore, under the two least used."

Unless all these news organizations are part of Moore's vast rightwing conspiracy, his claim that the U.S. Supreme Court's reversal of the Florida Supreme Court's decision cost Gore the election is based only upon his own wishes, not facts.


Prove me wrong!!!

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Correctomundo einsteinguy! I can't belive there are still die-hard "Bush stole the election" proponents out there... it's ridiculous. If Al "crybaby" Gore had won his OWN HOME STATE he would have won the election.

What does that tell you about Gore??? You think his ENTIRE STATE is wrong about him??? ..hahahahahah...

Thanks for pointing that out EG..

As for spending OUR money to rebuild IRAQ.... has everyone completely LOST THEIR MINDS??????????

Irag sits on one of the richest reserves of high-grade crude in the entire WORLD and has BARELY tapped into the resouces. WHY DO I HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT CRAP WITH MY HARD-EARNED MONEY?????? THEY HAVE MONEY COMING OUT OF THE FKING GROUND.

...they should pay for it themselves, or they can fking live in adobe brick huts... makes no damn difference to me.



Yeah Bush won Florida and now the world is a better place! Hey hows that whole sovereign Iraq thing going anyways? Some of you guys need to change the resolution of your vision because the Big Picture escapes you.



..good question. How IS that "soverign thing" doing??? What are your views on it?

Mine are this:

1)IRAQIS are now hottly in pursuit of the troublemakers... just like ANY OTHER COUNTRY in the world, they have MILLIONS of honest hard-working citzens with familys that they love and hopes and dreams of a better life for the future. They clearly RESENT the imported terror, ESPECIALLY now because it is directed straigt at the ppl that are trying to secure the country for the citizens...and that is their OWN son's who have patriotically volunteered for police and security forces duty.

2) The 9/11 report CLEARLY debunks ALL of the bullshit rhetoric the left has been slinging directly at Bush.... when in fact, the bi-Partisan panel completely CLEARED HIM OF RESPONSIBILITY of any direct act of negligence. Where is your LYING Michael Moore now?

Not only that, the report CLEARLY demonstrates the Saddam DID have some sort of ACTIVE relationship with Bin Laden... and I'm pretty sure it wasn't about building "baby-milk" factories.

3) The lefts exhalted UN "gods" have been caught red-handed stealing IRAQI oil at the expense of food and medicine for the people... it never WAS "oil for food" ...it was ALWAYS "oil for Presidential Palaces".. because Saddam was right in the middle of the scam along with the oh so innocent French surrender-monkeys and the black-hearted Russians.
EVERYBODY in the pipeline got fabulously wealthier off the backs of the Iraqi citizens. The citizens are not STUPID... regardless of what the "say" in front of a camera, they KNOW where the real problems are.

4) Without the invasion, Saddam would still be murdering on a dailey basis, seeking more powerful weapons (which btw, was also proven..he WAS shopping for weapons grade uranium..proven!), and continuing to support terrorism and unrest in the entire region.

If you are REALLY serious about being politically informed, you will stop letting ppl like Woopie "pussy-joke" Goldberg, Chevy "washed-up" Chase, Michael "the mouth" Moore, Hillary, Teddy, Kerry, and a whole litanay of politically dishonest ppl that used serious and dangerous issues disengenuously for political gain...you will stop letting THEM DO YOUR THINKING FOR YOU.

Read a BOOK! A GOOD book. The next one on my list is the bi-partisan 9/11 report. I'm pretty sure I won't have to decipher very much political "spin" in that one.

Of course, my experience has been the leftist care little for the truth. They only care about personal gain.



SativaJoe said:
The Marshall Plan ?

Your like a history major huh.......

I've honestly never heard of the marshall plan

Listen, PLEASE dont take this wrong, but......

This is what is wrong with the american educational system,

How can ANY student, get through 9th grade without learning about the Marshall Plan!

NO-ONE, who turns 18 should draw a blank when confronted with the term "Marshall Plan"

The education system that churns them out should be FIXED before we spend dollar one building schools elsewhere!



Blatant said:
Yeah Bush won Florida and now the world is a better place! Hey hows that whole sovereign Iraq thing going anyways? Some of you guys need to change the resolution of your vision because the Big Picture escapes you.


No disrespect my brother,
But if you want to spout Bush rhetoric why not spout the garbage that Pot is so strong that its worse than HEROIN and COCAINE!!

Thats a Bush doctrine!

Please READ and LEARN for YOURSELF!!

There are 2 people saying the world is a better place!

GWB and Dick Cheney!

The WORLD admits its not!

It is just not true that the world is a better place!!

Its NOT TRUE that the Bush Doctrine is even a doctrine!!

Iran and No. Korea have shown the US to be the bullies they are and what do we do NOTHING!!!

Iran is doing MORE than Iraq ever did!!!

Iran SUPPORTED the hijaclers!

Iran is right now influencing events in Iraq!

Iran has stated that the Great Satan (the US) is right next door (In Iraq) and the are directly affecting that region!

Please, Please, Please, THINK!!!

BTW, Bush WON Florida?? Guess you didnt hear the dirty tricks they played in 2000 that the COURT is stopping this time! Guess you have NO IDEA what is going on now!!

Just listen to a moron and watch Fox New (We report bs you decise they are facts!) will not make you smarted or more aware! It will place you in line with people who arrest and torture med patients, and who say that MARIJUANA is worse than coke and heroin!

Believe that? No? Then WHY would you believe that the world is a better place!!


WE ARE NOT SAFER then when we were fighting the REAL war on terror and didnt take a detour to release Wolfys boner!

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