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f**ck iraq rebuild america



how about we leave iraq . put the billions of dollars into to our schools .let them kill each other . and tighten up our security .


After the pearl Harbor, be dropped some big boys on japan, then we went in and assisted them in rebuliding. Since we helped them rebuild they got new technology and developed their exports to the USA.

Now we are flooded with toyota, hondas, ect and cannot even sell our own cars or electronics. I agree our money would be better spend at home, but bush did go in and clean house so I feel we do have some responsibility to assist.

If I were president and those fuckers started killing our boys and burning our flag, chanting down with america. I would give them what they wanted....I would pull out all troops and cut off all financial support to the country.

I agreed with the move in afghanastan, due to the 9/11 attacks.....But I do now wish we left iraq alone and let the UN keep with it's bullshit inspections. It kills me to see these poor americans who are just doing their jobs overseas to support their families beheaded or kidnapped. If that was my father they had I would be in shock.


I'm all for it. But History will show you that it will end in us going back, but instead of us going to fight our children will. All this is just like Afghanistan in the 80's. When the Russians pulled out who took over. The Taliban whom which we funded. We gave billions of dollars in weapons and training to them, not only them but some guy named Osama Bin Laden. Like the saying goes "Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." But I like my version of it. it goes "If you take a shit and don't clean it up your bound to step on it."

What Sativa Joe is talking about is "The Marshal Plan" Which was one of the best things to happen to the world. I think Bush is trying to do it with his version called " The Greater Middle East initiative." I dont think its working do you?



Fight now or fight later

Fight now or fight later

US Going back. What war has US had to return after. I think germany is the only one . Let me know if I am wrong.

The question is do we fight now or let our children fight later!



Damn Blatant...The Marshall Plan ?

Your like a history major huh.......

I've honestly never heard of the marshall plan........what made this the best thing for the world?


Iraq, We have gone back to Iraq. But that was'nt my argument.

What I was saying is that if we leave while we are the only occupying power then us leaving creates a power vacuum. Whomever has the most control will take power. I used the Taliban in Afghanistan as an example. From the Taliban, Al-Qaida was born.
In this case of Iraq the Shites will take power because they make up the majority in Iraq. They were brutally supressed under Sadaams regime which is Sunni. So there will be some score settling, And right above Iraq is Iran who is almost all Shites. What we will have is a Shite run government that allies itself with our enemy Iran.

And the Marshal Plan is something that George C. Marshall put together after the the second world war. It basically was a plan to rebuild europe. Everybody worked for the same cause.
Born out of that came the UN, Nato and all the allies we are alienating right now.

History is my secret passion...shhhh dont tell anyone they might not think I'm cool anymore.



do any of you guys know which country is the only country to be convicted of terrorism by international law ... ill give you one guess .. and its not iraq or iran ....
to me it seems america likes to believe in good and bad , right and wrong , its not like that out there , and america is not always right or good , the second world war was called the last good war , it seemed the good and bad were more defined then ..
put yourself in the shoes of the people who inhabit iraq and are quite innocent of anything , walk a mile in them and i think you may change your mind ....


when did anyone ever think war is good .and who judges which ones are better than others .they all have a purpose. i supose.....sadam was an evil man . but now things are not changing over there .at least not changing for the good .so wally i believe your country is with us over there . so that means were in it together. there are choices to make .does any really think things are going to get better .going the route were going. we have to strong arm these people or leave them alone .and i never said we are good and they are bad . how you judge me and my country is your problem . i never asked you to like me or my country . everyone seems to judge us . why is that


Re: f**ck iraq rebuild america

simpleman said:
how about we leave iraq . put the billions of dollars into to our schools .let them kill each other . and tighten up our security .
i have not judged you and have nothing against you either ,.. and yes australia is there too , fuck knows why ... but i think your initial statement was pretty selfish , go in ruin a country and then leave and not help rebuild the mess you helped to create , thats not right at all ....


wally i ment no disrespect . i did not make the mess we did.i agree with you . we should stay .......but we got to do more .we are so concered how we are going to look to other countries.we are afraid to do anything .are young men and women over there are the ones we should be concerned for .


Be nice this is a debate. Democracy in action. No need for name callin'.



hey pat smear i never asked you to agree . if you have anything to say be an adult about it.


yes its a delima for sure simpleman , i wish we could all get along and not try and push our will onto others as us westerners seem to do , what makes us think we are doing it right and can tell others how to ?? yes we are in the same boat , and i think the boat has a few holes in it .... i think its time we had some real leaders dont you ??? do any of our guys compare to the likes of gandi , nelson mandella , if they did we would not be in the mess we are in n ow .. our leaders are weak people and that is why they are such bullies , it is up to us to make sure we head in the right direction and choose some better leaders that are worth following ....


well , i do agree .you are 100% right about the leaders. ill be the first to say bush is evil . and us americans have alot to prove this election . hope it all works out before bush tears it all down .hope all is well with you and your family . debates like this open my eyes to see all sides of the story. take care
They have NO business being there...

The whole song and dance of "catching Saddam Hussein" is a crock of $hit! The US goverment SUPPORTED him all through the 80s with finances and weapons (with which to kill the Kurds... by the thousands). It is also COMMON KNOWLEDGE that the CIA has been directly involved with training, funding and manipulating the taliban and Al Qaeda for YEARS.

Face it America, you ARE living under a DICTATOR. GWB has no business being President let alone carrying out the war/hate crimes that he is carrying out day after day, at the expense of innocent Iraqi people, at the expense of your SONS and DAUGHTERS being needlessly killed (and many times tortured first).

The Bush family has done nothing but tarnish US reputation and hurt their OWN people for years and years!

Get the point already! IMPEACH BUSH NOW (or at least do NOT vote for him)! He is a WAR CRIMINAL for God's sake!



- BH


Look I agree Bush isn't the best president, but if you actually think he is truely a dictator your clueless.

Bush was voted in by the american people like it or not.....next election will tell what the same people think of him. That is the purpose of elections. It just goes to show people can be wrong in their judgement...even millions of people.

I hope he's out, but who knows weirder things have happened.

Bad president - YES

Dictator - Not even close...bust out the websters dictonary and look up dictator.


heres something to think about , might ligten things up a bit on this thread , i didnt notice a second page and it was looking so good by the end of the first didnt you think ?? anyhow here s the thought ...


TAOISM: Shit Happens.

HINDUISM: This shit happened before.

CONFUCIANISM: Confucius say , "Shit Happen:"

BUSSHISM: If shit happens , it isn't really shit.

ZEN: What is the sound of shit happening?

ISLAM: If shit happens , it is the will of Allah.

JEHOVAH WITNESS: Knock ! Knock! Shit happens.

ATHEISM: Shit just happens.

AGNOSTICISM: I dont know whether shit happens or not .

PROTESTANTISM: Shit wont happen if i work harder.

CATHOLICISM: If shit happens, I deserve it .

JUDAISM: Why does shit always happen to us?

NEW AGE: Who gives a shit?

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