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Duggy's Super Stealth Desk


Jassmiso--I've now got two 12cm fans going out of the flower chamber and one 12cm fan going out of the veg chamber. Passive intakes come right up through the bottom, with L tubes under the desk and a light baffle sitting on the inside floor (pics back there somewhere. . .) All the electrical is split in the utility chamber, so only one cord comes out the back of the desk and is plugged in. All controls, ballasts, filter, fans are packed out of sight in the various chambers.

Red--I'm treating my water with some Ph up. I'm testing the water in and when it drips out the bottom I'm testing it again. My Ph really varies between summer and winter, and it was acidity that was making the plants unhappy. Stupid me thought I was battling a heat problem, when in fact it was Ph. Duh. I do have dolomite lime in my soil mix.

I should have more buds than I know what to do with (ha! as if!) by the beginning of June.

I've really been getting the hang of a good FIM, that is, bending the stalks at a 90 degree angle and tying them down.

Don't tell anybody, but I found another place to build a secret flower cabinet that will never, never be detected.

Need the space. I've got 16 plants going and 5 seeds set to pop. Wee haw!

duggy :joint:
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Glad to hear you got your paws on some 120mm fans. IIRC I told ya so all along :D

This is gonna be fun dude... Please keep us updated more often this time! :wave:

Jerry Maine

Go Duggy,

Also, where did you get those carbon filters? I want something like that, but can't find them in the aquarium sections of the home centres around here.

You're right about those Futon cupboards, they are a perfect setup for a two chamber grow, and for a 250W, although I reckon you'd be able to get a 400 in there too with a good ventilation system and a cooltube or glass shield. I certainly wish my current place had one.



Hi, y'all.

I wrote a really detailed post three nights ago and then hit a mysterious button that deleted everything. I'm finally over my discouragement.

Jerry M--how's the gikkuri-goshi? Try alternating hot and cold packs. It'll get you back into shape sooner. I got the net bags of activated carbon at D2 home center. Do you have those where you're at? In the fish section.

I'm currently frustrated that five Jack Flash seeds have decided to rot rather than germinate (fucking sensi seeds! expensive waste!).

Here's a current shot of the flower chamber:

I get bars in the photos with my cell phone. I got a new camera, took new shots, then ran out of battery power. My pics will get better soon, I promise.

Here's a shot of one that's been FIMed:

I've got 8 of these in the flower chamber, in 4" nursery pots. I'm thinking SOG, but I wonder now if fewer plants with longer veg time wouldn't have been more productive. We'll see, I guess.

Hey, HotC--what's IIRC?

Howdy, Are-Gee--I hope it is a nice show. I'm not quite confident yet. It still experimental, but it only improves thanks to guys like you!

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Well, I got the new camera going, and I think I prefer it when the pictures were hazy and indistinct.

Here's the current flower chamber with eight plants in 4" nursery pots, between 1 and 3 weeks of 12/12.

I attribute the brown under-stuff to earlier pH problems, but damn if they don't look droopy and sad, anyway. The FIM does stress them out for 3-4 days, and half of them have had that done recently.

I suspect I still suffer from pH probs, over-adjustment and re-adjustment.

I'm using pH Up for aquarium use in my water, testing what goes in and what comes out. Testing with those paper strips. I think it's time to buy a digital tester.

Are those aquarium drops okay to adjust water?


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Hey duggy!!!

The aquarium stuff is made NOT to grow algae and other plant life in an aquarium.

I'd be looking for some pH up/down from a hydro store. It's phosphorous based and acts like a fertiliser. pH down is phosphoric acid and pH up is a phosphate. Great for plants, lousy for aquariums.

How come your pH is low? Are you runnning distilled or RO water? Most tap water is hard and has high pH.


Thanks, Red.

I sure would hate to be feeding the girls herbicide.

In the Infirmary section, Stitch's pH up advice is this:

Here are some that will raise the ph: use these SOIL Adjustments when your ph is too low: PH UP, dolomite lime, hardwood ash, bone meal, crushed marble, or crushed oyster shells, potassium hydroxide.

I'm in a pretty remote area of a pretty repressed country and we got no hydro shops, so it'll have to be a do-it-myself solution. Also, Stitch suggested slowly changing the pH so as not to induce shock. I wonder if I went too much too fast.

Next step is to get my hands on a digital pH tester. Those fucking papers are tough to read--the drippy bits get darker and the less wet bits are lighter, so I don't really have a good idea what's what.

. . .and I don't know why my pH is low. More accurately, I'm not even sure my pH is low. How do you test pH, Red? Anyone?



I use a pH kit from my old aquarium to test runoff water. It works really good. The chemicals don't age or breakdown so there's no calibration problems.

Yeah all that stuff will work. I'm using dolomite lime on this run and it's keeping the pH up nicely.

Is it your tap water that is low in pH or the runoff? Most tap water has minerals that make it above 7.0. Low pH water is usually from a RO filter or distilled. There's no minerals and the water absorbs co2 forming carbolic acid.

Jerry Maine

I'll have to get down to D2, those carbon bags look like the ticket. I might try running with those over my 12cm PC fans and seeing if they manage, upgrade the filter if/when I have to. I have a ton of loose carbon ready to go if my grow starts stinking the house out.

The gikuri goshi is getting better, in case you hadn't read my update in the Japanese forums. I just wish I had some medicinal herb to help ease the pain, lol. But in a few months I likely will, so I can't complain too much

Remind me to get a Ph tester while I'm at D2.



Hey. Sorry this is my first post here, I hope this post is still watched by OP. Will be saying hello to all in a sec, but I absolutely had to look around first. Your design is brilliant. I do not think with adequate insulation/filtration anybody would ever suspect.

One quick question about the filter. Can you provide some pics of it being assembled or the part list. Its absolutely great, small filter. I'd like to make one like it


New member
hey duggy thats an awesome cab
so you took out your large scrubber fan diy mod and replaced it with the two 12 cm fans, right? Where did you put the DIY carbon scrubber/ larger pole fan?