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Duggy's Super Stealth Desk


Hi, growers! Thanks for popping in to say "hi" even though I ain't been around.

I've taken the first harvest out of the stealth desk a week ago. It was an extra B52 female that I popped into 12/12 as soon as she was ready. 17 grams harvested wet has shrunk to 5 grams in a paper bag over a week. I suppose I got an eigth oz after all is said and done.

Here's my fuck up:
I sexed a Jack Flash and a B52 as female, and then reverted them to 24 hr light. I was thinking to make mothers of them, but I ended up making them all but dead--the flowers all dried up and died off. Lack of green to support the girls meant that the roots are stunted.

Here's my luck:
Got a bunch of fresh skunk #11 clones which should be popping roots someday (it varies from 1 week to 1 month even in the same batch for me).

I'll post pics soon, I promise.

duggy :smoker:


Hey Duggy's back!!! Too bad about your females. I've read that sexing and returning to veg can give some weird results. Sometimes the plant will get stuck and not grow for a long time in veg or it won't go back into flower. At least you have some waitin around smoke.


Active member
hey duggy - nice work buddy - and good to see you back on the boards.

So did your wife figure out what is going on in the desk?

IME with revegging plants they will stop growth for a bit and then they'll put out weird leaves before finally growing normal. Takes a good 2-4 weeks for them to go back completely and that is for hydro....



suga--yeah, she suspected a long time ago, and I proudly spilled the beans. She was upset for a minute and then it was over. Now I can trim buds at the kitchen table if the kids are sleeping. yee haw!

Yeah, I'm getting funny leaves popping out of one, and nothing from the other. yaar. wait and see, I guess.

duggy :smoker:


Active member
well duggy if you plan to throw it back into flower - as soon as it starts throwing out funny leaves it can be flowered - flowerin will set in more quickly (7 days) with less stretch - the resultant plant is usually very manageable and produces dense buds since the flower time stays the same but bud set starts in sooner. One thing though is that you usually don't get a chance to take a clone off of her if you do this. I lost a few strains this way but saved a harvest when I had only 2 month window.

I should also say that I almost always take my clones from plants around 2-3 weeks into flower when I am trimming off lower shoots that will not be part of the scrog. These lanky long little shoots I find clone easily in rw cubes in my wick cloner. After 2-3 weeks they start growing again - in some cases I've flowered them at this point - 2per 2 gallon bucket in a sog scrog ( :hmm: ) and pulled a good harvest in 8 weeks when I needed to be done in 8 weeks. But usually I re-veg the clone into moms and take clones or flower them out when the plants they came from are done. Either way by taking them at 2-3 weeks into flower I have plants ready to flower as soon as needed.

edit: often times if I'm growing out a couple new strains this works great as I have a clone of each female ready to go - or get tossed.

so ok what was my point, just smoked a :joint: of trainwreck and fms grapefruit - rambin' a bit....

but next time you should flower and clone from the confirmed females when sex has shown. Then just continue flowering them out. You can select the keeper mom from your clones.

anyways sounds like your wife is very cool bro

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thanks, suga--
thanks, C.N.C.--

Lots of new stuff in the cabinet.

As for the old stuff, the single B52 and the single Jack Flash which I'd reverted from flower back to 24hr light are all but dead. If they don't perk up by the time I need the space, I'll send em packing.

in the smaller chamber, some clones are still rooting in the tuperware under the far black pot (airstone pumping in oxegen, rooting nicely), and those in the black pots with the humidity domes are the clones just planted. Skunk #11, which has always proven super hardy for me. Even I have a hard time killing it.

In the big chamber are the aforementioned ailing mothers in the white pots, ten two week old seedlings (skunk #11, all from a hermied bit of the previous harvest, so likely mostly female), and an unsexed skunk number one which has taken some heat or light damage.

And because of that damage, I've raised my 150W up pretty high. Don't want to damage those delicate little seedlings. I wonder if too much light could be disadvantageous. I got a whopping 96 watts per sq. foot in the big chamber.

I get that in the small chamber, too, if I pop in all three CFLs. Only one is in now.

With summer approaching, I'm waiting for a couple of free days in a row to take the whole thing apart and install one more exhaust fan in the big chamber to combat the summer heat.

Oh, and did I tell you that I smoked that little B52 that finished up? Someone earlier in this thread warned me that it would taste like tobacco. He was right. Gets ya high, but I don't think I'll devote any more space to the B52. Still haven't tasted the Jack Flash.

duggy :joint:


Sorry, no harvest pics. It's already smoked up.

The B52 was put into flower as soon as it showed pre-sex, so turned out just 5 grams. This is the first harvest from the cab. It wouldn't have even made a very impressive picture. It wasn't an impressive smoke.

Time to get the skunk #11s going again, and I should probably germinate some more of the Jack Flash seeds--I'd sure like a taste of that. . .

edit: oh, do you mean the current stuff? Nothing I'd call a "bud" shot, but I'll get pics of the current plants (about three weeks from seed-popping) and current clones (half still rooting, half in soil and hanging on by the hairs of their chinny chin chins.)
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double out

double out

I took out that big pvc pipe that i used for a light trap. I put in one more 12cm PC fan and put in a space to pack in carbon.

double output.

I might have to cut more input.

Solved my headroom problem by getting that stupid huge tube out of there. The downside is that light leaks out a lot. The plants will be happier, though.

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Wowie Duggy,

Thats a sick setup you got right there. That would be my ideal way to grow. Very creative.

Lookin forward to some new plant shots!

toke it easy!

Jerry Maine

Great cabinet. Stealthwise I had something comparable back when I was living in Tokyo, was lucky enough to have rented a place with an electrical consent in one of those big square futon cupboards. Like you I made a snug shelf to hide everything behind, even if you opened the cupboard you'd never have known, and the sound and smell was almost nonexistant. Wish I had some pics of it, but it was back in the OG days when phone cameras were still retarded.

Just started designing a stealth cabinet to place alongside my desk, and a mother box for under the drawer, this one of yours has definitely given me some ideas. I have a 250W light though, which is going to be overkill for a space less than 2' x 2' x 3', not sure if it's even possible cos of the heat, especially in the summer. Like you I've got kids roaming in the house, and will have to super-stealth it to the Nth to keep the lady happy. Biggest concerns will be temps and odor, so I need a kick ass fan and scrubber system.



Jerry--thanks for stoppin in. Yeah, with a 250 (drool) one of those Japanese futon cabinets is ideal. They're already chopped into top and bottom sections for two cabinets, and the size is just right for a 250, too. There were a couple of great ones on the old OG. Who was that guy with the Mr. T avatar? And Shibuya Girl also got tons of lovely bud out of just one of those. If only the kids would get their asses to uni sooner. . .

Haven't posted for a long time, everyone. Now that the temps are more favorable and I got my idiot head around my idiot Ph problem, things are looking good. Five plants in the flower (one's sprouted balls, boo hoo. . .), four getting even leafier in the veg chamber, 7 new sprouts, and I'm going to pop some more beans tonight.

I will flower out as much as I can, and hopefully I can harvest enough to shut down in the winter time. Winter is too much of a struggle for the little girls, and too little yield.

I'll post pics.
(did I hear somebody guffaw?)

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She's Got Big Balls!

She's Got Big Balls!

Well, like I said, I had one sprout some balls. Skunk #1 seed. freebee.

Soil was too acidic at first, but I brought it around, but then she(?) went and popped some nuts.

Tribute pic:

In this pic, nothing has been thrown away. Cut him down and chopped him up into his components. I felt like a botanist. I even cut open a couple of the balls, and they were still too green to be powdery or yellow. Sorry I don't have a nice enough camera to zoom in on the actual balls, but trust me, they would have been dangling within the week.

another gratuitous shot. feel free to print and frame these, by the way.

I promise to show you my live stuff soon (guffaw),


New member
Hi duggy! just read this from start to finish just now and noticed you made a last post only a few hours ago! :)
Good job on this stealth!!!!! all this brilliant stealth made your wife be cool about it

That 2 exsused fans u got going? where is your air intake??

Also the wires going into the cabinet dosnt screw the stealth? or you just back the whole thing into the power sockets so cant even see them...??

Hows almodo?

Its been along time since you started this untill now.....hope you get some fat buds and get a nice big harvest in soon! :)


Hey Duggy

how 'bout an update?

I'm happy to hear you got your temps under control now.

How are you handling your pH issues?

Dolimite Lime is really making a difference on my grow this time.