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Compact SOG with CFL's


Active member
I've found about 4-6" usable light penetration from plls, the plants just go on different size boxes depending on their size to keep them that close.


Well-known member
Snoopimg around....

Snoopimg around....

FFS boys how ya all been...:tumbleweed:

I'm alive and well and hangin out in the desert rt now...looks like ya'all have been bizzy as fuk

I got my hands on sum of that there Internet for now...so I'll be checking in


Hey all, I'm currently running a small perpetual sog, like the one the good dr posted. I have 276 watts in the 23w cfls over 2.5 sq ft, with week vegged clones in 20z arizona bottles. I'm getting dense nugs, and the stretch is good, but the internodal spacing is off, so I have to yet break 3 grams per plant.

I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong and if anyone can help me to figure out how to dial my set up in to hit at least 5-7 grams a plant? That seems to be the norm and I'm disappointed that i can't even break three.

I'm running them in compost, bagged top soil, perlite, and osmocote plus, a crf that was recommended to me for my outdoor experiments, and has worked fabulously

mite be a little late. but I would go an extra week or 2 of flower.. and if u r having to much stretch inbetween buds then id put more lights or lower lights . I pulled 350 grams off a 400w horizontal.. im going to try vert . if I can get a LB per 400. I figure I can get 3 per 1000.


one of my first trials. first one to be ready for harvest. Black Russian
ed~ she will not stop growing keeps adding more bud on top!!


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New member
Hey gang. I've been lurking around here for quite some time, and like others Dr. Bud is the reason I finally created an account. First time grower, total noob. I've read just about everything one can and all the sweet tutorials/walk throughs/etc you guys have contributed here.

To cut to the chase, is there anyone else doing what Dr. Bud is doing? With his level of turn over? More details on pruning etc? I'm getting a set up together over the next couple weeks and am looking to model just the same.

Again, total noob, educated, but still a noon, so your grace is appreciated! Many thanks! You all have already taught me a ridiculous amount of information so thank you in advance.

From the great PNW


Active member
i plan to do dr.b setup in the future just in the planning phases now seeing which strains yield well and do good in sog.

based on what i know of his methods you want a plant that doesn't require much trimming. idea is for single cola plants that you can pack/stack in there.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Epic thread, heavily edited.

Must have plants that clone easily and lean to the
broad leaf cultivars. I find I prefer the narrow leaf
long flowering types.

I started with a Dr. Bud style grow, even used soda
bottles. Too many plants/high maintenance for me.


Greetings Dr. Longtime fan.

Greetings Dr. Longtime fan.

Howdy Dr. It has truly been a pleasure to read your posts. Having read your work in High Times in the late 80's & 90's its really been like catching up with an old friend. You've contributed an awful lot of good information and detailed techniques to truly "Overgrow". Love the way you seem to ignore/break virtually every accepted "rule". And the pics are like a virtual "Where's Waldo?" How many ules can you spot the good dr ignoring?
1) "You can't grow big tight buds with CFL's"
2) "You need a big expensive grow set up to grow killer buds".
3) "You need big, light proof pots to grow killer buds".
4) "You need high dollar grow shop nutes".
5) "Veg?
6) "soil based grow sitting in 9 days of water/nutes?"
Bunches more, how many rules you see broken?

Having shut down my grow for some time now, I've gotten my "fix" "lurking". I'm tempted to bust out a Micro cab grow. Truly inspirational.

As L.E.D. Tech has improved greatly, and may pose a bit less environmental hazard (?). Have you considered a revised LED sog?

Unfortunately I've been unable to "filter" just the Doc's posts, meaning I've had to endure the drama (or what's left of it). Mods, a pure clean version of the docs posts and any relevant questions (there have been some thoughtful ones) would make for better reading. I've got another day or two worth of reading to filter through manually.

I'd love to see more details on the soil structure. I've read what all you use. The "decomposed tree" could use some further enlightenment. I suspect a fair amount of the "magic" is in the microbial action of the wood fungi and various composted materials. Also, I'm guessing this "living soil", and nute blend recipe might just have some valuable components.

The "off grid grow" is simply amazing. As someone else stated (forgive me for not giving proper credit) "surely some of the smartest people around are growing weed". The good Dr here is proof.

Hopefully 2014 will bring us the Dr Bud L.E.D. S.O.G. The challenge? Can the good Dr. devise a means to produce personal bud from a much smaller number of plants efficiently? I'm thinking 8 plants or less ideally for legal reasons.

A big thanks to Doc, the mods, and all who read enough to ask intelligent questions. And yeah, this thread sucked me in. After lots of lurking from a far, I had to join to post.

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
GOOD to see ppl in here keepin the doc around , I remember 6 years ago running across his thread through a link on RIU (smh) lol made me realize that I could grow haven't look back since big ups to the doc.


Active member

dinafem super silver

GH alaskan ice

GH slh

this is what i learned from icmag....mostly from dr.bgg......thank you for giving me the ability to jump into my first years of indoor growing, its made all the difference. namaste