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Compact SOG with CFL's


Well,Ive gotten off to good start.I can see where I need to make improvements in my box.But so far the yield is ok for cfl.I am not getting soda can sized nugs no.But the yield will be there when I get everything dialed in.I am very happy with my results so far.I luv dwc and cfl's.I have grafted a snow white onto my sharksbreath root stock so as of now I have a mother plant with 2 strains on her,Im looking at adding 4 more strains to her in the future for a total of 6 strains on 1 rootstock.
So I will keep working on my yield to get it where it needs to be.Im pulling 10 plants every 2 weeks from my cab.
Happy Growing everyone :)


no1 ever said u couldnt grow good buds with CFLS .. its just not worth it . unless ur growing Micro!... simple. if u cant cool a hid bulb space wise.. then use cfls or leds. simple. u can grow buds under halogen if u want.. but it isnt as effective.. simple as that. u can grow bigger and more potent buds under bigger bulbs. but micro Sogs. CFLS are perfect. cause u can just make a cieling full of CFLS . and have 1 bulb per plant.. and get a decent harvest per plant.. honestly butttt if u got a 4x4x4 box. cfls only penetrate the tops.. so u will have 2 feet of stem and a foot of buds on the plant.. but with and hid. u could have all buds up the stem .


OK, I'm on like page 30 of this thread and my eyes are bleeding but DAMN this is yet another crazy helpful and inspirational thread. I plan to "sog" through the rest of the posts over the next few nights.

Dr. BudGreengenes, aka the Red-Eyed Jedi -- where to start? Thanks so much for patiently sharing your copious knowledge. :bow: I hope to be an old-timer some day and pay it forward.

To all the other noobs like me reading this and looking at those yields, just remember he's been growing for decades, and everything is dialed in to an extent that we can only dream of. I mean, sweet-spot notes on over 60 strains? That's a metric shitload of experience no matter how you slice it.

It's no wonder so many yokels have a hard time believing the numbers--look at how much attention he's giving those plants! Submerge watering takes time. They get rearranged according to height and light preference. They're in rich homemade organic soil. He probably nicknames each one! (Well, I would...)

I'm just starting out, so WTF do I know, but for a personal micro grow this approach to gardening looks like a perfect fit for me. Get to know your plants, learn what they need when they need it, and score a little fresh bud every week. On a macro level it would be way too much work, but for a cooler or a small cab it's frickin' perfect. :dance013:

Thank Al Gore for the Internet, man, because the best gurus still live on isolated mountaintops, but at least now they can talk to us over dialup!


Active member
Thank Al Gore for the Internet, man, because the best gurus still live on isolated mountaintops, but at least now they can talk to us over dialup!
...Al Gore is a moron so thank him for nothing but DrBud is a canna God who has helped MANY of us learn to be self-sufficient.

...and phuck the haters who doubt his figures.

peace, bozo


New member

been thru this thread suggested by DU420 and scanned much of the one we're on, too. recently read...someone wrote, "eyes are bleeding." have to agree, with 75 pages...enough for tonite (reachin for bowl).

pl-l's seem to be the hot tip, can anyone point me in the direction of a turn-key, plug-n-play pl-l set-up...? would like to use either/both spectrums for clone mums, as well as for a flower box.

admittedly, am a micro-noob...yet, keenly interested.

suggestions, opinions, bricks, etc., appreciated. lookin' forward, Thank you.



cannot edit posts, yet...so, here's another post.

when i subscribed to this thread...i wasn't given a choice for email notification. how do i allow for email notification? tia

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Active member
Thanks, been there...still lookin'

And, i'd greatly appreciate any direction on PL-L's.


PLLs are great man and if you follow the link that quinoa64 posted above it will take you to the PLL club thread where you will find links to many grow-threads using PLLs in various configurations as well as links to sites where you can source all the parts if you are handy and also, if you look for them, there are links to places where you can buy pre-made fixtures.

...PLLs have been marketed now for at least a few years to those who keep fish tanks and reef tanks in particular so if you search around in those circles i'm certain you can find MANY buying options.

...frankly though, unless you were born with 10 thumbs, DIYing a PLL setup isn't exactly hard, ...actually i'd say it's easy if you have any mechanical aptitude at all and you can read and follow a simple wiring diagram, ...not much more complicated than the instructions on the box a chicken pot-pie comes in.





peace, bozo


New member
Medhed, here's some PLL (aka PL-L aka 2G11 base CFL) direction: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=132787 -- it takes a while to heat up, but that thread has a lot of info, including recommendation of turnkey solutions.

Yo quin, i recognize this link, have perused it and NOW...having enjoyed a break from pll-research over Super Bowl Weekend, ...guess will begin readin till my eyes are bleedin, ...again. :woohoo: Thank you kindly.




New member
PLLs are great man and if you follow the link that quinoa64 posted above it ...

...PLLs have been marketed now for at least a few years to those who keep fish tanks and reef tanks in particular so if you search around in those circles i'm certain you can find MANY buying options.

...frankly though, unless you were born with 10 thumbs, DIYing a PLL setup isn't exactly hard, ...actually i'd say it's easy if you have any mechanical aptitude at all and you can read and follow a simple wiring diagram, ...not much more complicated than the instructions on the box a chicken pot-pie comes in.

peace, bozo

Hey boz, THANKS. your DIY words are encouraging and pics are ALWAYS welcomed...ALWAYS, in spite of fact haven't enjoyed chicken pot pie in ages...

what kind of reasonable, consistent light penetration (distance) have you AND can i expect from pll's...12 inches? more? will begin to tackle task of readin thru the link above. THANKS to both of you. :biggrin:

for various reasons, finding a couple of bitchin' pre-mades would be ideal...spectrums for both veg and flower, as well as a box for Mums, too. this is the goal. macro grower til now, yet micro grow seems the way to go...

distracted by all the bouncy icons to the right, currently feelin like this, tho...lost in a pll desert :tumbleweed:

if, once reading another 54pages-worth (after this 75-page behemoth)...perhaps, will find the energy to look around the reef-heds, too...appreciate the direction.

AND, as i've said...your words are encouraging and chicken pot pie might be just what the doctor ordered. Thanks, again.

if you happen across any plug-and-play, turn-key, pre-made pll kits, at either and/or both ends of spectrum...

Puh-Leeeze, feel free to pass it along. meantime, recommendations, bricks, suggestions and of course, more pics are encouraged.

THANK YOU for you kind replies. i appreciate it.



hed <--- a cat (albeit dog-person) with at least 1/2doz. thumbs

btw, can i set-up icmag to notify via email when there's a reply to THIS thread...? if so, how so...

Thanx, again.


Hey guys, i just scanned over all this PLL stuff of late, dunno if anyone has mentioned using them in a vertical orientaion but I would highly reccomend pursuing that. I have run a cfl drbud sog for 3years now. I also run a 800w HID Vscrog, and let me tell you the advantages of going vert over horizontal are huge. I get to 1gpw in my vert without even trying, i struggle to pull .8 with it setup horizontally! Some guys are pulling 2.5+ per watt!! IF i were to build another mirco system today i would go with a DrBud sog lit with vertically mounted PLL's. Might need to make a seperate chamber in your cab with overhead cfl lighting for the onset of flower until the stretch is over and then move em to the vert chamber to fill in ALL the nodes fully from top to bottom. I would expect a lil pruning of the big fans would be necessary to keep em off the bulbs.

I would bet my next vert crop that method will absolutely kill it. Just my two cents.


IF i were to build another mirco system today i would go with a DrBud sog lit with vertically mounted PLL's. Might need to make a seperate chamber in your cab with overhead cfl lighting for the onset of flower until the stretch is over and then move em to the vert chamber to fill in ALL the nodes fully from top to bottom. I would expect a lil pruning of the big fans would be necessary to keep em off the bulbs.

It seems wrong to keep prolonging this thread with PLL talk, but the vertical approach to micro SOG is on topic, at least, so... Hell yeah, that's exactly my plan, with polycarbonate tube protectors to keep the leaves from burning, ala highpod. Also, check out chloemobile's grow.

But why not vertical plus overhead in the same chamber? Surround them with warm, white light so they think they're in heaven!:blowbubbles:


Active member
But why not vertical plus overhead in the same chamber? Surround them with warm, white light so they think they're in heaven!:blowbubbles:

that works like a charm for me

2x30 watt overhead and 2 x 36 watt vertical, pulled 3 ounces that round!1 cubic foot of soil and 1 cubis foot of buds:laughing:
Peace S


Purple turtle said:
:tiphat:just watchin,if you dont mind me pickin your brain....i was interested when i over read some of your posts on dr bud takes cfl to next level, mainly about when you were referring to defoliation,ive read the defoliation high yield technique and many others like bassmans over at 420 forums,even the pics you posted with jroseks looked killer!....because im the progress of doing a grow now SOG HIGH COUNT i thought i would work quite well,i just wanted to know if the only defoliation you do is at day 20 or after the stretch..or do you prep it once or twice in veg??
(p.s.and if you have any 'tips' or do's and donts please holla back!!id love to know!
thanks bro,

purple:thank you:
Most times it depends on the strain u are growing. Heavy leafed slow growing indica growth pattern. I would top in veg for 3main branches, tipping in flower is pointless and decreases yield. Defoliation is a must to pack them in. if u really know the strain about 4-5 days b4 buds start to form and build is best. Drop the nutrient concentration by a 3rd then back up again after recovery. For viny extremely stretchy sativas with low yield and leaf count, tipping at the very highest node u can pinch out 5-7 days into flower is best for higher yield. It allows nodes to develop and build without impeding yield and structure u want for a sog. I wouldn't top a sativa for sog in veg because they normally choose a dominant main bud and yield goes down without heavy training. Depending on my feeding style I choose with a certain strain BC every strain likes something different, it can either be an auxin based grow till 3-4 wks b4 harvest which gives u a nice sog structure and strong dominant apical bud, or cytokinin based grow that allows nodes to stretch a little more filling in the gaps while still giving u that sog structure. I hope I ans ur questions.