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Cannabis is getting cheaper in Canada!


Well-known member
This seems like a nice friendly thread. Think I'll stick my head in here and say, 'Cannabis is getting cheaper in Michigan too! Ain't it great?'
Gee I wonder who started this thread then got attacked for pointing out the why cannabis is getting cheaper by those who are still growing and selling it. They loose thier profits then look for someone to blame of all thier problems on, and who better then the Liberals who legalized cannabis and people who support them.
I just love watching KARMA in action baby!

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
i shoulda thought of that sooner.
I so rarely use those functions on sites as I generally don't need to. In this case though..... ignore function it is ;)
Reality is it is clowns like him that keep me from participating much in the Canadian growers section of the site.
Can't post anything without the bullshit factories firing up LOL


Invertebrata Inebriata
Gee I wonder who started this thread then got attacked for pointing out the why cannabis is getting cheaper by those who are still growing and selling it. They loose thier profits then look for someone to blame of all thier problems on, and who better then the Liberals who legalized cannabis and people who support them.
I just love watching KARMA in action baby!
You want to blame the Liberals for making weed cheaper? Then let's blame the Cons for making it a crime in the first place, ya fucking dodo.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Gee I wonder who started this thread then got attacked for pointing out the why cannabis is getting cheaper by those who are still growing and selling it. They loose thier profits then look for someone to blame of all thier problems on, and who better then the Liberals who legalized cannabis and people who support them.
I just love watching KARMA in action baby!
Bro, all your threads turn out like this. You start a nice, conversational thread, then flip a 180 and start attacking people over a difference of opinion.

A wise person told me once "If it seems like everyone else is the problem, it's probably not everyone else..."


Well-known member
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Here is positive proof that cannabis is getting cheaper in Canada. Nobody can argue with a graph. You can argue about the graph. You can argue about the person or entity that created the graph. You can argue about the program used to create the visual for the graph or to record the data. But you can’t argue with a graph.



Invertebrata Inebriata
Nope, it was the Liberals who made it a crime in 1923 under Liberal PM William Lyon Mackenzie King.
That's England or Australia or someplace- we don't have Prime Ministers in the USA. But it was NIXON who turned up the heat and really demonized weed, and it was REAGAN and Sweet Nancy, that started the War on Drugs, and the Just Say No bullshit. Anyway, why you gotta bring politics into another weed thread?


Mixed feeling on the price everywhere dropping.
  • It should cut back on the gold diggers
  • It could go all tobacco and make crap.
    • Bush light sells unfortunately.
  • Why should it cost more than organic vegetables?
    • Same dirt same sun same water
  • Top quality anything will always sell for more.
  • This is bound to happen whenever there is a rush.
    • Those who do it for the love of the plant will go on, and those that are not will find things they rather be doing.
Part of me wants to see packs of haze cheaper than a pack of tobacco, but part of me likes to eat.

Anyway more bake than wake right now will think about it more later.

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
That's England or Australia or someplace- we don't have Prime Ministers in the USA. But it was NIXON who turned up the heat and really demonized weed, and it was REAGAN and Sweet Nancy, that started the War on Drugs, and the Just Say No bullshit. Anyway, why you gotta bring politics into another weed thread?
Hint: What's the title of this thread? ;)

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
@Jellyfish this thread needed some humor anyways and you were right on time with as far as I'm concerned LOL

If we look at all the "legal Cannabis" places ..... especially the US states that were early adopters of regulated decrimminalization..... ie michigan, california, colorado..... what do we currently see happening to the marketplace?
Exact same thing that is happening in Canuckistan..... weed is getting cheaper.
This is not by some government decision. The only role the government has had that "caused" the prices to drop has been the role of Health Canada's licensing department. The number of players in the game, producing average quality flower that has been sitting in warehouses and is basically unsaleable and becomes a loss write off come tax time. There is just too much weed out there both in the legal system and on the grey/black market which despite the claims of the Trudope lovers...... isn't going anywhere.
The sheer number of online dial a dope delivery services offering better product than most legal dispensaries is an ever increasing business model.
We have 2 and maybe a 3rd one a bit out of town , but we have 2 cannabis shops in town and I go by them fairly often and they never look very busy. Often the parking lot is empty in fact. The Vape store a few doors down though? constant business and so busy they are now staying open till 9 pm monday to saturday.
Anyways..... Is cheap weed good? I guess if it's cheap and high quality..... that don't bother me.
I still won't smoke it and never will.
For me , I grow my own and have no need for Canuckistan's legal cannabis except for a possible future business concept that I am hoping one day won't cost a million dollars to see thru. I just want to make seeds and be able to sell them legally..... maybe offer cannabis gardening night school courses out in my shop...... but right now the fuckers in power.... and that is Trudopes criminal LIEberal party..... have the licensing system so rigged against the little guy that it sucks balls and feels like handcuffs preventing me from flourishing in the "legal" marketplace.
oh ya and Fuck Trudeau and every single fucktard canadian that voted for him or supports his criminal party.

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
The other thing legalization has done is create a lot of fraud, or at the least, misrepresentation of the product. Things like over-inflated THC levels. Inflated terpene levels, and in the case of the OCS, failure to keep their product information even close to being updated.

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Gee I wonder who started this thread then got attacked for pointing out the why cannabis is getting cheaper by those who are still growing and selling it. They loose thier profits then look for someone to blame of all thier problems on, and who better then the Liberals who legalized cannabis and people who support them.
I just love watching KARMA in action baby!
Nobody attacked you bud. YOU did the attacking when it was proven to you that your claim about cannabis contributing more to Canada's GDP and provided more jobs than the O&G sector was incorrect. It was at that point you starting acting like a typical fucking leftard, threw a temper tantrum and immediately switched gears to piss and moan about climate change. You then called me a conservative who loves profit over the environment all because I simply pointed out you were wrong about GDP and jobs. Facts aren't ideological, facts are facts. Something you clearly have a major problem with.
You know what I do on the occasion when I make a factually incorrect statement or claim and someone proves me wrong? I admit I was wrong and move on, like a mature adult.

For someone who claims to be a happy dude, you sure are a miserable little twat. You need to smoke a joint and relax.


Well-known member
Bro, all your threads turn out like this. You start a nice, conversational thread, then flip a 180 and start attacking people over a difference of opinion.

A wise person told me once "If it seems like everyone else is the problem, it's probably not everyone else..."
Sure when most people believed the world was flat it was flat eh. Or when most people were against cannabis it was more harmful then tobacco or alcohol they were right then too eh. :rolleyes: And climate change is not real as long as the majority agrees that it's not. And when the Nazis ran Germany those who opposed them were the problem.

If you mindless follow the herd you will never be happy but that is just KARMA in action.


Well-known member
The other thing legalization has done is create a lot of fraud, or at the least, misrepresentation of the product. Things like over-inflated THC levels. Inflated terpene levels, and in the case of the OCS, failure to keep their product information even close to being updated.
Criminals and the black market never lies eh they are far more honest then people who obey the law. Smoking a legal joint laughing my ass off.

What a great guy you are wanting people to be arrested or jailed because you don't like the idea of legalization. But I should not point that out because its rude eh. LOL
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