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Cannabis is getting cheaper in Canada!


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ICMag Donor
Part of the joke of that is that it is actually pretty expensive . . . This is the budget oz selection available at a local store:


And this is why small growers and hydro stores are going bust or shutting down. And don't forget that that $80.90 oz above is only about $62 USD . . .


Well-known member
Almost as funny as druggies who support communists. Eh comrade?
Better check your soup dude they are coming for ya. I love the paranoid conspiracy theories that conservatives and republicans spout. I would almost feel sorry for them sitting in thier house holding a gun terrified someone is coming for them but its just KARMA in action. If you really want to know the person who is to blame for your unhappiness just take a look in the mirror.
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Well-known member
And this is why small growers and hydro stores are going bust or shutting down. And don't forget that that $80.90 oz above is only about $62 USD . . .
Mark Twain knew the truth over a hundred years ago.

“Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits. Fanatics will never learn that, though it be written in letters of gold across the sky. It is the prohibition that makes anything precious
― Mark Twain

The same would happen to all other illicit drugs as well if legalized.

BTW its still a lot cheaper to grow your own.

Cannabis clones selling by the dozens at BC stores​

Published on May 26, 2023 by David Wylie

Photo: ContributedClones are shown for sale at The Flower Shop in Northern BC.
Clones are “selling like hot cakes” says BC cannabis store owner Vikram Sachdeva.

The founder and CEO of Seed & Stone says his first order of 24 sold out within a week.

Seeing the trend, he planned to stock pots, soil, nutrients, lights, tents—everything needed for baby plants to thrive into flowering adults.

“We want to be first,” he says.

Seed & Stone, which has stores in the Lower Mainland and on Vancouver Island, ordered their plants from Herbal Dispatch through Direct Delivery in BC.

The clones so far included Tropical Haze, Dark Shadow Haze, Killer Kush, Banana Cabana, Mac Fritter, and Meat Breath.

People love them​

Meanwhile, in the Northern BC community of Chetwynd, Toni Marcer says clones are very popular at her store, The Flower Shop Cannabis. They retail there for $49.99 each.

“The first batch we got were unreal,” she says. “They’re in like a Starbucks cup. They were pristine. People love it because it’s something different, something new.”

Marcer says everyone should grow at home.

She’s set to sell nearly 100 clones through her store this spring.

The beauty of the clones, she says, is you know they’re going to bud.
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Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Better check your soup dude they are coming for ya. I love the paranoid conspiracy theories that conservatives and republicans spout. I would almost feel sorry for them sitting in thier house holding a gun terrified someone is coming for them but its just KARMA in action. If you really want the person to blame for your unhappiness just take a look in the mirror.
Wow, that was appropo of nothing I said. So what "conspiracy theory" did I just spout? Or are you just lashing out and making shit up because you were proven to either be stupid or a liar?
Grow up, be a man and just admit you were wrong with your GDP and jobs claim instead of acting like it's some kind of conspiracy.
I'll give you this much, you and Trudeau are quite similar. Dumb as shit and you both double down on your stupidity when you get caught being stupid.
The only one of us that's unhappy is you because you can't let go of the fact you were proven wrong. You really need to work on your self-esteem, dude.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
Trudeau is a commie piece of shit and is destroying Canada , dividing it's peoples and financially ruining tens of thousands of canadian families. He is beholden to the WEF and is a disgrace to this country, it's flag and it's veterans. He is a criminal and an authoritarian and there is no place in this country for filth like him and his criminal liberal party.
It's even worse than the Chretien /Paul martin scandals and crimes...... awarding the liberal party of that era the label.... The Liberanos in major newspapers around the world.
The current government is an abomination and a threat to the very freedom and prosperity of the country's citizens.
Who gives a shit about "legalization" ..... it's a small concern considering the elephant in the room..... the Criminal Party of Justin Trudeau and the Traitor Jagmeet who is just in it for more Socialist policies and his 8years so he can get his golden ticket pension.
I don't want to get all political but this blame Harper bullshit is just that .... total bullshit. Ya he sold the railroad and he shouldn;t have and ya he didn;t abolish the firearms act or the senate like he should have..... but hey.... who's perfect?
at least he wasn't a criminal who has been charged with countless ethics violations , abuse of power and acting contrary to the constitution and the rights of the people.
If you support Trudeau and his ilk...... well..... YOU are the problem with this country
reckoning is coming for the woke and liberal fucktards around the world.


Well-known member
Trudeau is a commie piece of shit and is destroying Canada , dividing it's peoples and financially ruining tens of thousands of canadian families. He is beholden to the WEF and is a disgrace to this country, it's flag and it's veterans. He is a criminal and an authoritarian and there is no place in this country for filth like him and his criminal liberal party.
It's even worse than the Chretien /Paul martin scandals and crimes...... awarding the liberal party of that era the label.... The Liberanos in major newspapers around the world.
The current government is an abomination and a threat to the very freedom and prosperity of the country's citizens.
Who gives a shit about "legalization" ..... it's a small concern considering the elephant in the room..... the Criminal Party of Justin Trudeau and the Traitor Jagmeet who is just in it for more Socialist policies and his 8years so he can get his golden ticket pension.
I don't want to get all political but this blame Harper bullshit is just that .... total bullshit. Ya he sold the railroad and he shouldn;t have and ya he didn;t abolish the firearms act or the senate like he should have..... but hey.... who's perfect?
at least he wasn't a criminal who has been charged with countless ethics violations , abuse of power and acting contrary to the constitution and the rights of the people.
If you support Trudeau and his ilk...... well..... YOU are the problem with this country
reckoning is coming for the woke and liberal fucktards around the world.
Your unhappy and its due to the giant conspiracy against you controlled by Trudeau the liberals and the woke eh. Smoking a legal joint laughing my ass off. You must really long for the days when you would be arrested for an ounce of weed, those were the days of true freedom eh. What a Chode.


Well-known member
The only one of us that's unhappy is you because you can't let go of the fact you were proven wrong.
Smoking a legal joint laughing my ass off at stoners who rather go to jail for an ounce of weed then accept the fact that those they hate Liberals have helped them far more then those they support Conservatives. Good luck in life dude your going to need it.

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Smoking a legal joint laughing my ass off at stoners who rather go to jail for an ounce of weed then accept the fact that those they hate Liberals have helped them far more then those they support Conservatives. Good luck in life dude your going to need it.
Get over yourself, dumbass. I've never voted Conservative in my life. Pro-tip: Not everyone who disagrees with you is a "right-winger". But then you half-wits on the far-left have yet to figure that out.
And you're still acting like a little child (rather Trudeau-esque I must say) because you made a bold claim that was proven wrong using the very same source you used.

Good luck in YOUR life. You're gonna need it until you grow up and start being a man.

Oh, still waiting for you tell me what conspiracy theory I was spewing. Or was that just you throwing a temper tantrum because you were wrong?

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
just ignore the clown..... that's what i'm going to do going forward
He's been a total lefty fuckwad since he showed up on this site spewing his nonsense and nothing but combative nature with anyone who dares disagree or prove him wrong.
Such is why my abrasive side is showing in this thread...... and a reason I try and steer clear of the canadian thread in the international section in general.

no more time to waste on this little rider420 pissant.

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
just ignore the clown..... that's what i'm going to do going forward
He's been a total lefty fuckwad since he showed up on this site spewing his nonsense and nothing but combative nature with anyone who dares disagree or prove him wrong.
Such is why my abrasive side is showing in this thread...... and a reason I try and steer clear of the canadian thread in the international section in general.

no more time to waste on this little rider420 pissant.
Yeah, I'm the kind'a guy that loves winding the ALT-left up and watching 'em go. It's fascinating how worked up they get over empirical facts and cold, hard truth. But yeah, there's a place for that and this isn't the place.
My apologies to the OP and everyone else who is trying to contribute on-topic posts to this thread.


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm the kind'a guy that loves winding the ALT-left up and watching 'em go. It's fascinating how worked up they get over empirical facts and cold, hard truth. But yeah, there's a place for that and this isn't the place.
My apologies to the OP and everyone else who is trying to contribute on-topic posts to this thread.
Thank you for admitting that hate and anger is your motivation that just proves who and what you are.

Smoking a legal joint laughing at those who would rather go to jail then to admit to the fact that it's the left not the right that has increased our freedoms.

The right really hates empirical facts like climate change a fact you deny for greed and ideology.

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Well-known member
just ignore the clown..... that's what i'm going to do going forward
He's been a total lefty fuckwad since he showed up on this site spewing his nonsense and nothing but combative nature with anyone who dares disagree or prove him wrong.
Such is why my abrasive side is showing in this thread...... and a reason I try and steer clear of the canadian thread in the international section in general.

no more time to waste on this little rider420 pissant.
LOL love you too buddy I know your right is right all the time and anyone with a different opinion is just a lefty trying to make you unhappy.

Smoking a legal joint, laughing at the stoners who support the anti cannabis conservatives. Sorry but if your that delusional you will never be happy.
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Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Thank you for admitting that hate and anger is your motivation that just proves who and what you are.
Says the loser who verbally attacked me for proving him wrong and still won't let it go. Take a long, hard look in the mirror, bub. I mean I even asked you nicely for strain/grower suggestions in this very thread but nah, you decided to take the opportunity to go full ALT-leftard instead. Talk about hate and anger dude. Seek some counselling.
Smoking a legal joint laughing at those who would rather go to jail then to admit to the fact that it's the left not the right that has increased our freedoms.
Freedom to increase investor profits in the cannabis sector. Freedom to peacefully protest the govt. OH wait, Trudeau went full dictator on that one. So, no freedom there. And during the pandemic while Canadians weren't free to travel between provinces, immigrants were free to come here and break immigration records. So yeah, I definitely see what you mean.:LOL:
The right really hates empirical facts like climate change a fact you deny for greed and ideology.
Nah, I like the fact that after your disinformation was busted, you acted like that didn't happen and switched gears to yammer on about climate change instead. And by proving you were a liar, that somehow equates to me automatically being a right-winger. Nice logical fallacy, dumbass. And btw, when did I deny climate change? Please quote exactly where I said climate change isn't real, I can wait. Or is that just you throwing out strawmen because you lack the intellectual capacity to argue logically and factually?

Anywho, on a suggestion I went and decided to try some PSF Pink Kush again. Since it was only $20 for 3.5g I figured what the hell. Well, while it was better than any of their Pink Kush I smoked before, it was still underpowered. But for $20 it was okay. At least I don't feel like I completely wasted my money this time. Not likely I'll be buying it again though. But I'm sure Rider will come running to defend it and claim it's the best he's ever smoked.
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Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Interesting. In NZ here, we have recently, very quietly, allowed flower prescriptions. Licensing and red tape meant that nothing we were able to consume was grown here, so the majority of it came from Canada. I don't have or need a prescription, but work with someone who has one. Reading a few things on here about how bad 'large production Canadian weed' was, I was eager to do a pepsi challenge with his shit and mine. We did a gram for gram of my Gelato and a Gelato got from the dispensary. It was good, taste, strength, consistancy, it was all there. I didn't like the machine trim, but that's just me being a pedantic trimmer. Wasn't cheap though, $450 for 30g ($365ish Canadian). Cool to see something that can be mass produced also still be quality, but my ounces are now $300...

For $60 an ounce, it'd have to be utter shit to complain about. I do remember in my younger days getting lb's of Mex for about $400 usd in Nor Cal. Most of the time it was mouldy and seeded, but sometimes it was fire. We've come a long way...
Worst was the brick weed. All the seeds cracked and that foul taste went into the weed.


Well-known member
Cannabis is getting cheaper everywhere its been legalized, but some people would prefer it remain illegal. You know either morons who support thier ideology over what is in thier best interests or just fucking criminals who are pissed off at loosing thier cash cow.

Smoking a joint enjoying my freedom to use a safer drug then tobacco or alcohol while stoners in others nations are a persecuted for making a more intelligent choice when it comes to getting high.