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Can O2Grow Replace Pumps and Stones?

Drop That Sound

Well-known member
Ya I call the rapid rooters or root riots "rapid rotters" and "root rots", after making the mistake of transplanting them into net pots. They seem to really attract fungus gnats too, if not actually being the medium that harbors them in the first place, even if I remove most of the plug as the plant gets bigger. Even if they stay dry it seems, which using hydroton helped to wick the moisture away mostly. Then the gnats can spread their diseases to the root system, which usually isn't a problem in DWC, but either way I stay away from organic anything in hydro.

I don't really use them at all unless the plants are going outside. Not even in coco indoors, unless maybe I either boiled or baked and then rehydrated them first. There is a hole punch sized vent hole in the bag I have, which bugs could easily fly into sitting at the hydro store. I got them for free directly from the clonex guy the day he rolled through, and had many problems with root rot and gnats while using them.

Drop That Sound

Well-known member
Oh and who knows, maybe the small amount of gas would actually prevent some of the pests from going into the root zone? Anyone ever fill there room up with browns gas? I doubt it lol..


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ICMag Donor
DTS, I have used RRs for years with excellent success, using a layer of stones between the net pot base and the RRs. No fungus, gnats, etc, BUT, when I outsmarted myself by raising the water level, which kept the RRs soaked, then all manner of rot began

Late yesterday I cut the bubbler times from 30 minutes to 15, and probably need no more than 5 minutes. I also disconnected 1/2 air stones. I have a programmable timer that I can implement if needed Mostly the stones are to agitate the roots, which currently don't exist: it also dissipates the DO. I thought to replace the stones with a cir pump, but 185 gph is really huge in ~ 2.5g nutrients.

Yesterday I removed ~ 10 ozs of nute liquid, Checking the netpots this morning the RRs are still wet all the way up, so I removed another 10+ ozs and left the netpots outside the nutrients to dry out a bit.

The amount of CL gas is no longer as strong now that I replaced the covers with netpots filled with stones, post O2G cycle.

One plant continues to get taller, though there still no roots exiting the net pot

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ICMag Donor
"Largest' plant growing, but still no roots exiting the net pot, ditto the 2 new seedlings
What’s your logic with those pebbles? They don’t seem to be the best choice to fill your net pots with. In theory, they have no/little porosity and I would think they’d soak up/hold heat quicker/longer than a standard medium which I wouldn’t think is good for your root system. Have some hydroton?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
What’s your logic with those pebbles? They don’t seem to be the best choice to fill your net pots with. In theory, they have no/little porosity and I would think they’d soak up/hold heat quicker/longer than a standard medium which I wouldn’t think is good for your root system. Have some hydroton?

Thanks for the question

Initially, like most hydro growers, I used it, but it was too dirty, especially with HPA. Then tried lava rock but it was just as bad, so I tried polished ornamental stones, which works fine when Im not screwing up with too high water levels.

Now, I WAS using my bubbler 24/7, then tried high gph pump with high pressure aero misting heads. That was rocking, but again due to using coco net pot inserts + coco grow pods. Well. the high spray wetted them and they didn't dry out between mist cycles, eventually they developed root rot. See pic taken 4/18

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ICMag Donor
Although the 3 plants are 'growing' the roots are far behind where they should be. I decided to remove the ornamental stones for now. I inserted toothpicks in the Rapid Rooters (which are inside 1" net pots, and let them float inside the larger 4" net pots, with the top covered to prevent light leak into the rez

The larger plant does have a number of root tips peeking out the sides of the RR, but these should be 2-3" by now

At least they're still alive. Now I just need to kickstart


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ICMag Donor
Seems like nothing has worked so far. This morning I got an idea which, if it doesn't work I will go back to either hydroton, or lava rock, but only a small amounts.

I just cut up coconut hairs, which are shaped into pucks for starting clones. I semi-lined the 3" net pots (including the bottom) and inserted the 1" net pots. I will hand spray every couple hours

Looks a lot like this https://www.amazon.com/EZ-Clone-EZ-...=coco+clone+pucks&qid=1568638578&sr=8-1-spell

I also doubled the number of 15 minute on bubble cycles in an effort to keep the coco moist.

Fingers crossed


Active member
I know you probably won't listen, coming from me, but why not start some seeds in 1 1/2" rockwool cubes. They won't be as bad for rot as they have better air absorption properties than your rapid rooters. Either that or if you're going to stay in a bubbler system, start seeds in perlite then go with neoprene collars and no media at all when large enough.


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ICMag Donor
Thanks RR

As I still don't have roots exiting the bottom of the net pots. I decided to unplug the O2G until roots are established outside the net pots and am now running the bubbler 24/7 as the coco strings (looks like the husk hairs formed into pucks, very airy and does not soak up and hold onto the water/nutes as either the Rapid Rooters, or the coco pellets


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DTS, et al,

The coco strings are neither helping nor hurting, although, if they're not helping...

thinking through this mess, it dawned on me that I have one more starter cube that I was gifted years ago. Im sure I tried it back then, but had long forgotten about it; Sure to Grow Cubes. I think the fact that it appears bleached (snow white) and clearly inorganic probably stopped me from using them. Other than that I have no recollection

Too late this time, but will use them soon, unless someone has some negative 411 to share

Even though nutes were fresh on 9/5 I made fresh nutes today @ ~350ppm. Primarily V + B + a bit of CaMg/Kelp/silica and veg microbes

I will replace the 2 air stone pump with a 4 air stone pump which I have as 2 are barely covering the plants

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ICMag Donor
The roots still are not exiting the net pots, so yesterday, I gently removed the coco mesh, but there were a lot of roots exiting the bottom of the one inch net pots. I have no idea why they stopped growing, but I replaced the coco mesh wth small stones. I then mixed a few grains of Kelp in water + some nutes and have been dunking the 4" net pots in hopes of invigorating the roots. Tic Toc


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ICMag Donor
Update Long overdue, but nothing much has been going on

Finally 2 net pots have roots exiting (see photos), but they are taking their sweet time seeking out the nutes which are < 1/2" from the bottom of the net pots, with a ~ 1/2" layer of stones in each to minimize wetting the cubes

The barely tallest plant (light green) still has zero visible roots, and yet keeps getting taller

I moved the 4th plant into a larger coco net pot outside the bubbler as it refused to develop roots, but still grew, though slowly with droopy leafs. Once roots develop I will gently wash off the coco and reintroduce into the bubbler

This video might give some ideas on improving their rezes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXPrLGUGZsw&t=571s

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ICMag Donor
Made fresh nutes this morning. pH meter not calibrating properly. Have drops as backup while I await replacement

It likely was not reading correctly prior to today's discovery, which would have an impact on plant growth


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ICMag Donor
I decided to put my 4 air stone bubbler on a deep cycle timer. Starting at 10 minutes on and 30 minutes off. O/O times suggestions anybody?

New pH meter due today, along with a 80 gph pump. Im going to try replacing the air stones with it, and aiming it at a container inside the DWC rez with various size ornamental stones to create turbulence and air bubbles

One of the problems I have is my light heats my 2 x 4 x 6 tent ~ 89*s, and that is with both flaps wide open and fan on. Thinking to go to my lower wattage Amare SE 230


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ICMag Donor
First, either my previous pH pen was way the F off, or my new one is, but considering the lack of root development to date, it is quite likely the old readings were a big part of my problem

Checking the rez, even though I made fresh nutes last week, I noticed that the walls had some algae and the water was cloudy, so I dumped those nutes, wiped down the tote with light bleach and soap then added fresh nutes

I did add a small 80 gph pump to circulate along with the 4 air stones, but it was to small, so I replaced it with a 165 gph pump which is on the same timer as the air pump

Timer currently set at 3 minutes on 15 minutes off

Fingers crossed


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ICMag Donor
Plants took a turn way down since changing nutes a couple days ago.

My guess is there was to much chlorine residual

Making fresh nutes now, but have serious doubts

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