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C99 and MK Ultra, 3000w sealed room


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
I to am a big fan of the Silica Blast. Have tried the Blastoff as well and the Blast in conjunction with the Liquid Karma simply kicks ass as you my friend have shown. Well done indeed.





Well all often discuss trichome color and harvest time, effect etc. I busted out the digi-scope and took some pix of all of my strains, thought y'all might find it interesting. With all of them, the trichs on the outside of the bud are more amber than the ones inside--makes sense since they are exposed to less oxidation. These are inside the bud shots. Every strain was cut at 60 days, and cured for a month now.

Here's SDK. Looks like it could go a bit longer, but it has an electric high that i am happy with.

Here's Trainwreck. Who says you can't go 60 days? The high is electric and TW-like for the first hour, then it drops you down a bit more than earlier wreck.



bk, wee bit early


THCV said:
just a quick note/warning: fuck MK Ultra. It has been the most finnicky plant, and my MKs are always the first to get any pests and the source of evil in my garden.

I found one of my MKs totally infested with mites yesterday. No TW or C99 has mites (yet) but 2 MKs do and the Bubba got a few. But the MK is always the source of my problems.

This is the last time I grow that strain. In fact, I am sending the mom outside to pasture in an outdoor grow; i no longer want the genetics of this plague of a plant that brought me Powdery Mildew, Mites and nute problems. Yeah, it has potent and pretty purple buds, but it sure isn't worth the grief, not when C99 and TW are free of problems.

Funny you say this because I have 50 plants in a 4 x 8 ft room and the only plants in the whole room that had mites were the Sour Diesels but only 1 and her 2 clones not the other SD, C99, BOG, W Russian, or the Blowfish x Lemon Thai:chin: Fucking mites must know good shit when they taste it .lol :wave:

Oh yea almost forgot NICE grow and hows the C99 smoke. What type of high, it's my 1st run of JLP's c99.. :joint:
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Active member
THCV said:
I haven't tried it in cloning, usually i just use plain PH'd water and a little hydroguard to stop the green mold. I get 99%, but hey, 100 would be nice, so i'll try it.THCV

great macro's th!! i didn't articulate myself when i posted that......what i meant to say is that i like to add the pyrosol just before cloning(like a week or two while in veg) to help strengthin the cuts........just a personal preference.....don't know what it would do in the actual clonin method though...........

anywho: nice macros and good descriptions of what you have going on there........nice one!!!



Stoned Silly said:
Oh yea almost forgot NICE grow and hows the C99 smoke. What type of high, it's my 1st run of JLP's c99.. :joint:

sure, forgot to give any reports on the other. c99 is a wonderful smoke. the most uppity and energetic high in my garden, and probably in the world that can be cut at 50 days (or so they say--i always go 60). smells like citrus very strongly, taste is very sativa, kinda old-skool but not skunky at all. if it were cut earlier, it would be too panic-y for me; your heart will race on c99.

mk is knockout weed. you can see all the amber in the macro. it is instant couch-lock and 20 mins to bed. smells somewhere between rotting flesh and port wine. good riddance. my friend calls it Ambien.

the bk is fantastic. 60 days is early, and it has introduced me to something i didn't realize i'd like: early harvested indica (not immature, just early in the window of harvest). it makes for an up but very mellow high, not electric. Relaxing but wide awake. And the smell...mocha expresso with a dash of OG Kush. Probably my favorite overall, when you blaze a j it really tastes "like pot is supposed to", as my buddy commented. well, more like what the best pot on earth is supposed to taste like. :yummy:

the sdk smells like mettalic cherries. I have never encountered bud that smelled anything like it. i guess the fuel smell of SD got converted to metal when it hit the OG? Who frikkin knows, but it sure smells like "the NEW new thing" to me. And the high is very psychedelic, alert but relaxed. More vibrant than the bubba, the SD side really shines through in the high. But unlike SD, you can hit this before bed.



Great grow room bro.. nice and clean. it's obvoius that you're learning a lot.. it shows.

Nice work :sasmokin:


here are some fresh pix, day 46. I cut clones yesterday and pruned all the vegging plants. today i found aphids on 3 leaves of 1 TW, so tomorrow i will unleash a new army of ladybugs to clean up--not worried, as the infestation hasn't begun for real. Anyway, all the plants look great and the TW is frosty and smells wonderful. The BK and SDKs are packing on weight. Just installed a real CO2 PPM meter and it looks like i might need a burner to get up to 1500; for now i am at 750 and it is working well. This round will be the best yet.





Active member
lookin good th: gotta a question for ya........have you ever used ladybugs in conjunction with predator mites? i'm wondering if anyone knows whether or not if the ladybugs will eat the predator mites as well as all the other junk.......

your tw is looking awesome dood: she's really packin it on, hope mine get as big....you takin her to 60 as usual or snip snip soon..........keep up the greenthumb dwag...............moz


hey moz. i've never used predator mites, but what i gather is ladybugs eat aphids first, and if there are no aphids or aphid eggs, they'll eat other similar things. I would suppose they might eat mite eggs, but i don't think they eat adult mites. i released the ladybugs in full force today. always spray plain water on the plants before release, as the ladies are thirsty, and leave a bowl of water in the room for them to drink from after that. also, release them right before lights out.

tw is the shit, of course. i'll probly cut a bit early because i have a new theory. if you have the same exact setup and the same exact genetics, and you had 10% amber on day 60, then you know that a few days before that is the actual peak of ripeness--right before amber hits, since you know when that is. To that end, i am considering cutting between around 55-57 days this time, but in the end it comes down to my schedule, so i might go 60. Point is, i know i can go earlier so i might take advantage this time; i think the strains would all remain excellent, and the sativas even more so.


As of today, I have acquired all of the "elite" clones I want. Pretty cool, right? Here's the rundown:

-Bubba Kush (pre-'98 cut)
-Trainwreck (Arcata cut)
-OG Kush (North Hollywood cut, got it today!)
-Sour D x OG Kush (the rarest of rare)

I am pretty happy. I feel like with the arrival of OG Kush, my collection is complete. I'm a happy camper.



finally, i have the OG Kush. I feel like i have become a man now.
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Leave this place better then when i arrived
Hey thcv, looks good man you really know how to get them buds going :) Hope you have a good harvest! Take it easy.


Active member
Right On!

Right On!

heya thcv: Glad to hear that you acquired what you were seeking, I know how hard it can be sometimes to get your hands on those "elite" clones but when ya finally score em............you become a happy camper......haha....right on

Yeah, I was looking at your TW vs mine and i think i have the arcata cut due to it being a really really viney bitch, and the person i get em from is pretty solid within the community....

Plants are looking good bro: If ya don't mind me askin what did ya yield last run at it.....you were only workin with 3kw last run or 4, i forget? And thanks for the tips with the ladybuds, i usually spray the plants down right as the lights go out and then release but the bowl of water is a good idea.....

All looks well bro, keep up the good work.......and don't let that kitty eat your od dood.......that would be bad times.........:bat:
take care


thanks T.T!

hey moz. my total yield last time is misleading, cuz i had aphids wreck 3 plants, and a light leak hermed 3 more. I got a measly 3 lbs, and an ounce of bubble hash from the bad plants. This week's harvest should be at least 4, and with the CO2 burner I am installing, the next cycle should be at least 6; i have also gotten much better at growing big trees in veg, which will of course help in overall yield. I have been running 4 lights for the last 2 cycles. I think about doing your "bare bulbs" growing system, but I am not sure i have the AC firepower for it. Plus, i need to dial in what i got. But moz, you have a serious jungle in your spot.

If you have the arcata cut here is what i can recommend: top it to avoid having it get too tall, but only once--more than once and the vine growth will f you up.. Get rid of all the lower branches, and make sure you have plenty of staking or some other bud support system. Keep nutes lower with TW. And enjoy the heavy frost.

If i had to choose one strain for a desert island, it would be TW.

thanks for stopping by! THCV


Active member
Very nice setup bro.
I'm thinkin of switchin to hydro when I move.
A good friend is going to teach me how to grow KBS style once I move to a house that can hold all that equipment. And 2-3 Lb plants. lol (high cielings)
Are yours hydro or just soil with Lava rocks on top?
I didn't see any drip lines or anything.

I am also caregiving for a few people.


thanks, dre!

JDOG, look at the earlier pages in the thread. This is a multiflow E&F system, with hydroton rocks, no soil at all. thanks for stopping by.

And to everyone, please check out more of my pix over in Flower Pix in my new thread Pre-98 Bubba, Arcata TW, SDxOGK


why bare bulb when you can throw on a cool tube? I assume by bare bulb you meant hang vert. I am sold on vert - it is incredible.. as long as I am allowed only 6 mature plants I will never do horizontal again i dont think.

very nice girls. gettin a laugh out of that unruly TW that just had to rise above the rest :wink: always 1 that feels the need to stand out

really liked your thread in the flower pix forum. I am anxious to finish out my bubba, workin with it for the first time, just flipped 12/12 yesterday. with so much hype around diff types of tw (e32, arcata, norcal) I wondered which tw I had but now from seeing your pics I clearly have the same cut.. spot those buds anywehre!

keep up the great work

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